Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Too Exhilarating, Too Satisfying...

Too Exhilarating, Too Satisfying...

Jun Moxie was flabbergasted. This… is… the conduct of a f*cking Saint Emperor? This is more like a ruffian's behavior?     

Bai Qifeng was not willing to give up just like that and began to search around. Jun Moxie silently cackled evilly. I was just wondering how I could stir up a conflict from nothing, but you came just at the right time!     

He silently shot a swirl of wind from his right hand, which hit the bronze mirror in the room with a crisp bang. Although he did not put a lot of strength in this, the sound created was extremely clear.     

Bai Qifeng was bending over and checking around under the bed, surprised by the sudden noise. He quickly got up and wanted to escape from the window without taking a glance.     

At this timing, a creepy voice came from behind him. "Thinking of leaving after pouring a plate of rubbish? Bai Qifeng, is this all you are capable of? Don't tell me this is what people from the Misty Illusory Manor are capable of?"     

Bai Qifeng was enraged, turning about sharply and hollering. "I f*cking poured it and that's it… Hm?" He only realized that there was no one behind him, he instantly broke out in cold sweat that seeped through his clothing. He instantly wanted to turn and escape, but it was too late.     

With a bang, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu entered at the same time, one from the door and one from the window. They were just next door, wholeheartedly checking on the situation in the other room, but they were astonished to hear sound from the other side, instantly hurrying over, stopping Bai Qifeng who was about to escape from the window right in his tracks!     

The three people exchanged looked, but had no idea what to do! They were all stunned. Bai Qifeng was shocked and embarrassed, and Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu were in complete disbelief!     

Saint Emperor… being a thief?     

An odd, sour odor instantly filled the room. He Zhiqiu's face was dark and expressionless. But he walked over slowly and pulled the covers of his bed. Instantly, all the water and leftover food was exposed, a complete chicken head rolled off the bed and landed beside Bai Qifeng's feet, facing the sky.     

Next, He Zhiqiu's eyes darted and his face changed again. The luggage he had placed at his headboard had disappeared!     

Turning around, he looked at Bai Qifeng and laughed coldly. "Good! Good, good, good! What a good Saint Emperor Bai, truly open and forthright! The Misty Illusory Manor is truly full of talents! Not only do they bring leftovers in their visit in the middle of the night, to even have such a great interest in my luggage to keep it on my behalf… Hahaha, Bai Qifeng, that's great of you, I should thank you!"     

Bai Qifeng's face turned red and was tongue-tied. His right hand was still holding onto the plate of the leftover food. He had forgotten to put it down. Right now, he had not figured out that there was obviously no one else in the room, but why did the bronze mirror on the wall suddenly ring out? And who was it that was speaking just now?     

He was feeling gloomy so he thought of pulling a practical joke to vent this anger, but he did not have many ill-intentions. But with the current situation, everything was a mess…     

The ruckus here was not small. Cao Guofeng and the rest instantly concluded their meeting and got over here. Seeing such a situation, they were all stunned!     

With Bai Qifeng's unparalleled strength, he was actually caught red-handed when doing this kind of small mischief? What… What was going on?     

And in this instant, Jun Moxie slipped away. But of course, he had no intentions of instantly wrapping things up. He went over to Hai Wuya's room and swiped Hai Wuya's luggage into the Hongjun Pagoda with a whoosh. Then he silently returned to watch the commotion excitedly.     

He wouldn't find it too much gaining free advantages like this a day; now there was a huge show like this, it was wonderful! The performers were all Saint Emperors; if he didn't carefully enjoy the show, it'd be a waste…     

This culprit, the real thief, had really gone unnoticed. That Saint Emperor Bai had become the scapegoat for everything! Young Master Jun truly had improved greatly in making others his scapegoat!     

It was truly this case.     

Saint Emperor Bai was already completely anxious…     

"Saint Emperor Cao, can the Misty Illusory Manor give me an explanation for this matter tonight?" He Zhiqiu said slowly, his face completely dark.     

"Um… Cough, Cough… Qi Feng, what is going on? What exactly are you doing?" Cao Guofeng said in a dignified manner.     

"What else, it is just as you see! Everything is right before your eyes, what else is needed to be said? These two from the Holy Lands weren't pleased with us, so was I supposed to just endure and accept it?"     

Now that things have already come to this point, Bai Qifeng stiffened up and said, "Either way, it is just like this, you guys saw it. I did it, so what?"     

Hai Wuya's and He Zhiqiu's faces darkened simultaneously.     

"Bai Qifeng, we are all old with age and not some shitty brat. What we do, we need to be responsible for it! As a Saint Emperor, a powerful existence in the world, to do such a ridiculous thing and not feel the least ashamed? To be this rude and unreasonable?" He Zhiqiu said.     

"Ashamed? Rude and unreasonable? Haha, He Zhiqiu, let me ask you, the two of you work together to spy on us, and even eavesdrop on our conversation, were you ashamed?" Bai Qifeng scoffed and continued. "When dealing with an honest man, I will naturally use honest and upright methods, but as to dealing with scums like the two of you… Haha, it doesn't need to be said, does it?"     

Hai Wuya snorted coldly. "Bai Qifeng, you better make things clear!"     

Bai Qifeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "So what if I make things clear? So what if I don't? I must make things clear just because you want me to? Who do you think you are?"     

He Zhiqiu placed his hands behind his back and said coldly. "We did not think who we are and do not think of ourselves as some amazing big-shot. But we are not capable of doing something this despicable. And will not pour a plate of leftovers under someone's blankets! Don't you think, Bai Qifeng, Saint Emperor Bai?     

Bai Qifeng's face turned purple and he shouted, "He Zhiqiu! Cut the bullshit! I am really irritated from the sight of you a long time ago! Come at me!"     

He Zhiqiu laughed condescendingly and said, "Saint Emperor Bai, if you wish to fight, sure. But shouldn't you return my weapon first? Is this how the Misty Illusory Manor fights? Hiding the opponent's weapons first?"     

"Weapon? What weapon? Who took your weapon?" Bai Qifeng jolted, feeling that something was off.     

"You really… are shameless…" He Zhiqiu laughed disdainfully. "So this is how Misty Illusory Manor does things? Forget it, Bai Qifeng, this old man shall take on your 'Grotesque Peak Thrusting into the Sky, Ten Thousand Rugged Ravine' barehanded!" With a whoosh and a swing of his hand, the bottom of his robes swayed and curled in the air before tucking into his belt.     

"Wait!" Bai Qifeng shouted in a thunderous voice. "I have the courage to accept the consequences of my action. I indeed poured all the leftovers in your bed. But I did not take any bullshit weapon of yours! This needs to be made clear!"     

He Zhiqiu was so angry he laughed, his eyes full of coldness. "Great, you didn't take it. Just because you say you didn't take it, so you didn't take it? There was no one else in the room; my luggage was just at the headboard, and there was only Saint Emperor Bai alone in this place. Then my luggage and the weapon in it sprouted legs and ran off. This is what you mean right? Saint Emperor Bai, are you satisfied with my assumption?"     

"I, Bai Qifeng, am someone who dares to do something and owns up to it! He Zhiqiu, don't you accuse people here! You put the item in Hai Wuya's room and turned around to frame me! You are despicable!" Bai Qifeng's beard trembled, full of grief and indignation. Feeling like he was about to vomit a few mouthfuls of blood.     

"Oh? In that case, follow me!" He Zhiqiu walked past, all of them entered Hai Wuya's room.     

He Zhiqiu's hands were still behind his back. "Do you see clearly? Saint Emperor Bai, there is only Brother Hai's luggage in this room and none of mine. What do you have to say about this?"     

Suddenly, Hai Wuya cried in shock. "Where is my luggage? Why did my luggage… also disappear!" Hai Wuya turned around and looked at all the people from Misty Illusory Manor. "Saint Emperor Cao, must be good to have so many people. Sending out one or two people out to do things like this sneakily. But… does Saint Emperor Cao not feel that is it very despicable to do this? Misty Illusory Manor, truly worthy of the 'Misty' in their name!     

Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu's faces were completely black! It was not only their weapons in their luggage, but also the token of thanks from Zhan Mubai they had just accepted… Now things had not been accomplished, and the gifts were also gone…     

This is too insulting, isn't it?     

The two of them were infuriated beyond words…     

Cao Guofeng hollered angrily. "Hai Wuya, are the two of you done? Bai Qifeng only wanted to pull a practical joke earlier; everyone has a friendship of hundreds of years, so what harm is there! But the two of you are so unforgiving and dragged the whole Misty Illusory Manor along in it!"     

He glared angrily. "Today, Zhan Mubai of the Elusive World of Immortals accused us, and then the Illusory Blood Sea and Supreme Golden City are behaving so unreasonably. Did you guys think that the Misty Illusory Manor is really such an easy pushover? There is a limit to everything! If there are too many matters, it only tires everyone out and it is too late for regrets!"     

Hai Wuya laughed coldly. "I am not too sure about anything else, but I only know that when Bai Qifeng entered, our belongings went missing coincidentally. And you people from the Misty Illusory Manor did not lose a single thing. Is merely knowing these facts not enough?"     

Upon hearing this, Cao Guofeng suddenly got startled and ordered, "Go and check on our luggage." The last Saint Emperor in the group replied and left.     

Hai Wuya laughed jubilantly at the sky and said, "Cao Guofeng, you are really a good actor. You didn't even forget about acting when things are at this point! Could it be that your luggage will also vanish? The place that nine Saint Emperors reside in were broken into, and all their belongings were stolen! What bizarre news!"     

Cao Guofeng bit on his lip and did not say anything. After a while, that person returned and shook his head at Cao Guofeng. Everyone understood what it meant. The Misty Illusory Manor did not lose any of their belongings!     

Cao Guofeng's face darkened. In his heart, the two luggages must have been taken by Bai Qifeng. But Bai Qifeng was his own brother, and now when things were in such great tension with the three Holy Lands, how could he punish his own brother in front of the enemy?"     

But not only Cao Guofeng understood it, even He Zhiqiu and Hai Wuya too.     

These two Saint Emperors were so angry their hair was standing. You guys were obviously the ones who took it, but now you still pretend to check, then after checking, you dared to say, 'you didn't lose anything'. Aren't you just making a fool out of us?     

"Brother Hai, Brother He, I'm afraid there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. No matter how willfully Qi Feng acts, he will not pocket your weapons. Or… can you two think again? Maybe you were afraid that it was not safe and left your luggage back in the Chen Manor?" Cao Guofeng felt something was amiss the more he thought about it.     

Since they had arrived here, the things that had been happening were a little too much, one following after the other. And every single one of them were incomprehensible, truly beyond their expectations. All in all, all these Saint Emperors gathered here have been affected greatly! As if there was an invisible hand controlling all of this.     

He Zhiqiu and Hai Wuya exchanged glances and laughed coldly. The two of them did not bother with Cao Guofeng's words. There was only anger and the desire to battle in their eyes!     

"Safe? What safer place can there be in this world aside from by our side! Must we put our weapons far away from us? The Misty Illusory Manor had already done things to this state, and you still want to talk to us about some misunderstanding? Cao Guofeng, I thought that you were upright and have clear judgement. But right now, the things you are speaking of are worse than a fart! A fart at least can get some response!" Hai Wuya shook his head.     

"There is no point in talking, only a battle! If we fight in a bustling city like this, we may implicate the innocent. Saint Emperor Cao, please!" A sorrowful and melancholic look like the cool autumn appeared on He Zhiqiu's face before he flew out!     

"A fight it is! Could I possibly be afraid of you guys?" Bai Qifeng hollered and followed suit, as quick as lightning. This night, Saint Emperor Bai's indignance and heavy shame was about to make him explode. If he couldn't vent it out soon, he may really sustain an internal injury from suppressing it.     

Too embarrassing!     

A Saint Emperor of his generation, lowering his status to do something shameful like thieving, and being caught red-handed! Bai Qifeng felt infuriated thinking about it! This clearly was a trap! And a trap that was set specifically targeting my temper! Throwing all the responsibility of all these shit onto my head! Forcing me to go on the path of grievances! Am I really so easy to bully?     

Seeing that these two people had left angrily, Hai Wuya scoffed coldly and followed. Cao Guofeng let out a long sigh and signaled for all the rest of them to follow.     

In the emptiness of the sky, Young Master Jun was holding his mouth, laughing so hard that his body was convulsing, almost losing his breath. Too exhilarating! Too satisfying!     

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