Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Risky Advancement!

Risky Advancement!

"Hahaha… Well said! Humans are indeed another bunch of Mystic Beasts! In fact, they're not even comparable to Mystic Beasts. They are not even as sincere nor loyal like Mystic Beasts. They're just a bunch of wild beasts who are well developed in their brains but harbor despicable thoughts!" Jun Moxie laughed heartily. "Law? Hmph! Laws will be broken! One day, I will create a law that belongs to Jun Moxie in this world! I want to be that person who creates and determines the laws, never the vermin that is restricted by the restraints of the laws!"     

"If it is really up to you to determine the laws of this world, then I really can't imagine how absurd this world would turn into!" Mei Xueyan laughed bitterly. "Let's not talk about those faraway dreams that we are nowhere near to. Let's focus on getting through this ordeal before us first."     

"You are being unreasonable by saying that! Some things must be made thoroughly clear beforehand." Jun Moxie chuckled and plopped down on his bum. With a grin in his eyes, he said, "As long as we are able to successfully pull through the advancement this time, when we show ourselves again in the world with our suddenly increased powers, we will absolutely be facing the direct fighting with the three Holy Lands! This time, it is a relatively big and decisive battle! After this battle, no matter how it ends, the three Holy Lands will absolutely stop sending people to find trouble for us before the War for Seizing the Heavens is over!"     

"If we ultimately win this battle, or even completely crush them, the three Holy Lands will no longer have any certainty in the War for Seizing the Heavens. And even when compared to the Outsiders in terms of their own strength, they will fall into a greater disadvantageous position due to the great decrease in their forces!" Mei Xueyan said worriedly. "This battle… if we win, will be dangerous for the War for Seizing the Heavens! If we lose, we will fall into eternal damnation… This is extremely contradicting!"     

"Contradicting? Is there really any contradiction that cannot be resolved? Not necessarily!" Jun Moxie laid on the ground, hugging the back of his head leisurely. "Things are different from the past now. Now, all of the Beast Kings of Heavenly Punishment are almost reaching the level of Venerable in their strength. And the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer that I painstakingly nurtured, although slightly weaker, are more or less similar in strength. After this battle, as long as you bring the piece of the Spirit Vein I gave you back to Heavenly Punishment Forest, then use its powder to mix with spring water for all of them to drink, it will definitely allow all of them to leap in their strength again. And I believe, even though the leap this time won't be as great to let all of them advance to Saints, it will definitely be significant. At the very least, it gives them the strength and right to partake in the War for Seizing the Heavens!"     

Jun Moxie smiled. "If we lose this battle, then we probably won't make it out alive; then, we can forget about everything else. But if we ultimately win this battle, and the three Holy Lands are crippled due to us, then we will naturally not refuse the duty of the War for Seizing the Heavens that concerns the future of Mystic Mystic Continent! Even if we have to force our way breaking through, I will also create a batch of experts to thoroughly annihilate the Outsiders! So that Mystic Mystic Continent will never have any f*cked up matters like the War for Seizing the Heavens! And I will not allow anyone else to use this glorious mission as an excuse to do all those despicable, shameless things!"     

"Besides, there is more than one way to advance our strength! I do have ways!" Jun Moxie snorted.     

"You intend to directly annihilate the entire Outsiders?!" Mei Xueyan asked, her eyes sparkling.     

"Of course. That sort of trash; if it can be completely annihilated, why are we keeping them around? Do you have any objections?" Jun Moxie said bewildered.     

"How could I have objections! If those bastardly Outsiders can really be exterminated for good, then it'll definitely be for the best! Since you have such confidence, determination, and great ambitions, then let's play a fierce one with the three Holy Lands this time!" Mei Xueyan said excitedly.     

Jun Moxie knew that Mei Xueyan was ultimately most concerned about the War for Seizing the Heavens. This topic was not only a major thing to Mei Xueyan; it was a deep-rooted one that would definitely not be changed in a short time.     

So before this huge battle, Young Master Jun wanted to leave Mei Xueyan feeling extremely reassured about the future. Anyway, I already have this sort of power right now; I'm not exactly talking big. And I detested those filthy Outsiders the most, perhaps even more than the people from the three Holy Lands, so even if they're really completely annihilated, it doesn't matter…     

"Xueyan, are you ready?" Jun Moxie lifted up the Blood of Yellow Flame. A cold gleam was already radiating from the tip of the sword.     

"I'm ready!" Mei Xueyan nodded her head heavily.     

"When my sword descends, you must immediately collect the Golden Jade Fluid that leaves immediately; there must be no delays in between! The moment I bring my sword down, I will activate the Flame of Primal Chaos at the same time to heal up the opening! If there are any delays in between, it will result in a large amount of Golden Jade Fluid going to waste. I believe you understand the importance of the Golden Jade Fluid… so there must be no mistakes!" Jun Moxie slowly lifted his sword. The divine sword above his head was already spitting out white sword light that was a hundred feet!     

"Don't worry!" Mei Xueyan stared at the main body of the Spirit Vein without blinking, completely focused! A dense swirl of Spiritual Qi was brewing in both of her palms; after a few rounds of tossing and turning under the pressure of her skills, two small jade bottles were formed!     

Making a jade bottle from Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi! Just to collect the Golden Jade Fluid!     

"Right now!" Jun Moxie hollered, moving swiftly!     

Jun Moxie utilized all the strength of his body, channeling it all onto the body of the sword.     

The sword descended!     

At the smooth opening that was cut, drops of tiny, purple, sparkling fluid began to flow out. The entire Hongjun Pagoda was instantly filled with an indescribable fragrance. The two of them felt completely at ease and comfortable just from smelling it.     

At the instant the Golden Jade Fluid was about to drip out, Mei Xueyan had already zoomed past like a bolt of lightning. "It's done!"     

She had barely finished her words when a wall of pitch-black flame covered up that tiny opening of the main body of the Spirit Vein.     

Under the silent burning process, the opening on the Heaven Earth Spirit Vein which was originally extremely hard melted quickly and flowed down, sealing up that opening which was about the size of a thumb perfectly!     

Jun Moxie chuckled satisfactorily. His sword instantly returned back into its sheath and vanished without a trace.     

The Spiritual Qi inside the Hongjun Pagoda had instantly become denser and thicker! Their coordination earlier was already impeccable, but there were still a few drops of Golden Jade Fluid that dripped onto the ground, instantly turning into immense Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi that filled up the Hongjun Pagoda!     

And this time, the two bottles made out of pure Spiritual Qi in Mei Xueyan's palms were already showing signs of melting. As if the two drops of Golden Jade Fluid inside were alive, the purple radiance got more and more brilliant. That bottle was clearly no longer able to withstand the pressure being released from within!     

"No time for delays or hesitation! Use it instantly! Steady your heart to break the bottleneck!" Jun Moxie said resolutely. He took one of the bottles and swallowed the entire thing, including the bottle, into his stomach with no hesitation! And Mei Xueyan did the same thing!     

The moment the bottle made from Spiritual Qi entered the stomach, the outer layer of Spiritual Qi quickly dissipated and the Golden Jade Fluid within also began to take effect! Hong! Jun Moxie only left like an immense surge of energy came exploding from his dantian like a tsunami, rushing through every single cell in his body! He tried to stop it mentally, but it had no effect at all!     


Although he had already overestimated the effectiveness of that Spirit Energy, from the looks of it now, he had still misjudged it. An essence of Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi that had been condensed after millions of years—its effectiveness was shocking as expected. It was really too massive!     

Jun Moxie yelled, "Come! Let's join our palms, left advancing, right retreating, circulating the Mystic Qi as it grows and multiplies without end. Yin and yang complement each other, forming ourselves into Heaven and Earth!"     

He came flying over to Mei Xueyan as he spoke, sitting down cross-legged. Mei Xueyan felt like she was being tormented from the immense strength of the Golden Jade Fluid, as if her body was on the verge of exploding, gradually losing her senses, but she more or less understood Jun Moxie's meaning. Using her last bit of control, she compelled herself to stretch her palms forward to meet with Jun Moxie's, the both of them activating their Mystic Qi at the same time…     

The Spirit Energies that came from the same source instantly merged as one, turning the body of these two people into a giant circle, looping back and forth repeatedly. This meant that aside from the internal circulation within their bodies, there were two additional paths available for the flow. Exiting from Jun Moxie's left palm and entering Mei Xueyan's right, and the same time, the Spirit Energy inside Mei Xueyan exited from her left palm entered Jun Moxie's right!     

Hong! A loud explosion came out from both their dantian, as if it was exploding in their hearts, in their minds! The two drops of Golden Jade Fluid were finally taking full effect! Exploding simultaneously within their bodies!     

The unimaginable, massive Spirit Energy rushed out of their dantian in an unbridled manner like a tsunami, like a mountain flash flood. Their bodies were practically at their limits at the same time, brimming with Spirit Energy on the verge of bursting out of their bodies!     

And this was only the beginning!     

But this mere beginning had already driven both of them unconscious!     

Only their four palms were still joined together, the Spirit Energy in their bodies rushing into their meridians like a gushing river, filling up all of their bodies, then transferring into the other party's body through their linked palms, triggering off a more intense spirit energy storm, growing stronger with each repeated circulation…     

The two of them had already lost their awareness, merely circulating the boundless spirit energy in their bodies out of reflex, but this sort of subconscious circulation only caused the spirit energy storm to become more and more violent…     

The skin of their bodies was already showing signs of splitting open due to the massive spirit energy, and bumps formed under their almost translucent skin. Their veins were also gradually popping up, turning from green to blood red in color. The tendons of their muscles were also popping up on the surface of the skin… Tiny, visible patterned veins begin to slowly appear on the surface of their skin….     

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