Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Jun Moxie, Li Youran!

Jun Moxie, Li Youran!

"Moxie, don't worry; with Heaven's blessing, Sister Xueyan will definitely recover quickly." Guan Qinghan said gently. "No matter how and what decisions you make, we will all support you! And wait for you!"     

Guan Qinghan was an intelligent person. She had sensed the huge change in Jun Moxie. If it were the old Jun Moxie, although he was merciless in his acts, he was still a boy inside. But this moment, after this matter, Jun Moxie had become a man!     

An indomitable man! One hundred percent!     

She had also clearly sensed that the emotional impact on Jun Moxie was unprecedentedly huge!     

But no matter what, she was willing to wait!     

This was also the first time Guan Qinghan had conveyed her feelings towards Jun Moxie! Although the current Jun Moxie was still ruthless and strong, without a doubt, this was the time he was the most vulnerable and helpless in his heart—especially in his emotions!     

And he needed her comfort!     

Dugu Xiaoyi looked at Jun Moxie and said in a serious manner. "Brother Moxie… what Sister Guan said was what I wanted to say. No matter what, we will always be by your side until Sister Xueyan returns."     

Jun Moxie smiled and looked at both of them. "Don't worry, she will be fine. I will also be fine. You guys will also be fine."     

He paused for a while before continuing. "I am going to go and train."     

Then he turned around and exited.     

Dongfang Wenxin was feeling a little troubled as she watched Jun Moxie's back slowly disappear from sight. Astonished, she turned her head around and said, "Something's wrong; with Moxie's vengeful personality, how could he not mention anything about taking revenge after suffering such a huge disadvantage this time? He didn't even ask for the names of his foes. This….is too odd, isn't it?"     

Everyone else began to feel confused after she pointed this out.     

Jun Zhantian sighed. "Is it really odd?! From today onwards, Moxie has become a real man! And for men, some things only need to be done, without needing to be said! What meaning is there in talking about this revenge? The only proof needed is to get it done! Regarding whom the foes are…. Moxie would probably be the clearest amongst all of us. Why would he need to ask?"     


It was late at night. Li Youran sat silently in his room in the Second Prince's residence. The oil lamp before him flickered. His face was deep in thoughts, as if he were waiting for something.     

After a long while, with a flash of a shadow, another person appeared in his room!     

White clothes, sharp brows, a handsome but expressionless face. Hands behind his back. The look in his eyes was sharp and cold.     

It was Jun Moxie!     

Jun Moxie wanted revenge, but he knew who he was up against. Speaking of it before his family members would only cause them to worry. So he didn't speak of it. But he knew that there was one other person who would know the answers! And be clearer of it than anyone else!     

This person was Li Youran!     

So after he had reached his courtyard, he initiated the Yin Yang Escape and stormed over!     

Be patient? I can't! f*cking! be! If I don't make the blood of the three Holy Lands flow like rivers, I will change my name to Xie Mo Jun! No longer Jun Moxie!     

"You've come? I knew you would definitely come and find me; I've been waiting." Li Youran smiled and said, calmly filling up a teacup before him.     

The moment Jun Moxie appeared; Li Youran seemed to be relieved. He raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie, smiling. He said, "If you still did not come and find me, I would have really started to worry."     

Jun Moxie laughed and said, "Li Youran, did you know? Your greatest flaw is that you are too clever!"     

"Being too clever may not be a good thing, but sometimes, if you are not clever enough, you may end up dying with no burial grounds!" Li Youran laughed nonchalantly. "Third Young Master, at least on this matter, you and I are the same kind of people. But if I were you, I would definitely not hastily attract the attention of the three Holy Lands! In the face of absolute power, even if you have a thousand and one tricks, it is insignificant! The current change in situation is the best proof. You have miscalculated on this."     

"I know. If you were me, you would choose to hide and bear with it, until the day you have powers that no one else can retaliate or go against. With powers that would shock the world, you would then reveal your real strength and sweep through the entire pugilistic world. You would use the bloodiest, most cruel methods to wipe away all the voices that defy you! For the sake of your goals, you wouldn't care about the costs; you would do whatever it takes, by hook or by crook, to attain it! Those who obey you shall flourish, those who defy you shall die!" Jun Moxie grinned and sat down before him. "That might be you, Li Youran, but it is not I, Jun Moxie."     

"You are right; I do have that sort of mindset. So we are ultimately two different types of people!" Li Youran said, "The methods I use may be despicable, ruthless, and even low! But at least before I become strong enough, I will not become the target of everyone! But you—since you made such a strong appearance—everyone started to swarm towards you! Although it is exhilarating and is glorious, it is the ultimate risk! It is the taller trees in the woods that get their tops blown off. A person in a high position is liable to be attacked; you may be unharmed, but what about those around you?"     

"Your fatal weakness is that you have risen too quickly!" Li Youran had hit the nail. "And the only person who rose is you, with no solid foundations to back you up. And the speed at which you have risen has attracted the attention and fear of those at the top! If they do not defeat you, who else would they go for? Even if you maintained a good relationship with three Holy Lands, they would still wipe you out! Because the threat from the speed you have risen at is too big! So big that no one can tolerate, so big that no one dares to tolerate it!"     

Li Youran was a little envious as he hissed, "As someone at the top, no one will just sit and watch you rise! Because your rising has no end! You are only eighteen! Just eighteen years old!"     

"But they have spent all their lives practicing—perhaps even hundreds of years, but most of them are nowhere near you! If you don't die, how could they be at ease? Are they supposed to just sit and watch you rise to the top and slowly crush them under your feet? Listen to your commands? That is something no one can accept!"     

Jun Moxie laughed coldly. "To seize things beyond your control is what it means to be alive! If I cannot control it, I will make a mess out of it! Otherwise, what meaning is there in living? To live like you, enduring for your entire life, only explode later? Then isn't your entire life too dull and boring?     

"I am Jun Moxie. I want to make the winds and the clouds move under my control! I want everyone to be wary of me! Looking upon this world with cold eyes, I want to be wild!" Jun Moxie declared. "So what if it's the three Holy Lands? If they do not wish to be stepped upon by me, then am I supposed to just not do so?     

"But in this world, some grey areas need to be eliminated, understood, and faced! Perhaps you may think that I am despicable, shameless, and heartless, but you would feel most comfortable believing someone like me! Because I only believe in myself! Other than that, there is no one else!     

"But someone like you also lives the most pitiably." Jun Moxie looked at him in pity.     

"Pitiful or not, everyone has their own take on it." Li Youran expressed, upright and unafraid. "As long as I do not find it pitiable, then I am successful in this life! And as long as I succeed in the end, does it even matter making these few sacrifices?"     

"Perhaps! Everyone's life is in the deepest parts of their hearts. We have our own stand on this," Jun Moxie said. "You should know why I have come today."     

"Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't be waiting for you." Li Youran smiled. "And I'm glad that you have not come to kill me!"     

"Kill you… Perhaps in the future, but not for now. You have a reason for me to not kill you." Jun Moxie said differently, a threatening gleam in his eyes.     

"Aside from finding more reasons for you to not kill me, I will also not let you have the opportunity to kill me." Li Youran laughed. "Because I am clear about myself, and I have seen through you as well. For example, how one can only be friends with Third Young Master and not enemies. Even if we cannot be friends, we must not become foes."     

After saying this, Li Youran quickly changed the topic and said, "What is it that you wish to know? Let's get straight to the point!"     

"I want to know…. Everything you are aware of! Everything!" Jun Moxie said coldly, the killing intent in his eyes flashing across.     

"Alright. This matter happened too suddenly, and now that you are here, I can only say… I am really sorry. I admit that I had no ability to change this matter. Third Young Master, I am a selfish person; I always have been, and even at that point in time, the thought of going to warn you did not even pass my mind at all. Whether I made my way out or be able to warn you successfully, there would only be one outcome for me: death."     

Li Youran honestly said, "Furthermore, with so many implications, it is impossible for Venerable Mei to avoid this! Even if I had sent a letter in advance, it would still be the same! She would not have been able to escape!"     

"Get to the point! Li Youran, whether you are selfish or not, that is your problem. It has nothing to do with me. And I don't care." Jun Moxie said apathetically. "I only want to know the process. The entire process of this matter. Who the ones behind this scheme were."     

Li Youran laughed bitterly. "The three Holy Lands. This time, they sent out three Saints, four Venerables, and a leader, who seemed to be a Venerable expert. There weren't many people, but their combined prowess was extremely powerful."     

He didn't wait for Jun Moxie to ask further questions, going into details about the lineup from three Holy Lands this time. Jun Moxie only sat quietly, remembering the names coming out of his mouth.     

These are the culprits behind Mei Xueyan's severe injuries!     

Whether or not they were involved directly or indirectly!     

Not a single one of them shall be let off!     

"The one who decided on the plan was the Yin Yang Saint, Jiang Junji." Li Youran laughed bitterly. "At first, he had suggested capturing your grandfather as a hostage to force your master to reveal himself. But I managed to change their mind. After that, I don't know how, but they managed to find out that the Jun Residence was actually weak and confirmed that your unrivalled master was not in your house. That led to this plan. And just at that time, Venerable Mei returned with the rest of the troops. As to what happened afterwards, I believe you know…"     

Li Youran casually reminded Jun Moxie about the favour he had secretly done for him. Although it was not spelled out clearly, he believed that Jun Moxie would understand his intentions and also not deny it.     

"Yin Yang Saint… Jiang Junji!" Jun Moxie muttered this name, a sinister gleam appearing in his eyes as he spoke under his breath. "I will let that person know that this world is a terrifying place."     

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