Otherworldly Evil Monarch

You're So Cruel!

You're So Cruel!

The couplet of 'Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces' may have been circulated out from the Misty Illusory Manor, but 'thunder as the battle drums, lightning as the flags, who dares to battle' was what Mo Junye had said when the two of them were going through the Heavenly Tribulation. Only the two of them knows it. But Jun Moxie had recited it now!     

How did he know?     

Could it be that he…     

"Silly lass, you still couldn't recognize me even until now?" Jun Moxie smiled helplessly. "Am I really that hard to recognize?" Then, he rubbed his face a couple of times in front of Miao Xiaomiao. Slowly, his handsome appearance faded away and a plain, ordinary face appeared before Miao Xiaomiao…     

Mo Junye…     

Miao Xiaomiao widened her eyes as she stumbled back, panic in her eyes. "You… you are Junye?"     

Jun Moxie chuckled bitterly and nodded his head as he replied softly. "Xiaomiao, it's me."     

Miao Xiaomiao's body trembled as she fell to the ground… she fainted…     

Jun Moxie quickly caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.     

After a while, Miao Xiaomiao regained consciousness, but there was still a confused look in her eyes, as if she were in a dream. Suddenly seeing Mu Junye's face before hers, she began to cry out. "Junye, did you know? I had a nightmare just now; I dreamt that that Evil Monarch was lusting after me, and said things that only you and I know about! And not only that, he even turned into your appearance, I'm so scared, I am very scared…"     

Jun Moxie let out a soft sigh and said gently. "Silly lass… You're not dreaming; it is all real."     

"It's real? It's real? It's real?…" Miao Xiaomiao looked at her lover with a dazed look in her eyes. Suddenly, she struggled out from his arms and slowly took a look at the surroundings. A look of confusion and daze on her face…     

She turned around and looked at the Jun Moxie who was still wearing Mo Junye's face, staring intently at his face. She gritted her teeth and said, "Junye… You tell me, tell me this isn't real! Tell me!"     

Jun Moxie closed his eyes in anguish and replied, "Xiaomiao, this is reality, this is real. I have always been Jun Moxie! Mo Junye is just one of my identities, a person who does not exist…"     

"No! It's not true! This is not real; this is impossible! You're lying to me! You're telling such lies so that you can get me! I will not believe you! I refuse to believe it…"     

Miao Xiaomiao cried mournfully, staring at Jun Moxie, but she was slowly backing away as she shook her head agitatedly. Even so, her eyes betrayed her as tears began to well up in them…     

The truth is cruel, but it is always the truth!     

Suddenly, Miao Xiaomiao bumped into a chair behind her. With a bang, she fell onto the ground along with it.     

With Miao Xiaomiao's Venerable cultivation, even if it were a cliff or a deadly trap behind her, it may not make her fall. But she had fallen in such a pathetic manner. It was obvious that her mind and heart were already in a frenzy.     

"Xiaomiao…" Jun Moxie reached his hand out in hopes of pulling her back up.     

"Don't touch me! You evil person!You're not allowed to touch me…" Miao Xiaomiao screamed with her might as she stubbornly picked herself off the ground. But her tears continued to fall like pearls as her petite body continued to tremble.     

"You… You… are Mo Junye? Mo Junye… is Jun Moxie? Jun Moxie is my Mo Junye?" Miao Xiaomiao laughed bleakly as she looked at Jun Moxie, a trace of blood appearing at the corner of her lips.     

That flash of red completely shocked Jun Moxie!     

"Yes, Xiaomiao, I did not intend to lie to you… I… really am Mo Junye… I…" Jun Moxie tried to explain himself. He had already prepared himself mentally for this, but he had not imagined Miao Xiaomiao's reaction to be this great, to be this intense.     

"Shut up!" Miao Xiaomiao yelled angrily. "You still… don't wish to lie to me? Hahaha…"     

She laughed bleakly. "You didn't intend to lie to me? How were you planning to lie to me? You've already cheated me of everything; your lies have taken everything… I have nothing left!"     

Miao Xiaomiao's body quaked violently as she cried out with all her might. "Everything I've had has all taken away by your lies, did you really not know that?! Were you truly unaware? What else do you want to cheat from me?! I have nothing left! But, that's good… I no longer have anything… which means I do not have to fear you trying to cheat me of anything anymore…"     

Jun Moxie suddenly felt as if his heart was being ripped apart, but he had nothing to say for himself.     

"Junye… No! Jun Moxie, did you know, how blissful I am before this?" Miao Xiaomiao's tears flowed along her cheeks, along her lips and slowly dripped onto the ground.     

But she did not bother wiping it away, just letting it flow and mix with the blood on her mouth as they fall onto the ground…     

"My Junye… he is not powerful and looks ordinary, but he is the only person that I, Miao Xiaomiao, acknowledge!" Miao Xiaomiao said sorrowfully. "He is the person I love the most! Did you know that? Did you know? I was naive enough to think that he was also the person who loved me most. Turns out I was wrong. This was all a scam! It was a scam from head to tail!     

"Did you know how proud I was of him? How content I was? It was my greatest bliss to have Junye!" Miao Xiaomiao lamented, a desolate look of happiness on her face. "Junye told me that he already had a wife, but I didn't mind that—I can be a concubine for his sake! As long as I can be with Junye, I do not mind anything!     

"Junye is gentle and has outstanding knowledge. The moment he appeared in the Misty Illusory Manor, he created the greatest storm with the weakest cultivation! He is my pride! I… I am Mo Junye's wife! I am his woman! Even if he is of lowly status, I am willing!     

"The Heavens are our blanket, and the Earth is our bed; the wind are the delicacies, and the rain is our wine; the clouds are our wedding decoration, and the mist our witness; the thunder shall be our betrothal gifts, and the lightning the matchmaker! I, Miao Xiaomiao, exchanged vows!" Miao Xiaomiao chuckled desolately. "I presented my body, my feelings, my soul, my everything to the person I love the most!     

"If there is Mo Junye, Miao Xiaomiao is just an empty shell!" Miao Xiaomiao's face and voice suddenly turned expressionless. "And today, you are telling me that, Mo Junye has never existed in this world…"     

"Everything was made up. They had never existed. The Free and Natural Physique is imaginary, Mo Junye is imaginary…" Miao Xiaomiao said sorrowfully. "Jun Moxie, how can you be this cruel… you've destroyed my dreams! You've destroyed my everything! You're so cruel!     

"Why must you do this to me! Since you've already lied to me, why don't you continue lying to me? I would rather not know of it forever! Even if Junye doesn't return, he will forever exist in my heart! Why must you be this cruel! You must you expose this scam and destroy my hopes!     

"You're so cruel, you really are cruel!" Miao Xiaomiao said, as her voice slowly became weak.     

"Xiaomiao… The Mo Junye in the Misty Illusory Manor, aside from his identity being false, his knowledge, his brains, everything about him his real! That is another me! That is real, ah!" Jun Moxie said softly. "Today, I'm giving you the most genuine and real version of me, is it no good?"     

"Not good! I only love Mo Junye! It has always been Mo Junye! And not Jun Moxie!" Miao Xiaomiao looked at him tearfully. "It's you! You killed my Junye! It's you! Who had made my Junye disappear forever…"     

Miao Xiaomiao's beautifully sorrowful face suddenly turned to one that was filled with resentment. "Jun Moxie, Evil Monarch! Do you feel accomplished, toying with a woman like this? Watching a woman's hopes rise, fork out her feelings, virginity, devotion, loyalty and everything, then crushing it all with your own hands! Turning it all into powder! With a turn of your palms, you send this woman to eternal death! That sort of feeling of being in absolute control of everything, was it thrilling? Is it?"     

She walked forward, step by step, but she did not blink despite the tears in her eyes. A mournful expression on her face.     

"Enough! Xiaomiao, don't misunderstand my words. Can you calm down? Can you listen to my explanation?" Jun Moxie said in distress.     

"Explain? Fine, I'm waiting for your explanation! If the Evil Monarch wishes to speak, who dares to refuse?" Miao Xiaomiao glared at him. "Since you want to explain, I will listen to your explanation. But, before that, can you please stop insulting my Junye! Don't let the appearance of my most beloved person be hung on the face of a liar like you! Change it! Change it off!"     

Jun Moxie sighed and removed his disguise of Mo Junye and returned to his original appearance.     

Miao Xiaomiao stared at him, watched that face that belonged to Mo Junye slowly fade away from his face. She was so focused, watching so intently, so reluctant…     

But so utterly despairing!     

It was the immense despair of watching her lover leave with her own eyes, but she could do nothing about it!     

A hopeless despair!     

Along with the gradual disappearance of Mo Junye's face from Jun Moxie's face… her eyes also gradually lost their shine… and turned lifeless and empty…     

"Junye… don't go…" Miao Xiaomiao cried as she stepped forward, trembling. She stretched her hand out weakly towards Jun Moxie's face, her voice full of despair. And as she called out this name, it sounded more like the sound of her heart shattering…     

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