Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Xueyan Wakes Up!

Xueyan Wakes Up!

"But Venerable Mei didn't die? How could this be possible?" Someone raised the question.     

"You also believe this nonsense? It clearly is a lie Jun Moxie spun to stir public sentiments! Such a strong backlash, plus attacks that cost the lives of three Saints, and the double wrath of the Heavens and Earth—how could she survive? Even the three Saints from Illusory Blood Sea had cushioned her back for her… if she didn't die, then there was really no justice… Obviously Jun Moxie only said it to pacify everyone; if she really didn't die, then why hasn't he brought her home? I'd suspect that this was said to trick those simple minded Mystic Beasts!"     

Someone else carefully rebutted this point in a sensical manner.     

"Makes sense! Jun Moxie said that he had sent Mei Xueyan to his Master to recuperate, but now he has to spend such a long time to go and find his master…. This clearly is a huge contradiction! Even the dumbest person can infer that Venerable Mei is definitely dead… Jun Moxie refused to admit it probably because he was afraid that those Mystic Beasts would no longer listen to his commands due to Mei Xueyan's death, so he came up with this bullshit!"     

"Yes, since there is still some time before they return back to Heavenly Scent, let's take this opportunity to recuperate and wait for Jun Moxie and his master. Who'd expect Jun Moxie to be this familiar and tactful about the situation; knowing that we are anxious from waiting, he went ahead and fulfilled all our wishes: inviting his master to court death, Hahahah, not bad, not bad! Truly, One will search high and low only to find it when one least expects to!"     

"Well said, Hahahaha…"     

Just as Li Youran had judged, these few Saints and their capabilities were indisputably high! But their wisdom was also indisputably poor! To think of all the false setups as real happenings, but to interpret the only truth as something that was false and even come up with a logical reason for it!     

So overbearing!     

But this was also the brilliant part of this stratagem! Anyone else would think that Jun Moxie wanted to seek revenge. But since he wasn't strong enough, so how could he get his revenge? If he didn't look for his master, who else could he look for?     

So it made completely sense for Jun Moxie to seek his master! It was reasonable and suited the current situation! Aside from finding his master, there was no other way…     

Jun Moxie was destined to only have this path…     

When Li Youran was considering this scheme, he not only thought of the reason, but rather also took into consideration of how every person in the three Holy Lands would think, making it more suited to human nature!     

Fitting it to their tastes!     

It would really be weird if this stratagem did not work! Had it been Jun Moxie, perhaps even he would think the same way….     

And this was where the brilliance of this stratagem lied!     

The only loophole was that Li Youran and the rest of the world were unaware that the Master of Jun Moxie…. was nonexistent…     

Since no one knew of it, there was no concern… so this stratagem was essentially flawless!     


What needed to be done had been done, and the fake news had also been spread. Jun Moxie planned to resolve and sort out all the vengeance during this time!     

Heavenly Scent Emperor Yang Huaiyu. This fellow had been living comfortably long enough; it's a great time to finish him up. Letting him die in the hands of his son in the end, he probably will feel great….     

Inside the Hongjun Pagoda.     

Mei Xueyan felt like she was floating amidst the clouds and mists. In front of her was a bright path that led to the endless horizons. There was a strange compelling force that attracted her to walk over to that path….     

She floated towards that direction against her will….But at this moment, an anguished, furious, but resolute voice shouted and resonated in her heart!     

"If heaven wants you to go, then I shall defy the heavens!"     

Just listening to this voice was enough to tell the sort of emotions the person who said it was experiencing! It was a sort of anguish, disappointment, and furiousness! The sort of hysteria where even the soul was sinisterly threatening the Heavens!     

She couldn't help but stop. She wanted to turn around because she could recognize that this was the voice of her beloved person, but she couldn't turn her head. She mustered all of her strength to resist the temptation of walking toward that bright path….     

I don't want to go! I don't want to leave him….     

I want to live…. I must live….     

Finally, she managed to turn her head around! Then, she felt an incredible pain all over her body and suddenly woke up….     

When she woke up, the first thing she did was to check her body. She woefully discovered that she was really done this time. Not only had she returned back to her original form, her current self…. was not even the lowest Mystic Beast, what more a fourth level Venerable….     

From a fourth level Venerable to nothing at all… such a drastic drop in elevation almost made Mei Xueyan break down. But in her heart, she did not have even the slightest feeling of regret….     

As long as he is fine… it's fine!     

I can still live, watching secretly from afar…. even if I cannot see him, but he… will still be my most beloved person in my heart!     

Mei Xueyan was so deep in her thoughts that she suddenly realized in shock that she was no longer in that warm hug… Thinking was one matter, but realizing it was another. She couldn't help the sudden wave of disappointment that filled up her heart. Could it be…. he…. after he realized my original form, he couldn't accept it and abandoned me?     

When anyone realized the beautiful person they had pledged their undying love for had turned into a small ferret…. they'd probably find it difficult to accept. Even if he abandoned me, it is what he should have done anyway… even if he didn't abandon me, I will still need to leave….     

Just that…. my beloved man, I hope that you can continue to live blissfully and spend this lifetime peacefully ….     

She thought of this sorrowfully as she slowly opened her eyes. But she realized that she was in an extremely bizzare place. The Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi in this place was so thick she felt like it was almost suffocating….     

What is this place?     

There is such a divine place that exists in the world?     

Mei Xueyan opened her round and adorable eyes, raising her head to around, feeling the Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi and life energy that gushed into her body like flowing waters. She felt like she was still dreaming…     

If I practice in this place, I will be able to recover rapidly! She thought happily. The pure Spiritual Qi coming from beneath her also gave her a great surprise! She suddenly realized that the giant rock she was resting upon as a bed gave off another type of Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi! And it was of the same concentration!     

Far away was a large field of flowers and greenery in swaying gently… No! They were definitely not ordinary plants…. Mei Xueyan, who had already seen countless aged and rare medicines back in Heavenly Punishment Forest, took a careful look before covering her mouth in shock! She could tell from one look that all these…. were rare medicinal herbs of tens of thousands of years!     

Every single one of them!     

How is this possible?     

Is that… still Ginseng? The one beside it… is that Snow Ginseng? B-but how could this Ginseng be even bigger than a radish by so many times….     

Mei Xueyan almost believed that she had already reached heaven; this place was the legendary immortal realm and definitely not the mortal realm! Because there was no such divine place in the mortal world…     

At this moment, there was a wave of odd movement in the air. She shrank and hid herself in fear. After all, she was still too weak and vulnerable right now… she curled herself up and closed her eyes, only leaving a small gap to take a small peek….     

A person appeared suddenly… It's him!     

Mei Xueyan suddenly felt like crying. It's him!     

He didn't abandon me; this place must be a place he found for me to recuperate… but how can I face him when I'm like this? How do I face him…. Mei Xueyan was overcome by a wave of panic and heartache…. My sweetheart, how do I face you? And how do you face me?     

Mei Xueyan's entire heart was in turmoil. She shut her eyes and stayed still… I should just pretend to be unconscious…. at least there won't be any awkwardness to face each other with a loss for words…     

Jun Moxie appeared in the space of the Hongjun Pagoda in a flash, silently watching Mei Xueyan, who was recovering. He reached out to check her breath, which was light and slow, showing that she was still in deep sleep. Her condition did not worsen, and all the signs showed that Mei Xueyan was making a good recovery.     

He suddenly felt like his heart had calmed down out of the blue. All the evil tendencies he had earlier had vanished in an instant. Just looking at Mei Xueyan making a slow, but steady recovery, his heart was filled with serenity and tranquility.     

He had completely calmed down.     

Jun Moxie tilted his head and finally laughed in resignation. "Xueyan, you have really become my mood barometer now…. Just now when I was outside, I wanted to slaughter the entire world, but coming in and see you instantly made my mood get better…"     

He sighed, before bending down to gently pick Mei Xueyan up in his arms before slowly sitting down.     

Pressing his forehead against Mei Xueyan's small little skull, Jun Moxie whispered, "Xueyan, I may have promised you that I could wait for the opportunity and accumulate my strength before taking my revenge, but…. this time, those twenty three people from the three Holy Lands who had hurt you—I definitely will not let them off! Especially those six Saints; I absolutely will not allow them to retreat as they wished…. and also that Yin Yang Saint, Jiang Junji, who came up with the plot of using Mother to threaten you… Haha, I will definitely make him regret coming into this world… this bastard…"     

Mei Xueyan allowed herself to be carried by him, not moving. Jun Moxie was zoning out as he looked at the white mist in the Hongjun Pagoda, not noticing Mei Xueyan's ears gently, gently, twitching.     

He still cares about me so much…. Even though I cannot return back to my human form and I've returned to my original form… but he still cares for me like this…. Xueyan was feeling extremely gratified and happy….     

"Xueyan… I really hope to see you get better soon and recover your human form quickly…. Sigh, I am really stupid; it's been so long but I never got around to doing that stuff with you…." Jun Moxie said melancholically. "….I had planned to prepare to consummate our marriage when we had returned from this trip…. but you got too reckless and made yourself like this…. I'm really angry… having nowhere to relieve myself is really miserable! When you recover, you'd better compensate and make it up to me properly!"     

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