Otherworldly Evil Monarch



"A guest of Lord Jun?" Jun Moxie narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows. "I wonder what kind of power and influence this Lord Jun has that I cannot kill his guests!?"     

"The Evil Monarch!" Sima Shang howled in a hoarse voice. "I admit that you are indeed very strong! But even if you're stronger, can you be stronger than the Evil Monarch, Lord Jun Moxie?!"     

"Evil Monarch… Lord Jun Moxie?" Jun Moxie was completely stunned as he rubbed his nose and turned around to look at Green Hunter. Seeing the look on his face, she could not help but to turn her head away and burst out laughing…     

F*ck, this daddy is right here, but this fellow is using my name to threaten me?! And using his power and influence to force his own wife to strip…     

This was no longer just a simple joke…     

"The letter you're holding in your hand was sent by the Evil Monarch, Jun Moxie?" Jun Moxie's face turned rather unsightly.     

"Indeed!" Sima Shang smirked proudly.     

From the looks of it, although this fellow was strong, he still didn't dare to offend the Evil Monarch. Raising his head, he snorted. "Hurry and let me go! I'm a guest that Lord Evil Monarch invited fervently! I'm a person with a Red Copper Invitation Letter. Do you know what that means?"     

Jun Moxie did not bother to respond, and only waved his hand. The red copper colored letter in Sima Shang's hand instantly floated up into his hand. After reading through it carefully, he could not help but shake his head with a bitter smile.     

Green Hunter also turned her head over curiously. There was only one sentence on the invitation letter: On the 15th day of the sixth month, the Evil Monarch's reign will be established; the sovereign will descend, uniting the pugilistic world!     

The Evil Monarch's faction establishment?     

Jun Moxie furrowed his brows. In just an instant, he could already understand the situation!     

This was undoubtedly Mei Xueyan's work!     

In this world, the person who could be said to understand Jun Moxie the most, was Mei Xueyan!     

From the looks of it, Mei Xueyan must have already managed to raise the strength of everyone in Heavenly Punishment to a suitably high level after she brought the Spirit Vein fragments back. Furthermore, she should have also ensured that the Jun Family's strength had reached a level where they could deal with any changes! If they still remained quiet like that and continued to stay in the shadows, it would be too much of a waste of heavenly treasures…     

The most important thing was that it was now the crucial time when the War for Seizing the Heavens was about to happen. Announcing the establishment of their own faction at this timing was the most advantageous. The three Holy Lands would have to suffer humiliation, but would not dare to do anything, even needing to take extra effort to butter up to the Jun Family.     

There was another reason: Jun Moxie was assumed to be in the Misty Illusory Manor right now. With the strength of the Misty Illusory Manor, how could their information network be lacking? How would they not suspect Jun Moxie's identity? How could they not investigate?     

If the Evil Monarch suddenly came up with such a high profile event at this point, no matter how many suspicions there were about Jun Moxie's identity in the Misty Illusory Manor, they should not suspect that Mo Junye would actually be Jun Moxie!     

Apart from Jun Moxie, no one else would have those same miraculous abilities like him…     

Since the Evil Monarch was still in the Mystic Mystic Continent and was announcing his establishment of a faction in such a high-key way, how would he appear in the Misty Illusory Manor?     

This would be the biggest cover for Jun Moxie's infiltration mission!     

In the entire Heavenly Punishment Forest, only Mei Xueyan had enough power even among the entire Jun Family to make such a decision on Jun Moxie's behalf!     

On top of that, Mei Xueyan was the only person who understood the pride in Jun Moxie's heart better than anyone else!     

When they retreated into Heavenly Punishment back then, it was because the Jun Family had been in danger of being hunted down by the three Holy Lands. It was a move done out of desperation and after being pushed into a corner! If Jun Moxie was expected to carry this shame all his life, it was impossible!     

Jun Moxie might have been able to accept living under the protection of others for a moment, but he would not be able to endure a life of hiding in another's arms! The moment the situation in Heavenly Punishment Forest became inverted, and they expected the Jun Family to be part of Heavenly Punishment, that would be the day that their relationship would break down!     

Because it was inevitable that Jun Moxie would one day start his own faction and become independent!     

As a woman of the Jun Family and the number one Beast King of Heavenly Punishment, Mei Xueyan had also been deliberating over this matter for a long time. But in the end, she still made her decision!     

After discussing extensively with the eight great Beast King seniors, Mei Xueyan decided to establish the Evil Monarch Manor! And also put the entirety Heavenly Punishment as part of the Evil Monarch Manor's power!     

In other words, everything would belong to the Evil Monarch as the Lord!     

That way, the new power will no longer be under the lead of the 'Jun Family', but under Jun Moxie! This decision was the best method to avoid any conflicts!     

Because the revival of Heavenly Punishment and the Mystic Beasts of Heavenly Punishment had been the work of Jun Moxie alone!     

Heavenly Punishment's millions would depend on the success or failure of one person!     

Those words were indeed the truth!     

For Jun Moxie to be called the savior of Heavenly Punishment Forest was fully deserving!     

But this decision could only be made by Mei Xueyan alone. Only her could do this!     

No one else could, including Jun Moxie!     

If it were Jun Moxie himself who proposed this, regardless of his original intentions, he would still be viewed as being ungrateful! Even if he did not request for Heavenly Punishment Forest's support in his new faction, the Mystic Beasts of Heavenly Punishment would still see him as a person who wanted to separate from them…     

The only person suitable enough to do this was Mei Xueyan!     

Thus, Mei Xueyan chose this time to announce the establishment of the Evil Monarch Manor. From the looks of things, even Jun Moxie himself did not know about this. However, this was a good thing for all sides! If Jun Moxie knew about it in advance, no matter what kind of reaction he gave, it would not be good…     

But since everything had already been decided and the news had been announced to the entire continent, and the Jun Family and Heavenly Punishment were also going to merge into one entity, there naturally needed to be a big enough ceremony!     

As such, the entire matter had developed like this! Especially after Fatty Tang had heard about the matter and used his wealth to further boost this event up! Just like that, the matter of the establishment of the Evil Monarch Manor grew more and more dramatic, creating a storm throughout the entire continent!     

Right now, even though the Evil Monarch Manor had not been established yet, its reputation and momentum was already unrivaled, to the point where it was even more exaggerated than the three Holy Lands!     

The most ridiculous thing was that all this had been a result of a decision made at the last minute!     

Right now, Jun Moxie's heart was filled with all kinds of conflicting emotions!     

Who would have thought that before he knew it, he had become the Lord of one of the five strongest factions in this world! Furthermore, it was even one of the strongest one!     

Heavenly Punishment might still lack some true top tier experts like Saint Venerables and above…     

However, their foundations were definitely the firmest! With a pill refining monster like Jun Moxie, he was confident that he would definitely be able to create the most powerful Saint Venerable army in a short time!     

Jun Moxie sighed heavily. He could feel all the efforts that Mei Xueyan had put in for him!     

Mei Xueyan could be said to have given up all her power and thrown away everything for him! She had even considered the finest details of his feelings.     

To be able to find a person who truly understood every part of him, and go so far as to give up all she had for him… what else could he ask for in this life?     

In that moment, even the killing intent in Jun Moxie's heart had disappeared, and he no longer wished to kill Sima Shang! Because right then, he could only feel a content and touching emotion!     

"Fine then, taking into consideration of the Evil Monarch Manor's grand establishment, I will give you some face. You just said that it is easy to kill, but one should not go overboard when the purpose had been achieved, right? Fine then, you can kneel properly and kowtow nine times to my wife here, and admit your wrongs nine times. After that, you can scram." Jun Moxie raised his hand and casually threw the Red Copper Invitation Letter onto the table, causing it to be deeply embedded into the table, such that it was flushed perfectly with the surface.     

"I was wrong?" Seeing that his threat had worked, Sima Shang instead grew bolder. "Now that you've offended the Evil Monarch, you still want me to kowtow?! If you let me go now, that would be the end of it. If not, hm hm…"     

Waving his hands he said. "Even if you killed me to silence me, all of these people here are also going forth to congratulate Lord Jun. If Lord Jun finds out that you'd not only made things difficult for his guest, and even took their life, what do you think the result will be!? Your strength may be great, but are you stronger than the three Holy Lands?"     

Sima Shang's goals had been lowered greatly by now. He could clearly tell that this person in front of him was someone he couldn't offend at any cost. He didn't dare to covet after the beauty anymore and only wished to retreat safely. But this place was still his old nest, and if he really kowtowed towards a young girl, begging for forgiveness, he would really lose all his face and standing in society…     

"Pu…" The stone-faced Snake Queen finally could not bear it and burst out laughing. This matter was simply too amusing. "This Lord Sima, do you know what a fortunate thing it is for you to be able to keep your life today? To actually still want to keep your face as well? I originally didn't want to say anything at all, but you're simply…"     

Sima Shang hardened his scalp and said stubbornly. "No matter who it is, they definitely need to give old man Evil Monarch some face! Although your cultivations are high, but… in the eyes of the Evil Monarch, you're still nothing!"     

With these words, the killing intent in Jun Moxie's heart which had dissipated began to rise up again!     

In this world, just how many people were similarly using his name as a flag to bully the weak?     

I did not kill those people, but those people died because of me! If I do not remove such plagues, how will I be able to set my mind at ease!     

"HAHA… what a ludicrous joke!" Jun Moxie raised his head to the sky and laughed as his killing intent burst out again. Sneering icily, he said, "To dare threaten this Seat and this Seat's woman with my own name? Sima Shang, your dogsh*t guts are truly amazing ah…"     

As he said that, he'd already stretched one hand out and gripped onto Sima Shang's right shoulder. With a light squeeze, a terrifying sound of bones popping and shattering rang out. With just that light squeeze, a large part of Sima Shang's bones on his right side had already been crushed!     

However, this level of pain was actually unable to hide the shock and disbelief in his heart!     

Sima Shang's eyes widened and nearly popped out of his eye sockets!     

To dare threaten this Seat and this Seat's woman with my own name?!     

What was the meaning of those words…     

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