Otherworldly Evil Monarch



Especially those families that were subordinate to the three Holy Lands. They were even thinking in their hearts how they should work with the three Holy Lands to thoroughly destroy the Evil Monarch Manor after the War for Seizing the Heavens and plunder their wealth. This amount of wealth was truly too tempting…     

As for those whatever laws of the Evil Monarch Manor… who would place them in their hearts?     

Unfortunately, none of them would have dreamt that this thing that they considered as inconsequential would result in extremely serious consequences…     

"Everyone, please enjoy yourselves." Jun Moxie said in a graceful manner. "This Seat will not be accompanying everyone."     

"Wait a moment, Manor Lord Jun. We truly have some matters to discuss with you this time." Xi Ruochen said.     

"After today, everyone can stay for a few more days. If there isn't anything important, we can discuss after that. Today is a happy occasion for my Evil Monarch Manor, and we will not be discussing business." Jun Moxie looked meaningfully at the people from the three Holy Lands and the Misty Illusory Manor with a faint smile. "This Seat won't let everyone return empty handed."     

This was a hint.     

But it was enough to let these large figures feel more at ease.     

Jun Moxie clasped his hands behind his back and left. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.     

Countless servants surged over from all directions, and magnificent food and wine was served like a never-ending tide…     

Solitary Eagle, Jun Wuyi, and the others went from table to table to interact with the guests, and the atmosphere was exceedingly boisterous.     

It was impossible even if one didn't wish for the event to be lively. Not to mention those people who were originally already closer to the Evil Monarch Manor, everyone had reaped a huge profit this time. Not only had they made some connections with the Evil Monarch Manor, they had even received several expensive gifts. Not mentioning the other stuff; just the wine they were served here was something that could not be found in the market! It was an exceedingly rare treasure, and them being able to drink this wine to their heart's content this time was already considered more than enough to make their trip worthwhile.     

Those who chose to maintain their neutrality or were slightly disdainful of Jun Moxie's overbearing methods or were even more inclined towards the three Holy Lands' sides, also did not display any signs of dissatisfaction. It wasn't that they didn't want to; they simply didn't dare! Not mentioning the Evil Monarch who would kill whenever he heard any dissenting opinion, just the few people serving them wine were all either Saint Emperors or Saint Venerables. What kind of existences were those? With just a snap of the finger, they could easily take away their puny lives. How much face were they giving them to serve them wine? If they didn't quickly accept the gesture, wouldn't they be seeking their own deaths?!     

While the heroes of the pugilistic world were laughing and downing cups of wine below, the girls were also talking animatedly upstairs.     

After a moment of interaction, they had turned from unfamiliar to being comfortable with each other. And now, they were directly talking like sisters.     

"Elder sister Mei, Elder sister Guan… little sister Xiaoyi… why are your expressions so strange? What's wrong with you all!" Miao Xiaomiao looked at the few sisters whom she had just made and asked in a confused manner. These sisters were not only exceptionally beautiful, their temperaments were good as well. It was as if they had known each other for a long time, and they were able to talk comfortably with each other right from the start. She could somehow feel that these sisters were treating her with utter sincerity.     

This was something that shouldn't make any sense. She was someone from the Misty Illusory Manor, and at least in name, they were closer to the three Holy Lands. Yet, they had been so warm and open with her when they had just met! This was really too strange.     

Dugu Xiaoyi was young and straightforward, so it was fine. But Mei Xueyan was the Queen of Heavenly Punishment. What kind of character was that? Apart from that, there was also Qiao Ying, a person who belonged to the Holy Lands, right here as well! Yet, they had still been able to speak and act so closely to them.     

But at this moment, when they heard the 'Evil Monarch' speaking below, all of them had weird expressions on their faces. Just what was going on?     

Although those words that the Evil Monarch said did not sound very nice and were even exceedingly overbearing, it was only to be expected that they needed to display a strong stance for the opening of the manor. Although those words were a little too domineering, since he had the strength to back his words up, there was nothing to grumble about. In this world where the stronger fist had more reason, it was not wrong for him to behave like that.     

After all, if the Evil Monarch had not suppressed the dissenting voice at the 'first moment', the situation would have devolved into a tragic end.     

This was the so-called 'killing a chicken to scare the monkeys' tactic. Although this move by the Evil Monarch seemed cruel and was even quite insane, it was actually the best solution in that moment! Miao Xiaomiao in fact believed that if no one stood out just now, the Evil Monarch would have still found a way to make someone stand up and allow him to establish his might!     

This was something that he absolutely had to do!     

But why were Elder sister Mei and the others' expressions like that? Even if the others were soft hearted because they were girls and disliked the killing and fighting, but Mei Xueyan was a Queen of Heavenly Punishment! She shouldn't have such a reaction, right?     

"Little sister has misunderstood. We're not like this because he killed someone to establish his might…" Mei Xueyan smiled somewhat helplessly as she thought to herself. Would you know how Moxie is normally?     

Yea, although you may know one side of him, you don't know that this fellow is exactly your Mo Junye. This fellow can impersonate even a dragon or a tiger, and there's no way of telling for sure…     

"I didn't expect that big brother Moxie could actually speak in such an intimidating manner, how surprising, ah!" Dugu Xiaoyi exclaimed with a strange expression on her face. "He's really good at playing hooligan. If I knew there were such a fun thing, I would have gone to join in the fun."     

Miao Xiaomiao pursed her lips speechlessly. As expected, people of the same family were really similar.     

Just at this time, Qiao Ying, who had been sitting at the door, suddenly sat up straight and her eyes turned sharp! Her originally calm and graceful face also changed in an instant!     

Miao Xiaomiao also felt something and raised her head.     

A person had suddenly appeared in front of the empty doorway.     

The moment this person appeared, even a girl like Miao Xiaomiao could not help but to widen her eyes!     

This person had flowing black hair like a cloud, and a simple golden hair crown on his head to pin down his hair. His brows were as sharp as swords, and his eyes were like a pair of stars. His sharp nose and slightly thin lips betoken a boldness of character, giving others a sense of decisiveness. His facial shape was perfect in symmetry.     

He was tall with well-toned muscles. And just like that, he walked in slowly.     

Every step he took carried a natural and light feeling, and just looking at him, one would feel an exceedingly fresh feeling, as if they were looking at a clear brook and a refreshing gust of wind!     

But from his gaze, one could detect a kind of callousness and pride that came from his very soul!     

That gleam in his eyes even carried a kind of evil that looked disdainfully upon the entire world…     

This was a kind of evilness that would pull out a sword at the slightest offense, pointing it even towards the heavens!     

In practically the instant that she laid eyes on him, Miao Xiaomiao was able to determine who this person was!     

The Evil Monarch! Jun Moxie!     

In the entire world, no one else apart from this young man would be worth the title: Evil Monarch!     

The moment she saw him, those two words that could shock the entire heavens instantly rose in her heart!     

The title "Evil Monarch" was perfectly suited to this person!     

Although she hadn't seen him speak, or seen him in action, that extraordinary bearings around him already perfectly accentuated those two words!     

All evils of this world hail me as King!     

Well-deserved reputation as expected!     

And in the instant that she saw him, a rage began to rise in Miao Xiaomiao's heart! A rage towards the three Holy Lands!     

This person before her was clearly as pure in character as a flower, as proud and aloof like a cloud, and as free and unconstrained as the autumn wind that blows through the woods. When this person acted, he would certainly strike with the force of lightning as well!     

How could such an outstanding person possibly be the 'lustful and perverted, despicable, shameless tyrant' and scum of the earth that Mo Wudao talked about?     

Miao Xiaomiao firmly believed that the matters which Mo Wudao had mentioned had nothing to do with this person in front of her at all! With this person's bearings, it was simply impossible for this person to do such despicable things!     

Then, the only explanation was that all of that had been an evil scheme by the three Holy Lands!     

The mighty three Holy Lands actually stooped so low to besmear a person's name?     

They were truly disgracing their status as a peak power of Mystic Mystic Continent and the honor of the three Holy Lands…     

Not mentioning the other stuff, but just looking at this roomful of absolute beauties, was there a reason for him to harass common girls in a shameless way?     

Based on what her mother had told her about the differences between women, she could tell that apart from Guan Qinghan, the others were surprisingly still pure! What kind of a pure and steadfast heart must one have to so many beauties around him and still retain his self-control?     

That Mo Wudao is truly too horrible!     

There was another thing: when Miao Xiaomiao fist saw Jun Moxie, she didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a sense of intimacy with him, as if she knew him very well! This kind of feeling was extremely strong, to the point where even Miao Xiaomiao herself felt bewildered, and… anxious?     


Why do I feel so close to him?     

Why did something so impossible happen?     

The one I like, is Junye! And only Junye!     

How could I feel this way… no, what am I even thinking? I'm not supposed to have these thoughts…     

The moment this thought appeared, the image of Mo Junye appeared in her mind again. However, that image was directly crushed by her impression of Young Master Jun!     

"The two ladies are indeed exquisite beauties of a generation! I was almost stunned after seeing this sight." Jun Moxie smiled lightly and praised as he looked at Qiao Ying and Miao Xiaomiao. When he saw the look in Miao Xiaomiao's eyes, there seemed to be a hint of affection in her eyes.     

"Nice to meet you, Manor Lord Jun." Miao Xiaomiao hurriedly stood up and greeted.     

Although this person before her was young to an unbelievable point, his status was enough to be on the same standing as her grandfather Miao Jingyun! How could Miao Xiaomiao dare to be tardy in her greeting?     

But at the same time, she felt a little confused in her heart. Why does this person have a strange look in his eyes when he talked to me?     

"Jun Moxie, how is my Exquisite Lotus now?" Qiao Ying looked at him and asked without any politeness.     

"Exquisite Lotus? Ah, oh oh…" Jun Moxie raised his brows and smiled. "I'm ashamed…"     

"What happened?" Qiao Ying widened her eyes and stood up quickly as concern filled her eyes. Could it be… he'd already caused the Exquisite Lotus to die?     

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