Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Throughout History, He is Number One!

Throughout History, He is Number One!

When she opened her eyes and saw Mei Xueyan sitting beside her, Miao Xiaomiao suddenly felt a wave of panic. Even she did not know where that panic came from.     

She only knew that she did not dare to face her own feelings and was somewhat guilty in her heart.     

"Do you feel better now?" Mei Xueyan asked with a slight smile as she sat down on the side of the bed.     

Miao Xiaomiao nodded dully in response.     

"Ai, why do you have to make it so hard for yourself!?" Mei Xueyan sighed lightly.     

Miao Xiaomiao gritted her teeth, forcefully holding back the tears in her eyes as she turned her head away stubbornly, burying her face into the pillow.     

"Truthfully, Moxie never wanted to have any emotional entanglements with you." Mei Xueyan said lightly. "You are no doubt an exceptionally outstanding girl, with rare beauty and talent, as well as extraordinary cultivation foundations. The background of your family is also powerful. All these are things to be proud of, and we acknowledge it as well…     

"But think about it seriously yourself; do you really have what it takes to let a Saint Venerable expert, a person who stands at the very peak of the entire Mystic Mystic Continent, to be so infatuated with you as to lose himself?!"     

The moment Mei Xueyan opened her mouth, it was another huge blow to her face.     

Miao Xiaomiao initially thought that she had come here to comfort her or even to put in some good words for that Evil Monarch. But after hearing this, she was stunned and could not react for the time being.     

Although Mei Xueyan's words were not good to hear and were very sharp to the ears, even carrying a hint of jealousy, it was undoubtedly the truth!     

It was true that she didn't have those qualifications… Or rather, there weren't any girls in the world who had those kinds of qualifications!     

"Moxie had never lacked women! And so, he would not have any fanciful ideas towards you at all; at least, not to the point where he would resort to cheating you of your feelings!"     

Mei Xueyan continued calmly. "Not mentioning the other things, even during the time Moxie's reputation was bad, when he carried the name of the number one debauchee of the city, if Old Master Jun so much as put out a single sentence, all the thousands of families in Heavenly Scent would not hesitate to try to push their daughters into the Jun Residence, delivering them into Moxie's bed!     

"Those girls might not have talent or families comparable to yours, but in terms of looks, they definitely wouldn't be far inferior to you!     

"To Jun Moxie, your background holds absolutely no meaning at all. When Heavenly Punishment was on the verge of destruction back then and the three Holy Lands were pressuring Moxie for his pills, I'm sure that as long as Moxie was willing to give even an inch, the three Holy Lands would definitely turn from foes to friends with the Jun Family. And the Jun Family would become esteemed patrons of the three Holy Lands. And all he needed to give up for that was just a mere girl.     

"At that time, Moxie was only a Heaven Mystic level cultivator! Try to think about it, how difficult was it to go against the three Holy Lands with that frail strength? But he hadn't even thought about giving up at all, directly throwing away the chance to resolve the enmity with the three Holy Lands in order to help me and weather the countless life and death difficulties with me!"     

Mei Xueyan sighed lightly and continued. "It should be hard for you to understand or even imagine what the pressure and terror a youngster with only Heaven Mystic cultivation had to face, going against the most powerful forces of the continent at that time, against Venerable experts, Saints, and Saint Emperors. And it was not just one or two enemies—it's an entire group of legendary experts!"     

Miao Xiaomiao felt herself being drawn into deep thought by Mei Xueyan's words.     

She had to admit that the choices Jun Moxie had made on this path of his were all considered extremely insane and inconceivable to normal people and people similar to his strength!     

If any of those matters had been left up to a normal person to do, they would not be able to do it as decisively as Jun Moxie!     

Just how big was that kind of pressure? It was difficult to even imagine it.     

Truthfully, she had also experienced that kind of terrifying pressure that bordered on desperation. Back when she thought that Mo Junye had almost been assassinated by the experts of the Zhan Family, and she jumped out forcefully to face six Venerable experts. In the instant that the revelation of her identity had proved futile to resolve the situation, she had felt exactly that way.     

Fortunately, that fiendish sword had appeared, executing the six enemies and saving the two of them. The crisis had been averted, but it had been an unforgettable experience for her. Even as she thought back to that moment, she knew that she was clear about the results of exposing herself, that she would most likely die together with him. But like Jun Moxie, she had still not hesitated to do that all because of a person she loved…     

Eh, why am I thinking about that bad fellow again…     

"That year, even with just the strength of Earth Mystic or Heaven Mystic, he had not been concerned about offending the three Holy Lands. Now, Moxie has established the Evil Monarch Manor by himself and unified the entirety Heavenly Punishment Forest as well! There are thousands of Saints and Saint Emperor experts under him, while Venerable level experts can be counted in the tens of thousand! As for Spirit Mystic experts, they are in the millions!"     

Mei Xueyan's voice was filled with pride. "Do you think that he cares that much about a single Misty Illusory Manor? Do you think that he would deliver himself right into the hands of the Misty Illusory Manor just to cheat you of your feelings? How is that possible? It's completely ludicrous!"     

Miao Xiaomiao raised her head slowly and looked quietly at Mei Xueyan.     

At this moment, Mei Xueyan's face was only filled with pride!     

This pride was not for herself, but for her man!     

Because Jun Moxie was truly worthy of being Mei Xueyan's pride!     

Pressure could also be a form of motivation. The so-called 'legends', were originally stories that could not be turned into reality. But those people who could overcome adversity and turn the impossible into reality were the true progenitors of living legends!     

"There are many extraordinary people in this torrential world; however, there is practically no one like Moxie. In just one short year, managing to beat back the number one and most tyrannical superpower of this world! From the ancient times to now, there is only my husband! This achievement is a legendary feat that surpasses any in the world, peerless without comparison!"     

Mei Xueyan's beautiful large eyes were filled with pride. "Mo Wudao cannot compare, Xi Ruochen, and Huyan Aobo also cannot compare with that! Little sister Xiaomiao, even your grandfather Miao Jingyun is far from being comparable to Moxie! Even the Nine Nether First Young Master who founded the entire Mystic Mystic Continent also pales in comparison!     

"His feats are without parallel in history and unsurpassable in the future! Only one man can achieve such greatness—only my husband, Jun Moxie!" Mei Xueyan said lightly. But her words actually carried an unquestionable certainty!     

"But… he had still deceived me! No matter how amazing he is, he still lied to me!" Miao Xiaomiao said weakly. Her voice was extremely soft, and if not for Mei Xueyan's high cultivation, she would not have managed to hear those last few words.     

"Did he really deceive you? No, he did not lie to you! From the very beginning, he had not lied to you at all! Do you think that you have the qualifications to be worth him spending the effort to deceive you?!"     

Mei Xueyan snorted lightly and continued. "The reason he went to the Misty Illusory Manor this time had been entirely for us sisters! For the sake of our future together! After defeating the combined army of the three Holy Lands, Moxie already had full confidence in protecting the safety of his women and no longer had to hold back as before!     

"That was why he started to consider matters of the future! As for the idea of using the Exquisite Lotus and Seven Colored Holy Fruits to maintain our youthful looks, it was me who told him about this method."     

Mei Xueyan raised her brows and asked, "Little sister Xiaomiao, let me ask you something; if Moxie proposed a marriage of alliance with the Misty Illusory Manor, at the time after he'd emerged victorious against the joint forces of the three Holy Lands, what do you think are the chances of the Misty Illusory Manor agreeing?"     

What are the chances?     

Miao Xiaomiao's heart shook, and she began to consider seriously. The more she thought, the paler her face turned. After a long time, she said slowly. "At the most conservative estimate, there should be a 30 percent chance of the agreeing! However, there are many girls in our Misty Illusory Manor, and it might not be my turn to be married out!"     

"Fine, let's assume that there's only a 30 percent chance, and the girl in question might not even necessarily be you…" Mei Xueyan smiled with a light smile. "But what if it was changed to now? Right now, Moxie has already established the Evil Monarch Manor, and we've already demonstrated our overwhelming strength. What do you think the chances are of a marriage alliance with the Misty Illusory Manor? And for the side of the Misty Illusory Manor, who do you think will be the candidate for being married of!?"     

Miao Xiaomiao's face had already turned as white as paper right now.     

After thinking for a long time, she lowered her head and said softly,"100 percent. It's a hundred percent, without any possibility of changes! And I would also be the only choice! Grandfather would never let anyone else have such a great opportunity and will definitely fight to obtain it!"     

Yes, that was the advantage of having power!     

The youngest Saint Venerable in history, the youngest overlord in history, and the number one talent in history!     

The Evil Monarch, Jun Moxie!     

Although Miao Xiaomiao resisted with all her might, she could not deny this. With all these elements added together, it was an irresistible might.     

Even though the Misty Illusory Manor was strong, they would never get into a large conflict with the Evil Monarch over a mere woman!     

If Jun Moxie really went forth to the Misty Illusory Manor to ask for a marriage alliance right now, the most likely outcome would be that the two sides would simply sit down for a lengthy discussion of benefits trading, and after that, she would be packaged up neatly and sent over to the Evil Monarch Manor.     

Even if a Mo Junye really existed, and even if Mo Junye was really a rare talent with the Free and Natural Physique, as long as Jun Moxie insisted on wanting her, not minding how far the relationship between Miao Xiaomiao and Mo Junye had developed to, then there would only be a tragic ending for the love story between Miao Xiaomiao and Mo Junye! In fact, if Mo Junye were not a rare talent with the Free and Natural Physique, he would most likely even be dragged off and killed, tying up all loose ends!     

At that time, even if she wanted to seek death, it would be impossible!     

Because the Misty Illusory Manor would definitely have people watching her around the clock, making sure that she did not do anything silly.     

That was not to say that the Misty Illusory Manor was afraid of the Evil Monarch Manor… It was simply that the two huge powers want to avoid any unnecessary conflict! If a war broke out between them, both sides would definitely suffer heavy casualties and loss of life! As long as Miao Xiaomiao was married off successfully, the two sides would instead have a strong alliance, prospering together!     

The main reason for such a conclusion was simply because this Evil Monarch, Jun Moxie, was a publicly acknowledged lunatic! This fellow was known to have no fears and regards for others at all. Even more terrifying was that the Evil Monarch Manor was completely ruled by Jun Moxie's word! Everything he said was the law there! If he said he was going to fight, then they would immediately start a fight. Nobody in the entire Evil Monarch Manor would oppose that decision!     

In contrast, the Misty Illusory Manor had their eight great families! Perhaps the Miao Family could dare to go to war for the sake of Miao Xiaomiao, but what about the other seven families? How would they be willing to suffer huge casualties for her? So, if Jun Moxie proposed a marriage, Miao Xiaomiao would have no choice but to be married off!     

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