Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Breakthrough! The fourth level!

Breakthrough! The fourth level!

Jun Moxie was shocked. An explosion also suddenly happened in his brain…     


Blood spurt out of Jun Moxie's nose and mouth simultaneously!     

He was in severe pain, it was as though his veins were shattered!     

Could it be that I have gone crazy and I am going to become a useless human?     

Just as this thought ran through his mind and before he could feel depressed, Jun Moxie realised his veins were just fine. While he was feeling confused, he suddenly realised that some pale gold fog had mysteriously appeared in his veins. The pale gold fog became more and more concentrated, gradually blocking the blood flow in his veins…     

Another "boom" happened. It shocked Jun Moxie who yelled until he almost fainted. He urgently used his abilities to see what was happening inside his body. He then realised that the pale gold fog which appeared a while ago had disappeared without a trace. In its place, was an extremely thin gold thread!     

It was as though a stream of gold water was swimming excitedly in his veins!     

Jun Moxie could clearly feel that the flow of the gold water encompassed an extraordinarily great strength! Compared to his standards, he was definitely nowhere close!     

If the original third level of spiritual power's silver thread could hold 100 pounds, then this gold thread could hold up a hill, or at least a ton, or possibly 10 tons! This was an astonishingly scary change!     

Maybe I… broke through again?     

Once this thought ran through his mind, another rumble occured in his mind again. It was as though a earthquake was taking place. He felt a "pop" at the front of his mind, seeming as though something cracked…     

Of course, Jun Moxie did not know that this sound was caused by the sudden explosion of the small tower which formed on his forehead the day before by the earth's spiritual power. It evolved into a seven-colored gas and entered his head from his Baihui acupoint.     

Then, Jun Moxie felt the entire Hong Jun Pagoda shake vigorously as though a earthquake was happening. He was lying on the floor but was threw high up in the air. Luckily he was facing upwards if not he would end up kissing the ground even though it was in the Hong Jun Pagoda…     

"Urgh!", Jun Moxie busily flipped and stood up, avoiding a bad fall as he asked himself, "What is happening?"     

Just as he opened his eyes and looked forward, he tried to open his mouth but he could not speak. Around 10 feet in front of him was originally an empty tower but it has disappeared. In its place was a door!     

An opened door of seven colors!     

Hong Jun Pagoda's fourth level!     

He really, at this timing…     

Broke through!     

"Oh my! Endangering my life once and I broke through. Isn't this forcing me to endanger myself?" Jun Moxie was in shock! "I can only break through by endangering my life? It was like this the previous time and now again. Is life really so worthless?"     

His thought did not end there and Jun Moxie finally could not resist and spouted, "Where do I find so many lives to play with? Once or twice more and I would definitely kill myself. This is too torturous!"     

Then again, Jun Moxie himself knew that breaking through was not achievable by just forsaking his life. After breaking through, even if he endangered himself a thousand times, it was still not a given to breakthrough again so quickly!     

Actually, during this period, Jun Moxie laid a pretty solid foundation for his breaking through! From Tiannan to breaking through to the third level until then, it was not a long time of about three months since Jun Moxie was revived. Throughout his practicing process, it was already one of the slowest breakthroughs. Although the more advance his Mystic cultivation was, the slower it was for breakthroughs, Jun Moxie's breakthrough this time around was surprising yet not without logic…     

During his last alchemy, he unintentionally broke through the Heaven Mystic level to reach the Spirit Mystic level. Jun Moxie originally thought he already broke through the Opening the Sky's fourth level of cultivation but after some check then he realised that he did not. However, since then, Jun Moxie knew that although he did not break through, he was on the verge of it!     

All he needed was fate!     

He originally thought that it would take a while more to complete the breakthrough but this time, Jun Moxie disregarded his own life which was too dangerous! As the host of the Hong Jun Pagoda, why did it allow Jun Moxie to lose his life?     

It was important to note that the Hong Jun Pagoda was residing in Jun Moxie's body. They were inseparable. Although it was still not easy to transfer abilities, it was a clear case of direct implication. If Jun Moxie really died, then the Hong Jun Pagoda would have to follow him to be reincarnated…     

Therefore, at the most crucial moment, the Hong Jun Pagoda finally used its great powers again and pulled this reckless guy back at the last second before his spirit was eliminated then helplessly gave him a major repair. However, this guy was not contented. While his veins were empty, he seized the opportunity and endangered himself once more - suicidally absorbed spiritual energy!     

Furthermore, he did it unconsciously…     

This was even more helpless!     

It just pulled this guy back from an explosion. Did he have to self-destruct once more?     

Master Jun was a lucky person. He was practicing not outside but in the Hong Jun Pagoda… so when his internal spiritual energy was about to self-destruct, the Hong Jun Pagoda would naturally compress it back… This compress directly brought about changes to the quantity which changed the nature…     

Therefore, this breakthrough was both understandable and yet, surprising!     

It was such a perfect combination of time, location and persona. Without any of them, it would have been impossible. How rare!     

If the Hong Jun Pagoda could hear Jun Moxie speak…"endangering his life will help his breakthrough and so he needs to endanger his life more…"     

Regardless of how firm and rooted it was, it would most probably spit blood - this guy really did not have any self-love. Other than endangering his life, what else could he play with?     

Was he just endangering his life? It was endangering the tower too!     

Which previous hosts did not treat their body like treasure? Cherish it? All they feared was a slight injury. However, after staying in this guy's body, why did the tower never stop worrying?     

It had never seen anyone as reckless as this guy…     

He was not even Silver Mystic and yet, dared to mess with a Jade Mystic…     

He just reached Gold Mystic and dared to start messing with a Heaven Mystic….     

The tower overcame difficulties to reach the Jade Mystic level and yet, now it had to compete with a Spirit Mystic who was trying to play a fool with him. It would be lucky if he did not cause any trouble but if he did, he may offend the two great powers of the north and south, Blizzard City and Xue Xun Manor.     

After the journey to Tiannan, he painstakingly practiced and reached the Heaven Mystic standards, leveled up the mission, ready to fight Supreme experts .     

Ignoring what had passed and just about what was happening, after reaching Spirit Mystic a few back, the most epic action had begun: he directly fought 30 others of Beyond Supreme and 60 Supreme experts, a total of 90 top fighters! This big bunch of people threw themselves at him aggressively…     

Under such formation, if the Hong Jun Pagoda could sweat, it would definitely sweat buckets for Jun Moxie…     

Sweat, lots of sweat, a fountain of sweat, drowned in sweat…     

Throughout the journey, all the battles jumped levels! Not just by one or two levels but three, that extent of rapid progress. More recently, the number of levels jumped did not matter… all the battles were deadly!     

Comparing, for someone who just started practicing and had not laid a strong foundation to challenge experts from everywhere… that was putting his life on a thread - as though the life was not his but an enemy's!     

Even if he intentionally did it, it was not possible to be so accurate every time.     

Luckily the tower was there. If not for the tower's help, this guy would have reincarnated more than ten times and yet he still dared to blurt out how endangering his life would lead to a breakthrough! The tower thought that if it could move, it would definitely give him a good scolding. It was not that it had not seen someone so thick-skinned but someone as thick-skinned as him was rare!     

Did Master Jun Moxie know these? He happily strolled and appreciated how he was blessed by a misfortune while he cat-walked into the 4th level of the Hong Jun Pagoda.     

In fact, it was as such: As he was so excited, Master Jun totally neglected the fact that he was still butt-naked which caused his image to become slightly funny - dangling in front and shaking at the back while he put on an arrogant expression which called for hate and undermined his personality…     

Actually, even if he remembered, the Master Jun at that time probably did not care. After all, only he was there and again, Master Jun had super thick skin and even if there were others around, he would still sway around like he did… with no need to elaborate on the details…     

Just another mankind!     

Master Jun whistled happily.     

This guy was a typical example of not learning his lesson. He just recovered and broke through but he immediately forgot about the danger he had been through. His eyes were glistening, he had on an extremely lewd smile as he carried his long spear while entering!     

Once he entered, Jun Moxie felt that something was different in there. In fact, very different from the third level, extremely different!     

The entire fourth level was a pretty chaotic scene from a chaotic world. Spiritual energy was concentrated and was aggressive. Some even lightly bumped into Jun Moxie and he could feel the power!     

How pure must the spiritual energy be to be able to create such a scene?     

There was not only these inside. Floating in the air were red flames, green water, and black… Anyways, there were all sorts of things!     

Jun Moxie was stunned. He never thought that it would be such a situation on the fourth level. Before he could consider anything, suddenly, a seven-colored light sped past his eyes and for no reason, several lines of chants appeared in his mind:     

"The heart is beautiful, filled with will; persevere, uncertain actions are actually phantoms; do not forget, the lotus throne is attainable; the soul and spirit will disappear, not killing the foetus…"     

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