Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Recovery? Or breakthrough?!

Recovery? Or breakthrough?!

Jun Moxie immediately felt a violent backlash and his mind instantly went blank. At that moment, he was sucked into the Hongjun Pagoda. Intense pain flooded into him. It felt as though he was fried in an oil pan for 500 times or as though his tongue was being pulled for about 10,000 times.     

As he was being sucked into the Hongjun Pagoda, Jun Moxie lost consciousness.     

In his reverie, blood oozed out of Jun Moxie's face and body. The black robe over his body started to bulge up. Suddenly, there was a 'bang' sound and the robe exploded into pieces!     

How could his other clothing remain intact when even his outermost part of his robe was blasted into pieces! As a result, Young Master Jun turned naked…     

Blood flowed out from Jun Moxie's naked body like a fountain and it formed a thick, misty fog. His body was soaked with blood and it started to twitch and convulse in pain. His ribs were visibly moving under his skin…     

The power of the impact was clearly far beyond what he could handle! The damage that it caused on his physical body could not be compared to his previous injuries. If Jun Moxie was not sucked into the Hongjun Pagoda at the very last moment, his body would have exploded and the entire sky would be filled with a thick bloody fog…     

Shortly after, the Hong Jun Pagoda radiated a spiritual energy which surged toward Jun Moxie. It entered his body, moving through his five sense organs, his sweat pores… every part of his body!     


It was unknown how much time passed…     

Jun Moxie finally twitched his finger and began to slowly open his eyes. He struggled as he looked around, and he finally yelled, "What the hell, apparently I did not die, so interesting, it is really interesting…"     

Even the great Young Master Jun knew that he death was certain…     

He nearly blew up from taking on so much risk…     

The moment he came to his senses, he immediately felt a splitting headache. It was as if a playful monkey was jumping around in his head. The veins on both sides of his heads were beating wildly like a skipping rope. It seemed like a thousand steel needles were poking all the joints on his body. This pain was made worse when his manhood also started swaying around in excruciating pain…     

These symptoms made Jun Moxie twitch his eyebrows and shout, "What the hell, this has nothing to with you; you are not required in this fight, why are you coaxing me, are you trying to prove your strength?"     

Just as he finished cursing, Jun Moxie was inundated with pain. Since there was no one around to hear him, the great Young Master Jun gave up resisting. He started screaming tragically like a wailing ghost was crying or the slaughter of 10,000 pigs. It was a earth-shattering moment!     

"What the hell, why is this so painful… What a f**king challenge of my limits…" Jun Moxie's mouth spewed out vulgarities. He repeated all the curses from his past life, multiple times even. However, the pain remained and he even began cursing with vulgarities from different dialects.     

His curses did not spare the various divinities—going from the netherworld to Buddha, then to Lord of the Soil and the Ground… Then he cursed the people from the Three Holy Lands, going from the previous generation and then backwards, all the way up to the seventy-second generation of their ancestors. The female family members from the direct line were not spared either…     

With twisted eyebrows, glaring eyes, Jun Moxie cursed with great aplomb while drawing cold gasps of air. Words flowed out of his mouth more smoothly… His curses came out more easily as his saliva splattered. In his present state, he was no doubt the winner if a swearing competition was held! In fact, he would win with so much ease that no one would have raise any objections or show any dissatisfaction. It could even make the dead to dance the disco in their coffins and dance until they died once again from exhaustion…     

While his mouth was busy moving, the spiritual aura from the Hongjun Pagoda did not stop healing the brat despite his malicious words. Instead, it continued to doing its job diligently…     

Until suddenly…     

"Eh? Why is it not painful anymore?" Jun Moxie stopped swearing when he found out that his body was no longer in pain anymore… Does swearing help in recovering?     

"Wahahaha, just like playing chess helped Guan Yu handle Hua Tuo's painful treatment, the great Young Master Jun's curses can help handle any torture from the 18 levels of hell! It seems like I will also become an undying legend." Jun Moxie felt complacent. Unfortunately, it was a pity that he could not spread this secret… Otherwise, the customs of this world would definitely change…     

Young Master Jun's curses incorporated thousands of years of wisdom from different countries around the world—ones from his homeland and from the rest of the word… If this were to spread to the rest of Mystic Mystic Continent, it would definitely upend the world's standards! At the very least, it would bring more diversity to the concept of swearing. And the founder of this all would be none other than the great Young Master Jun!     

Though it did not hurt anymore, he remained enervated. He continued laying on the ground, not having even have the strength to get up, nor move even a little!     

Jun Moxie felt a lingering fear. After all, the present him knew that he was in a precarious situation!     

However, despite the fear, he knew he would choose to do the same even if he was given a chance to make the choice again!     

He would do it without any regrets!     

Even if it meant that death would ensue with his soul disintegrating!     

This was because he did it for his family, the people whom he cherished the most!     

As long as I, Jun Moxie, am still alive and breathing, then the Three Holy Lands or even the gods in heaven can forget about hurting my family!     

Unless they cross over my dead body, they can forget about it!     

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and slowly started to circulate his energy. At this point, he realized that his dantian was empty. There wasn't even a drop of energy as though he was drained dry. When he used his inner eye to view his empty dantian, it was like a desolate and barren land that was going to crack up from the drought.     

"How selfish! There's actually nothing left for me! They really screwed me over! They should have at least left some moisture for me!" Jun Moxie swallowed his saliva, closed his eyes and started to place his efforts into recovering. However, he did not know that if not for his previous crazy practice in alchemy, he wouldn't even have been able to do this.     

Slowly, at an extremely slow speed, a strand of energy was extracted from the deep recesses of his damaged meridians. It slowly flowed into his dantian, and thereafter, Jun Moxie slowly controlled this hair-strand of energy to circulate around his body. After one full circulation, his vitality raised significantly.     

Following which, he started his second circulation… When he reached his ninth circulation, there was a sudden "boom". His meridians, his muscles, his veins, his bones… Every part of his body erupted with the purest energies which entered into his pool of spiritual energy. The energy flow within his meridians grew stronger and stronger, and with every circulation, it became turned thicker…     

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the surroundings also started to release whooshing sounds. Like surging waters, it surged into his body like t tidal wave. They rapidly transformed into energy and entered his meridians before entering his dantian. After one circulation, all of them transformed into the purest spirit energy…     

Jun Moxie unconsciously entered a deep ethereal state. He only knew that he had to circulate and absorb energy… As the qi flow in his meridians grew stronger, the speed at which he absorbed the Hongjun Pagoda's spiritual energy became faster!     

Rich spiritual energy was produced within the Hongjun Pagoda. With the naked eye, one could see milky-white qi flow flowing out from the Pagoda and entering Jun Moxie's pores. What kind of existence was the Hongjun Pagoda? No matter how much Jun Moxie took, it could ultimately provide him with it as though it was the easiest task ever…     

This time, Jun Moxie had narrowly escaped from death and his dantian was left empty. Because of this, a sense of apprehension and fear developed within the bold and fearless Evil Monarch. Thus, Jun Moxie knew he had to work hard to circulate his energy. Time after time, circulation after circulation…     

He did not notice it, but the qi flow within his meridians slowly transformed into the third-layered silver thread. After which, this silver thread slowly followed the circulation and became stronger and thicker. The current silver thread had already exceeded Jun Moxie's previous strongest state and it was actually growing stronger. If Jun Moxie inspected his internal activities, he would definitely discover that his meridians were also starting to swell because of the silver thread…     

At the same time, a faint blob of light appeared above Jun Moxie's forehead, and it gradually became clearer. A seven-colored manifestation of the Hongjun Pagoda appeared on his forehead. It was like tiny forehead accessory that floated in midair…     

This pagoda ornament became clearer and clearer, and it slowly became more corporeal. It was rotating on Jun Moxie's forehead, and with every rotation, it emanated thousands of beams of light. Like the rainbows after showers, brilliant light gathered around him…     

Of course, Jun Moxie did not notice what was happening.     

The present him was like a 300-year old ghost that died of hunger and suddenly saw a bowl of steamed bread. He started to absorb the spiritual aura around him crazily. He was absorbing with no end and his thirst seemed to be insatiable…     

It was unknown how long it took. The little pagoda on his forehead slowly stopped rotating and it stopped three inches away from Jun Moxie's forehead!     

He finally reached his limit!     

Jun Moxie felt that the rate at which he was absorbing the Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi was slowing down, it seemed as though it no longer increase. Meanwhile, his body was in excruciating pain, and he felt like cotton had been stuffed into his head. It bulged up and it seemed as if a touch would leave a depression…     

Just at this moment, the meridians along his body suddenly stopped functioning; there was total stillness. No matter how much he moved, he did not manage to let the aura flow in at all…     

How did this happen? Jun Moxie twisted his eyebrows and was about to check his situation, when suddenly——     

Without warning——     


The qi flow within Jun Moxie's meridians suddenly exploded in every direction! In an instant, his meridians' original limit was broken. The silver qi flow transformed into tiny silver dust and suddenly disappeared…     

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