Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Beginning of a Bloody Revenge!

The Beginning of a Bloody Revenge!

"I believe that most people in this world would think that only people who are like this are worthy of being called assassins!" Jun Moxie chuckled in an odd tone. "In their eyes, if an assassin had any other image, they would be surprised instead. They'd question: This…. Can this still be considered an assassin?"     

Jun Moxie had asked that last question in an extremely exaggerated tone of surprise.     

"All those who assume this are all fools! Complete fools!" Leng Ao couldn't help but be amused by him, giggling. How could a genuine assassin behave so retardedly? If they were really like that, aren't they just openly telling everyone: I am an assassin, hurry up and be wary of me, come and catch me…     

"Yes. People who assume this are all fools! All these so-called assassins in their eyes are just trying to act cool! And that sort of acting cool like they are fools! Fools who are using their lives to act cool!"     

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "But it cannot be denied that it is precisely because there are such stubborn fools who are full of such judgement that real assassins can be flawlessly concealed and hidden! And have greater success rates when it comes to missions! So we must thank those fools! All those adorable fools!"     

Jun Moxie glanced at Solitary Falcon and said with pity. "With regards to some people, who think that you are an assassin just because you are capable of killing… sigh, it's not even worth mentioning."     

Solitary Falcon instantly turned red from embarrassment, and unconvinced, he shouted, "Then you tell me! What type of person can be considered an assassin?"     

"A real assassin is one… who is able to complete their mission under all sorts of circumstances! When an assassin strikes, the aim is to kill! There has never been and will never be any exceptions!"     

Jun Moxie's face turned serious as he said slowly. "We often say: If you don't kill in one hit, retreat! This is the style of a real assassin! But the essence of this saying is also extremely wrong!"     

"If you don't kill in one hit, retreating far away, that is an assassinator! But not an assassin!"     

"Then, what about an assassin?" Leng Ao was starting to be confused at this point in time by his words.     

"An assassin should be: kill absolutely in one strike, and retreat far away!" Jun Moxie said. "The martial arts of an assassin need not necessarily be high; it can even be way lower than the target of the mission! But when it comes to seizing the opportunity, they must be extremely precise and accurate! As long as they seize the opportunity well, a Jade Mystic can even withdraw unscathed after assassinating a Spirit Mystic!     

"This is an opportunity. Choosing the opportunity to strike!" Jun Moxie raised his brows and looked at Solitary Falcon and said, "Old Falcon, you need not be so unconvinced. With your current skills, if you are compared to the King of Assassins Chu Qihun, both of you can be said to be neck to neck. But if you fight face to face, we may not be able to determine the winner and loser even if the two of you go at it for three days and three nights. But, I dare to bet that if Chu Qihun really wanted to kill you, one strike is sufficient!"     

Solitary Falcon wore a somewhat awkward expression, mumbling, "I don't believe it; although I may not be comparable to those peak experts, I'm not that poor to be killed in one single strike by that asshole Chu Qihun! I wouldn't believe it even if you beat me to death!"     

"Why can't you believe it? I believe it! Because I can settle you in one strike!" Feng Juanyun said with a stoic face. "You sleep with me in the same house every night, and I can kill you thousands of times every night! Especially when your snoring managed to knock even the Mystic Beasts silly! I believe as long as Chu Qihun manages to find similar opportunities to strike, it's not that strange to end you in one strike! This is probably the choosing the right opportunity that Moxie was talking about!"     

Everyone broke out in laughter, already at ease. That was a matter of fact; there was nothing too profound in the world. As long as your weakness was caught, even if you were the strongest existence, you could possibly still be killed by someone who did not know any martial arts!     

"So, all of you must remember at all times: to become a qualified assassin is absolutely not an easy task." Jun Moxie looked at Baili Luo Yun and Leng Ao as he spoke. "In the next couple of days, I will arrange for an assassination mission for you guys. An assassin must be grinded amidst fresh blood and human lives!"     

Baili Luo Yun and Leng Ao's spirits rose, a passionate glint revealed in their eyes.     

That's right, an assassin who had not gone through refinement in fresh blood—what sort of assassin was that?     

Even if they undergo the strictest supervision in their training, it would still be the same!     

"Oh right, what are the current levels of those eight little fellows?" Jun Moxie suddenly asked, after taking two steps.     

"The six people excluding Tian Can and Di Que have reached the level of an Earth Mystic! Because they all had some sort of relatively strong foundation in martial arts, they were faster in their advancements! As to Tian Can and Di Que, both of them have also reached the levels of a Jade Mystic Peak!"     

A worried and concerned expression appeared across Leng Ao's face. "Tian Can and Di Que are unimaginably harsh with their own training! If others were training with their bodies, then the two of them are using their lives to train themselves! The level of cruelty of their training… even Luo Yun and I… do not dare to imagine!"     

Jun Moxie lightly exhaled a breath of air, suddenly recalling the scenarios of the training he had undergone in his previous life. As if he saw that obstinate youth who had practically trained every day to the point that he did not even have the strength to move his fingers. He couldn't help but sigh as he said, "If you are unable to put yourself on the verge of life and death anytime, anywhere, then how can you become a top assassin that shocks the world?     

"These assassin youths do not require the use of pills yet, temporarily… It shall be postponed." Jun Moxie lifted his head to look at Solitary Falcon. "But the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer members have already fulfilled the requirements! Call them here, give all of them two days to prepare themselves. Use the pill and level up! After that, we have great matters to do immediately!"     

"But using the Vitality Linkage Pill, Vitality Congregation Pill, and Heaven Vitality Pill won't require two days?"Solitary Falcon said in surprise.     

"Not only these three types! This time, everyone shall get two chances of upgrading!" Jun Moxie smiled and looked at Solitary Falcon and Feng Juanyun as he said, "Not only them, this time, even the two of you can also make enhancements. I'd estimate that after this round of enhancing, you'd reach the level of a second level Venerable at the very least."     

Instantly, Solitary Falcon, Feng Juanyun, Baili Luo Yun, and Leng Ao eyes widened in shock.     

"What? How could there be something this good?" Instantly, Baili Luo Yun and Leng Ao were extremely jealous. They only regretted that their advancement was too slow; after using the three great pills the last time, they had only managed to reach the level of a Spirit Mystic… Looked like this time, they'd be left behind by yet another level again…     

They did not think that this sort of achievement was considered a terrifying achievement that was unheard of for their age. They envied Solitary Falcon and Feng Juanyun, but it was the same for Solitary Falcon and Feng Juanyun!     

To be able to meet Jun Moxie at such a young age… They were really f*cking lucky. If we had met Little Jun at this age, we'd probably be Saint levelled experts by now… or perhaps even higher…     

In the following two days, the flight-type Mystic Beasts brought the news of the respective families and their situation. This allowed Jun Moxie to understand what was happening outside and at the same time heave a sigh of relief. Although these few families had fallen into a crisis, their safety was still not a worry temporarily…     

However, if this sort of situation was allowed to continue developing like this, these few families might really be done for!     

But right now, it's still not too bad, not too late!     

Jun Moxie quickly took the time to concoct a furnace of pills for healing injuries and also included specific instructions on how to use it and things to take note. He allowed the Wolf Saint King Whistling Wind to bring it back to Heavenly Punishment Forest. Then after that, he focused on his own recuperation.     

Two days later, the place was handed over to Jun Wuyi and his wife, allowing them to continue their unfinished undertaking. While Jun Moxie secretly exited the Heavenly Punishment Forest, bringing along with the new big group of people who had undergone metamorphic changes in their capabilities…     

Two continuous enhancements, the exponential growth in strength allowed members of the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer to have gone through extreme changes! After using the Vitality Linkage Pill, Vitality Congregation Pill, and Heaven Vitality Pill, these hot-blooded men all broke through to the Spirit Mystic realm! Some more insane ones had broken through right to the third level!     

Then, after using the Boundless Pill and Extreme Heavens Pill, they had undergone another significant leap!     

Three hundred men, even the weakest, had reached the fourth level of the Spirit Mystic realm! Most of them had the strength of a Spirit Mystic, and even a small portion of them, simply bound to the heavens in a single leap, jumping straight to the levels above Spirit Mystic!     

Although this batch of people had forcefully enhanced their strength and were unstable in the realms they were in, which might bring great difficulties to the growth of their strength in the future, Jun Moxie couldn't care so much anymore. Because right now, he was too pressed for time… Everyone shall level up in their realms when they are in battle! If there are any more problems, then it'll have to wait till I break through again, after I can concoct better medicine and then make it up to everyone!     

A row of people exited from Heavenly Punishment Forest. Jun Moxie immediately made arrangements, splitting the troop into nine groups. One led by Solitary Falcon to the Sikong Family, one led by Feng Juanyun to the Duanmu Family. As to Blizzard Silver City, there was temporarily no need to send anyone there. The greatest team made up of fifty people would head to the Dongfang Family under Jun Moxie's lead.     

With regards to the remaining six groups, Jun Moxie had merely given them one mission: stir trouble!     

Stir up trouble thoroughly!     

All the influences that belonged to the three Holy Lands on this continent, destroy all of them completely!     

Conserve yourselves. Destroy all the familial influences that belong to the three Holy Lands, but… you must not let your strength be depleted! And you must not be exposed!     

On this foundation, do whatever you want! You can even make a hole in the sky if you want; that is no problem!     

The three Holy Lands had gathered all their experts together, clearly for the sake of increasing their strength. But right now, it was a huge advantage to Jun Moxie's favor. In this world where a Spirit Mystic is easily the boss, Jun Moxie had released three hundred experts who were Spirit Mystic and above while their strongest were not around!     

Before the strong forces of the three Holy Lands could come out, a team like this was absolutely capable of sweeping across the entire continent! And these people were all carrying the Extreme Mystery Pill that allowed them to make a complete and perfect recovery no matter what sort of injury they sustained!     

Blatantly and openly like this, Jun Moxie's bloody revenge had begun to unfold!     

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