Strongest Abandoned Son

I’m an Immortal Pill Master

I’m an Immortal Pill Master

Ye Mo ate a Clear Lin Pill immediately. It was precious, but he couldn't retain the injuries now. He was injured a little killing that golden immortal primary stage.      

Seeing Ye Mo really kill a golden immortal cultivator, the cultivators here couldn't keep calm anymore. Some nervously released their magic artifacts. They were scared that Ye Mo would be too greedy and would kill all the cultivators here.     

A few cultivators who were from the Feng Shi Merchant Association didn't dare to speak a word.     

"Pill master Ye, you really killed that golden immortal cultivator?" Yi Teng hurried over still not daring to believe it.     

Ye Mo smiled to him. "I said these guys wouldn't be able to get away, they'll have to spit out what they ate."     

"What do we do now?" Tong Zhu was very excited.     

"Don't worry." Ye Mo then looked at the hundred cultivators on the hill and said, "Everyone, I'm an immortal pill master. I believe everyone got a lot of immortal spirit herbs here. After you go out, I will be concocting pills outside the Tao Wu Valley. As for payment, it's two sets of herbs for one cauldron of pills…"     

Before Ye Mo finished, the cultivators rumbled. They were all calculating how many cauldrons of pills they could get from Ye Mo.     

Two sets of immortal spirit herbs for one cauldron, even the cheapest immortal pill master wouldn't name such a price. Although some people were still dubious, most people were prepared to let Ye Mo concoct pills. Even if they were tricked, they would at most lose two sets of immortal spirit herbs. There were so many cultivators here, so Ye Mo wouldn't be lying. Otherwise, no one would come to him for pill concoction again.     

Ye Mo wanted to improve his pill concoction skills and there were so many immortal spirit herbs for him to practice, how could he pass out on such an opportunity?     

"Since everyone agrees, I'll be waiting outside for everyone. I will only be doing this for three days, after three days I will be leaving. The opportunity is rare, miss it at your own cost." Ye Mo felt he was like a salesman on Earth.     

Seeing Ye Mo and them leave, everyone reacted. So Ye Mo really didn't plan to take some fee. This mean that this pill master Ye might really be an immortal pill master. No cultivators wanted to wait anymore and all left.     

When everyone came out, Ye Mo had set up his mansion magic artifact as well as formation around it.     

"Brother Yi, you and sister Tong will be responsible for taking herbs. Jiang Jin bring the herbs to me and give out the pills," Ye Mo said.     

Nearly 100 cultivators came out, only those ten or so cultivators who doubted Ye Mo and a few Feng Shi Merchant Association people left. Most people didn't leave as Ye Mo's conditions were too good.     

No matter how many immortal spirit herbs they got, they would be useless unless they turned them into immortal pills. Most cultivators at the Black Weed Town would go to Chun Kou Station for pill concoction, but the price there was too great. One cauldron would cost three to four sets of immortal spirit herbs. On top of that, the ship's ticket was a huge expense. Thus, cultivators could only gather together and send one person to get pills concocted for everyone. There would be no privacy in this at all.     

For cultivators, privacy was very important, but for pill concoction there was nothing they could do.     

"Pill master Ye, since we're staying here for three days, what if the Feng Shi Merchant Association's people…" Yi Teng asked worriedly.     

Ye Mo waved his hand and smiled. "Don't worry, I've calculated things. Even if they get the news now it would take them nearly four days to come here. We'll be gone after three days."     

The pill concoction platform had been set up but no one came up for pill concoction. Clearly everyone wanted to see if this was true before making a decision.     

"I'll go up first then." A red robed female cultivator walked up and took out two sets of immortal spirit herbs for Earth Essence Pill.     

With this, everyone gathered around. They all wanted to see if Ye Mo was a liar.     

In less than five minutes, Jiang Jin sent out a cauldron of Earth Essence pills from the mansion.     

"It's done already?" the female cultivator called out in surprise and joy.     

Even Yi Teng and Tong Zhu were shook. The first time they saw Ye Mo he took an entire day and only finished three bottles. But now, Ye Mo finished one so fast.     

Ye Mo's pill concoction speed got progressively faster. Now he would be able to do a few bottles of heaven grade level nine pills.     

"Open it quickly!" the cultivators around her clamored.     

The female cultivator tipped the pills into her hands.     

12 still warm Earth Essence pills fell into her hands.     

"Top grade Earth Essence pills…" one hollow immortal tertiary stage called out in shock. Everyone heard his voice, but they saw them too themselves.     

They had seen top grade pills, but finishing a bottle of top grade pills in less than five minutes was too shocking.     

Ye Mo could concoct special grade pills but it would cost too much time. He lacked time right now. Even though he wasn't afraid of the Feng Shi Merchant Association's people, he would leave this place three days later. He would only come back once he raised his power to a certain level.     

"I want pill concoction too…"     

"Me too…"     

All the cultivators rushed up and squeezed over.     

"Wait, I found pill master Ye first; line up." The red robed female cultivator took out more than ten sets of immortal spirit herbs.     

"You've already had a cauldron, give other people a chance," someone argued immediately.     

Yi Teng woke up from the shock and quickly said, "Everyone calm down and line up. Those who cut in line will not be served. There are only 70 or so people here, everyone will get a chance."     

Hearing this, those people squeezing immediately woke up and quickly lined up. The red robed female cultivator was still at the front. She took out immortal spirit herbs for level one, level two, and level three pills.     

"Brother Yi, we were brothers who lived together. Can you help and let me come first?" A white faced hollow immortal tertiary stage came up and smiled to Yi Teng.     

Yi Teng's face went cold. "When I was kicked out of the town's west side, there were no brothers anymore. Go line up, if you anger Zhu and she doesn't let you get served you don't even need to line up."     

Hearing this, he quickly went to the end and lined up.     

"Everyone please hand over the immortal spirit herbs and the pills you want here and wait on the side. We will start from level one immortal pills. If your level one immortal pills are done and level two immortal pills haven't been called yet, don't worry - just wait a little," Jiang Jin said.     

This was Ye Mo's request of course. He had never concocted level two immortal pills, he said this to familiarize himself with level one immortal pills first before starting level two.     

The first few level two immortal pills would be wasted for sure, but he could get them from others.     

A few cultivators hid their level three immortal spirit herbs, but most took out their immortal spirit herbs and the pills they wanted.     

Immortal spirit herbs flowed into Ye Mo's pill concoction mansion non stop and bottles of level one immortal pills were being sent out. The cultivators found in surprise and joy that special grade pills started to appear. They had really never seen special grade pills.     

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