Unrivaled Medicine God

Grandiose Ambitions, but Puny Ability

Grandiose Ambitions, but Puny Ability

"You're not dead now, but you're also not far from death. After I applied the acupuncture technique, your corrupt blood power has been suppressed to 70%. But the consequence of this kind of suppression is that once it erupts again, you'll die even more horribly."     

Ye Yuan was not exaggerating to scare people.     

His acupuncture technique could only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.     

Actually, there was no essential difference between it and the suppression method of the Extreme Medicine Sect.     

The only difference was that it was more brilliant than the Extreme Medicine Sect's method.     

It sounded like there were no differences.     

But the heavenly alchemists present were long already inexplicably shocked.     

More than 90% of the corrupted blood was suppressed to 70%!     

Ever since the war with the blood race, nobody in the entire Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven had done this!     

Furthermore, Qiao Yiping was inflicted with the blood corruption poison previously and later suppressed by the Extreme Medicine Sect with true spirit blood.     

Now that it had erupted again, it could be said to be fiercer than a tiger.     

However, he was still saved by Ye Yuan!     

They thought that Ye Yuan's acupuncture technique could only control the spread of the corrupted blood. Who could have thought that it could actually directly suppress it back?     

At this very moment, many of the heavenly alchemists present actually felt ashamed of their unworthiness.     

"Many thanks to Master Ye for helping out!" By the side, Zhao Chen said gratefully.     

Ye Yuan said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank first. Whether or not the method to deal with the blood corruption poison can be found, it is still not known. It won't be too late to thank again after truly resolving this disaster!"     

Zhao Chen shook his head and said, "This Zhao is already endlessly grateful that Master Ye is willing to take action! Qiao Yiping, why haven't you thanked Master Ye!"     

Qiao Yiping hurriedly said, "T-Thank you, Master Ye, for repaying evil with good, and saving this Qiao!"     

That day, among the people who mocked Ye Yuan, there was also Qiao Yiping.     

Hence, when he saw that it was Ye Yuan who came to the rescue, he immediately felt too ashamed to show his face.     

Ye Yuan nodded his head, considered to have accepted it. Turning his head to Zhao Chen, he said, "Go and gather the soldiers who are most severely poisoned by the blood corruption poison here."     

"Yes!" At this time, Zhao Chen was long already wholeheartedly convinced by Ye Yuan, immediately receiving the order and leaving.     

Xiao Shan was also exceedingly shocked by Ye Yuan's strength in his heart. But currently, his eyes were flickered indeterminately.     

He was moved by this heaven-defying acupuncture technique!     

There were also Dao Chen and many members of the Extreme Medicine Sect who were similarly moved.     

Very soon, Qiao Yiping was carried away. Another injured person under Zhao Chen was carried in front of Ye Yuan.     

"Put away those stray thoughts. You guys only have a few days! After this storm, I'll impart you guys the Xuanji Nine Leaves," Ye Yuan said to Xiao Shan and the others with his back facing them while he applied the needles.     

The moment these words came out, Xiao Shan somewhat doubted his own ears.     

Such a heaven-defying acupuncture technique, Ye Yuan handed it over with both hands just like that?     

This guy wouldn't be deliberately buying time, right?     

Just as his thoughts were running wild, Ye Yuan continued slowly, "In times of crisis, one should abandon the idea of sects in the first place. The Xuanji Nine Leaves is indeed a supreme needle technique. But, no matter how strong I alone am, the number of people I can save is limited too. It's better to impart it. Only then can it save even more companions."     

Hearing these, Xiao Shan wished to find a hole in the ground to burrow into     

Compared to Ye Yuan, they were too shallow, too narrow-minded!     

Yeah, if Ye Yuan really had some other thoughts, having suffered so much grievance previously, he would not have come forward at all.     

But not only did he step forward, he even overturned the tides and saved the Heaven One army.     

Very soon, stellar power lit up once again.     

After five days and five nights of treatment, saving dozens of patients in the most critical conditions, Ye Yuan never took a rest.     

Some of the heavenly alchemists watching from the sides were already drowsy with sleep.     

When even the person applying the needles did not rest, they were naturally embarrassed to rest.     

Many people secretly cursed Ye Yuan for being a freak. Was he not tired?     

Acupuncture was a workmanship ability that required extreme meticulousness.     

In the human body, even the slightest mistake could result in very serious consequences.     

Therefore, rest was necessary.     

But five days passed. Ye Yuan had not made a single mistake.     

This sort of thing, even Xiao Shan this True Sovereign Heaven could not do it.     

Finally, Ye Yuan spat out a mouthful of turbid breath and stood up.     

"Learned it?" Ye Yuan looked toward Xiao Shan and asked.     

Xiao Shan nodded and said confidently, "90%! As long as I familiarize for another few days, the remaining 10% will naturally be learned without extra effort!"     

Ye Yuan looked towards Dao Chen and asked, "What about you?"     

Dao Chen said, "70%!"     

Ye Yuan nodded and said, "Those who feel that they can reach 70%, come forward."     

After speaking, ten heavenly alchemists stepped forward in a row.     

These ten people were all from the Extreme Medicine Sect.     

"The formula and essentials have all already been imparted to you all. Now, you guys apply the needles! However, I'll say the unpleasant things first. Human lives are at stake. How much ability you have, just say how much you have. Don't go beyond your means! Otherwise, you'll be punished by military law!"     

"Master Ye, you're also looking down on our Extreme Medicine Sect too much! The Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples, no matter how weak, they can also look down proudly on those in the same rank! The Xuanji Nine Leaves is indeed formidable, but your acupuncture technique isn't difficult. To us, it's sufficient!" Dao Chen said brimming with confidence.     

The disciples of Hegemon level sects were absolute elites when looking across all the heavens too.     

Across the entire 33 Heavens, Hegemon level sects could be counted too.     

The pride in their hearts could be imagined.     

Ye Yuan nodded and said, "Alright then. You guys step forward and apply the needles!"     

With regards to Xiao Shan, these few grade six heavenly alchemists, Ye Yuan naturally felt assured.     

But, toward grade five heavenly alchemists, he was really quite worried.     

A doctor's benevolence, not being able to treat was fine. But killing people through treatment would be a big problem!     

Very soon, Xiao Shan and the others began to apply the needles.     

Stars illuminated in the camp!     

Among them, it was Xiao Shan's stellar power that was the strongest.     

To them, these Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples, the days after the defeat were not easy.     

Hence, they also urgently needed an opportunity to wash away the shame of the sect.     

At present, it was clearly a great opportunity.     

Xiao Shan did his best. His performance was the best!     

As a grade six heavenly alchemist, his eyesight and learning ability were far from what grade five heavenly alchemists could compare to.     

These five days, he had already deduced countless in his mind.     

In addition, there was the demonstration of Ye Yuan, this master. He was naturally even more confident.     

The moment a grade six heavenly alchemist took action, that was naturally extraordinary.     

Xiao Shan had the intention of showing off too, so as to restore the reputation of the sect.     

For a time, the other people's sharp edge was overshadowed by him all at once.     

Even the stellar power that Ye Yuan called down could not compare to him.     

"Master Xiao Shan is well-deserving of being the commander of the military doctors, a grade six heavenly alchemist! In just five short days, he could cultivate this technique to such a boundary, remarkable!"     

"Master Dao Chen is also amazing. He's just a grade five heavenly alchemist. His future prospects are limitless!"     

"The Extreme Medicine Sect is the Extreme Medicine Sect. This deep foundation is incomparable!"     

… …     

The moment the Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples made their moves, it immediately attracted a burst of exclamations.     

Not just Xiao Shan, the technique of the other Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples also made people exclaim with admiration.     

But, seeing Xiao Shan applying the needles, Ye Yuan's expression became odd.     


Was boasting done like this?     

Or did the Extreme Medicine Sect's people all have such grandiose ambitions but puny abilities?     

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