Elixir Supplier

Pests Together with the Mice

Pests Together with the Mice

He looked at the stone and reached out his hand to press on it. He held his breath in deep concentration.     


Wang Yao felt that the stone seemed to be shaking and slightly vibrating.     

How is that happening?     

He felt it for a while.     

There is something inside! What is it? What about breaking it to see?     

At this point, he could even break open a piece of steel in front of him. This was just a stone.     

Woof! Woof! The dog behind him was barking with uneasiness.     

Wait! What might be in the stone? Hibernating frogs, snakes, mice, or pests? If the stone was broken open, what should I do if they rush out?     

Wang Yao decided to leave. The dog stayed behind him. Before long, he returned with a large bucket of alcohol.     

"San Xian, go back," he said.     

The dog saw Wang Yao's gesture and stepped back.     

Wang Yao reached out his hand to press the stone, slightly exerting his power. Crack! The stone made a crisp sound. It broke open and fell to the ground. Nothing happened. He continued to use his force. The stone slowly broke.     

He suddenly stopped. He saw a worm about the size of a locust. Its body was dark with a black carapace and sharp limbs. It had a pair of big claws that were out of proportion with the body and some type of spike similar to a bee's stinger. He had no idea what it was.     

Wang Yao was shocked. He had lived in this small mountain village for many years and been to almost every corner of the mountains. He had never seen this kind of bug.     

This worm seemed to feel the changes in the external environment and the strange creature nearby. It quickly climbed toward Wang Yao, trying to sting him.     

"Interesting!" Wang Yao pinched it. The worm became mud.     

He continued to break the stone. The interior of the stone was like a honeycomb. A large number of bugs climbed out.     

Woof! Woof! The dog kept barking and rushed forward.     

"Go back, San Xian!" Wang Yao shouted.     

He shook his hand and got a few of the bugs into a porcelain bottle. He opened the alcohol bottle, drenched the honeycomb-like object, and ignited it.     

Bang! The flame instantly burned and made a squeaky sound like a fried egg. It gave off a pungent smell.     

What kind of bugs are they? Why are they in the stone, and where did they come from?     

At this time, there were many questions in Wang Yao's mind. He could only confirm that these worms were likely to have an inseparable relationship with the sudden outbreak of the infectious disease. He had to eliminate these seemingly terrible bugs.     


Wang Yao punched the stone still burning with flames. Crack! The stone broke like a sugar crispy. More insects fell out from inside. The flame was still burning. He quickly poured out more alcohol. The squeaky sound continued.     

He suddenly saw a mouse run out. He quickly reached out his hand to grab the mouse. He held it in his hand. The hair on its body was black. It was struggling to bite Wang Yao but broke two teeth.     

Lay off! Wang Yao bent his finger to flip.     

Crack! Crack! Both of its legs were broken.     

"San Xian, watch it. If it wants to run, kill it!" Wang Yao threw the mouse on the ground and turned to continue dealing with the worms.     

Alcohol didn't seem to be enough. He found some nearby dry wood from and pulled out a pine tree. In the end, he broke the whole stone and killed a large number of worms in it.     

Behind the stone, there were dense wormholes and mice holes. Wang Yao did not understand how the mice lived with the bugs. He would think about it later. For now, he had to determine how many bugs there were and the size of their cave. He continued to dig along the wormhole. He did it slowly, though he could have done it faster.     

After digging about three feet deep, he could determine the size of the caves. Although these worms were wiped out, he did not relax. His worry was even heavier.     

What about other places?     

He did not hesitate. He went to the nearest place of death and dug several pits. There were no wormholes, but there were mice holes. He went to another place and found the same thing.     

Mice? Plague? Variant! What about those bugs? What do they eat?     

Wang Yao left Xishan Hill with heavy doubts.     

"San Xian, go back on your own. Be careful on the road," he said.     

The dog returned to Nanshan Hill.     

"Is there something to worry about?" Zhang Xiuying noticed that her son seemed preoccupied during dinner.     

"Yes, there is something I don't understand," Wang Yao said.     

"Just eat for now," she said.     

While eating, Wang Yao was still thinking about the matter. He ate quickly. After the meal, he hurried up the mountain.     

"What happened to our son?" Zhang Xiuying asked. "He seems to be so concerned."     

"No worries, just let him go," Wang Fenghua said.     

"Hey, you didn't even ask him," she replied.     

Wang Yao hurriedly went to Nanshan Hill. The bugs he caught from Xishan were placed into a transparent bottle and observed. These bugs were disturbing and manic.     

"What do they eat?" He threw some plant leaves into the bottle. The bugs did not react. They just crawled up and down.     

He then threw in a small piece of meat. The bugs rushed over and ate.     

Wang Yao frowned. Eating meat? Why didn't I find any signs in the cave?     

They ate fast. In a short amount of time, the small pieces of meat were gone.     

Wang Yao thought for a while. He took a piece of sedge from the system grid and placed it in the mouth of the bottle. The bugs immediately became flustered. It was as if they saw their natural enemies.     

Sure enough, they are afraid of this!     

Later, Wang Yao found a piece of bone and threw it in. The insects actually ate it, and the speed of foraging was fast.     

Finally, he threw the dying mouse into it. A strange thing happened. The insects didn't eat it.     

Why is that? Wang Yao was surprised. They don't eat live things? That's not right. There must be something on it that these bugs don't eat!     

To verify this, he hurried down the mountain and returned home.     

"What? A rabbit?" After hearing her son's request, Zhang Xiuying was somewhat confused. "Why do you want one?     

"I'm doing an experiment," Wang Yao said.     

"Experiment?" Although she didn't know what this experiment was, Zhang Xiuying supported his son. "Wait, I'll ask."     

"A rabbit or a chicken is fine," Wang Yao said.     

"At this point, many people in the village have killed their livestock," Zhang Xiuying said.     

"You don't have to rush into this. I'll go out for it," Wang Yao said.     

He drove to the town and bought some chicken and rabbits. He returned home.     

"Mom, can you raise them for now?" he asked.     

"Boy, why did you buy so many of them. See? It is sick, and so is this one. You did not take a close look when buying. They cannot live for long," Zhang Xiuying complained.     

Wang Yao had just bought them with checking them out, but he had bought them for an experiment, not for eggs or eating.     

Not long after, he went back to Nanshan Hill. He put a chicken in with the insects, which became very excited. It was as if they saw a new friend. They rushed forward, which was completely different from when they saw the dying mice.     

Sure enough, there was something on that mouse!     

Next, he had to determine whether the bugs and mice carried the pathogens. Wang Yao could not do that just anywhere since it would be a considerable risk.     

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