Elixir Supplier

It Was too Late for the Prodigal

It Was too Late for the Prodigal

"I have to tell you about the worst possible outcome. Please don't blame me," Wang Yao said. "Based on her situation now, when she comes back, I am afraid I can't cure it."     

He was not an alarmist, but the illness's treatment was extremely difficult. For some time after the recovery treatment, her body's vitality had recovered a little. They were preparing for the next treatment, but she went back to take care of her sick mother.     

Such filial piety was respectable but irrational. It would consume and shorten her remaining life. A considerable part of the disease was caused by physical fatigue and decreased resistance. Generally speaking, as long as the blood and Qi were vital, one would not suffer from the disease.     

"I will go back and persuade her," Professor Lu said. He hurried away like he hurriedly came.     

Wang Yao sighed softly. Wen Wan was a filial person, but she couldn't ignore her body.     


In Wang Yilong's view, his son, Wang Zecheng, had changed too much. It was the kind of change with ups and downs. His daughter-in-law cleaned and dried all the bedding in his room. His son cleaned his room and bought him a new electric heater. He even accompanied his father to have small talks, which had not happened in the past 10 years. His father was moved, but he was also a little scared.     

Wang Zecheng came to see the old man early in the morning.     

"Dad, did you sleep well?" he asked.     

"I slept well," the old man said. "Zecheng, do you have something to tell me?"     

His son's unusual behavior made him think that he must be hiding something from him.     

"It's nothing," Wang Zecheng said. "What could I hide from you? You think too much."     

Two days ago, Wang Zecheng had taken a test report from the People's Hospital of Lianshan County to the provincial city. He consulted the experts at the Provincial People's Hospital. They confirmed the disease. The expert said that if he didn't feel relieved, he could go to the provincial hospital to check it again, which would be safer. Wang Zecheng was also told there was no treatment for the disease. He had cried at the time.     

He had just repented yet found out that his father was dying from the disease. It was estimated that he did not have many days left. He wanted to take care of his family. Now, his father was dying. It was a sad thing.     

Wang Zecheng planned to go to the provincial hospital with his father for a checkup. After looking at the old man's situation, he decided not to go there for a while. If he had to go, it would have to wait a few days so his father didn't become suspicious.     

"Your sister has been very busy recently, right?" his father asked.     

"She is busy," Wang Zecheng said. "The two children are enough for her to take care."     

Wang Zecheng did not tell his sister that their father had a bad illness. He wanted to tell her. When he called her, she was in the hospital because her son was ill. He was receiving an injection. At that time, Wang Zecheng swallowed his words. He knew it would only make his sister more anxious.     

He indeed had changed. If this had happened in the past, he would have told her no matter what was happening.     

Wang Zecheng decided that he must take it on by himself. He saw it as compensation for the past 10 years.     

"You are in good health, right? Do you have diarrhea?" his father asked.     

"I'm fine," Wang Zecheng said.     

It was quite strange. He had been so busy lately that his diet and sleep were all poor. Yet, his body, especially the abdominal discomfort, had recovered. He had no blood in his stool, and the injuries on his forehead were almost healed.     

Was it really retribution?     

Originally, he scoffed at such a thing. He did not believe it at all. After this kind of thing happened to his body, he started to believe. If it was not retribution, how else could it be explained?     

"Would you like to ask Wang Yao? Is there any way for him to help?" his wife asked during lunch.     

"What can he do for such a disease?" Wang Zecheng asked. "But, I do have to thank him."     

After he finished his meal, he went to the clinic. Wang Yao had just arrived.     

"Dr. Wang." Even the way he addressed Wang Yao had changed.     

"Come in and have a seat," Wang Yao said.     

He could tell that Wang Zecheng had changed a lot in just a few days. The biggest change was in his eyes. As the saying went, the eyes were the window of the soul. His eyes were mild and good, though he looked a little tired. His mental exhaustion showed.     

"Thank you," Wang Zecheng said     

"Why are you thanking me?" Wang Yao poured him a glass of water.     

"Thank you for making me realize how bad I used to be," Wang Zecheng said.     

"That's because you are awakening," Wang Yao said.     

He had used nothing but a small trick. In the beginning, he secretly patted Wang Zecheng's body. He moved his meridians a little bit, which affected the stomach and coordination of his limbs. He knew Wang Zecheng would heal himself after seven or eight days. If he did not repent at that time, Wang Yao would have found another way to teach him.     

"My father's illness is very serious, right?" Wang Zecheng asked.     

His father's disease had been discovered by Wang Yao, who had suggested the old man should go to a big hospital as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was not taken seriously at the time.     

"It is very serious," Wang Yao said. "Have you taken him to the hospital?"     

"Yes, I have been there. They said that it is a bad disease. It can't be cured!" Wang Zecheng's eyes became red. It was not fake. It was a reflection of his true feelings.     

"Don't be too sad. It's time to let the old man be happy," Wang Yao said.     

"I blame myself. I am a bad son. I am sure his illness is because of me," Wang Zecheng said.     

He had been remorseful in recent days. In regards to whether his father's illness was related to him, he figured it did. People who were in a good mood and loved to laugh generally did not get sick because they were relaxed.     

Appearances were generated from the heart. The disease was also generated from the heart. It is said that happiness hurts the heart, anger hurts the liver, thinking hurts the spleen, and fear hurts the kidney.     

Extreme emotions were harmful to the body. Long-term negative emotions were more likely to cause harm to the body. Wang Zecheng's father had worked hard to raise his son, but his son was not filial. He yelled at him all day and treated him like a servant. His mood could not have been good. He was probably angry all the time. Over time, it made him ill.     

Wang Yao did not speak. It was too late to repent. If it happened years earlier, the old man might not have gotten the disease. It was a pity there was no regret medicine in the world or not so many "ifs."     

"Can you cure this disease?" Although Wang Zecheng did not have any hope, he still asked.     

"I can alleviate the pain, but it is difficult to cure," Wang Yao said.     

"Relieving the pain would be good," Wang Zecheng said.     

Although the old man said that he slept well, he knew his father couldn't sleep at all in the middle of the night. Wang Zecheng had gotten up the past few nights and walked quietly outside the old man's room. He could hear his sighs. They were painful. It would be good to relieve his pain.     

"The medicine is very expensive!" Wang Yao stared into Wang Zecheng's eyes.     

"Expensive?" Wang Zecheng hesitantly said, "No worries."     

Wang Yao thought, Very good. He is really changing.     

"For now, go back home," Wang Yao said. "I need to think about it. Come back tomorrow for medicine."     

"Good," Wang Zecheng said. "Thank you!" He got up and gave Wang Yao a bow before leaving.     

"There is no need for that." Wang Yao was surprised.     

After Wang Zecheng returned home, his wife asked, "How did it go?"     

"He said that he can relieve the pain, but it is difficult to treat him," Wang Zecheng said.     

The couple spoke in low voices. They were afraid of disturbing their father and making him more suspicious.     

"That's something at least," his wife said.     

"It's very expensive," Wang Zecheng said. "But we must do it even if we need to surrender our last resources."     

"No problems."     

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