Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Heaven Reversal Pill

Heaven Reversal Pill

Everyone was speechless. Looking left and right, there were merely ten people. This was the strongest force of the world, the main fighting power against the Outsiders! Just such this small handful!     

Jun Moxie was going crazy. He tugged at his hair. "Come, come, dear big bosses, you guys teach me, eh? I beg you to teach me! How do we fight this war? With what? The f*ck, ah! Even if we can kill one with a single breath, we will all die from exhaustion even if we use up all our breaths! Millions… My f*cking God, millions! This daddy is too awesome! Too bloody awesome! Fighting millions with just one person alone! Oh my god! This daddy is literally a hero! An idol! The f*ck, how could I not realize I was this great, this powerful this awesome?!"     

Gu Han and the rest kept silent. The truth of the matter was such, so what could they do about it?     

"Millions ah…" Jun Moxie started to laugh, bitterly. "When I heard you guys talk about the War for Seizing the Heavens previously, I was always under the impression that both sides would send out a group of representatives, have a duel of swords at Mt. Hua, and victory or loss would decide everything. Everyone separates and goes back home and that's f*cking it. But I thought that a battle like this, both parties will send out some representatives for a fight, it would be no more than twenty or thirty of them."     

"Now then I learn that I suddenly have to face with millions…" Jun Moxie said, at a loss. "This is way f*cking more from what I expected…"     

Gu Han also began to chuckle bitterly. "Who told you that both parties only send dozens of people out to battle? The reason why the War for Seizing the Heavens is called the War for Seizing the Heavens is because of its large scale, and the brutality of the battle is unimaginable! The number of people partaking in the battle from both sides are, at minimum, in thousands! And they are all top experts. And for the sake of prevention, they nurture their talents that will take over, bringing all their disciples that have the greatest potential. Let them witness the War for Seizing the Heavens, so… every War for Seizing the Heavens, there are ten thousand people present altogether! How can it be a small battle between twenty to thirty people?"     

Jun Moxie looked at the sky gloomily, completely at a loss for words.     

"Besides… what is the duel of swords at Mt. Hua?" Gu Han asked curiously, stroking his beard.     

"The duel of sword at Mt. Hua… is when a few experts gather to vie for the title of the number one sword in the world. Mt. Hua is a very beautiful place, yeah, that's all…" Jun Moxie let out a depressed sigh. "Let's not talk about the duel of sword at Mt. Hua, let's talk about the War for Seizing the Heavens."     

Mei Xueyan let out a sigh and said apathetically: "What's there to talk about; we just battle to the best of our abilities, with a clear conscience, and that's good enough."     

A look of shame and guilt appeared on the faces of those from the Heaven Saint Palace. They knew about what the three Holy Lands did to Heavenly Punishment Forest, but they had never intervened to stop it.     

This was undoubtedly connivance!     

Which led to the three Holy Lands becoming more and more audacious and outrageous. Yet right now, the three Holy Lands had already been crippled, the Outsiders were invading, but they still had to rely on Heavenly Punishment Forest to deal with this crisis!     

What sort of feeling was this? Gu Han and the rest did not know. But they all felt embarrassed, guilty, and ashamed to show their face. All these old seniors turned red in the face, but they couldn't find the words to say.     

'Just battle to the best of our abilities, with a clear conscience, that's good enough' These was Mei Xueyan exact words. But how could they say that they had a clear conscience?     

After brooding over it, Gu Han let out a long sigh and said: "Venerable Mei… the three Holy Lands… have let you down!"     

After saying that, he couldn't help but feel his heart wrench. How could it be merely letting her down?     

If the three Holy Lands had not dealt with Mei Xueyan and Heavenly Punishment Forest, how could they offend Jun Moxie? Under their pushing, they finally provoked Jun Moxie, this super-malefic! Practically half of the three Holy Lands were ruined in this lad's hands!     

And… there was one more thing that Gu Han was unaware of. If they did not deal with Mei Xueyan, and did not offend Jun Moxie, Jun Moxie may not necessarily have advanced this quickly! It could be said that Jun Moxie's current advancement was induced by tremendous pressure from the three Holy Lands.     

Each time the three Holy Lands attacked, Jun Moxie advanced by a huge leap in his cultivation!     

If Jun Moxie did not advance this rapidly, then he naturally would not set his sights on the Exquisite Lotus and the Seven Colored Holy Fruit. Then he wouldn't enter the Misty Illusory Manor. As long as Jun Moxie did not enter the Misty Illusory Manor, the Zhan Family's schemes would not have been destroyed, and they would have very likely successfully altered the fortune of the Miao Family and monopolized the entire Misty Illusory Manor.     

Then Zhan Lunhui wouldn't have set his sights on the Nine Illusory Quicksand. And the three Holy Lands will not be destroyed!     

When looking from this angle, the conclusion was: because the three Holy Lands dealt with Mei Xueyan, the three Holy Lands was destroyed…     

This may sound absurd, but the truth of the matter… was such!     

"There's no need to bring up things that are in the past." Mei Xueyan gave an indifferent smile. "But after this battle, if we all perish, then everything will be over. But if we survive… then the three Holy Lands must give me an explanation."     

"Of course." Gu Han said seriously. Then he sighed. "After this battle, if we are defeated but survive, I do not have the face to continue existing in this world. Our chances of victory in this battle…"     

He chuckled bitterly and shook his head. "I'm afraid that the blackened name of a sinner… I'm definitely going to carry it."     

"Not necessarily!" Mei Xueyan said calmly. "We may not necessarily lose the battle this time!"     

"Ah? Why does Venerable Mei say this?" Gu Han thought Mei Xueyan had some good method, his couldn't help but brightened up. A hopeful look graced his face.     

Everyone else also had a fervent look in their eyes as they looked at Mei Xueyan. They waited patiently for her to speak, hoping that she would say something that would reverse the entire situation.     

"Because this time, Moxie is partaking in the battle!" Mei Xueyan said with great pride. At the same time, she looked at Jun Moxie with complete trust and bliss in her eyes.     

In this world, if there was one person who was most confident in Jun Moxie, then that person was definitely Mei Xueyan!     

Mei Xueyan was the only person who knew Jun Moxie's secret! Although Snake Queen Qian Xun had also been in Hongjun Pagoda, she only knew about this mysterious space.     

But Mei Xueyan was someone who cultivated the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune! She knew how miraculous this set of skills was! Even the most powerful and miraculous powers could not compare to The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune!     

Mei Xueyan's cultivation had yet to reach the third level, but she already had strength that was several ten-folds of her previous strength! And she had heard Jun Moxie share that there were nine levels to the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune in total! Every level would multiply the previous level's strength by several ten-folds! Mei Xueyan couldn't imagine what it would be like if she truly reached the ninth level!     

Mei Xueyan had witnessed how Jun Moxie refined pills in batches to create batches of experts! Like he was performing magic! Right now, he had even more miraculous pills on his hands!     

Especially the Heaven Reversal Pill, which was even more heaven-defying! It allowed all injuries to recover in an instant! It didn't consider the user's cultivation! No matter what sort of injuries were sustained, if they used the Heaven Reversal Pill, then they would be able to make a complete recovery!     

Currently, those who had departed from Heavenly Punishment and Evil Monarch Manor all had one in their hands!     

It could be imagined that if two people with the same level of cultivation fight till the death, and at the deciding moment when they both sustained severe injuries, one person brought out the Heaven Reversal Pill and used it… and recovered back to full strength… how would it end?     

So Mei Xueyan thought that although they had has the advantage in numbers, not all of them were experts! Whereas on their side, every single one of them were elite forces! And everyone had the equivalent of two lives!     

That's a terrible situation, ah.     

This battle may not necessarily be that pessimistic. At most, it'll just drag on for a longer period, that's all. With Jun Moxie around, victory will belong to the Continent sooner or later. This was what Mei Xueyan thought. She firmly believed in this.     

"Jun Moxie? He will be able to turn the entire outcome of the battle alone?" Gu Han turned around to look at Jun Moxie in disappointment and let out a sigh.     

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "We're pressed for time, so let's cut the idle chatting." Then two small bottles appeared in his hands with a turn of his wrists. "This is the Heaven Reversal Pill I have refined. No matter how severe the injury, it will be completely healed once you use it! I see that some of you have sustained injuries, just use one first."     

He paused for a while. "There is a total of one hundred Heaven Reversal Pill in these two jade bottles. The rest, you can all keep one on you. In case of emergencies!"     

"A single pill… can completely heal all injuries? And recover back to full strength?" Gu Han took the bottle and looked at it skeptically. A look of obvious distrust on his face. Even if he were beaten to death, he wouldn't believe that there was such a miraculous thing in the world.     

"Whether it is good or not, you'll know when you use it." Jun Moxie said eccentricity, rolling his eyes. This old scoundrel dares to suspect what this Young Master made; do you know how much energy I put for the sake of these Heaven Reversal Pill? If not for the War for Seizing the Heavens, how could you have the chance to try this Young Master's divine medicine?     

Gu Han raised his brows and opened the bottle incredulously. He instantly noticed a pleasant fragrance wafting out. He carefully poured out a pill and put it in his mouth, intending to chew it twice before swallowing it. But he realized that this pill instantly dissolved in the mouth, turning into a warm flow that gushed and filled his body!     

An extremely refreshing feeling filled every single body part, he was on the verge of letting out a moan; all the injured spots had a numbing sensation, then the Mystic Qi in his meridians began to flow like a river…     

When this intoxicating sensation disappeared, Gu Han circulated his Qi and to his joy, all his injuries had healed completely!     

In the battle with Zhan Lunhui, Gu Han's five organs had been damaged, and because he entered the Nine Illusory Quicksand Nirvana Formation, his powers had not recovered. But just this one single tiny pill had managed to instantly make all his injuries vanish, and his strength had recovered to when he was in peak form!     

With Gu Han's composure, his hand that was holding onto the two small bottles began to tremble suddenly, to the point he could barely keep a grip on the bottles! A look of agitated joy filled his face!     

He raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie, losing his manners as he took a huge step forward. His entire body trembled as he asked, "Jun Moxie, a medicine like this, how much do you have?"     

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