Strongest Abandoned Son

Hard Battle

Hard Battle

The golden shirt cultivator wasn't worried. Ye Mo looked dizzy under the 9-star wheel light as though not sure what to do.     

If Ye Mo fell down, he would bind Ye Mo immediately.     

Ye Mo wanted to let Shadowless attack many times, but he stopped since he felt it wasn't the best timing yet.     

The golden shirt cultivator used the 9-star wheel with full power and Ye Mo immediately felt more terrifying heat. That hundred meter wide star wheel came crushing down towards him.     

Ye Mo sighed, facing this golden immortal cultivator he wouldn't even be able to counter attack if he didn't ambush him. Even if he let Shadowless attack, it would at most make him alert and not do anything.     

This was him, if it was some other cultivator he would've been melted ages ago.     

When the star wheel came crashing over, Ye Mo felt he was bound. He knew this was the binding of the 9-star wheel.     

Seeing Ye Mo was completely suppressed and couldn't even counter attack, the golden shirt cultivator sneered. It would be very hard even for a golden immortal to escape, much less a hollow immortal.     

He didn't worry that Ye Mo would escape at all. He was waiting for Ye Mo to escape with his essence spirit. Then he would immediately bind it and torture Ye Mo slowly.     

If he didn't have the Golden Page World, he could also break this space binding with spirit sense blades.     

But Ye Mo made up his mind to kill this golden immortal cultivator. Since he had the Golden Page World, why not use it? The 9-star wheel was powerful, but it wouldn't be able to stop him from going in the Golden Page World.     


There was the terrifying sound of space being crushed. Ye Mo disappeared completely.     

The golden shirt cultivator was looking for Ye Mo's essence spirit, but suddenly his body went cold. He immediately knew he was ambushed.     

The instant he was attacked by Shadowless he tried to burst his immortal essence to kick Shadowless out. He surrounded Shadowless with immortal essence flame. Shadowless didn't even get a chance to continue the attack and could only take steps back.     

How could Ye Mo let this golden shirt cultivator attack Shadowless with full power? There was no way he was going to waste this opportunity.     

The moment he came out of the Golden Page World, he attacked with full power while expanding his domain. Even though he wouldn't be able to bind the golden immortal, it would be good enough to slow him.     

"Not good!" The golden immortal cultivator immediately knew that somehow this was unfavorable for him He immediately knew how the hollow immortal escaped. It was a small world - no, it was a world more stable than small world.      

The small world was precious but he didn't have time to think about it. He didn't dare to take the purple sword rays with his bare hands again. He forcefully took back the 9-star wheel and blocked it in front of him.     


There was an ear screeching sound.     

Ye Mo's immortal essence was no weaker than an ordinary golden immortals and his spirit sense was more powerful than a golden immortal primary stage. This clash immediately took a toll on the golden immortal cultivator.     

He spat a mouthful of blood and then a few more before stopping himself.     

Before he could release the 9-star wheel again the endless purple sword rays loomed over. Only now did Ye Mo use his true sword art. Before he used sword technique. Countless purple sword rays were activated from Zi Xu.     

Illusion Cloud Division Strike, Illusion Cloud Formation Kill Strike.     

Ye Mo knew that if he didn't use battle tactics he wouldn't be able to beat a cultivator this much stronger than him. Even if he won, this guy might get away.     

That would be the worst thing to happen.     

Endless sword rays surrounded him and the golden shirt cultivator was furious. He retreated while activating the 9-star wheel again.     


Four thick black lightning bolts struck down on the head of the golden shirt cultivator. He didn't notice this and his hair was burnt.     

Ye Mo hacked out with Zi Xu again. His Lightning Sword and purple sword rays never stopped attacking. Ye Mo breathed a little easier seeing that this golden shirt cultivator wasn't able to counter attack for now.     

He knew that what he was using now wasn't enough to kill this golden immortal middle stage, but Ye Mo wasn't worried. He didn't order Shadowless to attack. He controlled the battle now.     

"Insect, I'm going to eat you!" The golden shirt cultivator fuming upon being suppressed by a hollow immortal.     

Despite this, he wasn't worried he would lose. If he avoided this round of attacks and took a breather, this hollow immortal wouldn't be able to escape.     

Suddenly, he noticed something wasn't right. The path he was retreating wasn't the way he wanted to go. He was being attacked in his weak spot and ushered over that way.     

His battle experience was ample and there were countless golden immortal cultivators who died at his hands.     

He knew Ye Mo's cunning and he didn't believe Ye Mo would be so nice to use less sword rays and lightning arcs in the direction he was retreating.     

Realizing this, the golden shirt cultivator was going to risk getting injured to counter attack, but at this moment, a faint almost unseen sword ray hacked over.     

Before it arrived there was a cold and sharp killing intent.     

Of course he recognised this strike, it was the strike that took away his arm. Even though he was furious, he had to use the 9-star wheel to block it in front of him again.     


A huge explosion sounded. The golden shirt cultivator spat another mouthful of blood and retreated back 40 meters. This time, Ye Mo didn't have it well either. Powerful immortal essence back lashed from Zi Xu, making him spit blood and fall back.     

Ye Mo forcefully burned his essence blood and stopped his momentum while throwing out a few formation flags.     

The reason he used such a cost to stop was to seal the golden shirt cultivator in his temporary formation.     

Clearly this golden shirt cultivator was extremely experienced. He immediately knew things weren't good when Ye Mo spat blood to set up formation flags.     

He didn't expect Ye Mo was an immortal formation master. He finally realized why Ye Mo wasted time before, it was to set up formation flags, and ones that were hidden.     

Realizing his situation, the golden shirt cultivator calmed down but he didn't hesitate at all. The 9-star wheel was activated to the most powerful offensive form and smashed at Ye Mo's trap formation.     

The trap formation wasn't set up completely but it was enough for Ye Mo. He released his main formation flag and entered the formation, launching the final attack on this golden shirt cultivator.     

When Ye Mo entered the formation to attack, the golden shirt cultivator wouldn't be able to attack his trap formation and could only use his wheel to fight with Ye Mo.     

Purple chi emanated and white light flashed in the formation. Star wheel death rays enveloped Ye Mo. If it was outside, Ye Mo would've been heavily injured already, but both of them were inside the trap formation.     

Even if Ye Mo didn't block the death rays, the trap formation would block it. As Ye Mo threw down more formation flags, there was more sword chi in the trap formation. Although it wasn't lethal, it could let Ye Mo gain the upper hand gradually.     

If things persisted, this golden immortal would be killed by hollow immortal middle stage Ye Mo.     

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