Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Broken Hearted!

Broken Hearted!

All the members of the bear clan knelt on the ground, raising their heads to look at Mei Xueyan, but no one answered. Everyone hung their heads low at the same time. Uncontrollable sobbing could be heard from someone's throat…     

"All six thousand brothers, why are there so few of you left? Tell me, where are the rest go? Did they go to search for the enemy?"     

Mei Xueyan looked at all these brothers who were covered in injuries in confusion, mumbling some reason that even she herself wouldn't believe in. But still, no one responded. Mei Xueyan suddenly yelled mournfully. "Why are you not answering me? Where are the rest? Where did they go?! Huh?! Where's Eagle King? Where's Bear King? Where did the two of you preposterous fools die off to? Talk ah! Answer me ah!"     

Mei Xueyan no longer had her usual calmness, none of that air of the Lord of Heavenly Punishment. She was practically on the verge of hysteria…     

A figure flashed and Jun Moxie landed beside Mei Xueyan, his face colorless.     

The warriors remained silent, but they opened up a path uniformly.     

Jun Moxie moved and stood right in front of Mei Xueyan, blocking her view. He calmly looked at Mei Xueyan and said with a trembling voice, "Xueyan…"     

"Move aside!" Mei Xueyan raised her head angrily. It was as if fire was about to spew from her beautiful eyes. "Jun Moxie! Move aside!"     

Seeing how Jun Moxie showed no intentions to move, looking at her with a tender and pitying look, Mei Xueyan was completely enraged. "Move aside!!" she shrieked.     

The sweet-tempered, calm Mei Xueyan, right now, had all the intentions to start a fight if there were any disagreements!     

I want to go and see my brother! No one can stop me!     

Jun Moxie sighed inwardly, lowering his head. But he still remained unbudging. If Xueyan can vent it all on my body, then just vent it on me!     

Mei Xueyan was stunned for a moment. Then, she suddenly flew past Jun Moxie at high speed…     

Then, a heart-shattering cry of grief could be heard from behind Jun Moxie.     

"AH!!!" Mei Xueyan cried into the skies. All the Qi from her body suddenly burst from her body. Her grief-stricken, mournful cries were so sorrowful that everyone who heard her voice was affected by the grief she was undergoing. Even if they did not know what had happened, they could clearly feel… how it was like to have their hearts shattered…     

In the center of the circle, Eagle King's badly damaged body lay silently on the ground. Beside him, Bear King was covered in fresh blood, the corner of his lips stained with his own. He laid right beside Eagle King.     

The only difference was that there was completely no vital signs from Eagle King's body. Whereas Bear King was still breathing weakly…     

Mei Xueyan's sorrowful cry caused Big Bear who had fallen into a semi-conscious state due to extreme grief to suddenly jerk awake.The moment he woke up, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, but he leapt up and looked about with a frantic look. "Big Sis! Big Sis is here! Hurry! Hurry… Save Little Eagle! Hurry, save Little Eagle!…"     

He implored incoherently in a frenzy. Mei Xueyan was right before him, but it was as if she didn't see him.     

"Little Eagle…" It was as if Mei Xueyan was struck by lightning—her petite frame began to tremble violently. Tears began to flow from her eyes, along her fair cheeks, and down.     

She walked over slowly, gently, her movements unusually gentle and slow, as if she were afraid that she would disturb her little brother's deep sleep.     

Step by step, it was merely a couple of steps, but it took all of Mei Xueyan's strength to finally arrive beside Eagle King. She slowly squatted down, her trembling finger gently stroking Eagle King's cold cheek. She mumbled, "Little Eagle… Big Sis is here, Big sis is here to see you already; don't be afraid, Big sis is here, don't… be… afraid…"     

Mei Xueyan stretched out her hands, gradually picking up Eagle King's body which had already turned cold into her arms, hugging him tightly. "Little brother… why are you always so mischievous? The ground is so cold, so dirty, isn't it uncomfortable lying on it? Hurry, get up. Big Sis will carry you…"     

Her pristine white robes were instantly stained with blood. Eagle King's body was huge. Mei Xueyan had carried him into her embrace, but both his legs were still dragging on the ground. She carried him and walked forward in a daze. "Little eagle, brother! Big sis will bring you home, bring you home… Don't be afraid, be good…"     

She suddenly stumbled, but she stubbornly regained her balance, using all her strength to keep the body in her hands balanced. A flush covered her face, and a mouthful of blood burst out from her mouth. She had just raised her foot to take another step when both her legs gave way. She crumbled to the ground, her eyes shut. She had fainted.     

Although Mei Xueyan had fainted, her hands remained hugging onto her brother's body tightly, refusing to let go!     

There was a common saying that a sister was like a mother. In the family of Heavenly Punishment, as the Big Sister, Mei Xueyan was like the mother of all the other Beast Kings and possibly even more.     

All these brothers were younger than her. Mei Xueyan had brought them up from young, and every step in their growth had taken Mei Xueyan great effort.     

From a fledgling to a King of the Sky, Mei Xueyan had witnessed their entire life!     

Every time they fell, Mei Xueyan picked them up again; every success, Mei Xueyan was celebrating their joy; every single achievement came from Mei Xueyan's devoted guidance.     

And whenever these brothers had anything sad or joyous to share, the first person they would think of finding was this Elder sister!     

Yet today, Eagle King laid in Mei Xueyan's arms, completely cold and stiff. Unable to hear the callings of the Big Sister that he admired the most ever again!     

Mei Xueyan felt as if her heart was being ripped into shreds! Shattering into pieces!     

After a long while, Mei Xueyan regained consciousness and realized that she was leaning against Jun Moxie.     

Jun Moxie gazed at her, his deep eyes filled with heartache and tenderness, but his murderous aura was oozing out!     

"Big Sis! Big Sis…" Big Bear cried, throwing himself before Mei Xueyan and kowtowing crazily. "Big Sis! Please kill me, I don't want to live anymore, I really don't want to live anymore… Little Eagle, Ninth Brother, Ninth brother had died because he was saving me… I did not protect Nine brother properly and even became a burden to him, I deserve to die! The one who should die is me ah! Why didn't I die instead ah…"     

Bear King's entire body was convulsing. He suddenly knelt uprightly and slapped himself. "I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death! You wretched bear, you've caused my ninth brother to die! My ninth brother ah…" He used so much strength that it didn't take long for his head to become a bloody mess.     

Mei Xueyan stared at the skies lifelessly, a blank look in her eyes. After a long while, she finally lowered her head and her pupils began to focus again. She looked at the Eagle King in her arms fondly and couldn't help the hot tears flowing down.     

Then she lifted her head and looked at Bear King, her voice still trembling, but unusually resolute. "Stand up!"     

Big Bear continued to sob, as if he no longer had any bones in his body…     

"A real man sheds blood and not tears! Stand up! Stand up like a real man! Big Bear, don't make me look down on you!" Tears were still flowing down Mei Xueyan's cheeks, but her voice had regained its calmness. "You said earlier, Ninth brother had died while saving you; then I don't wish that the person he died saving to be a spineless coward like you right now! Then I'll find it wasted for him!"     

Mei Xueyan ordered. "Big Bear! Stand up this instance!"     

This harsh order had caused the ground beneath everyone's feet to quake!     

Big Bear's body jerked and he shot to his feet, standing upright!     

Mei Xueyan glared at him with bloodshot eyes and said in a low voice, "Ninth brother died, he died for you! What do you do? Tell me!"     

Big Bear gritted his teeth and responded without thinking. "If I die in this battle, naturally I will reunite with Ninth brother! Even if I manage to survive by a stroke of luck, I'll go and find him after the war is over! Even in the nether worlds, I, Big Bear, am still the fourth brother to ninth brother! As it will be forever!"     

Pa! Mei Xueyan was so furious that her entire body trembled. First, she gave him a tight slap, sending him spinning. But it wasn't enough to vent her anger, so she gave him a heavy kick to his chest!     

Then, Big Bear's burly body went shooting out and landing heavily on the ground.     

"Good! Excellent! Big Bear, you're good! Truly good!" Mei Xueyan's voice quaked as she nodded her head heavily. "Ninth brother saved your life by staking his own; it turns out that it was all for you to commit suicide to join him! Haha, Big Bear, you're capable! You're truly capable! You're truly loyal to your brother, ah! I respect you!"     

She continued to rain punches and kicks with every sentence she said. Leaving Big Bear rolling about on the ground, fresh blood spurting out of his mouth. But Mei Xueyan did not show any mercy! Every single blow was merciless!     

Even Jun Moxie turned away from the sight. He had never seen Mei Xueyan throw such a huge temper. But the current situation was one that Jun Moxie mustn't interrupt, one he could not even mediate.     

Finally, Mei Xueyan picked Big Bear by the chest and threw him onto the ground. The,n she dragged him like she was dragging a dead dog over to Eagle King's body. She let go and snapped harshly. "You ask little eagle! Ask ninth brother! Why did he save you? Why did he save you even if it meant staking his own life? Big Bear, your life was exchanged by ninth brother with his own! You ask him, if he is willing to have you die! Is your life still your own? Do you have the right to decide?!"     

Big Bear looked at Eagle King's face and sobbed, before being stunned.     

"If you think that you didn't let ninth brother down by dying, then you can die now!" Mei Xueyan glared at him. "I will definitely not stop you!"     

Clang. She threw a sabre in front of Bear King.     

Big Bear suddenly raised his head, a fervent look in his eyes as he looked at this shiny blade. His eyes gleamed.     

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