Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Kill One More!

Kill One More!


Dust and sand flew everywhere, and an additional huge hole of shocking size appeared in the middle of the ground. It rivalled even the large pit that Jun Moxie had made using the Power of Earth!     

Xia Changtian, who'd self detonated, was naturally already turned into a pile of ashes, and couldn't be more dead. Even his Holy Infant hadn't been left behind. As for Jun Moxie who was right at the center of the explosion, he'd also completely disappeared without a trace!     

This kid wouldn't have perished alongside Xia Changtian would he? Gu Han and the rest's faces were heavy and unspeakably ugly. If those two had died together… this matter would be extremely grave!     

Right now, the hearts of the people from the three Holy Lands could be said to be extremely chaotic. No one was mourning for Xia Changtian, but in that moment, they were actually praying that Jun Moxie, their mortal enemy, would be fine!     

Even Mo Wudao, who normally yearned so badly for Jun Moxie's death, was also praying hard in that moment.     

Jun Moxie, please don't be dead ah!     

Right now, the continent truly cannot afford this…     

The most important thing was that if Jun Moxie died together with Xia Changtian, not only would there be no hope of having the help of Heavenly Punishment's army, the Mystic Beasts might even go mad and destroy the entire three Holy Lands!     

Every single expert was peering nervously at the cloud of dust, as if they were awaiting the birth of a deity.     

A total of 40 experts, along with a Saint Monarch, had disappeared in just such a short time!     

And all of this had been because of a single person!     

If Jun Moxie was still alive after doing that, it would be too terrifying!     

"Second Brother Xia ah…" Ji Bowen roared with rage when he saw Xia Changtian self detonate, dying without a complete corpse. At the most crucial moment when Xia Changtian self detonated, Ji Bowen had dodged out of the way, allowing the sword to slash freely against his body. Blood of Yellow Flame was naturally unable to let him go, sticking closely to him and chasing after him.     

Ji Bowen watched the death of his brother with his own eyes, and because of the turbulent emotions in his heart, he suffered countless attacks. But in that moment, he could only cry aloud with grief, completely not caring about the injuries on his body.     

All of a sudden, Ji Bowen's body rose up like a sharp spear, as he laughed maniacally!     

Blood of Yellow Flame also cried out, flashing rapidly as blood fell from the sky like rain. An arm also fell from the sky with a loud crack!     

"AHH!" Ji Bowen roared with pain as he spat out a mouthful of blood. The fresh blood instantly turned into blood mist, but his body was still rushing forward!     

The Blood of Yellow Flame cried out and chased closely after him.     

In a moment of carelessness, it'd actually allowed this fellow to escape. This was a great loss of face for Blood of Yellow Flame, and it seemed to be turning its shame into anger. To shame a child who thought very highly of himself was an extremely terrifying thing!     

Ji Bowen laughed madly, using all his strength to holler. "Jun Moxie, since you were so merciless, this old man shall reciprocate in kind! The matters which Second Brother Xia hadn't been able to finish, shall be completed by me!"     

Before his voice ended, his body suddenly made a movement that defied all physical logic!     

From a position where he was suddenly charging upwards, he began to fall in a sideway manner! His momentum was strong and fast, like a bolt of lightning! In just an instant, hundreds of strange afterimages appeared in the sky as he dove towards Mei Xueyan, who was on the ground!     

Ji Bowen laughed maniacally, as all his energy gathered in his remaining hand! A sharp and ruthless gaze blazed in his eyes, and he did not falter as he aimed at Mei Xueyan!     

This palm was the culmination of all the might of a Second level Saint Monarch! In the instant the energy was gathered, even the air around it began to freeze!     

In that space, not even the wind could move!     

Mei Xueyan's hair floated up gently and began to freeze as well. Big Bear opened his mouth, wanting to roar with rage. But in that instant, he was also unable to move! It was as if everything had frozen in this space!     

Ji Bowen laughed madly, his face filled with an enjoyable rush of revenge!     

He wanted to have his revenge against Jun Moxie, and the best method was obviously to kill the people that mattered the most to him! He even decided that he'd self detonate only after killing Mei Xueyan and seeing the look of rage and pain on Jun Moxie's face.     

To be able to see just a glimpse of the hurt he'd inflicted on Jun Moxie would be more than sufficient for Ji Bowen!     

He wouldn't ask for anything else!     

You hurt my brothers, so I will make you live in pain for the rest of your life! In pain and regret! Forever!     

As the thought flashed through his mind, the smile on Ji Bowen's face grew even wider.     

Everybody indeed only had one life.     

But when it was time to give that up, no one would be stingy with it!     

If he self detonated at such a close distance, it was most likely the case that most of Heavenly Punishment Mystic Beasts and the Evil Monarch Manor's high ranking experts would die!     

He knew that Jun Moxie was not dead. Jun Moxie was definitely not dead! The reason was that the annoying sword was still chasing madly behind him! This sword was undoubtedly controlled by Jun Moxie. So since it was still flying around, it meant that Jun Moxie was definitely still alive!     

In other words, Xia Changtian's self detonation probably didn't have any effect on Jun Moxie!     

And the realization of this caused Ji Bowen to be even more angry!     

Jun Moxie, how could you not die? Why didn't you die? You deserve to die, ah! You are the person that should not be alive!     

And so, Ji Bowen immediately chose such a method of seeking revenge!     

Kill Mei Xueyan!     

As long as Mei Xueyan was dead, then even if Jun Moxie was not dead, he would have to live in pain worse than death for the rest of his life!     

KILL! KILL!     

As he reached within a thousand feet away from her, this was the only thought in his head!     

The space before his palm materialized, solidifying into a huge tangible palm!     

This was an all out strike of a Second level Saint Monarch!     

An unstoppable strike of death!     

Of course, unstoppable does not mean irrepressible!     

In that instant, Mei Xueyan who should have been locked in that space, suddenly exploded with strength, and the entire area began to emanate crackling sounds. Her hair once again flew in the wind, and she raised her hand, wanting to make a counterattack!     

That was a scene that even the experts of the three Holy Lands could not believe!     

Mei Xueyan could actually break free from the space that a Saint Monarch froze? And even manage to make a counterattack! In that case, just what kind of shocking cultivation had this Heavenly Punishment Queen reached? Wasn't she called Venerable Mei previously? What was this inconceivable thing that they were looking at?     

But Mei Xueyan ultimately did not complete the attack.     

It wasn't that she didn't have the time to. She simply did not have the need to!     

Because, an illusory figure had already appeared in front of her, blocking the path of Ji Bowen!     

As long as this person was standing before her, Mei Xueyan believed that no powers in this world would be able to get past him to hurt her!     

As that person appeared, tens of black swords began to appear, shooting out in the blink of an eye!     

A pair of hands materialized in the air, filled with a mysterious purple mist. That strange purple Qi seemed to be filled with the trace of the profound dao of Heaven and Earth! The moment Gu Han saw that purple Qi, his face instantly changed drastically!     

This kind of purple Qi also seemed to contain limitless luck and opportunity!     

If he wanted to breakthrough and improve further, this would most likely be an extremely crucial point!     

Following that, this pair of hands surged up to meet Ji Bowen's huge palm! It was as if a tall mountain had suddenly appeared in front of a raging tide!     

A earth shattering sound rang out!     

The only person who could make Mei Xueyan feel so secure, and the only person who had such magical techniques, was naturally Jun Moxie!     

A cold and cruel gaze shone in Jun Moxie's eyes. At the moment his dearest was under threat, he'd appeared, blocking before her and not budging a single step!     

"AHHHH~~~" Ji Bowen roared and went to meet the palms head on. As he did that, blood spurted from his body like arrows!     

The black colored shadows earlier had been 49 Nine Nether Frost Blades, piercing through his body! Following that, Jun Moxie's palms which were infused with Primal Chaos Purple Qi also slapped onto him ruthlessly!     

Ji Bowen was like a three year old child who was suddenly knocked by a rampaging bull. He flew out like a rag doll, blood spewing freely from his mouth!     

Jun Moxie's face also turned red, and he stumbled a few steps backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood. His back bumped into Mei Xueyan, and finally, he slumped weakly to the ground.     

Ji Bowen was a Saint Monarch expert at the end of the day, and although Jun Moxie could come out victorious, it didn't mean that it came without any costs. Truthfully, after battling two Saint Monarchs consecutively, even the energy he'd borrowed from the Hongjun Pagoda had been exhausted! His meridians were in an even worse state, and no matter how he tried to suppress his internal injuries, he finally couldn't endure any longer!     

However, Jun Moxie's eyes were still staring fixedly at Jun Moxie. If the latter could still move, he would merge again with the Hongjun Pagoda, even at the risk of the destruction of his soul, to ensure that his enemy was reduced to ashes!     

A shrill sound rang out and Blood of Yellow Flame which had been chasing behind Ji Bowen without slowing down, directly plunged into his back, exiting through his heart and stopping in there!     

The Blood of Yellow Flame which had been piercing with such strong momentum was supposed to be able to stab through him directly without any obstruction!     

Right now, Ji Bowen's body could already be said to be completely without any defense. Even the Nine Nether Frost Blades which were far inferior to the Blood of Yellow Flame would be able to stab through him with ease, what more Blood of Yellow Flame?     

However, the situation was simply this unbelievable!     

Blood of Yellow Flame had stabbed in with incomparable speed, but when it plunged into Ji Bowen's body, it actually stopped there and stuck in his muscles!     

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