Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Right and Wrong!

Right and Wrong!

But for the higher ups of three Holy Lands, it was not too astonishing for them. Jun Moxie had obtained considerable battle results when battling Zhan Lunhui in this same manner the day before.     

Zhan Lunhui strength was a profound mystery and had already surpassed the limits of other humans practicing the same cultivation. While numerous experts from the Heaven Saint Palace couldn't stop him, Jun Moxie had managed to obstruct his way with his strength alone and was even advantageous when battling him. This sort of shocking prowess was enough to shock the world!     

And it was also what Gu Han had based his decision on earlier!     

Although Heavenly Punishment had clinched a great victory, they had suffered a dreadful loss, losing all eight Saint Venerables, the Eagle King, and five thousand elite forces! The battling forces of Heavenly Punishment had been greatly crippled!     

Whereas those who stood guard at the battlefield of the War for Seizing the Heavens had considerable strength and were truly one of themselves. If Jun Moxie had not revealed such powerful capabilities, even if Gu Han would not stand on Xia Changtian's side, he would only try to smooth things and definitely not make such a choice!     

Xia Changtian and Ji Bowen's faces were filled with grief and frustration, attacking at the same time! They both had the same thing in mind: take down Jun Moxie quickly, only this way, we can save those forty brothers down there! The longer we take, the more dangerous the situation becomes for them!     

Those other three Saint Venerable and two Saint Emperors who managed to escape remained rooted to their spot. They were at a loss as to what to do.     

They also wish to join the battle, but with whom?     

Jun Moxie had carried out everything on his own. He made himself a representative to demand for justice, to get his revenge and vent his anger. From start to end, not a single other person from Heavenly Punishment had spoken.     

Although they knew that this was Jun Moxie's intention, they still couldn't do anything to Mei Xueyan and the rest.     

The moment they did, they knew that they would not be able to bear the consequences! They were not like Saint Monarchs—they were not that powerful!     

Even Xia Changtian may not dare to do so. He was just throwing empty threats. It was not because he was afraid to deal with Heavenly Punishment, and not because of Jun Moxie's threat, but because of the bigger picture!     

The root of this matter was because they had watched coldly from the sidelines with no intention to assist or support, which ultimately led to Heavenly Punishment's Eagle-Bear Army getting almost wiped out. Jun Moxie stepping out as the leader to demand for justice was completely fair, and no one had anything to say about it. Even Gu Han and the rest could only try to smooth things over, but they could not attempt to absolve the matter. Even if Xia Changtian and Ji Bowen died as a result of this, they only had themselves to blame. No one could say anything about it.     

But if everyone charged forward and attacked Jun Moxie, then this matter would change completely. But Gu Han would also not consent to this!     

"Old Gu, even if Saint Monarch Xia and the rest did not offer assistance… there is also no need to fight like this, isn't it? Isn't Jun Moxie's reaction a little too extreme? He completely isn't considering the bigger picture, ah!"     

A Saint Emperor from three Holy Lands said carefully to Gu Han. The bias behind his words was extremely clear.     

"That's not the right way to put it." The one who had rebutted this time was Mo Wudao. He sighed and said. "Not rendering assistance this time may seem like a small matter, but in fact, it has deep rooted implications."     

"Firstly, for the past hundreds of years, the three Holy Lands joined forces to crush Heavenly Punishment, practically ruining it at a stroke. If it wasn't for the appearance of Jun Moxie, Heavenly Punishment Forest may already have been doomed for good! It can be said that it is us who kicked Heavenly Punishment out of our alliance. And our relationship is that of enemies that cannot live under the same sky! With the current situation, even if Heavenly Punishment Forest does not come to this battle, no one can say anything about it. After all, even the Outsiders don't dare to barge into their Heavenly Punishment Forest! Plus they are not even human—there is no standpoint to criticize them!     

"But they came. They came with great resolve and determination! For the sake of the common lives of the world, for the Mystic Mystic Continent, they put aside the old enmity with us. This alone is an act of great righteousness. This is one of the reasons."     

Mo Wudao had been at conflict with Heavenly Punishment with endless enmity. And he had a vengeance with Jun Moxie for killing his younger brother! But this person did not lose the air of a leader. On a big matter like this, his comments were unbiased and impartial, completely speaking from facts.     

This was something worth commending.     

"Secondly, …" Gu Han continued coldly. "Heavenly Punishment came as a result of the three Holy Lands' entreaty! To put it bluntly, it is us who put our pride aside and managed to get them to come and offer assistance. But no matter what Heavenly Punishment's original intentions were, the three Holy Lands are indebted to them! In terms of the battle strategy, they are our comrades in battle. The situation this time was the most dreadful— the three Holy Lands practically had no chance of victory and were on the brink of danger. But Heavenly Punishment's appearance and assistance had saved us!     

"By not assisting, Xia Changtian and the rest were biting at the hand that is helping us!" Gu Han sighed. This was the other reason why he was unwilling to help reconcile the situation. Gu Han was extremely enraged by Xia Changtian and the rest's behaviour and actions!     

Furthermore… If he tried to intervene, Gu Han knew that he didn't have that much face before Jun Moxie…     

The moment he opened his mouth, the greatest possibility was that even those who were left will also be sent to their doom. They may be unaware of Jun Moxie's prowess, but how could Gu Han be?!     

And the worst thing was… this Jun Moxie was more perverse than that Zhan Kuang. He was one that could not be killed, ah!     

"When two countries are at war and two armies are slaying it out on the battlefield, if one troop falls into impasse while the other remained completely unmoved and simply watches on, this is a capital offense! A crime of treason!" Mo Wudao chuckled bitterly. "It is the same as rebellion! An unpardonable crime!     

"Thus, no matter how you look at it, the manner Saint Monarch Xia handled this matter was a big mistake. When put in a smaller picture, he was being disloyal and ungrateful. But in the bigger picture, no matter who from Heavenly Punishment raises up this matter, the falling out of both parties is likely to be more than eighty percent! This sort of act is literally disregarding the safety of the world, toying with the fate of the common lives! It is reprehensible and insane!"     

Gu Han let out a deep sigh.     

The Saint Emperor who raised the question couldn't help but feel a little astonished. "Lord Mo, you… why would you…"     

Mo Wudao chuckled bitterly and said, "Indeed, I never liked Heavenly Punishment, the Evil Monarch Manor, nor even Jun Moxie himself. This is a fact, be it in the past, or in the future, I will still insist on going against Heavenly Punishment. But right now, at this moment, before a right and wrong like this, I, Mo Wudao, am not one to be so biased and turn a blind eye to righteousness. When we dealt with Heavenly Punishment, it was after determining that the Outsiders did not have the ability to invade, and we had complete confidence for the War for Seizing the Heavens. Even if we completely annihilated Heavenly Punishment, that was the internal affairs of the continent. But if the Outsiders are powerful, I will not start an internal war no matter what."     

He let out a long sigh. "If I knew about what will happen today, then I would have mended the relation with Heavenly Punishment at all costs. At least, I must ensure the victory of this battle before anything else. I definitely will not give the order to deal with Heavenly Punishment!"     

"The affairs of the world changes so easily with time; it truly makes one dazzled and stunned! But who would have thought that the majestic ten thousand year old Pillar of Heavens Mountains would collapse at this sort of crucial timing…" Xi Ruochen let out a long sigh before gritting his teeth tightly and cursing. "That g*ddamned Zhan Lunhui! That g*ddamned Zhan Lunhui!"     

"Then this battle between Saint Monarch Xia and Jun Moxie… are we really only able to just watch? And the lives of those forty brothers, are we forsaking it as well?" That Saint Emperor asked, a little unwilling to resign just like that.     

"This is the price that Jun Moxie is demanding! And Jun Moxie also has the strength to demand this price! We can only watch! Especially… when it is in such a delicate situation, all the more we cannot move! Recklessly moving will only cause greater troubles ahead!"     

A look of grief flashed in Gu Han's eyes. "The outcome of today is the result of the cause created from yesterday. Reaping what you've sown, who can we blame? Are we going to insist inverting right and wrong and starting a war with Heavenly Punishment and the Evil Monarch Manor first? And let the Outsiders reap the benefits?"     

Qu Wuhui happened to be standing behind Gu Han. He couldn't suppress a long, deep sigh.     

Suddenly, Gu Han's pupils constricted, turning pale with fight. He stomped his foot and sighed deeply. "Oh no! Looks like I still underestimated Jun Moxie's real strength… perhaps it's not only those forty brothers who will… even Xia Changtian might be done for…"     

Even Gu Han was shocked speechless by his own words and the facts before his eyes!     

Jun Moxie had this sort of terrifying, heaven-defying capabilities?     

Everyone was stunned and looked over.     

All their jaws dropped and were left hanging.     

Everyone had tried to guess how this battle would end, but they had never imagined that it would be like this!     

Jun Moxie was the Evil Monarch and did not have ordinary cultivation. He also had the accomplishment of repressing Zhan Lunhui, but his advancement halted at the realm of a Saint Venerable and didn't seem to have broken through the levels of a Saint Monarch… while Xia Changtian had the cultivation of a Saint Monarch!     

And a third level one!     

So everyone had assumed that the Xia Changtian would be in the advantageous position in the battle—even Gu Han also thought so. Then after a certain level, when it was clear who was going to be the victor, Gu Han would step out and try to reconcile the matter and resolve this issue…     

But since the moment they clashed, Xia Changtian had been in the absolute disadvantageous position! An irrevocable decline!     

No one would have dreamt of this situation! Everyone was flabbergasted!     

Jun Moxie moved as fast as the wind. The blade Nine Nether Frost Blade was like the rising wind and scudding clouds. His Mystic Qi surged unendingly. That narrow Nine Nether Frost Blade turned into a huge piece of black cloud in the air!     

The entire world turned dark!     

A single Nine Nether Frost Blade filled the entire sky with its presence, covering the world, as if the winds and clouds of the Nine Nethers had descended upon this dreadful battlefield! Engulfing the entire world!     

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