Otherworldly Evil Monarch



"It's… the All Seeing Rakshesha, Qiao Ying!" Mei Xueyan pointed at the drawing on the ground and said. "This attack strategy of ours is only a very crude and direct one. It relies completely on our estimations. Even if the estimations are good, a battle will always be susceptible to countless changes in every moment. We might not be able to use the strategy perfectly that way. But if we have Qiao Ying with us, it will be a completely different matter! Because she is the only person who can see every movement on the enemy's side! If she appears at the suitable time to command the troops, the probability of our strategy being successful will be much higher!"     

"You are right!" Jun Moxie patted his thigh and exclaimed. "How could I have forgotten about her? Isn't she the only person who can see through the techniques of those freaks? Back then, even I…"     

Jun Moxie suddenly could not help but think back to his own encounter. Hadn't the Yin Yang Escape Art which had never failed end up exposed because of the All Seeing Eye? Following that, the lithe figure of Qiao Ying appeared once again in his mind. In that moment, a thought appeared in his heart. If I could… get a hand on both, I wonder what a happy thing that would be…     

Mei Xueyan had only started to feel happy at finally resolving the huge problem that had been troubling her for a long time, when she lifted her head and saw the perverted look on Young Master Jun's face. She'd only just finished speaking about Qiao Ying, and that fellow already had such a lustful look…     

This was simply too obvious, there wasn't anything much to say about it!     

Mei Xueyan instantly felt a sour feeling in her heart, and her hand shot out with incredibly dexterity, grabbing onto the side of his waist with two fingers. Without any hesitation, she twisted 180 degrees, followed by 360 degrees in the opposite direction. Clenching her teeth, she smiled and asked in a creepy voice, "What were you thinking about?!"     

"I was thinking about… AHHH…" Jun Moxie yowled with pain. This lass had actually even used the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune to enhance her twisting strength! The damage was enhanced, and in addition, that area was the most painful spot to be pinched for men. Jun Moxie gasped and sucked in a cold breath of air, unable to utter any words from his mouth.     

Mei Xueyan ultimately still grew soft-hearted, and she relaxed her grip, snorting angrily. "Hmph, I just mentioned the name Qiao Ying, and you immediately had such a perverted look on your face. There are so many beautiful sisters back at home; what are you still dreaming about? Are you starting to have more strange thoughts again? Are you planning to add another one into the harem?!"     

"Xueyan ah, shouldn't you first speak reasonably first?!" Young Master Jun quickly countered.     

"Oh? You are on the side of reason now? I wonder what grand reasons Young Master Jun has? This wife is willing to listen!" Although Great Beauty Mei was speaking in such a nice tone right now, her two fingers was actually pinching even harder than before!     

"OWW, y-you naturally need to be willing to listen… aren't you the main cause behind all of this? You definitely wouldn't allow me to think, but how is that possible?" Young Master Jun winced in pain and said. "This Elder Brother is a normal man who couldn't be anymore normal ah! Is it possible to not want that thing? If I didn't think about it, it would be the truly strange matter wouldn't it? If any man is subjected to the same treatment I had, having their wife do a transformation act at the most crucial moment, running away and refusing to cooperate, they will be like this elder brother, not even having a place to cry to! If that happens a few more times, I'm afraid I'll need to castrate myself to end the torment… there's no need to be a man anymore, I can just enter the palace to serve the royal family as an eunuch."     

"Ah, you… you are still angry with me." Mei Xueyan suddenly turned a little guilty, and her eyes darted around uncomfortably. "I… I didn't want to do that as well… that time… was because I wasn't ready yet… y-your… your that thing… looked too scary… how could I possibly endure that?"     

"Then, when will you be ready? How about right now? Relax, I will be very gentle, very very gentle!" Jun Moxie said excitedly. All that talk about the most painful area to be pinched had already been thrown out of his mind.     

En, Young Master Jun had steered the conversation in this manner on purpose. Apart from having the effect of dissolving the awkward situation, he could force Great Beauty Mei to soften her stance. After all, she couldn't simply continue avoiding his advances forever right? If she transformed every time at the most crucial moment, in just one or two times more, Young Master Jun would probably be so frustrated that he would resort to drilling the ground.     

"That… how could one prepare for that kind of thing… and how could you be gentle…" Mei Xueyan's face turned as red as a sheet of cloth.     

"Pu… then, you're saying… that you will never be ready?" Jun Moxie nearly spat out a mouthful of blood.     

"You need to at least give me some time… to slowly…" Mei Xueyan's voice softened to the level of a mosquito.     

Young Master Jun hammered his chest in an aggrieved manner: "Honey, please just have some pity on me, alright? If I continue to be so stuffed, these old sack of pearls would wrinkle into Sariras…"     

"What? Sarira? What are Sariras?" Mei Xueyan coughed embarrassingly and asked.     

"A Sarira is… when a man is unable to release his… life essence for a long time, that area will shrivel up and turn into wrinkly old rocks… in the future, it wouldn't work even if he wants to get it up." Jun Moxie spouted with a turn of his wits.     

Truthfully, the concept did Sariras are not easy to explain in the context of this world as well. Because this world… does not have any monks or spiritual masters ah…     

"Calcify into stones? Is it really so scary?" Mei Xueyan gasped with shock, her eyes widening into two large circles.     

"Yes, yes, that matter which I spoke of, is the truly urgent danger ah ah ah ah…" Jun Moxie lamented bitterly.     

"Hmph, don't you still have Miao Xiaomiao, Guan Qinghan, and the others? I heard that you've plucked that lass Xiaoyi not long ago as well. They should be enough for you right? There's no way you will form those… Sarira thingys. Did you really think I'm an idiot?" Mei Xueyan snorted and turned around.     

"How could they be compared with you?" Jun Moxie panicked and hurriedly said. "The person I want to do the most… is you ah!"     

"Pei pei… what are you talking about!" Mei Xueyan was truly embarrassed this time, and she stomped her feet as she quickly disappeared with a red face, leaving behind only a single sentence. "Quickly go and bring Qiao Ying over here!"     

Young Master Jun sighed despondently, as if he'd lost his soul.     

Seeing Jun Moxie coming towards him with a sunken expression, Gu Han hurriedly stood up.     

Right now, Gu Han could already see the situation very clearly. If they wanted to stop the invasion of the Outsiders, the only person they could rely on was Jun Moxie! As for the three Holy Lands, they were already unimportant now!     

Their side only had a ragtag bunch numbering about 6,000 to 7,000, and that was the full force of the entire three Holy Lands. Everyone that could come here could be said to be exceptional experts, but compared to Jun Moxie's Evil Monarch Manor or Heavenly Punishment's army, they were on a completely different level!     

"Manor Lord Jun!" Gu Han took a few steps forward and greeted Jun Moxie with a smile.     

Jun Moxie did not waste his words, directly stating his intentions. "Senior Gu, I've come here to borrow a person from you."     

Gu Han raised his eyebrows, but he was not too surprised as he asked, "Qiao Ying?"     

"That's right! It's Qiao Ying." Jun Moxie nodded.     

"No problem!" Gu Han did not even blink as he agreed directly. Following that, Qiao Ying was called out. Seeing the look of confusion on her face, a protective glint flashed in his eyes. "Little Ying, you will be following Manor Lord Jun from now on to deal with the Outsiders."     

"But why? Why am I the only one being sent out right before the big battle?" Qiao Ying was obviously unhappy. Although the Holy Lands were weaker now, Qiao Ying still held deep attachments to the Heaven Saint Palace.     

"Little Ying, the situation right now is obvious. Only by going to Heavenly Punishment's side can your abilities be maximized against the Outsiders! The Holy Lands are unable to give you the conditions to use your abilities to the greatest extent. These are the facts!"     

As expected of the number one person of the Heaven Saint Palace, Gu Han had managed to guess that Jun Moxie must have already come up with a plan to deal with the Outsiders the moment the latter asked to borrow Qiao Ying.     

All of a sudden, Qiao Ying felt an unprecedented feeling of loneliness.     

Although both sides' camps were close to each other, Qiao Ying could faintly sense that if she went over now, it would most probably be the final time and she would be bidding them farewell! This kind of inexplicable feeling caused her to feel extremely complicated, and she didn't know what to do.     

"Little Ying, you go over first and look for Venerable Mei." Gu Han waved his hand as a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes. "I will speak a few more words with Manor Lord Jun."     

Qiao Ying nodded, taking another deep look at all her friends and comrades of the Heaven Saint Palace whom she'd spent countless years with. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with tears, and she turned around, flying off without looking back again.     

Everybody from Heaven Saint Palace also looked at her departing figure, smiling sadly as their eyes fogged with warmth. When it came to this little sister whom they had known for over a thousand years, all of them truly loved and cared for her from the bottom of their hearts.     

This parting was very likely an eternal one!     

But for her to go over to Heavenly Punishment's side would be much safer for her…     

At the very least, it would be safer than if she stuck with us! Because, we're already…     

When Gu Han saw Manor Lord Jun personally receiving Qiao Ying into her camp, he sighed, as if he'd finally managed to put down a heavy matter in his heart. Turning towards Jun Moxie, he said, "Manor Lord Jun, this old man has a few words that I would like to say."     

"Senior Gu, please say!" Jun Moxie clasped his fist.     

Gu Han waved his hand, and in an instant, the space in the area was completely locked!     

A slight tremor surged through the air and became still.     

With just a wave of his hand, the area 100 feet around them had been completely sealed, ensuring that nobody else could hear their conversation.     

Jun Moxie was originally behaving rather casually, but when he saw this, his expression turned serious in an instant. He knew that Gu Han definitely had extremely important things to say to him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have acted so seriously!     

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