Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Could Longevity be Possible?

Could Longevity be Possible?

"Father, it's better for you to rest for a while. You haven't rested for three days and three nights. How can your body take it if you continue like this?" Han Yanyao said worriedly.     

"How could I be at ease without any news about Xueyan?" Jun Zhantian let out a long sigh. "She's such a good girl…."     

Everyone else nodded in agreement, deep worry showing on their faces. With no confirmed news regarding Xueyan, no one could really feel at ease…     

Finally, Jun Moxie appeared at the entrance of the Jun Residence.     

Long Crane, Big Bear, and everyone else who had gathered and waited here rushed forward to question Jun Moxie. They all wore complicated expressions. They were hopeful, but also worried, afraid that they would hear news they were all unwilling to hear…     

Everyone looked at Jun Moxie in anticipation. Many Beast Kings, who had already attained their human forms, towered over him in their bulky forms, but tears welled up in their eyes…     

"Brother-in-law, Sis…. How is she?"     

"Brother-in-law, you're back, but where's Big Sis?"     

"Brother-in-law, how is Big Sis now? Are her injuries very severe? She will be able to return soon right?"     

"Where's my Big Sis? Why didn't she come back with Brother-in-law?"     

"Brother-in-law….We can't be without Big Sis!"     


While everyone was cleaning up the room, they discovered the message Mei Xueyan had left behind. From today onwards, the orders of Jun Moxie are also my, Mei Xueyan's, orders! No beasts of Heavenly Punishment are allowed to defy him!     

While everyone had seen this message, their hearts were extremely heavy. A message like this was extremely ill-foreboding… the battle from that night had left everyone feeling extremely anxious. And now seeing Jun Moxie return alone, everyone was almost hysterical.     

Looking at the sincere loyalty and unconcealed worry and concern on these burly men's faces, Jun Moxie was moved. Who said that Mystic Beasts were cold blooded? The feelings of Mystic Beasts were the most sincere! It was priceless, impossible to be concealed or hidden!     

Xueyan, you should feel extremely proud to have a bunch of brothers and sisters like them!     

I will do my best for brothers like this, even putting our relationship aside! It is true that humans and Mystic Beasts are not a match! Mystic Beasts never know how to hide or conceal unlike crafty humans! Compared to these pure-hearted Mystic Beasts, some humans are truly worse than a beast!     

"Everyone can rest assured; your Big Sis did sustain extremely heavy injuries this time, but her life is no longer in danger after being treated by me. Her injuries this time are truly more complicated, so I've already sent her to my Master's place. He is treating her already. He has made it clear that there will be no problem! Only that she will take a long time to recuperate. You don't need to be so anxious; I will keep you all updated on the news of your Big Sis's recovery! But this recuperation period is extremely crucial, so no one must disturb her."     

Jun Moxie decided that this was the most reassuring reason he could give everyone.     

"Ah!! Long Live! Big Sis is alright! I knew Brother-in-law had remarkable abilities—he can handle anything! Even if it is the Saint King Pill! Hahaha…." Big Bear jumped and grinned in joy.     

"That's great! That's great! Long Live Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law's master is really a good person! If I ever get to meet him, I swear I will kowtow to him ten thousand times! Big Sis is safe! Hahahah… Sob… Sob…" Earth Cracker rubbed his eyes, laughing and crying at the same time.     

All the other Beasts rejoiced from this great news. Their worries all vanished as they celebrated!     

The Mystic Beasts all cried at the same time, and the sound resonated throughout the whole of Heavenly Scent!     

"Hahaha, Earth Cracker, did you forget that Big Sis always picked on you first? And Big Bear, look at how happy you are! We were all watching when Big Sis kicked your ass! Just watch, during this time Big Sis is not around, if we do not take good care of Heavenly Punishment Forest, when she returns, she will still need to clean up after the two of you! When that happens, we shall all just watch the drama and not help speak up for you two!"     

Long Crane rubbed his red eyes, cleverly hiding the tears of joy that had fallen. He finally felt relieved, and his mood turned better. He began to make jokes about Big Bear and Tiger King.     

"Hmph! It's just scolding and beating! Big Sis teaching us a lesson means that she cares for us! At least we are not children who are not loved by anyone! We are willing, and we are happy; can you do anything about it? Long Crane, you also have been reprimanded by Big Sis quite often! We are all the same! If we do not take good care of Heavenly Punishment, when Big Sis returns, do you think you could escape? To think you have the cheek to be rejoicing about our misfortunes! Could you be envious?" Big Bear taunted back, leaving no mercy.     

"Big Sis did discipline me, but she will always leave some face for me. Unlike you guys; if you don't go through a round of beating you wouldn't get the point at all!" Long Crane rolled his eyes.     

"Screw you! Leaving some face for you? When you were chased by Big Sis and running around Heavenly Punishment Forest in circles, Big Sis had already given you a round of beating! Who didn't see it? Big Sis really left some face for you! That face was so much it was shocking!" Earth Cracker laughed loudly. "Mystic Cranes are naturally thick skinned! I am truly inferior to you in this aspect…"     

"That was an accident! That time… F*ck! I- I won't let you guys off!" Long Crane had run out of comebacks. He pounced forward and the three of them engaged in a brawl…     

It seemed as if this joyous mood had infected everyone in the Jun Residence. Everyone was smiling and rejoicing. All sorts of beastly cries for joy resonated across the place.     

Despite feeling giddy from that wave of cries, everyone else in the Jun Family was smiling at ease.     

Finally…. she is alright!     

God bless!     

Just seeing this bunch of guys celebrate—although it was a little uncomfortable on the ears, but… just watching them was enough to make anyone else feel happy as well…     

Jun Moxie was also laughing happily, but he also made a resolution in his mind. Xueyan, I will let you recover as quickly as possible, no matter what it takes! I will let you return to this bunch of comrades…. Their feelings to you are absolutely real….     

I am really happy for you! And for myself! They are your good brothers, which makes them good brothers of mine!     

After laughing with Long Crane and the rest for a while, Jun Moxie entered the hall and the study room.     

The moment he had entered the door, Jun Zhantian, Dongfang Wenxin, and the rest had noticed that something was off about Jun Moxie today.     

Only close kin of his could detect this!     

Jun Moxie had shed some of his usual flightiness, but gained a bit of calmness—an indescribable calmness.     

Like a volcano before it erupted, like the ocean before a hurricane…. Although it was calm, it was hard to predict!     

Although he still wore that usual faint smile, there was an extra hint of somberness in his smile!     

Every step he took was like a moving volcano, capable of erupting any moment!     

Looking at him, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious again. Could that good news Jun Moxie said earlier be false? Was it only to comfort the Heavenly Punishment Beasts?     

"Moxie, tell Mother, how is Xueyan? We want the truth!" Dongfang Wenxin was the first to ask. Everyone's eyes were on Jun Moxie's face.     

"It is true that Xueyan's life is no longer in danger. But she was really injured badly! Too badly!" Jun Moxie laughed bitterly before continuing. "To make a complete, full recovery…. it takes too long… too long!"     

There was unconcealed frustration and pain in Jun Moxie's eyes. Mei Xueyan had fallen to the lowest level. She wasn't even a first level Mystic Beast! To recover her original Fourth level Venerable level… even with the aid of Hongjun Pagoda, it would still take an extremely long time to recover…     

It would be an unbearably long time!     

Her original capabilities were the result of Mei Xueyan's accumulation over a few hundred years! They completely vanished in one day—how could they be easy to return back to the peak?     

To put in an even more pessimistic way, no one here in the Jun Family would live long enough to see Mei Xueyan regain her human form again!     

At this instance, a light bulb went off in Jun Moxie's head. He recalled that the Nine Nether First Young Master had ninety-nine wives in this continent alone! And when he went over to Earth, he had also vaguely mentioned that these wives had followed him over…     

One sentence went along the lines of the wives' cultivation level was not enough, so he had to wait a few more years…     

His wives were all people from the Mystic Mystic Continent—ordinary people like his Grandfather, Mother, and Third Uncle! How did they manage to live tens of thousands of years with him?     

Could there be some sort of secret to this?     

Jun Moxie went into deep thoughts…. Longevity…. Could it be possible? Jun Moxie had another matter to think about from this moment on…     

"As long as she is alright, that is the greatest news already!" Dongfang Wenxin heaved a sigh of relief. "Moxie, no matter what, you must not let Xueyan down in this life! Or I will be the first one to not let you off!"     

Dongfang Wenxin was feeling extremely guilty in her heart.     

Afterall, Mei Xueyan had battled the Saints without worrying for herself for Dongfang Wenxin's sake! This had moved Dongfang Wenxin deeply, but also made her feel guilty! Feeling like she had implicated her daughter-in-law….     

"I won't!" Jun Moxie nodded firmly with determination in his eyes.     

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