Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Friend to Foe! Irreconcilable Until Death!

Friend to Foe! Irreconcilable Until Death!

This shout was so heaven shocking, so vulgar, and so unbridled, that most likely the entire Chrysanthemum City had heard it!     

This voice was filled with unconcealed rage and even carried an extreme hatred, causing it to sound somewhat incoherent. Zhan Mubai did not recognize the voice in the first instant. But the strength of this person was definitely not below his!     

Who did I offend? To go to the extent of using all his strength in the middle of the night to scold me? Is he not scared that others would hear?     

This was the first time he'd ever encountered such a matter after he made a name for himself in the world! Zhan Mubai was instantly angered. Even if the person scolding him was not beneath him in strength, it was impossible to reason with the latter anymore. He was just about to go out to investigate when all of a sudden, a loud bang rang out. A huge hole had been smashed through the wall around his yard, causing him to jump up with shock. As he flew out, a sharp object broke through the air towards him with a xiu sound. Zhan Mubai widened his eyes, only to see a piece of black cloth drifting towards him. Someone actually used a piece of clothing as a hidden weapon to attack him!     

What nonsense is this? Could it be they thought they could deal with me with a piece of clothing?! They truly look down on me too much!     

There was nothing absolute in this world. No one had ever ruled that a piece of clothing could not be used to deal with a Saint Emperor expert. There were always only things that people could not think of; but there was nothing that could not be done!     

Zhan Mubai, who felt looked down upon, flew into a rage immediately as he grabbed the shirt. He was just about to say something, when he felt a sticky substance on his hand. The shirt was actually filled with blood, and even some white and runny substance…     

Zhan Mubai looked around suspiciously, but did not discover anything strange. It was as if this black shirt had dropped down from the sky. Zhan Mubai was also a smart person. With a moment's thought, he instantly understood the situation.     

Laughing disdainfully, he thought to himself. So that person who sneak attacked me was planning to set me up? With just a piece of blood stained shirt, he wants to frame me, Zhan Mubai? What a joke; this is just looking down on me too much! Even if you want to frame me, who would dare to come for me?!     

What a loud laugh, he scoffed, "Which sneaky rat is it, to actually resort to such despicable means? How laughable!"     

"Is it really funny? Zhan Mubai, could you tell this old man in detail just how laughable today's matter is? This old man is extremely interested!" A strangely sullen voice rang out from the outside. Even with Zhan Mubai's cultivation, he couldn't help but to shiver intensely upon hearing this voice.     

Cao Guofeng!     

Although this person's tone was odd and different from his usual voice, Zhan Mubai was able to instantly tell that it was Cao Guofeng!     

The sky had already gradually brightened, and under the soft glow of the sky, seven straight and tall figures slowly walked in through the hole in the gate. Their eyes were all blood red, and their hatred had obviously reached an extreme level. As they stared at Zhan Mubai, their eyes instantly fell on the piece of blood stain shirt on his hand. At practically the same instant, the sounds of teeth gnashing rang out.     

At this time, Zhan Mubai could already faintly sense that something was not right. However, he didn't pay much mind to it. From the way he saw it, any matter could be talked over no matter how big it was. All of them had already known each other for several hundred years. Was there really anything that they couldn't resolve?     

Chucking the black shirt to the side, he took two steps forward and smiled warmly, "Brother Cao, why are you here so early? Could it be that you're too anxious to bring the disciple with the Free and Natural Physique back, so you hurried here to discuss with this old man?"     

This sentence of Zhan Mubai truly embodied the epitome meaning of the idiom 'picking the kettle that was not boiling', directly adding another stab to Cao Guofeng's bleeding wound! Especially that pretentious laughter of his—it sounded even more grating to Cao Guofeng's ears, like he was gloating about his loss!     

To him, it sounded like he was taunting him. Well, didn't you refuse to take my descendant in as a disciple? You want to bring back a genius with the Free and Natural Physique? Hehe, go ahead then, bring that pile of rotten flesh back as your disciple then. Even if I, Zhan Mubai, cannot get it, Cao Guofeng, you can forget about having it too! You want to be the master of the number one expert in the world? Keep dreaming!     

Especially that act of flinging the black shirt to the side, as if he'd just taken it off, he didn't even seem to be trying to cover the matter up! To Cao Guofeng and the other seven Saint Emperors, this was simply equivalent to a naked challenge!     

Cao Guofeng and the rest immediately felt their rage surge upwards, as if a cup of oil were just poured over the fire!     

"Free and Natural Physique… anxious to bring the disciple back… discuss with you…" Cao Guofeng repeated the words with gritted teeth as blood rose into his head. Suddenly, he raised his voice and hollered. "Zhan Mubai! F*ck your motherf*cking discussion!!"     

Zhan Mubai's face instantly froze!     

He had not expected that Cao Guofeng would cuss at him so explicitly, without any attempts to mask it!     

After this sentence rang out, Zhan Mubai finally reacted. The voice that scolded him just now was precisely this Saint Emperor Cao!     

The two roars just now were utterly brazen, carrying my full name; it was as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was cursing me, Zhan Mubai!     

Who was Zhan Mubai? A powerful Saint Emperor! Not to mention cursing at him brazenly, if others spoke to him with even a slightly heavier tone, that was already unacceptable! Was there anywhere he went where people did not try to curry favors with him?     

These two scoldings from Cao Guofeng left him without any face!     

Zhan Mubai's anger instantly surged upwards to the nine heavens!     

Even if your Misty Illusory Manor is impressive, it can't behave like this, right?     

"Cao Guofeng!" Zhan Mubai roared with widened eyes. "This old man had always treated you with courtesy, and for the past several hundred years, I've tolerated all your nonsense. My enduring and patience does not mean that I'm scared of you! Today, you must give me an explanation for cursing at me like this! Otherwise…"     

"Otherwise what? What would you dare to do!" Cao Guofeng laughed scaldingly as a killing intent surged out of him!     

"Otherwise, I, Zhan Mubai, will be irreconcilable with you unto death!" Zhan Mubai spat fiercely.     

Zhan Mubai's face had already turned somewhat green with anger. Adding to the fact that he felt he was acting within reason, how would he be willing to relent?     

At this moment, most of the people were just getting out of bed. With Cao Guofeng's loud voice, almost all the experts of the three Holy Lands rushed out before they could even put on their clothes properly.     

When they came over, all of them were stunned like wooden chickens. The representative of the Elusive World of Immortals, Zhan Mubai, was actually standing in confrontation against the Misty Illusory Manor's Cao Guofeng and seven other Saint Emperors!     

Eight people, and all of them were riled up like fighting cocks. The atmosphere was extremely heavy, and a few of them were about to start fighting; everyone's face was filled with hatred and anger. Cao Guofeng and the rest's faces were twitching, and their eyes were open so wide that their eyeballs were about to fall out. Zhan Mubai's face was green, and his expression was incredibly savage!     

Both sides looked like enemies who would not share the same sky as the other!     

Just what kind of matter could cause eight esteemed Saint Emperors to be angered to such an extent? Surely this was a bit too ridiculous? Just yesterday, the eight of them had went out to drink together, all of them smiling happily…     

But in the span of a single night, the winds and clouds changed, and they suddenly became mortal enemies!     

With so many people looking now, Zhan Mubai even moreso could not afford to lose that face. Although he knew he couldn't win, he still had to put on a forceful front. Otherwise, how would he stand straight in front of others in the future?! As for Cao Guofeng, he was even more unwilling to relent! Right now, the thing he wanted to do the most was smash this Zhan Mubai's head to pieces with a single slap!     

Hearing Zhan Mubai's lofty and heroic words, Cao Guofeng scoffed and laughed. "Irreconcilable unto death? Zhan Mubai, you sure can act. Do you think that right now, this old man is still willing to share this sky with a scum like you? What a ludicrous joke… Zhan Mubai, it's been 600 years. This old man had actually not discovered that you were actually this kind of person!"     

He looked at Zhan Mubai with grief and indignation as he lamented endlessly. "This old man must have been blind ah! I was actually blind for 600 years! Zhan Mubai! This old man has finally seen you for the person you are today! No, the word person does not suit you anymore, you're just a beast, a beast that's worse than an animal! You said that you're irreconcilable with this old man? Fine, this old man will fulfill your wish! Today, between the two of us, only one shall leave here alive!"     

"Bastard!" Zhan Mubai's anger rushed to his head and he roared in return. "Cao Guofeng, you go too far in your bullying! You refused to accept my only descendant as a disciple, choosing to watch as my line ends. Then, you snatched away my disciple, leaving me without a successor either. I did not say anything because as you said helping me would be a favor, and not helping is within reason. This old man will simply treat it as having wasted 600 years of friendship with you. But now, you actually turn around to curse me! When the words left your mouth, everything came my fault! Cao Guofeng, why don't you go and join the theater? Your talented mouth is too wasted anywhere else!"     

Zhan Mubai was incredibly enraged. This was too infuriating! They were simply bullying people too excessively! He'd never seen such a shameless person before. It was fine if you didn't want to help; now that you found a nice talent, you immediately brought him back. I haven't even had the time to come up with a counter strategy. Besides, even if you wanted to snatch the person forcefully, I would have let you… The person is even housed at your residence right now, what more do you want?     

And now, you even scream out my name and curse me in the middle of the night! Am I, Zhan Mubai… someone whom you can scold as you please? You, Cao Guofeng, want face, but could it be that I don't need my face? My, Zhan Mubai's, face is also extremely valuable! Just because you're slightly stronger in cultivation, you think you're so amazing? If we fight, even if I can't beat you, this old man still has the ability to drag you down with me!     

The experts from the three Holy Lands all tried to dissuade the situation, but necks of the eight of them were all stiffened with stubborness as they stared at each other provocatively. A huge battle was about to take place, but none of them was willing to be dissuaded!     

"Zhan Mubai! You despicable bastard, hand over your life!" Cao Guofeng roared, unable to endure any more. All of a sudden, his body disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he'd already sent tens of palms smashing ruthlessly towards Zhan Mubai from all directions!     

Zhan Mubai howled with rage, not dodging or running, directly meeting him blow for blow! Loud booms rang out, and the entire ground shook and cracked. The walls of the yards collapsed, and even the house behind them was swaying violently…     

Within the dust, the figures of the two could be seen fleeting about, exchanging countless blows continuously. Leaping upwards, they soared into the sky and continued the battle up there. Before the crowd could figure out what was going on, the two of them had already begun a savage battle.     

An all out fight between two high level Saint Emperors. Even if anyone had the intention to provide assistance, they wouldn't have the courage to do so. Everyone was simply looking upwards with anxiousness.     

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