Tempest of the Stellar War

The Dignity of the Virgin

The Dignity of the Virgin

"In the records of the Sage Sect, the Lie Flame Technique was once an ultimate power and was extremely strong. However, with Ragnarok, that kind of power has disappeared. It is currently recovering. Although it has not recovered to the state where it was at its peak, the opportunity has appeared. The existence that has been stopping us from communicating with the power of the universe has started to relax. This might finally be the end of the darkness after the dusk..."     

That was the real golden era of human civilization. During that era, the powerful and invincible Mayans had stopped in their steps. They had lowered their noble heads and signed the humiliating treaty...     

Lie Guang blinked his eyes but could see the worries his master had with regards to the re-emergence of this era.     

"Master, it seems that there was something bothering you."     

After thinking about it, Lie Guang decided to still ask.     

Odin smiled faintly and was extremely impressed with Lie Guang's observation skills. "In that era, although the Sage Sect was strong, there was another more terrifying monster. That place was once the center of the world, and all the cultivation techniques were from it... Hehe. However, with Ragnarok, that existence has split into pieces. In the end, it was even breached by the forces that it was suppressing... However, 'it' wasn't destroyed, but was broken into parts….. Forget it. It is too early to be talking about this with you two. One can only stay undefeated by becoming stronger. In these three months, I will require you two to devote all your heart into it, and I don't need any distractions."     

"Yes! Sage... Master." Lie Xin had gotten used to addressing Odin as the "Sage." However, she had changed the address in the end under the supervision of Odin.     

Although they weren't clear of the details, both of them were clear that under the guidance of the Sage and the fact that they had the Lie Flame Technique with them, they would be at the forefront of the era!     

Even though other large families had cultivation techniques that were just as strong, they did not have the guidance from the ancient pioneers such as the Sage Sect.     

The following three months would be crucial.     

However, Odin's deep worries weren't something they could understand. The awakening of that major existence that was the center of the world would bring about unforeseeable variables. What would be "its" stand?     

Even the Sage that garnered unparalleled respect on Mars didn't dare to think about it.     

Wang Zheng had just completed his patrol duties when he received a Skylink message from Lan Ling. Wang Zheng was a bit stunned. He had been busy with the research on mecha and was in terrible shape. The results of the creations were wonderful, but the process was a struggle. He had to constantly refute himself and re-establish himself. Barry, Zisu, and Wang Zheng were having a small "quarrel" every day and a big "quarrel" every three days. Otaku Barry was shy normally, but when it came to mecha, he was definitely imposing with his views.     

There were two main problems. One of them would be the materials, while the other was a super pro who was familiar with the "Wind" attribute. Those who only had an ordinary understanding of the "Wind" attribute would not be useful. This was because for this model of mech to be completed, they would need constructive feedback and a direction.     

Similar to the Wind God mech, the displacement technique was the ultimate move that made it unique. However, what should be the unique selling point for this model built for use on the Titatitan Star?     

The important point was to be able to display the unique points of a super mech! Wang Zheng had also felt that they were lacking something.     

With regard to this, the three of them each held their own views but were unable to convince one another.     

"Student Wang, you are being a little ungrateful to have forgotten about your life's savior. You hadn't even contacted me once since arriving at Canyon City!"     

Lan Ling raised her delicate eyebrows and wanted to act as though she was angry. However, she was naturally gentle and kind and didn't look like it no matter how she tried to act.     

"Cough, cough. I was afraid that you were too busy."     

"Weave! Continue to weave your lies!" Lan Ling was kind but not gullible.     

"Cough, cough. Miss Lan Ling, it's my fault. Let me apologise to you officially. I have been busy with the research on new mecha recently and it has been giving me a headache. If there's anything I could do for you, I won't hesitate even if it means going through fire and water!" Wang Zheng said with a serious face.     

This made Lan Ling felt a little bad. The truth was that she was a little angry. Was it that he didn't want to see her? There weren't any greetings despite the fact that a long time had passed. She was a girl and still had some reservations. However, after seeing Wang Zheng being so frank, she knew that he had serious matters to attend to.     

"I was just joking. My birthday is next Saturday. I was wondering if you're free."     

Wang Zheng was taken aback slightly and laughed, "The weekends are my off days. As long as there aren't any special military situations, I will definitely be there!"     

"That's great! I will send you the invitation." Lan Ling revealed a smile from the bottom of her heart. Even she had not expected herself to be so happy about it.     

The 24th birthday of Lan Ling was an extremely important day for the Lan family.     

For this day, the Lan family had started their preparations since a month ago. Using the occasion of the birthday of the Missy of the Lan family, there were a lot of things that could be settled. It was also important to stay in contact with other relevant powers.     

Numerous days ago, the entire Lan Kao City had been more lively than in the past. The people of Tita, who were rarely seen, had been appearing more frequently on the streets. This was testament to the continuation of the agreement between the Lan family and the people of Tita. Amongst the early immigrants, only the Lan family could obtain the trust of the people of Tita. It was only during such occasions that the giants of Tita would enter the city. The only unknown was about the scale of the event.     

On Friday night.     

"You will be going to Lan Kao City?"     

Jing Long, Lao Xiong, and Chang Dadan were looking at Wang Zheng. They had originally intended to invite Wang Zheng to the bar to flirt with the beer girls. Since Wang Zheng was single, he had to find something fun to do. When the student soldier had just arrived, it wasn't appropriate for them to do so. However, they had become familiar with one another since then. If they still weren't hanging around together, it would be a deviation from the norms of the crowd. Moreover, as his seniors, they had the responsibility to teach Wang Zheng on how to become a real man.     

"I was recuperating in Lan Kao City previously. A friend there will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow and has invited me to celebrate with her." Wang Zheng smiled.     

"A friend? Celebrate a birthday? Hehe. She must be a girl, right?"     

Jing Long was excited suddenly.     

"Hehe." Wang Zheng only laughed.     

"Speaking of birthdays, the Missy of the Lan family will also be celebrating her birthday soon. I heard that it will be a big event, especially so for the ball at night. Rumor has it that only prominent figures will receive an invitation." Chang Dadan was always well-informed.     

"Yeah, it's her." Wang Zheng laughed.     

Everyone was taken aback and burst into laughter. Chang Dadan put his arms around Wang Zheng's shoulders and said, "How did you fall for the flower of the Titatitan Star? It seems that you have a great appetite. You have true ambitions! She is my dream lover. Should we sneak in together?"     

"Don't disgrace the Red Fox Section!" Jing Long laughed. This would cause problems, especially in the current sensitive period. They couldn't be creating opportunities for their opponents to get back at them.     

"Such matters are beyond us. However, I heard that the bars in Lan Kao City are even open in the day and the girls are more open than the girls in Canyon City. I'm not sure if it's just rumors." Lao Xiong placed much emphasis on the atmosphere when drinking too. He might seem like a careless person, but when it came to bars, he could talk with you about bar culture for several hours.     


"Tsk, after hearing what you said, I really want to experience it. Let's go together!" Jing Long laughed. Everyone had stayed Canyon City most of the time and had rarely visited Lan Kao City.     

When they stepped out of the door, they saw Red Fox, who had been very busy over the last few days. When the Red Fox saw the group, she was a little surprised. "Why are you all still around in the base?"     

If it was a usual Friday, the group would have left in a car to the city to hang around at this time.     

"Oh, the student soldier has something to do in Lan Kao City. His friend will be celebrating her birthday and we will be going too to join in the fun."     

"Going to Lan Kao City? That's great. I have matters to attend to there too. Let's go together." The Red Fox smiled.     

"The Captain is going too? Will there be a flying ship?" Lao Xiong started to make noise.     

"The Golden Fox and Silver Fox will be around too. Would you guys like to go together too?" said the Red Fox as she nodded her head.     

"Forget it then. Let's just take the train and look at the scenery while playing cards."     

"Oh, right, Chang Xiaodan, you still owe me $100!"     


The speed of the military-use cargo ship was much faster than the train. However, the people you travelled with mattered more in a trip.     

The night life in Lan Kao City was well-known. Without a doubt, the crowd headed straight for the largest bar street. It was a rare occasion that the Red Fox was with them, so everyone was even more excited than usual.     


Lao Xiong had ordered a bundle of beer. The girls who were selling beer were showing their cleavage in front of him. It was true that the girls here were several times more open than the girls in Canyon City. Lao Xiong even made it clear that he would buy beer from whoever had the best cleavage.     

Chang Dadan was appreciating the various cleavages. After taking a large gulp of beer, he grabbed Wang Zheng and said, "Do you want to call your friend over too?"     

"Forget it. We will be more at ease ourselves."     

At the bar table, the Red Fox was having a great time drinking. Instead of the beer the beer girls were promoting, she preferred the cocktail from the bartender. She particularly liked those that had a burning sensation when it entered the mouth. Unknowingly, she had drunk over 10 cups.     

"Student soldier, come over here."     

The Red Fox waved her hands at Wang Zheng.     

"Yes." Wang Zheng laughed as he brought his beer and sat down at the bar.     

"Why are you drinking beer? Give me two cups of Three-colored Flower."     

Pa. The Red Fox signalled to the bartender to make them some hard liquor.     

Wang Zheng smiled. As he raised his head, he gulped down the beer. Following which, he picked up the Three-colored Flower cocktail. There were three distinct colors. When he finished it in one gulp, it wasn't spicy at all and even felt sweet like flowers.     

However, in an instant, the energy of the alcohol erupted from his stomach and the burning sensation spread throughout the body.     

"It must have tasted great! Give me two more." The Red Fox continued to signal at the bartender. "From your appearance, I guess that you are still a virgin."     

Wang Zheng almost spat out the alcohol in his mouth. Theoretically speaking, she was right.     

"Aren't you curious how I could tell?"     

Wang Zheng nodded his head like a curious baby.     

"A mature man would prefer to look at a women's legs, or even feet or hands. Only a small boy would stare at the breast." The Red Fox laughed.     

"That can't always be the case. The guys here all look at... breasts."     

"The looks in their eyes are different from yours. There shouldn't be a lack of girls who would be interested in an elite from the IG. Let Sister give you a piece of advice. It won't be good if you hold it in for too long... Could it be that you are interested in mature women?"     

The Red Fox blinked her eyes flirtatiously. It might be due to the effects of the alcohol, but surprisingly, Wang Zheng's heart started to pound quickly as though a wild horse was trying to break free from its reins.     

"What's the matter? Could it be that Captain wants to capture me?" said Wang Zheng.     

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