Tempest of the Stellar War

Yuan Qi Flow

Yuan Qi Flow

Far away, on Earth, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu had returned to their ordinary school life. They had wanted to contact Wang Zheng but realized that the files of the members of the IG had become classified. Wang Zheng, who had one of the most brilliant performances, had been tasked with greater responsibilities.     

The King Company had entered maturity. Xiao Fei and her team did not waste any time and had attracted more talents to join them. The project that she was heading had become the most famous project in the Solar System and had attracted the attention of more companies. However, this project was not lacking in monetary support but was waiting for the technology to be applied for practical use. This process could be long or short, but no one had any idea when it would come to fruition. Once it succeeded, it would have the greatest influence within the Milky Way Alliance.     

As Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei were members of the Universe's Genesis Coffee Club, they were able to obtain some conveniences in certain aspects. The connections of the club within the scientific realm was beyond anyone and allowed them to have smoother progress in their research.     

OMG could also be considered to be outstanding. OMG had achieved great success with their mecha and their investment in the King Company. This had allowed Ye Bingwen to become the person of the year, which was published on the front page of the Milky Way Alliance Time magazine. This was something rare on Earth. The large sales figures of the Hercules mech had given OMG great confidence. This model was practical, durable, and affordable. This had made it to be very popular among the third-rated countries. This was achieved without much additional efforts in advertising. The best advertisement was by Wang Zheng's usage and display of it during the IG.     

Besides that, the Wind God mech, which targeted the high end market, had entered volume production. This model, which had its own character and its extreme mobility, had been well-received by various countries. Among which would include Aslan. Although the amount they had purchased was not large, the fact that they had purchased it had greatly increased OMG's brand value and had propelled the high speed development of OMG.     

Ye Bingwen had also officially entered the race to become a Committee Member of the Solar System Federation so as to secure the future developmental pathway for OMG. Through his support from various representatives, the probability of him attaining it was extremely high.     

Other than Ye Bingwen, Solon of CT had also entered the race. OMG was the biggest sponsor of the CT organization now. Similarly, CT had provided the greatest advertisement for OMG. Previously, the Solar System branch of CT wasn't able to attract anyone's attention with no glamourous performances. However, it was different now. Its popularity was easily within the top 10 in the Milky Way Alliance, and the level of skill had increased significantly. With Prince as the leader of the group of professional players, they were able to consistently deliver great performances in various major competitions. This was a case of a win-win situation.     

Solon was also not the same as before. After reaching his position, it would be difficult to continue being promoted. He would have to think about making other changes, and becoming a Committee Member of the Solar System Federation would be part of the process.     

Ye Bingwen and Wang Zheng weren't close. This was the same for Solon and Wang Zheng. However, one could say that the two were also kind of close. Wang Zheng and Ye Zisu were reliable, great friends, while Solon had reached his position with the performance of Skeleton. Therefore, Wang Zheng had provided them the same bridges and opportunities for co-development.     

When a company had reached a certain scale, they would need to have a voice, or the consequences could be dire. This was also something that Ye Bingwen had to do. No matter if it was he or Solon, the principle behind it was the same. It would be hard to remain alone, and they were greatly in need of allies. Their competitors would not be courteous with them.     

To sum it up, the great performance during the IG had allowed OMG to build up its capital and allow the whole process to be much smoother.     

The adults were busy with their matters. Ye Zisu would not need to be worried over it. After her classes, Ye Zisu sat on the long benches in the campus alone. She looked quietly at the sky while maintaining a faint smile throughout.     

What was Wang Zheng doing?     

The moment when Aina rushed forward seemed to have happened only yesterday. In fact, she was only a little slower. However, only Aina could have rushed forward, and she would have had to stop. It was just that there was no news on Wang Zheng since the IG. Although Meng Tian and the rest had their own missions and it wasn't convenient to keep in contact, there were still some news on them.     

The Titatitan Star was said to be a rather backward planet. Barbarians were living on it, and they could be ruthless and consume humans...     

Ye Zisu was a little worried. The declaration of love by Aina was in vain. There wasn't any news on it. There wasn't even any gossip that had spread, and it seemed too abnormal. Aina had gone to the Republic of Atlantis. Rumor had it that she was just moving her schedule ahead. However, one would expect it to be because the royal family would want to separate them. Ye Zisu was more worried about Wang Zheng's safety on the Titatitan Star.     


That planet was simply too far away. It also seemed that there was a restriction on communications in the past two days. How could they send Wang Zheng to such a dangerous area?     

Ye Zisu was a little worried, but the clouds in the sky seemed to have transformed into the smiling face of Wang Zheng, which seemed like it deserved a beating. It seemed a little shameless but also looked fearless. Ye Zisu stood up and tidied her clothing. She believed that no matter where it was, Wang Zheng would still be a talent.     

All the best!     

Ye Zisu was living in her own world and did not pay any attention to the people around her.     

"That was too beautiful!"     

"It would be great if I could be her boyfriend."     

"Stop dreaming!"     


No matter where she went, Ye Zisu would be able to attract a crowd of fans. The title of "genius designer" was clearly better than just a pure, beautiful look in the college. The popularity of the Wind God had resulted in the name of Ye Zisu to become well known. Coupled with the fact that she was from a prominent family, Ye Zisu and Xiao Fei were no doubt the jewels of the school. The only difference was that one of them was a student, while the other was a teacher. Moreover, rumors had it that they had a close relationship and were best friends.     

Far away on Tita, Wang Zheng and the group had arrived at the Pool Tribe.     

Although Wang Zheng was mentally prepared, he was still mesmerized by the beautiful natural environment. At the same time, he could feel the highly concentrated Yuan Qi around here. It seemed as though he was totally submerged within the Yuan Qi.     

Lan Ling was only able to feel refreshed and nothing more. However, Wang Zheng knew that the Primordial Regression Technique made him highly sensitive to the surrounding environment. It would seem that he could recover very soon, and he would be able to achieve a significant increase in his abilities.     

During the trip, Rara Durai's admiration for Wang Zheng had reached a peak. Giants had high cognitive abilities, and this had helped reduce the amount of challenges for Wang Zheng. It was at least the case for Rara Durai. There were some battle techniques that Rara Durai was able to internalize and make adjustments to according to his body size after Wang Zheng had demonstrated a few times. One could only say that Rara Durai was a genius in battle.     

However, Rara Durai hanging around with Wang Zheng for the whole day was a little different from the norm. This was especially so when Rara Durai made a human his Ada, causing the giants to have certain opinions of him. Some of the giants saw this as Rara Durai losing his courage and pride as a giant. If it wasn't because of the fact that Rara Durai had just won the Battle of the Warriors, there would likely be some giants who would have challenged him.     

However, this had also resulted in other giants maintaining a distance from Rara Durai. Rara Durai did not mind it, as he was completely immersed in his atmosphere of learning.     

Wang Zheng and Lan Ling would be living in the residence of the wise ones. The residence of the wise ones included skilfully crafted wooden houses and natural tree holes. On the other hand, the giants lived in stone caves or platforms with a semi-open concept. Their bodies were clearly very strong.     

"Dear guests, you all must be tired from the trip. Please rest well and we will bring you around the Pool Tribe tomorrow," said Khalifa. "If there are any other matters, you could look for Lulu. She is my daughter."     

At this moment, a little girl walked over. Her physique was only slightly over a meter tall, but she had huge, lively-looking eyes. She had some pink marks over her face and looked different from the wise ones, who had wrinkles over their faces.     

"Hi, Lulu," said Lan Ling with a smile as she extended her hand. Lulu shook her hand softly, but she clearly seemed more interested in Wang Zheng.     

When Khalifa left, Lulu could no longer hold back and asked, "So you are the human who tricked the number one warrior of our tribe?"     

Wang Zheng was stunned but soon thought of Rara Durai. "I wouldn't think that this would be considered trickery."     

"You looked so weak and small. How could you be the Ada of Rara Durai? You must have some evil plans. I will not let you get away with it!" After completing her sentence, the little brat ran out.     

Lan Ling smiled and said, "It seems that Lulu likes Rara Durai."     

Wang Zheng was dumbfounded. Clearly, Lan Ling knew what Wang Zheng was thinking. "You can't use the viewpoints of a human to try to understand the people of Tita."     

"Cough, cough. I was just curious," replied Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng also felt that this wasn't a topic that was suitable to continue on. It was too **.     

"I'm going to rest. Call me if there's anything. Don't run around or start anything. Not everyone on Tita welcomes us," reminded Lan Ling.     

Wang Zheng nodded and laid flat on the bed. He relaxed his body, and his body was able to become one with the environment easily.     

At other places, he would always require some time to enter such a state. However, he could achieve it as he wished over here.     

Rara Durai was still excited. He finally found a suitable mountain.     

During the trip, the group would always hear large, clashing sounds during the night. It was Rara Durai punching the trees. However, a usual tree would not be able to take much of his blows.     

Leaning Landslide was a killer move that required the usage of 120% of one's strength. This was also the case during training, and one must use their full strength. At the same time, one would have to pay attention to his aura even when it was a decoy move. If one could complete everything in a seamless sequence, they would have mastered it.     

Previously, Wang Zheng wasn't fond of such a self-mutilating method of training. However, Rara Durai was the opposite of him and greatly enjoyed it. Rara Durai had a great understanding of the landscape of the Pool Tribe and had long decided on a good location. To prevent himself from disturbing the other people from the tribe, he had chosen a place which was a little further away.     

However, everyone could still hear some faint, collision noises. It was just that no one minded it.     

At the bottom of a wall of stone, Rara Durai was dealing blow after blow. Every collision was earth-shattering.     

Wang Zheng smiled when he heard the thumping sounds from afar. He had accepted a great disciple. Since the disciple was so hardworking, as the master, he could not afford to slack off. If he was overtaken by his disciple, it would be too shameful. Moreover, he had been trying to accumulate battle abilities so as to summon Bonehead.     

Wang Zheng sat cross-legged. The Primordial Regression Technique started to circulate according to a set of sequences. Unknowingly, a visible airflow could be seen surrounding his body and started spinning. The airflow entered from the nose and ears of Wang Zheng and expelled through his body...     

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