Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Plan at Tian Guanlin!

The Plan at Tian Guanlin!

"But if at this time, say if someone injured Jun Moxie, Venerable Mei would definitely fight them to the death! But this injury must have been very serious…" Xiao Weicheng cautiously suggested, "Light injuries wouldn't have triggered that level of killing intent from Venerable Mei, and she even used the Heavenly Punishment Heavenly Sword skill… So it must have been a heavy injury! Or perhaps even… death…"     

"Yep, that's highly likely! If that's the case, that'd explain Venerable Mei's rage. In that state, it's obvious that she'd ignore all consequences… But, even if Venerable Mei has the power to decimate the entire Elusive Land of Immortals' 29 elite warriors… What about herself?" Zi Jinghong's gaze reflected a cold glint, "She can't have escaped unscathed, right? Wouldn't that make her practically a god?"     

"Naturally, that's impossible! Killing 9 Beyond Supreme ranked warriors and 20 Supreme ranked warriors without a single injury… Bro Zi, that's a complete joke! And it's not even funny." Xiao Weicheng laughed, saying, "I'm guessing that the Venerable Mei right now is, at most, at half of her strength, and that's already the best case scenario."     

"Yep, that's logical… Right now, Venerable Mei must be heavily injured, and, after rampaging like that, her Mystic Qi must be equivalent to nil… Without spending some time to recover, there's no way she can return to her original condition!"     

Zi Jinghong' eyes glinted as he said, "This is our chance!"     

Xiao Weicheng also got excited and said, "Agreed! It might be the best time to kill the Venerable Mei now! It's a one in a million chance, we have to take it!"     

"So, we're betting on Jun Moxie being alive right, hahaha…" Zi Jinghong's obnoxious laughter resounded.     

"Why do we have to hope that he isn't dead? If her beloved has left this world, she must be in both physical and emotional pain and mourning over his death. Her will to fight must be very weak too. Isn't that better for us?" Xiao Weicheng found it a little strange.     

"If Jun Moxie really died… Would Mei Xueyan still walk on this path?" Zi Jinghong scoffed.     

"Oh! So that's it. But since Venerable Mei is still around, unless Jun Moxie died on the spot, she would definitely have pulled out all the stops to save him, even at the cost of her own life." Xiao Weicheng laughed too, "If my guess is right, Jun Moxie is definitely alive!"     

"How would you know that?" This time, Zi Jinghong was confused.     

"If Jun Moxie really died… Even if Mei Xueyan did not destroy the bodies in despair, she definitely wouldn't have been so considerate as to take care of those corpses, right?" Xiao Weicheng proudly smiled as he said, "If our guess is right, and the entire squad from the Elusive Land of Immortals was wiped, then the one who took care of the bodies must have been Venerable Mei! And she did it by using one of the secret techniques from Heavenly Punishment sect, which is why no traces were left behind. Don't you agree on this, Bro Zi?"     

"Agreed! That is very reasonable! Hahaha…" Zi Jinghong laughed heartily.     

"But Bro Zi, if Venerable Mei is injured now, her whereabouts must be unknown! If we stay here, isn't that too… If they get away like this… what do we do?" Xiao Weicheng said worriedly, "We need to know that a chance like this is too rare to let go. If we let this slip, it'll be a waste."     

"Bro Xiao, calm down. Do you know why I steered away from the main road and chose to wait here?" Zi Jinghong smiled in a secretive manner.     

"I didn't think about that. But please, enlighten me, Bro Zi."     

"Haha, there's a mountain not far from here; you could even say that it's very well known! As long as Jun Moxie is here, even if it's a roundabout path that is 100 miles away, he'll have to go through this mountain. And we'll be there to ambush Jun Moxie and Venerable Mei! This ultimate plan is free from loopholes! I can guarantee that!"     

Zi Jinghong smiled proudly as he said slyly, "Once they show up, that'll become Venerable Mei's death bed!"     

"Mountain? What kind of mountain would bring them there?" Xiao Weicheng got even more curious. How could a mountain bring Jun Moxie and Venerable Mei here, like bees attracted to honey? What logic was this?     

"Tian Guanlin!" Zi Jinghong's eyes unwittingly revealed a few hints of slyness. And even some hint of respect. "Tian Guanlin, the place where the ultimate generation of military gods of the Country of Tianxiang buried the White-Robe Army General, Jun Wuhui. That is the burial grounds of the most valued White-Robe General, Jun Wuhui ; On that day, Jun Wuhui was ambushed. The White-Robe Army Generals protected him to the end, sacrificing themselves to do so. Even though Jun Wuhui was heavily wounded by the first blow, when he died, he was the last one to fall!"     

"The White-Robe Army? The General of the White-Robe Army?!" Xiao Weicheng's eyes also shone with admiration, "To live and die together and to enjoy glory and luxuries with my brethren; The White-Robe Army, with their white robes stained in blood, they walked on the rainbow path with Wu Hui. With the one who shed the most blood on the mountains! So, this was where he…" In his voice, there was a tone of casualness, but even more so than that, his voice was overwhelmed with awe!     

"Not bad! After Jun Wuhui died, this became his resting place. This was where the Military General of the century fought, and it's the place where you can find most of his traces. Even more so, it was also the place where he fell. In the year when Jun Wuhui fell to the ambush, 3000 of his closest guards gave up their armors and returned here to stay and protect his grave! How could Jun Moxie not come here?"     

Zi Jinghong sighed imposingly, "It was 3000 of his closest guards! Bro Xiao, these people, any one of them could have become a main pillar in the military! As long as they returned to Heavenly Scent, even though they may not enjoy a life of luxuries and riches, they could definitely make a living. Instead, they collectively gave up everything they had in their careers to protect this barren, destitute land with their master's grave… And with that, they did that for 10 years' worth with no regrets! And, they even brought their families here to settle down… Jun Wuhui's charisma… Exactly how influential was he? For them to make such a decision?"     

Finishing his words, Zi Jinghong closed his eyes as if he had transported back in time, reminiscing about the legendary White-Robed General…     

"He was truly a great man!" Xiao Weicheng cheered, "Listening to you say this, I can't help but be filled with respect for this White-Robe General; A character like this is definitely worthy of our praise!"     

Zi Jinghong sighed, "To Jun Wuhui, people like us are only considered younger apprentices! But he has never lost a battle and has always fought relentlessly. In the country of Heavenly Scent, and maybe in the entire mainland, he's a legendary character that's equivalent to have walked out of a book! It's a pity that even the most honourable legends will have a day when they fall! But, his decline was disappointing and unworthy…"     

He paused, saying, "Even though the mountain is far from the city, but in a land filled with the history of bloodshed, there is also Jun Wuhui's legend. Even though he did not train his Mystic Qi to an especially high level, he was resilient, composed, and wise. To his subordinates, he was generous and loved his army like his sons. To the residents, he was compassionate. But at the same time, he was vicious and killed decisively; He served the people generously; Loyal, brave, decisive and daring, he had a lot of pride; With his belief in justice, he was also easygoing. He was simply a legendary character that came once in a thousand years! Even when he dueled with the generals, all of them put their hands up, surrendering to him! And some of them even held heartfelt, genuine respect to him! From the past till today, there has been no other general like Jun Wuhui in this world, not even in the ancient times!"     

Xiao Weicheng also heaved a deep sigh of relief, saying, "Not bad, Jun Wuhui, if we were to mention him, I myself am filled with overwhelming respect for him too. But it's a pity that for such a hero of a lifetime, for him to have fallen to a bunch of rogues from the Silver City of Wind and Snow; that was something that made us despair!"     

Zi Jinghong sneered as he said, "Speaking of this, just as I was about to attack the Silver City of Wind and Snow! Su's family was simply overwhelming, it really is a waste. It was definitely a waste then, that I missed a concert to see the legend in action!"     

"Since that's the case, we're intending to lay waste to his own son and daughter-in-law in front of his grave; isn't that disrespectful? After all, for military personnel like them, men like him are scarce! Considering his position, should we reconsider?"     

Xiao Weicheng's eyes flashed as he said imposingly, "How about, we intercept them at the foot of the mountain? After all, in Tian Guanlin, there are also about 3000 of his foot soldiers. If they see the way we are going to treat their son, how could they not fight to the death? Even though these people were not well-versed in martial arts and their Mystic Qi was weak, it was still a force after all. And, they were all hot-blooded men. Killing many people, the end is a waste! And it would destroy the balance of peace too!"     

"Venerable Mei isn't Jun Wuhui's daughter-in-law yet. Also, we weren't going to kill Jun Moxie right from the start. After all, the consequences of killing him are way too severe…" Zi Jinghong stood up and paced around for awhile, using his hands to rub his temple, "As to those 3000 close soldiers, forget it. We'll intercept them after they leave the mountain. Taking the White-Robe General's position into account, we'll let them have a chance to pray and visit him."     

He exhaled a deep breath, mumbling, "Jun Wuhui… Jun Wuhui… For a human to be able to achieve this much in this world, it's never before seen; it is indeed a legend… The entire mainland spread his achievements, and even we who are from the Three Holy Lands still respect him as a junior…"     

He shook his head and laughed mockingly, "In my entire life, I, Zi Jinghong, have never had a person I've looked up to. Unexpectedly, I've complimented a legendary oldie general so much."     

Xiao Weicheng also heaved a sigh of relief. To him, dealing with Mei Xueyan in front of Jun Wuhui's grave was nothing, but the key lay in those 3000 close soldiers. They were great men with nerves of steel! For these people, he really did not want to kill them.     

Even though Zi Jinghong and Xiao Weicheng were planning to kill Mei Xueyan, the both of them were not rotten to the core. It was just that they were a bit manipulative, and each of them had their own positions on the matter. In life, men always retained their humanity!     

Even in the Three Holy Cities, the Heavenly Battle was their own personal missions… Even though the way the matters were handled over the past few years was haughty, they still protected the mainland for tens of thousands of years… Out of all their achievements, it was hard to say. But no matter their evaluation, their work would always be more important than their past achievements.     

"Bro Zi, if that's the case, then have you gone to Tian Guanlin before?" Xiao Weicheng asked.     

"In fact, I've gone up before to look at this White-Robed Army General and I've presented 3 joss sticks to him! I also left 10000 silver to sponsor those close guards of his." Zi Jinghong laughed self-mockingly as he shook his head. On his face, it reflected distress. "Come to think of it, it's really funny and even I thought that it was unpredictable. I'm thinking up of a plan to deal with his son and future daughter-in-law… But, I've unknowingly done something like this… That is… really unexpected!"     

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