Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Miao Jingyun's Suspicion!

Miao Jingyun's Suspicion!

"From the looks of it, we have no choice but to go!" Miao Jingyun sighed and shook his head. "The purpose of this is naturally not because of that Evil Monarch's so-called power and influence, but.. something else!"     

He paused for a moment and continued. "That Evil Monarch had many conflicts with the three Holy Lands in the past, and their relationship is like fire and water, completely incompatible. Now that his wings have grown strong, he's starting a sect in such a grand and showy manner… this move may seem arrogant, but I reckon it's something that has been decided only after much consideration… Because, the War for Seizing the Heavens is about to begin! At such a time, the three Holy Lands would surely not dare to continue fighting against the Evil Monarch and will stop everything to prepare for the war. Only after repelling the outside threat can one deal with internal battles!     

"One has to admit that this Jun brat chose a very good time for this!" Miao Jingyun said with a faint smile. "So right now, no matter how much grandeur this Evil Monarch stirs up right now, the three Holy Lands would not dare to move any troops! Even if there was an exceedingly urgent problem, it would have to wait until after the War for Seizing the Heavens! That's why this Evil Monarch Jun Moxie chose to establish his faction at this time! One could say that the timing was judged with complete perfection!     

"Apart from this timing, if he stuck his head out at any other time, he would definitely receive the joint attack of the entire three Holy Lands! In fact, the Heaven Saint Palace might even interfere as well! After all, the effect of a new superpower in the Mystic Mystic Continent is a huge threat towards the original delicate power balance! This is not something that the peak powers would be willing to see! So although I don't know what the exact situation is on the Evil Monarch's side in terms of cultivation strength, their ability to fish in troubled waters is undoubtedly unrivalled in the world!     

"Now that the Evil Monarch has started his own faction, the three Holy Lands will definitely send someone over as well! Because with the current strength of the three Holy Lands, they are definitely unable to deal with the War for Seizing the Heavens on their own. Therefore, they must contact Jun Moxie and ask him to send out his forces for the War for Seizing the Heavens! As for us, the reason we have to attend as well is because there's a need for us to understand the current power structure of the Mystic Mystic Continent, as well as the general strength of both sides! Though we cannot decide which faction to side with, staying neutral in the middle will only offend both sides, and the loss will be greater for us…"     

Miao Jingyun continued. "Based on the current situation alone, this matter may be an excellent time for the Evil Monarch. But to us, it's also a great chance to make a fortune! Because our Misty Illusory Manor is now in a position where we haven't decided who to side with… but before we make an official choice, we are an entity that both sides would not dare to offend. I believe that the two sides will definitely use all methods to try to pull us over. That will be an opportunity for us to make use of… Thus, this trip is one where we're going to gain lots of benefits; why wouldn't we go?"     

With that explanation, Miao Dao and Miao Jian widened their eyes with realization. Although their cultivations were strong, they were not familiar with politics, so these kinds of things were difficult for them to see…     

"There's another matter. I've been having a very strange feeling in my heart these past few days… Has Mo Junye left already?" Miao Jingyun suddenly shifted the topic to Mo Junye halfway through his words.     

"Yes, he left the Misty Illusory Manor early this morning." Miao Jian said.     

"Hm…" Miao Jingyun furrowed his brows and thought deeply for a moment. "This matter… will be headed by Sixth Uncle, and the Zhan Family will go as support… if you two want, you can go over and join in the fun as well."     

"What fun is there in that… too pointless! Not going!" Miao Dao rejected directly.     

"Hm, is there anything fun outside? Grandpa… the Evil Monarch is holding an opening ceremony? I want to take a look as well!" Miao Xiaomiao skipped over and said. After Jun Moxie left, Miao Xiaomiao immediately regretted that she hadn't left with him. With her waiting here like this, when that Elder Sister came later… wouldn't she blame her for putting on airs…     

Truthfully, it was because Miao Xiaomiao already felt an empty feeling in her heart not even four hours after Mo Junye left. She felt as if she'd lost her soul, and her entire body was uncomfortable as hell…     

After sitting around uneasily for a long time, Miao Xiaomiao still decided to look for her grandpa and ask him to let her go out to look for Mo Junye… but when she reached the door, she'd heard the news about the Evil Monarch. Seeing her chance, she quickly volunteered…     

"You?" The three old fellows furrowed their brows together. With Miao Xiaomiao's strength as a Second level Venerable, it was naturally sufficient for her to go anywhere in Mystic Mystic Continent. But this lass was overly innocent, and they were afraid that she would get tricked outside…     

"Grandpa… let me go please…" Miao Xiaomiao latched herself onto her grandfather's arm and whined. "I want to go that Jun Moxie who is supposedly an even greater genius than Mo Junye… Hmph, I want to see just how formidable he is…"     

In Miao Xiaomiao's heart, Mo Junye was the most outstanding person in the world. But in recent times, the fame of the Evil Monarch Jun Moxie, which was supposedly of around the same age as her, had already spread widely in the outside world, as if he were a god.     

Before she was with Mo Junye, Miao Xiaomiao did not think much of it at all. It's none of my business even if he was more formidable! But now, she was completely unresigned to it! I don't believe that there's a man that's more outstanding than my Junye in this world!     

If she went out, she could take the chance to let that dog fart Jun Moxie suffer a bit! At the same time, she could go and look for Mo Junye. If she could go with him to meet that Elder Sister and display her sincerity… wouldn't that be better?     

"A genius that's even more formidable than the Mo Junye who has the Free and Natural Physique…." Miao Jingyun narrowed his eyes as he sunk into deep thoughts. "Who knows if my guess… is right… I hope it's wrong?"     

He thought back to the words that old ancestor Miao Qingcheng had said when he sent Miao Huanyu into the underground space yesterday. "Is that kid who came last time.. still in the Misty Illusory Manor?"     

Miao Jingyun had answered promptly. "He's still here, but he requested today to go out, and I've already agreed. If ancestor wants to see him, I can bring him back anytime!"     

Miao Qingcheng shook his head heavily and said, "There's no need to trouble yourself with that. You need to form a good relationship with that kid and never let your guard down. Above all, you must not offend him…" After saying that, the old ancestor continued in a mysterious manner. "If not for him… that child Huan Yu, might not have the chance to come here…"     

Although Miao Qingcheng's voice was light, Miao Jingyun had clearly heard his words, and he could scarcely believe his ears! Mo Junye… the old ancestor's evaluation of him was actually so high!     

Just why was that so?     

Could it be that… even the Heaven ranked Seven Colored Holy Fruits that Huan Yu had obtained was something that the Holy Tree had given only because of that kid?     

Miao Jingyun was about to ask again, but Miao Qingcheng was no longer interested to dwell on the topic… He only said another sentence. "The Misty Illusory Manor's danger is gone…" After that, he was dismissed…     

Because of this sentence and Miao Jingyun's suspicion, he'd sent the Zhan Family out this time for the opening ceremony of the Evil Monarch's faction… If his guess was right, the people from the Zhan Family would likely not return after going out this time…     

Since they'd seriously offended Mo Junye before…     

Miao Jingyun didn't dare to say too much and came out quietly…     

Just as he reached the door, he happened to hear Miao Qingcheng asking Miao Huanyu something. After hearing that Mo Junye had already become Miao Huanyu's son-in-law, he suddenly roared with laughter saying, "So that's how it is! That's how it is! Hahaha…"     

Miao Jingyun's suspicion grew even heavier as he heard those words… the old ancestor's words seemed to have some meaning within them. But as for what that meaning was, he would have to find that out for himself. The main thing was undoubtedly that Mo Junye!     

The news of the investigations that had come in from the outside had truly shocked Miao Jingyun greatly… The person Mo Junye did not seem to exist in the outside world at all… If there were truly such a person, how could someone with that kind of talent be completely unknown?     

Mo Junye's obscurity had already exceeded the realms of a human… this person seemed to have jumped from a stone…     

At this time, Miao Jingyun suddenly had a very bold conjecture. What if the name Mo Junye was fake? And his true identity was someone else? If that's the case, there was only one person who fit that level of talent and age!     

Jun Moxie!     

He'd considered this matter for an entire night!     

So when Miao Xiaomiao proposed to go out and take a look, Miao Jingyun could not help but to think about this again…     

It's also good… to let Xiaomiao go and see!     

"Alright! Since you want to go out and play so much, you can follow your Sixth Uncle out." Miao Jingyun said with a faint smile. "The two of you, it looks like you can't avoid this trip… go with Xiaomiao and guard her."     

"Grandpa is the best!" Miao Xiaomiao exclaimed with joy as she jumped up and gave Miao Jingyun a kiss as she dashed away like a gust of wind to prepare…     

Miao Dao and Miao Jian widened their eyes with some shock. Their responsibilities were originally to protect the Manor Lord. Although Miao Xiaomiao was the Manor Lord's favourite, it wasn't to the point where she would get such treatment.     

"Originally, it should be the most suitable for Cao Guofeng, Bai Qifeng, and the rest to go. But as they'd only just broken through not long ago, they would most likely need to undergo their tribulation in these few days! There's no other people I can trust…" Miao Jingyun said in a low voice.     

Miao Dao and Miao Jian looked at each other, not knowing the meaning in those words.     

After that, Miao Jingyun sent a voice transmission directly into their ears and secretly told them a sentence.     

Miao Dao and Miao Jian instantly turned pale, and their mouths gaped…     

"This matter is confidential, and… I haven't confirmed it as well… The two of you just need to keep this in mind… don't even tell Xiaomiao or Sixth Uncle!" Miao Jingyun said in a low voice. "The two of you just need to be aware of the possibility."     

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