Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Is That Thing... Really Painful?

Is That Thing... Really Painful?

Mei Xueyan continued in a soft voice. "We've gone through so much with Moxie, so would we not know what kind of person he is? He may seem like a vicious and evil person on the surface, but he is extremely genuine to the people around him. Especially those whom he has already acknowledged and accepted—he could be said to treat them extremely well.     

"If Miao Xiaomiao refuses to accept the truth and continues to trouble him like this, it would definitely affect Moxie's heart! So, while this method may seem overboard or even cruel… even unreasonable, we still have to do it! We must do it! Because Moxie does not only have us right now; he also has hundreds of millions of life in Heavenly Punishment and the Evil Monarch Manor to look after! Nothing must be allowed to happen to him! Even if it's the tiniest flaw in his heart, is enough to cause everything to collapse! We cannot be careless!"     

Mei Xueyan continued slowly. "Right now, the real problem is that this lass Miao Xiaomiao's temper is too stubborn. This has to do with her family background and her experiences. Her life had always been smooth sailing, with very few troubles. The only difficulty she had met so far the unexpected Mo Junye in her life. In addition, she is a perfectionist who constantly seeks to fulfill the ideal in her mind! In her eyes, only the things that are flawless are truly good. And because of that, she cannot accept nor condone any lies or imperfections in her relationship.     

"Dropping onto the reality onto her and making her come to terms with it quickly is the most important thing right now instead. Otherwise, if she continued creating a din like this for a long time and Moxie truly becomes annoyed, then there will be no way to save the situation anymore. Even if Miao Xiaomiao wants to turn back, she won't be able to. I was trying to help her by saying that… naturally, everything still depends on how Miao Xiaomiao thinks. But in the worst case scenario… rather than letting Moxie be the bad guy, I will do it in his stead!"     

Guan Qinghan also slowly nodded her head. "Elder sister Xueyan is right… looks like it'll be another troublesome matter for Elder sister this time! It was Moxie who created the trouble, but Elder sister has to clean up after him. This is truly…"     

Mei Xueyan swept her hair behind her ear and smiled lightly. This small action was filled with a breathtaking beauty that caused even Guan Qinghan to be completely stunned.     

"All of us are already his woman now, so it's only natural that we consider these things for him. He'd already done so much for us, so how can we not help him share his burdens? Previously, I spent so much effort to raise the strengths of all the sisters, precisely so that we could lend him a helping hand in the future. Even if we cannot be of help, we must at least not become a burden. Qinghan, apart from me, you are the eldest among all the sisters. I hope that you can help me watch them and take care of them. After all, how can it be so easy to be Jun Moxie's women!" Mei Xueyan said in a gentle voice.     

"En, I've finally understood Elder sister's efforts today. When the time is appropriate, I will tell the other girls about this as well and help them to improve their strengths further. As Elder sister said, how can it be so easy to be Jun Moxie's woman!" Guan Qinghan nodded.     

"En, Qinghan… I still have some matters to ask you…" Mei Xueyan asked in a low voice as she walked. Her voice suddenly became extremely soft, and she looked around furtively in a shy manner.     

"What is it? Elder sister, please ask away." Guan Qinghan was still filled with admiration for Mei Xueyan and did not notice her odd behaviour. The only thing she did not understand was what kinds of matter Mei Xueyan was interested in, to need to ask her.     

"I, I wanted to ask… I heard that a woman's… first time… will be very painful…" Mei Xueyan's face was red as she stammered. "Qinghan… you've already done that… with Moxie… So, what does it feel like? How much does it hurt? Also…"     

Guan Qinghan's ears instantly turned red, and she couldn't speak at all. How would she have expected that the graceful and elegant Mei Xueyan would suddenly ask her this kind of question? With a hoarse voice, she croaked, "Elder sister Mei, what are you saying… ah! I didn't hear anything!"     

"We're all family here and good sisters as well…" Mei Xueyan linked her arms around Guan Qinghan's arm and whispered directly into her ear. "Just tell me about it, what's the big deal about it? Besides, that lass Miao Xiaomiao is already one step before us, and among us sisters, you are the only one who had done that thing with that baddie before… I don't mind you laughing at me, but sometimes, even I admire you somewhat, I…"     

Guan Qinghan's face was so red that it looked as if blood was about to start spouting from her skin. Looking around sneakily, she whispered back. "Elder sister, you also knew that back then… that fellow had been under the effects of medication, and he did it for an entire night… I almost died because of it, so how would I remember how it felt like? Elder sister still said that you admire me…"     

Guan Qinghan was not lying. Among most girls, her first time was likely the most cruel and dangerous one, where she had truly almost lost her life. After that ordeal, she had been in extreme pain for half a month! So how would she remember any other feeling?     

"That's true as well, I remember that day when Xiaoyi drugged Moxie… Qian Xun and I were sitting atop a tree and we saw you entering the tent with our own eyes. After that, you were taken by that little fellow, and we truly didn't seem to see anything strange…"     

Mei Xueyan had not finished speaking, but Guan Qinghan was so embarrassed that she could not speak. The words that she'd just heard had given her a huge shock, as if the sky had fallen apart. "AH?! You and Qian Xun… had been sitting outside on a tree… and watching at that time?!"     

"That's right, we saw everything clearly. That little fellow was as wild as a ferocious beast… no, even a ferocious beast is not as crazed as him…" Mei Xueyan nodded and looked at Guan Qinghan in a teasing manner. "En, that was a really intense scene ah…"     

"Hngh…." Guan Qinghan made a strange sounding her throat and covered her face as she dug her feet into the ground.     

She originally thought that apart from Jun Moxie, no one else had witnessed the scene. Even Jun Moxie had not managed to remember anything because he was drugged. So in the end, this secret was only held by her alone. But never in her wildest dreams would she have expected that such a shameful scene had been witnessed by two people from start to end, and those two people were even her close sisters now…     

This was too embarrassing, she wouldn't have the face to see anyone now ah…     

Guan Qinghan crouched onto the ground, refusing to raise her head. Cackling lightly, Mei Xueyan asked, "Why? Are you shy?"     

What? You still dare to ask so much? Guan Qinghan was both embarrassed and angry. Jumping up suddenly, she charged at Mei Xueyan with all her might, her face red and her breath heavy.     

Mei Xueyan yelped and turned around to flee. There weren't any bearings of an expert on these two anymore now.     

The two supreme beauties ran and chased, passing through numerous halls in the blink of an eye. As they turned a corner, a person suddenly came into view in front of them. Who else was this if not Jun Moxie?     

"The two of you… what are you doing?" Young Master Jun asked in a mystified manner.     

What was this situation before his eyes? Guan Qinghan was chasing Mei Xueyan? My god, what is happening? These two were the most stable among all the girls with him. What happened to them today? Also, with Mei Xueyan's strength, she could defeat Guan Qinghan with a single puff of air! But right now, Mei Xueyan seemed to be begging for mercy, and Guan Qinghan was chasing her relentlessly…     

Young Master Jun was completely lost, unable to make heads or tails of the situation.     

"AH!" As she looked up and saw that it was Jun Moxie blocking the path, she shrieked aloud. For some reason, her face was as red as a flame, and lowering her head, she disappeared like a gust of wind. From the looks of it, she was running randomly without a sense of direction in her panic.     

That single glance she threw Jun Moxie was filled with all kinds of meanings, causing Jun Moxie's heart to suddenly blaze with fire, nearly making his nose start bleeding!     

What was Qinghan thinking for her eyes to be filled with such an enchanting, soul seducing look… Should I make a stealthy trip tonight? Jun Moxie's eyes turned somewhat green as he began to plot in his heart.     

"What's wrong with Qinghan?" Young Master Jun looked at Mei Xueyan carefully as he asked in a confused manner.     

"What's a man like you asking so much about a girl's problem? Why are you so nosy?" From the looks of it, Mei Xueyan was also somewhat embarrassed. Snorting lightly, she lectured him harshly and also disappeared with a whoosh sound.     

"Ah… what the f*ck? These two girls couldn't be discussing something x-rated, right? Perhaps, their were thinking about this Young Master! So it seems that this Young Master's market is still pretty good!" Young Master Jun rubbed his chin as an evil glint flashed in his eyes. Chuckling sneakily, all kinds of thoughts appeared in his mind…     

One had to say, this fellow's intuition was very accurate…     

"By the way, don't go and disturb Miao Xiaomiao for the time being. Let her think things through by herself for a moment. When she's done, everything will naturally fall into place. Remember, haste makes waste!" From the distance, Mei Xueyan poked her head out from around a corner and transmitted her voice.     

The words 'haste makes waste' instantly doused the rising flames in Jun Moxie's heart, and he immediately sank back into a troubled state. Sighing heavily, he turned around and left.     

The moon hung high above in the cloudless sky and its silver rays enveloped the entire Heavenly Punishment Forest, blending into the slightly misty air. From a distance, it looked like a scene right out of a fantasy world.     

Miao Xiaomiao stood alone at the window, looking silently up at the huge moon in the sky, her heart filled with thoughts that even she didn't understand.     

After knowing that this was Jun Moxie's room, for some reason, she had not resisted or asked to move out, remaining only in this strange state of mind…     

Apart from the almost imperceptible sounds of light snoring ringing out from all over the manor, the night was nearly completely quiet. The winds were blowing softly, and the clouds were few and drifted along lazily. The bright moon hung high in the sky, casting its soft rays upon the world…     

The ancient trees of Heavenly Punishment stood stably and the little branches swayed gently in the wind, without letting out any sounds. This was a truly beautiful and quiet night.     

But Miao Xiaomiao's heart was as turbulent as a fierce ocean, rising wave after wave. Before the rampart in her heart could be rebuilt, it was destroyed by the waves again…     

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