Forty Millenniums of Cultivation



"You know it?"     

Bai Xiaolu was dumbfounded. Without considering whether or not he was bluffing, she blurted out, "How did you know?"     

"Do you mean 'demons' or 'superpowers'?"     

Wan Canghai sneered, "I knew that you were a devil since the very beginning. It can't be helped. Your acting skills are too lousy. Your excuses are full of loopholes. I don't believe a word of it.     

"However, at that time, it was too risky to travel alone in the desert. Therefore, I was forced to team up with you. You lied to me, and I lied to you. It was quite normal!     

"As for the fact that you are also an 'ability user', I figured that out later. You must've been an expert in mental power training just like Boss Gold Tooth. You must've hypnotized me and tried to steal the password of the cutting-edge water purification technology, didn't you?"     

"You know everything?"     

Bai Xiaolu blushed, ashamed that she had been seen through. "Why are you pretending that you don't know anything?"     

"Nonsense. If we had been on bad terms, I wouldn't have been a match for the two of you at all. I would've been killed or hypnotized by your stronger 'mind power'.     

Wan Canghai opened his hands and said, "Other than playing dumb and waiting for an opportunity, do I have a second choice? Besides, I needed the two of you to escort me to my real destination in the first place. You are both capable Cultivators, which significantly improved the odds of success and safety. Why would I expose you?"     

Bai Xiaolu opened her mouth but did not know what to say.     

He had known that Wan Zanghai was cunning, but he didn't know that he was so cunning that even Boss Gold Tooth had been fooled by him.     

"Now you should understand everything. Don't blame me. Blame yourselves for being too stupid.     

Wan Canghai said proudly, "We are enemies in the first place. It was you who attacked 'New Gold Mountain' first and destroyed my home. Of course, I will do whatever it takes to avenge my city. Is there a problem?"     

No problem.     

Bai Xiaolu was not an unreasonable person.     

Even after being cleansed by the ugly Wasteland, he still could not learn the unreasonable and shameless behavior of those scoundrels.     

Wan Zanghai's methods were not honorable, but he was indeed a victim. It was Boss Gold Tooth who led Bai Xiaolu and the rest of the devil army to attack 'New Gold Mountain' first and destroy the underground metropolis.     

Whatever the grudge between the Underground Clan and the Demon Race was in the past, Wan Zanghai had ten thousand reasons to seek revenge on Boss Gold Tooth.     

But right now, was Bai Xiaolu in a position to avenge Boss Gold Tooth's death?     

Even if he did, was he capable enough?     


He had nothing.     

The boy lowered his head and looked at the dead body of the dominator of the desert. Tears were rolling in his eyes, and he was speechless for a long time.     

At this moment, the battle in the front was coming to an end, too. The bandits of the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang had been butchered, but the rocket pilots were unharmed. It was the difference between a mob and an elite army.     

"Even if you kill Boss Gold Tooth, you won't be able to get away."     

Bai Xiaolu was completely disheartened. She said bitterly, "The commander of this troop, 'Colonel Stirling', is a good friend of Boss Gold Teeth. He braved the sandstorm to come here for the rescue, but you killed him. How are you going to run away?"     

"'Good friend'? Hahahaha. How cute! Student Xiaolu, do you know the biggest difference between us?"     

Wan Zanghai burst into laughter. He pointed at Bai Xiaolu first and then at his own chest. "You believe in your friends, your flags, your hopes, your motherland, and your compatriots. You believe in such meaningless things because you are too weak. Even though you have superpowers, you are still a failure from head to toe. You don't believe in yourself at all. You must find someone to rely on other than yourself!     

"I am strong enough to not care about anything. I only need to believe in myself. I am destined to reach the peak and command the world!     

"This is the difference between you and me. It is also the difference between 1% and 99%. It is the difference between the underground race and the demon race. It is the difference between a leader and an ant.     

"Get lost and watch my performance!"     

Disdain was written all over Wan Canghai's face. He kicked Bai Xiaolu away and searched Boss Gold Tooth's body on one of his knees.     

"What are you doing?"     

Bai Xiaolu screamed.     

"This is mine. Return it to its rightful owner. Is that alright?"     

Wan Zanghai touched the chip that stored the cutting-edge water-cleaning technology on Boss Gold Tooth's waist.     

Bai Xiaolu was speechless.     

"And this."     

Wan Zanghai tried to take away the blood-stained Citigroup from Boss Gold Tooth, but Boss Gold Tooth held on to his flag tightly even though he was going to die. Wan Zanghai failed to take it back after two tries. Furious, he slashed off two of Boss Gold Tooth's fingers with his dagger and finally got the Citigroup.     

"You—you're crazy! This is Boss Gold Tooth's flag! The flag of the Citi Gang!"     

Bai Xiaolu's eyes and mouth were torn open at the same time. Blood was flowing out.     

"He's dead anyway. What's wrong with borrowing him?"     

Wan Canghai smiled and squatted in front of Bai Xiaolu. He patted the boy's cheek and said, "Unpleasant? Uncomfortable? You are so angry that you want to kill me? Come on then. Explode my cerebral vessels with your 'strength of the heart' and make me suffer a serious concussion, just like you did to the bandits a moment ago. What's wrong? I can't do it anymore. My ability is running out. If I activate it again, I will be backfired.     

"Hehe. That's why Boss Gold Tooth said you were stupid. He was absolutely right. As an ability user, you must always leave a trump card for yourself. Otherwise, you will be at the mercy of others like you are right now, Student Lu!"     

He pressed Bai Xiaolu's head into the sand and rubbed it hard.     

Then, he stepped on a wound on Bai Xiaolu's thigh and started waving it, ignoring the boy's screams.     

"Don't open fire. We are on the same side. I want to make a deal with your commander!"     

Wan Zanghai was beaming with a bright smile. He shouted at the approaching rocket pilots, "Who is Colonel Stirling? I want to meet Colonel Stirling and offer him a precious gift for our first meeting. I want to make a great deal with him!"     

More than ten rocket pilots landed slowly.     

The rest of the elite warriors were still on alert in midair. Countless murderous eyes pierced through Wan Canghai's body, but he seemed to be enjoying it as if nothing had happened.     

On the opposite side, an officer wearing the best armor took off his helmet, revealing a face that was full of hardships.     

"Oh, so you are not a colonel."     

Seeing the emblem on his opponent's chest, Wan Zanghai's eyes suddenly shone, and his smile grew wider. "Yes, General. General Sterling, nice to meet you."     

"Who are you?"     

Stirling narrowed his eyes and looked at Wan Zanghai, Bai Xiaolu, and the dead body of Boss Gold Tooth.     

When he saw the broken body of Boss Gold Tooth, his face turned gloomy. His lips shivered for a moment, but he did not say anything.     

Wan Zanghai opened his hands, indicating that he had no weapons. He took a deep breath and declared, "My name is 'Shao Jinchuan'. My father is 'Shao Qingyun', the mayor of 'New Gold Mountain'. On behalf of my father, I would like to make a deal with General Sterling and the 'contract'. We are willing to submit to the 'contract' and help the 'contract' defeat the damn 'alliance'!"     


The boy below the young man's feet was dumbfounded by his words. He seemed to have been struck by lightning and failed to come back to himself for a long time.     

This—this guy was not the son of the laboratory director of the Gold Mountain Clean Water Company but the son of the mayor of New Gold Mountain? What was going on?     


Stirling narrowed his eyes and pondered.     

"Words alone are no proof. This is my gift to General Sterling on behalf of my father. Please accept all the files of the cutting-edge water-cleaning technology that you've been looking for. Whether the deal is made or not, it will not affect the friendship between me and General Sterling!"     

Wan Zanghai—Shao Jinchuan sent the chip over with a smile, obviously with his super ability of controlling objects remotely.     

The fact that he was an 'ability user' made the space pirates nervous again.     

Sterling, on the other hand, waved his hand and gestured for the soldiers to lower their vigilance. He held the chip in his palm and rubbed it carefully.     

"It's true. I wouldn't cross the 'Northern Wilderness' and risk my own life.     

Shao Jinchuan said, "My life is very valuable."     

"'New Gold Mountain' has been destroyed. Even if you are really the son of the mayor, why are you making a deal with me?"     

Stirling weighed the chip and said coldly, "This chip is far from enough.     

"Although the 'New Gold Mountain' has been destroyed, the 'Gold Mountain People' are not entirely wiped out, especially the military and police system that is responsible for the defense of the city. A lot of people escaped under the leadership of my father and evacuated to other underground metropolises of the 'Alliance'. They were defeated and lost their foundation. Their future is bleak. If the 'Agreement' gives them a chance right now, they will certainly seize it without caring about anything else!     

Shao Jinchuan shouted, "I know that the 'Association' and the 'Alliance' are in a stalemate in the frontline right now and cannot break out of it for a long time. The frontline is about to turn into a bloody meat grinder. Chances are that the troops that General Stelin built up with all his hard work are going to be wasted!     

"If anything happens to the rear of the 'alliance' at this moment, the 'alliance' will cooperate with my father's subordinates who have snuck into the underground metropolises. The victory will definitely be secured!     


Sterling's eyes were deep and dark. "Can you really represent your father? Did he say those words, or did you say them yourself?"     

"I was just an ignorant young man. How could I have made such a deal without my father's enlightenment?     

Shao Jinchuan simply sat down and raised his hands. "General Sterling, the outcome of the battle, and even the outcome of the war, is all in your hands. Maybe you will change the fate of the entire Earth with a single mistake. Of course, you will also change your own future. You will be the hero who ends the war, not just the general but also the marshal!     

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