Otherworldly Evil Monarch

I Don't Owe You!

I Don't Owe You!

Jun Moxie was feeling completely drained of strength at this point.     

"What do you want me to do before you can accept this fact? Just say it! As long as you can say it, I will be able to do it! I will definitely do it!" Jun Moxie said in a low voice.     

"Really? Then, I want my Junye back! I want my husband back! That's the only thing that I want…" Miao Xiaomiao screamed with all her might. "Return Junye to me! Return me my heart! Return it to me! I want my Junye back, I want my husband back, I want my man back! I want to grow old with him, I want to bear children for him, I want to stay with him forever, never parting with him!!"     

Miao Xiaomiao cried and sobbed heavily. Suddenly rushing up, she grabbed Jun Moxie by the collar and roared in his face. "LIAR! Return my Junye to me now! Return me my happiness! Give it back to me, give it back to me!"     

She rained her little fists on him repeatedly as tears flowed endlessly down her face, carrying her pain and her despair.     

Jun Moxie stood there motionless, each blow feeling as if his heart was being cut by a thousand knives!     

Even for a person like him who'd lived two lives, he had never felt such a terrible feeling before.     

He finally understood now.     

Previously, he thought that he was Mo Junye, and Mo Junye was simply another part of his identity. As long as the two identities were merged back together, everything would be settled.     

But now, he knew that this was not true!     

Because the man that Miao Xiaomiao loved was Mo Junye, not Jun Moxie!     

It had never been him!     

Mo Junye and Jun Moxie were two completely different people!     

They had different personalities, different identities, different looks, and different bearings!     

The heart of a woman was just like that; since she already had a Mo Junye in her heart, she would naturally be unable to bear a Jun Moxie! To suddenly tell her that the two people were actually the same person…     

Perhaps it would be easy for outsiders to accept it, and some people would even find it to not be a big deal…     

But for the person involved, it was a completely different concept! Accepting Mo Junye was the equivalent of accepting Jun Moxie? No! That was not the same thing! That was like turning one's back on one's lover and go with another! Although putting it like that was somewhat overboard, it was undoubtedly the truth!     

If it were Mei Xueyan, Guan Qinghan, or the others, if someone told them that the Jun Moxie they loved had actually never existed, and the real person was actually Mo Junye, they would also be unable to accept it!     

Miao Xiaomiao was undoubtedly a very traditional girl. She was soft on the outside and hard on the inside. She could be as gentle as water and as fierce as fire at the same time!     

She definitely could not accept that her sacred love was actually stepped on like that!     

She was also unable to accept that the lover in her heart had transformed into a completely different person!     

Using a very unsuitable analogy, one could imagine that a girl was dating Wong Fei Hung, but she was suddenly told that she was marrying Jet Li… was that possible?     

Even though everyone on Earth knew that the character Wong Fei Hung was played by Jet Li.     

This was an impossible knot to loosen!     

Miao Xiaomiao cried pitifully, until her entire body was completely bereft of strength. Laying on the table, she passed out again… Even as she slept and dreamt, her body twitched from time to time and tears continued flowing from her eyes…     

To a frail and tender girl like her, this was a huge blow that she could not endure!     

Jun Moxie looked at Miao Xiaomiao sobbing in her sleep, and he only felt as if his heart was being torn apart piece by piece.     

A moment later, a sound came from the door, and Mei Xueyan walked in lightly. Looking at Jun Moxie, she shook her head lightly. "She… cannot accept it?"     

Jun Moxie nodded bitterly and sighed heavily.     

"Isn't this a trouble you caused!" Mei Xueyan sighed and looked at Miao Xiaomiao. "This is a good girl… you must not let her down…"     

Jun Moxie stood up slowly and shook his head in a troubled manner. "How am I trying to let her down? It's just… Xueyan, tell me… what should I do about this matter?"     

"Do what you have to do." Mei Xueyan rolled her eyes at him. "I just never imagined that even after so many things you'd done with her, it's still not enough to…" After saying that, she sighed heavily again.     

When Miao Xiaomiao first came here, Mei Xueyan had already discussed this matter with Guan Qinghan. The both of them placed themselves in Miao Xiaomiao's shoes and tried to imagine them in her position. But the more they thought about it, the more complicated this matter seemed. When they saw for themselves how much Miao Xiaomiao loved and protected Mo Junye, they felt even worse.     

This girl had obviously fallen so deeply in love with Jun Moxie's other identity that it was ingrained into her very bones…     

Thus, Mei Xueyan had gathered the other girls to put on a show where they were jealous of her, to make things difficult for Jun Moxie. They wanted Jun Moxie to showcase his talents, slowly reconciling the image of Mo Junye in her heart with his real identity…     

Dugu Xiaoyi was also there to put in subtle hints for her to pick up…     

It was better if Miao Xiaomiao could figure the situation out herself and slowly come to terms with it in her heart…     

If Miao Xiaomiao had even the slightest bit of suspicion that Mo Junye was possibly Jun Moxie…     

It might have been a bit easier for her to accept the situation when the truth was revealed. The girls would all join in and create a light atmosphere, hopefully easing her into the same mindset as them.     

But who would have thought that Miao Xiaomiao would have complete and utter trust in Mo Junye, to the point where did not hold even the slightest bit of suspicion in her heart? The show that the girls had taken such painstaking effort to put on had only achieved a bit of self-entertainment…     

In the end, it still came down to having Jun Moxie reveal the truth himself… in order to not let her feel awkward, Mei Xueyan had even chased Dugu Xiaoyi and the other curious little lasses far away, and under the supervision of Guan Qinghan.     

But seeing how things had turned out on this side, Mei Xueyan also felt somewhat helpless…     

This was simply too difficult!     

"I'm afraid this matter is extremely difficult to resolve! At least, it's very difficult for the time being!" Mei Xueyan looked gently at Miao Xiaomiao and sighed. "Right now, she already hates you to the bone! To use a more extreme example, her current situation would be like if we suddenly received news that you had been killed! It's completely impossible to accept and likely even more serious than that! After all, in that situation, we could still direct our hatred into revenge on your enemies! However, she doesn't even have a target to direct her hatred at.     

"You have destroyed her Junye and shattered the love in her heart! You are her greatest enemy! But although Jun Moxie is not Mo Junye, Mo Junye is ultimately still Jun Moxie! She cannot take revenge against the man that she loves the most and cannot even face the truth. If I were her, I would be at an utter loss as well. The only thing you can do now is to wait patiently. Only when she thinks things through on her own, can there be a way to resolve the problem. Give her a little more time… right now, anything you do will only have the opposite effect!"     

"But how long must I wait? I'm worried that she will fall into a coma again like the last time." Jun Moxie sighed.     

"If you only wait, it might be that nothing would change even if the heavens grow old and the earth passes away. If you don't wish to leave any regrets in your heart, you need to try your best to change her! From her deep love for Mo Junye, to a deep love for Jun Moxie! Letting your true identity completely eclipse your false identity!"     

Mei Xueyan turned her body away and said in a light voice. "This is a very long and difficult process! She is an extremely stubborn and strong girl, and to make her change her heart… is difficult! It is destined to be exceedingly difficult! But no matter how difficult it is, it remains your responsibility! A responsibility that you cannot avoid!     

"You must do it!" Mei Xueyan said heavily.     

"Yes! That is my responsibility to her! I have to do it! And I have to do it well!" Jun Moxie's eyes grew resolute.     

"Go on then, win this lass back right from the start again. If Mo Junye could do it, why can't the Evil Monarch do it? Don't forget, you have a huge advantage, that is… she's already your woman. This matter is difficult to sa, and difficult to do. However, there's still a surefire shortcut." Mei Xueyan's voice carried a hint of jealousy as she pouted.     

Miao Xiaomiao is already your woman, but I, the main wife in name, am still a complete virgin! Furthermore, I still have to help him think of ways to woo and obtain the heart of another woman…     

"What shortcut?" Jun Moxie asked anxiously.     

"How did a person who's so intelligent normally suddenly turn dumb in a moment like this? I've said just now that Mo Junye is Jun Moxie, but Jun Moxie is not Mo Junye. There's no need to ask her to change her heart that much, discarding Mo Junye away to jump into your arms. You just need to let her understand that the person who made an oath with her, was also you, Jun Moxie, and that the two of you were actually the same person! Do you still need me to make this kind of thing so clear for you?" Mei Xueyan snorted. "You should go and grasp this bit properly yourself."     

Jun Moxie cocked his head, seemingly having some thoughts of his own.     

"I'll take her to rest first; as for the Misty Illusory Manor's side, settle it yourself!" Mei Xueyan rolled her eyes unkindly at him.     

Young Master Jun seemed to have suddenly grown clever as he chuckled. "Xueyan, are you unhappy in your heart? Seeing her already doing… that with me, while you haven't done… that… keke. If you weren't so conservative and agreed earlier, wouldn't we have already done this and that long ago? Perhaps right now… we might even have… that already… as well…"     

This fellow was truly strange; he didn't know how to handle Miao Xiaomiao and Dugu Xiaoyi, but towards the one that was supposedly the hardest to handle, Mei Xueyan, he had all kinds of skills…     

"Scram! What nonsense are you talking about! This and that… aren't you worried about little sister Miao anymore?" Mei Xueyan's face instantly turned completely red.     

From the looks of it, Young Master Jun was only trying to look for some joy in the midst of bitterness. Shrinking his head back, he sighed.     

Mei Xueyan carried Miao Xiaomiao up gently and suddenly gasped. "This lass is truly… staunch with moral integrity! This… why is she so hard on herself? Although it is true that Jun Moxie is not Mo Junye, Mo Junye is still Jun Moxie! Is there a need to be so stubborn…"     

Jun Wuyi turned around with shock and saw that there was a large pool of blood on the table where Miao Xiaomiao had laid on. This was definitely not blood that was spat out unconsciously due to pain, but a violent expulsion of blood using her Mystic Qi!     

Mei Xueyan sighed and carried Miao Xiaomiao up, only to hear her mumbling in her sleep. "I only want my Junye, I don't want you, I don't owe you anything… the Exquisite Lotus that you've given me, I'll spit it out!… I don't owe you anything…"     

This girl was unyielding to such an extent!     

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