Unrivaled Medicine God

Marvelous Work of Art!

Marvelous Work of Art!

Xuanji Nine Leaves originated from the Labyrinth Divine Palace. It was a powerful and profound needle technique.     

The Labyrinth Divine Palace back then was not only powerful in martial strength, but their Alchemy Dao was also unparalleled!     

Disregarding other things, just this Hundred Herbs Illustrated Handbook was not what ordinary Hegemon level sects could come up with.     

The various acupuncture techniques inside, poison arts, and other branches of Alchemy Dao were all-encompassing and contained everything.     

When Ye Yuan entered the Labyrinth Divine Palace, he did not care about other books. He only paid the most attention to the alchemy-related books.     

In the last few decades on the Rainclear Continent, Ye Yuan's martial arts did not make much progress. He spent a lot of time on these classics.     

The Xuanji Nine Leaves was one of them.     

This acupuncture technique used Xuanji star force as the guide, triggering the resonance of all the heavens, and had the effect of bringing the dead back to life.     

Its control over the flow of blood energy was especially unique.     

That day, after Ye Yuan diagnosed Song Miao's pulse, he had some ideas in his mind.     

This set of Xuanji Nine Leaves was extremely profound. With Ye Yuan's deep foundation, he spent close to a year's time before he thoroughly grasped this acupuncture technique too.     

These heavenly alchemists around Ye Yuan, even if they were grade six heavenly alchemists, it was also impossible to grasp this acupuncture technique within a short time.     

What he was executing presently was the acupuncture technique that Ye Yuan created from simplifying off the foundation of the Xuanji Nine Leaves by cutting out the superfluous to specifically target blood corruption power.     

Ye Yuan knew that the Extreme Medicine Sect's heavenly alchemists' level was still extremely high.     

Under his guidance, grasping this acupuncture technique within ten days was still doable.     

Ye Yuan focused his fingertips. A tiny divine essence needle condensed and forced out.     

With his current skill, he no longer needed to rely on physical objects.     

With the Dao sword as the foundation, the divine essence needle that he condensed had an even stronger effect than ordinary needles.     

Seeing this move, Xiao Shan's pupils could not help constricting.     

He was the commander of all the military doctors, Extreme Medicine Sect's peak grade six heavenly alchemist!     

But Ye Yuan's move made him ashamed of his inferiority.     

Unless he had a needle-type grandmist treasure, he could not compare to Ye Yuan's ability to condense the divine essence needle.     

But needle-type grandmist treasures were too hard to come by.     

But the following scene made all the heavenly alchemists even more shocked!     

When Ye Yuan stabbed with the needle, the stars across the heavens actually produced a resonance. The entire camp seemed to have become a miniature universe.     

One of the stars was extremely bright. It was precisely the Xuanji Star!     

In Qiao Yiping's meridians, a pale-yellow divine essence was swimming around.     

The meridians that the divine essence traveled were thick and thin, yet extremely fine.     

In reality, when applying the needles, this kind of situation would not occur. But, Ye Yuan did it in order to let these people feel it distinctly.     

But it was precisely so that the shock of the scene was even stronger!     

Especially those Extreme Medicine Sect disciples, although they stumbled hard this time, they were still unconvinced in their hearts to follow an outsider to learn acupuncture technique.     

Many were bottling their thoughts up, wanting to see how impressive Ye Yuan was.     

Now, they saw it.     

The acupuncture method had two sections.     

One section was on oneself.     

One section was on the patient.     

A person would work one's body to call down the power of Heavenly Dao, injecting it into the sick body, reversing the universe.     

Regarding this step, Ye Yuan calling down such powerful stellar power already made them lost in wonder.     

While in the sick body, the operation of divine essence and application of Heavenly Dao power were also complicated to the extreme.     

But at this time, the meridians in Qiao Yiping's body became incomparably clear.     

Even those meridians that were tiny until they were invisible to the naked eyes were manifested by Ye Yuan.     

"A marvelous work of art! Marvelous work of art! I didn't expect that acupuncture techniques can actually be used to such a degree!"     

"What a formidable acupuncture technique! My Extreme Medicine Sect doesn't have such a formidable acupuncture technique either!"     

"This level of acupuncture technique can actually be used so transcendently by him, truly godlike!"     

"Master! An absolute master! We all, heavenly alchemists' years of living, have been an utter waste!"     

… …     

Very soon, cries of exclamations sounded out all around.     

Ye Yuan used his acupuncture technique and completely conquered this group of proud peacocks.     

Originally, Dao Chen still had quite a bit of resentment in his heart.     

Although Ye Yuan hit the mark, he was unconvinced in his heart, feeling that Ye Yuan just caught it by sheer luck.     

But now, he did not have any temper in his heart at all.     

What remained was only admiration!     

Too formidable!     

Such a wondrous acupuncture technique, he was absolutely unable to execute it.     

As a top figure among the Extreme Medicine Sect's grade five heavenly alchemists, Dao Chen's alchemy path strength was not weak.     

Not only was it not weak, but it could also virtually look down proudly upon his peers!     

His eyesight was naturally extremely strong.     

He saw through that this acupuncture technique was after it was simplified. It was not hard for him to learn it. But, wanting to reach Ye Yuan's level, it was impossible to achieve it without ten years of hard work.     

And this was just the acupuncture technique post-simplification!     

But, how much time had Ye Yuan been in contact with the blood race?     

He could simplify the acupuncture technique and even apply it to such an exaggerated level. It showed that Ye Yuan's acupuncture technique had already reached an ingenious level of application.     

It could be used freely at will!     


Xiao Shan's gaze had been fixed on the stellar power in the house.     

"Xuanji Nine Leaves! It's actually the legendary Xuanji Nine Leaves! This acupuncture technique has already been lost for hundreds of thousands of years! Now, it actually reappeared in the world! Just what origins does this boy have?" Xiao Shan said in shock.     

"Xuanji Nine Leaves? Is this acupuncture technique very formidable?" Dao Chen wondered.     

Xiao Shan said, "More than just formidable! Legends have it that this acupuncture technique can defy heaven and change fate, bringing the dead back to life! In fact, after grasping this set of acupuncture techniques, one will be invincible at the same rank in martial arts too! Flying needles killing people without making a sound, taking your life as easily as flipping over your hand! Do you think it's amazing or not?"     

With this, everyone was no longer calm.     

Acupuncture technique was acupuncture technique. It was an aid to Alchemy Dao.     

Now, Xiao Shan actually said that this acupuncture technique was also invincible in the same rank in martial arts. This was too terrifying.     

"I-It's actually so formidable? My Extreme Medicine Sect doesn't have such a fierce acupuncture technique either! How … How did he obtain it?" Dao Chen muttered.     

Looking at a leopard through a tube and one was to see only one spot. He knew that Xiao Shan was not exaggerating things to raise an alarm.     

Although the acupuncture technique that Ye Yuan displayed was not profound, what Ye Yuan displayed was clearly just a very superficial part.     

This acupuncture technique was indeed extensive and profound.     

Except, the more formidable this acupuncture technique was, the more depressed Dao Chen was.     

Ye Yuan was merely born in a remote continent at sea. How could that place possibly have such a formidable acupuncture technique?     

In fact, even Extreme Medicine Sect, one of the top sects in the world, did not have it.     

This sort of thing was seriously too fantastical.     

In the wake of Ye Yuan applying one needle after another, the poisonous sores on Qiao Yiping's body were currently disappearing rapidly.     

His complexion actually became rosy too.     

"I … I'm actually not dead yet?" Qiao Yiping opened his eyes, a little dazed.     

When Zhao Chen saw this scene, he could not help revealing a look of wild ecstasy.     

Qiao Yiping's consciousness was originally already blurry. Now, he actually regained his senses!     

Master Ye's means truly startled heaven and earth and made gods and ghosts weep!     

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