Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Two battlefields!

Two battlefields!

Jun Moxie's calm smile suddenly froze. He never expected Ning Wuqing to overload at this crucial moment.     

However, Ning Wuqing's overload inspired Jun Moxie to understand an important concept!     

Sword art! So that was why…     

Overloading is only possible when one is at the emotional boiling point.     

Or in the face of life or death.     

From love, vengeance, hatred, and the sword!     

The true form of combination of human and the sword, joining as one.     

That was it!     

Jun Moxie stared without blinking at Ning Wuqing at his peak form, whose sword was creating a blade storm. He sticked out his right hand, and a glowing object appeared in his hand.     

Heavenly sword! It was the Blood of Yan Huang!     

Feeling Ning Wuqing's peaking sword energy, the Blood of Yan Huang which just appeared in Jun Moxie's hand suddenly floated by itself, stopped in mid air, and struck towards Ning Wuqing, leaving behind a sharp glowing trail.     

Heavenly sword has its own soul. The Blood of Yan Huang had been nourished with Jun Moxie's spirit and blood for quite some time. On top of that, it had been continuously supplied with unlimited energy from the Hong Jun Pagoda for many years, finally forming its own soul. Like owner, like sword. Jun Moxie had the most untamed and wild character, and he always viewed himself as the greatest. Everything else was unimportant. The sword took after his traits. Even though there was only a little bit of soul in the sword, it could not tolerate the fact that there was another sword showing off its sword energy. It could not stop itself from challenging Ning Wuqing's sword!     

This Heavenly sword was the strongest! Just like its owner.     

Jun Moxie was shocked too, and immediately held onto his sword. Ning Wuqing acted as if he did not see what happened to the sword, and stared at Jun Moxie eerily, "Jun Moxie, do you have the guts for a duel? Just the two of us, ending our hatred here and now."     

Jun Moxie pulled himself out from shock. There was no time to wonder what had happened to his sword. Ning Wuqing's words almost made him speechless, "What? Ning Wuqing… You are shamless! Your side has eighteen people, and you are saying you want the two of us to duel fairly?"     

Ning Wuqing was unamused, he said, "Yes! And no using those sneaky assassination tricks, those are unheroic and low!"     

Jun Moxie was so angry that he started to laugh, "So you are allowed to bully others with your larger team of people, and I'm the one with sneaky and low tricks? Can't believe this is happening. Before fighting, you actually set the rules to restrict your opponent, and then you are going to proceed to fight me. I'm clearly outnumbered but you are still calling this a 'fair' fight… Ning Wuqing, you can be shameless, but this is just too much! At first, I wanted to save you some face and send you on your way to meet your second younger brother without too much pain, but since you are so shameless, don't blame me for being to merciless later. What a pity, who knows if Ning Feng Yi would be able to recognize his disfigured big brother!"     

Ning Wuqing shouted and suddenly leapt forward. He flashed across the sky, with his arm and legs stretched out, as if he was a word himself. The attacks rained down on Jun Moxie. Every punch from him was with sword energy, sharp and dangerous just like blades. Not just his punches, all his muscles, and even every strand of his hair, had indestructible sword energy!     

Ning Wuqing was already a powerful sword master. Now that he was exploiting and burning of his life potential, his powers increased by at least two times. Even though doing this meant that he would not have much longer to live, it was giving him great powers. He was on the same level as Mei Xueyan! If only damage output is in question, he was even more powerful than Mei Xueyan!     

Of course, this partly was because every part of him was like a sharp blade, lethal upon contact! Fighting against him felt like a battle against a dozen of sword energy pros.     

Although Ning Wuqing's state was temporary, and cannot fight lastingly. The destructive power at the moment was really fearsome. Even Han Yan Xue would not choose to fight against him on the spot, but to kite him, until his life forces extinguish.     

Ning Wuqing's power was not second to anyone in the century. This was the moment where he was at his peak and no other heroes would be of his match. Unfortunately, his opponent was none other than Jun Moxie, who could counter anyone!     

Jun Moxie laughed, unafraid. His silhouette was even more ghostly, and harder to grasp than before. Ning Wuqing was even angrier and he swore to kill Jun Moxie as he too flew up in midair. The two seemed like they were playing 'tag' and they quickly vanished from sight.     

The rest of the seventeen masters circled around Mei Yan Xue!     

Mei Yan Xue glanced worriedly in Jun Moxie's direction. She knew that Ning Wuqing was really very dangerous at the moment, and he would be much worse than these seventeen people combined. Even if it was her who was fighting him, she had no guarantee that she could kill him without paying a heavy price. Therefore Jun Moxie intentionally decided to divert Ning Wuqing away from here to leave time for Mei Yan Xue to deal with the seventeen people.     

Mei Yan Xue's worry dissipated in an instance, and when she turned back, her face was determined and ready to kill!     

Six Beyond Supreme and eleven Supreme, all shouted and dashed forward.     

Mei Yan Xue yelled and struck first. Her sword was out of the sheath and it appeared like a glorious long dragon.     

She had to end this fight quickly, in order to rush over to Jun Moxie's side!     

Without any hesitation, she used the highest level skill of the Heavenly Punishment forest: the Heavenly Punishment Heaven's Sword!     

First skill - Punishment of the Milky Way; second skill - Punishment of the Stars; third skill - Punishment of the Galaxies; fourth skill - Punishment of the Heavens!     

Four amazing ultimate skills at the same time!     

Sword light was like a rainstorm, like two meteorites crashed in the sky, their explosions creating brilliant light beams, lighting up the entire sky! Lightning, sword light, stars, the Milky Way, every thing rained down in a frenzy.     

This shook both heaven and earth. The ultimate skill of the Heavenly Punishment King of Beasts killed seventeen supreme masters in one shot!     

Everyone was in shock.     

No one expected Mei Yan Xue to use such a destructive skill right at the start. The skill's sword light cut through the crowd, and cries in anguish rang out throughout the battlefield. The seventeen people, disregarding their injuries, all pounced forward as if nothing scared them anymore.     

Mei Xueyan yelled again and cast another ultimate skill. It was the scariest and the worst skill - Heavenly Punishment Heaven Sword Skills! This was how the name of the skill came about, the skill was said to be able to punish even the heavens, what could possibly escape its punishment?     

Her body turned rapidly and formed a huge light beam connecting the sky and the earth. Her body was completely hidden in the light, and floating two meters high in mid air. Wherever she went, there were incessant cries, sounds of weapons shattering. Body parts were sliced off and flying about.     

Jun Moxie was like a spirit, shifting left and right swiftly. In the blink of an eye, they already travelled a few hundred meters. Ning Wuqing was overflowing with sword energy and he dashed towards Jun Moxie no matter how unpredictable the latter was being. Ning Wuqing felt like a cat chasing a mouse.     

"Run as much as you can! When you run out of energy later, I will not disappoint you. Don't worry, I won't kill you immediately. I will cut nine hundred and ninety-nine times on your body! You would be wishing for your death! Hah, and you used to be the one who enjoy torturing your enemies. Now it's time for a taste of your own medicine!     

Ning Wuqing realized that Jun Moxie was not very fast at all, and he burst out laughing like a maniac in joy.     

Jun Moxie did not say anything, he dodged the attacks and started to slide agilely on the snow in the woods. Ning Wuqing growled and gave up dodging obstacles. He dashed straight towards Jun Moxie, and destroyed all the rocks and trees in his way that Jun Moxie tried to use as obstacles.     

After the woods, they reached a broad path!     

There was nothing in front but rocks and the cliff!     

With no path in front or behind Jun Moxie, he had to face the 'death god' that had been chasing him!     

"Jun Moxie, where can you possibly run to now?"     

Jun Moxie did not stop. He stopped short in front of the cliff, turned around and smiled creepily at Ning Wuqing. The next thing Ning Wuqing knew, Jun Moxie disappeared completely!     

Ning Wuqing thought he already had Jun Moxie at his fingertips, and he was shocked when he vanished. He looked around but Jun Moxie was nowhere to be seen. He was about to yell when tumbling sounds came from above his head, and from the sound of it, many enormous boulders were crashing down on him! Just one would weigh a few thousand kilogram, and there were many rocks hanging from cliffs within the radius of at least two hundred meters.     

Was there going to be a landslide?     


The landslide had already begun!     

But why here?     

And at this timing?     

If it was not coincidental, someone must be behind this…     

"Jun Moxie, must be you brat! Come out if you are not a coward!" Ning Wuqing's sword energy shone even more brightly than before and he dashed towards the falling rocks.     

Thousands of rocks were tumbling down. Even if Ning Wuqing was really powerful and invincible, he was pelted on by the rocks and crying out. Rocks were raining down on him like storm, Ning Wuqing had nowhere to hide or dodge. After destroying some large rocks, he was finally pinned to the floor by the never ending storm of rocks.     

Power of Earth!     

This was Jun Moxie's first experiment using Power of Earth, and it was surprisingly effective!     

Jun Moxie landed on one of the rocks. Just as he waas about to heave a sigh of relief, the ground beneath his feet started to shake. Jun Moxie was alarmed, so he flew up and vanished again. The rocks exploded after some shaking as sword light emerged again!     

A disaster of such scale did not end Ning Wuqing's life!     

The current Ning Wuqing was no doubt really amazing!     

His clothes were tattered, and blood was flowing down his chin. Despite his pitiful appearance, sword energy was still overflowing from him. He flew up, arms wrapped around himself and then rapidly swang his arms out. Instantly, two powerful sword energy was formed all around him in clear circles.     

This old monster seemed to be much harder to deal with after his upgrade!     

Jun Moxie smirked.     

Ning Wuqing sweeped around with sword energy but did not find any target. Just as he was about to use his sword energy detection, he felt coldness on the back of his neck. He immediately turned and cast sword energy in the area with his arm. As of this moment, his arm, was his sword!     

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