Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Ten Years Apart and We Meet Again!

Ten Years Apart and We Meet Again!

Jun Moxie was startled and looked over quickly. Yun Biechen was one of the three witnesses alongside Han Fengxue and Li Juetian, who made the Dongfang Family take oath!     

To think that he would reappear at a crucial time like this when the Jun Family was taking revenge!     

Mei Xueyan also looked over quickly. The object of her focus was not Yun Biechen, but the bulky man beside him! That person jumped and raised his head, and meeting Mei Xueyan's cold gaze, his large body began to shiver and tremble, panic and guilt evident in his eyes.     

Amongst the Mystic Beasts, the Pengs suddenly released a loud cry, stirring the clouds in the sky. But before this cry could reach its climax, Mei Xueyan was enraged. Narrowing her eyes, her imposing aura rushed over and subdued all the Pengs mercilessly.     

With a boom, none of the Pengs dared to make a single noise. They were completely oppressed by this powerful, kingly aura to the point they trembled on the ground with their wings spread out and pressed into the snow, as if they were having spasms.     

"What are you shouting for? Since the day he left Heavenly Punishment, he is no longer your King! And will never be!" Mei Xueyan said coldly, facing the Pengs. "Today, he is just a complete traitor! Even if we have the same enemy and our paths cross, we will be enemies! What are you cheering for!"     

"Big Boss… You…." That bearded bulky man cried, running over, but he froze before all the Mystic Beasts, because he no longer existed in those eyes of his past comrades.     

Mei Xueyan continued to look into the far away distance, as if she didn't notice there was someone before her; Long Crane had an odd expression, lowering his head; Big Big Bear turned his face away; Earth Cracker, Monkey King, and the rest all turned away after spitting with a Pui.     

All these simple-minded Beast Kings only knew that their Second Brother, the Peng King, had left the Heavenly Punishment Forest, leaving the responsibilities he should have carried and betraying their ancestral teachings. That made him the ultimate traitor! He was no longer their brother!     

Furthermore, becoming a mount of a human as a Beast King of Heavenly Punishment! A humiliation to the entirety of Heavenly Punishment!     

After listening to Mei Xueyan's words, all the beasts no longer had that excitement and joy from earlier, and their eyes filled with rage. Especially the few Peng Kings who had finally cultivated a form, looking at the King of all Pengs of the past before them, they only felt resentment, disdain, and some melancholy.     

"Heavenly Punishment will forever be Heavenly Punishment! Heavenly Punishment's high ranked Mystic Beasts can befriend humans and even become good brothers, but never will become a servant of humans! If a friend is in trouble, you can render your help in the name of brotherhood! But after it is over, you are still a Mystic Beast of Heavenly Punishment! This rule applies even if you are a Beast King! What we of Heavenly Punishment have always pursued is to be of equal standing to humans! Not become their slaves and be beneath them! It was we who had contributed the most to the War for Seizing the Heavens! To prove that Mystic Beasts are not weaker than humans! That we are even stronger than them!"     

This was a saying left behind by one of the ancestors of Heavenly Punishment from god knows how long ago. But this saying had become a golden rule for the Mystic Beasts that had always been suffering from discrimination. It was etched deeply in the hearts of every generation of Mystic Beasts.     

So for millions of years, from past till present, Heavenly Punishment Mystic Beasts becoming a mount for humans was extremely rare. Or you could even say that there were none! But until Mei Xueyan's generation, an outlier appeared! Heavenly Punishment's Peng King blatantly broke this distinct taboo!     

Not only did this Peng King leave Heavenly Punishment on his own, he became the mount of the human—greatest master Yun Biechen!     

So Mei Xueyan definitely could not accept this! Such a great humiliating affair to happen in the time she was ruling Heavenly Punishment! And when she went into closed-door practice after being hurt, Heavenly Punishment was under the temporary charge of the Peng King! But he tossed that responsibility down and went to become a mount for a human!     

None of the beasts of Heavenly Punishment could accept that when Mei Xueyan was healing behind closed-doors, the Peng King left Heavenly Punishment. The entire Heavenly Punishment Forest entered its weakest, dimmest period since getting its reputation. Many high leveled Mystic Beasts met accidents during this period and they even lost some Beast Kings!     

Heavenly Punishment almost only had a mere reputation left!     

This was something that no Heavenly Punishment Mystic Beasts could understand or forgive!     

No matter the reason!     

The Peng King stood trembling before this iron-wall of Mystic Beasts, facing those comrades who had gone through life and death together; he clearly felt a great distinction, a discrimination that was indescribable. Those were brothers who were as close as his own kins, but they looked scornfully at him like they were shooting daggers. Even those nine level peak flying Mystic Beasts who had yet to cultivate a form had their feathers ruffled, glaring at him with animosity!     

He knew clearly that that was their battle mode!     

Looking at the sight before him, he knew clearly that he could longer return to this group!     

He could never return! Never!     

Peng King's face was gray, and stumbling backward, his burly body looked helpless and withered like leaves in the wind.     

The people from Blizzard Silver City finally came closer.     

The first person was Han Yanyao, carrying four altars in her arms.     

Since she left the sword peak, she worked day and night to make these four altars and worshipped them. No matter if the Jun Family had won or lost today's battle, she vowed to carry these four altars with her!     

If Jun Family had unfortunately lost, she would hug these four altars and die with Jun Wuyi.     

If the Jun Family emerged victorious, then she would offer the Xiao Family's blood to these four altars!     

To pay tribute to those unyielding brave souls!     

There were only two outcomes, but she made both into a single one!     

"Father! Mother!" Han Yanmeng shouted cheerfully, running over into Xue Shuangqing's hug. Xue Shuangqing hugged her youngest daughter, who she hasn't seen in a long time, crying tears of happiness!     

"Good girl, my Meng'er… My precious baby, I finally see you…" Xue Shuangqing hugged her daughter, carefully scrutinizing her face, trying to see if her daughter had suffered during the time she spent wandering outside.     

For the sake of this missing daughter, Xue Shuangqing had her heart broken, longing for her return for the past few months. Now that her daughter finally returned safely, naturally she needed to take a good look and pamper her thoroughly!     

But unexpectedly, this youngest daughter did not lose any weight nor turn tan, but seemed to have put on some weight! There was a healthy, rosy shade on the cheeks on her fair face, and in a turn of an eye, there was even a tinge of bashfulness that had never existed…     

Bashfulness? Xue Shuangqing was surprised!     

Just at this moment, Han Yanmeng whispered into her mother's ear. "Mother… Look, that fellow is Jun Moxie… Heheh… I've been staying in his home the past few months… This guy is really annoying; he is the nephew of Jun Wuyi, so he should be calling me Aunt, but he cheated me into making a bet with him, calling me his mistress… S-so annoying…"     

Xue Shuangqing looked at her daughter whining. While she might have been uttering words of unhappiness, her eyes were clearly delighted and even a little embarrassed. Her happiness that brimmed from her heart couldn't be concealed. Xue Shuangqing couldn't help sigh helplessly…     

The Jun Family…. are they really an endless pit?…. Do I really have to allow both my daughters into it? And this fellow is Jun Wuyi's nephew…     

On the other hand, Dongfang Wenxin and Jun Wuyi were saved by Jun Moxie using his spirit energy, but they still couldn't help but cry. Jun Wuyi's face was cold again, but those two streaks of tears on his face showed no sign of stopping.     

Han Yanyao slowly walked over carrying the altars, sorrow on her face. Her long hair flew in the blowing winds. Her lips trembled, wanting to say something, but she couldn't mutter a word. She stood watching Dongfang Wenxin who was suffering in her anguish, then fell onto her knees.     

"Sister-in-law!… I have let you down… I have let all of you down…. I am the one who should've died! Why am I still alive… I've implicated those who are innocent, causing those who shouldn't have died to die. I'm the main cause of all this evil but I'm still living freely in this world… I… I'm the one who should die…"     

Dongfang Wenxin sighed, and suppressing her whimpers, she wiped her tears away and said, "Younger sister… get up quickly… how can this be your fault? Were you not a victim as well? You have suffered… all these years…."     

Dongfang Wenxin's voice was trembling, and just as she had finished her sentence, both of them hugged each other tightly and started to wail loudly.     

After a long while, under the coaxing of others, did they finally let go of each other. Han Yanyao was pulled up by Dongfang Wenxin, they stood both side by side. Jun Wuyi's eyes had never left Han Yanyao since her arrival, and at this instance, their eyes finally met.     

It was such a brief contact, but they quickly looked elsewhere! Tears welled up in their eyes. It was in that brief contact that they felt each other's sorrow and suffering, and that unexplainable, heavy sense of guilt!     

At that instance, both their hearts began to ache like it was going to burst and tear!     

Ten whole years of separation, ten whole years of bone-cutting yearning. Ten entire years were enough to chance the seas, and what less of people? This couple that was deeply in love finally met again after thousands of dangerous encounters and torment. They finally reached this moment where they were reunited! But they didn't even dare to look each other in the eye…     

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