Elixir Supplier

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

"Oh, that's good." Wang Yilong breathed a sigh of relief.     

He found his son had recently become very busy. He went to work during the day, and he went out to work at night. When he came home, he was tired and didn't say anything. After eating, the two would have a small talk. His son would go to bed early. He looked distressed but only answered "Nothing" if asked.     

His son was sensible now. Compared with the past, he was a changed person, which was a good thing. Wang Zilong was happy, but he did not want his son to be so tired. It had been going on for some time, so he was worried that his son's body would wear out.     

"How many days does he have to rest at home?" Wang Zilong asked.     

"My suggestion was at least seven days. Otherwise, it may leave a root for more serious illnesses," Wang Yao said.     

"Leave a root for illnesses?" Wang Yilong was nervous.     

"As long as he gets a break and goes to the clinic every two days, where I can give him a check, there will be no problem," Wang Yao said. "There is no need to be too worried about it."     

"Oh, that's good," Wang Zilong said.     

"Uncle, how have you been feeling recently?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I'm good," Wang Zilong said. "I eat more than before."     

"Yes, that's good." Wang Yao said.     

It was a good thing to be able to eat. In general, people who were seriously ill often could not eat anything.     

"Sorry to have disturbed your dinner," Wang Zilong said.     

"It's no problem," Wang Yao said. "Do you want to have some with us?"     

"No, I have already eaten," Wang Yilong said. He got up and left.     

"What happened to Zecheng?" Zhang Xiuying asked.     

"He fell off his bike," Wang Yao said.     

"Is it bad?" his mother asked.     

"It is not particularly serious," Wang Yao said.     

"Well, I don't think Yilong looks too bad," Wang Fenghua said.     

They knew about his illness.     

"His complexion is good," Wang Yao said.     

He didn't look carefully, but through his breathing, he was able to smell a rancid smell. That meant the problem in his body was still serious. After all, it was a terminal disease.     

"Yilong didn't live any easy and comfortable life. It's nice that his son has become a sensible good boy," Wang Fenghua said.     

"A prodigal son is more valued than gold," Wang Yao said.     

"Yes, it is more valued than gold," his father said.     

After returning, Wang Yilong was relieved. As long as his son was fine, that was what mattered.     

In a courtyard, Wen Wan coughed a few times.     

"Martial law has been lifted." Professor Lu was smoking a cigarette.     

"Yeah." Fan Youren also was smoking.     

Martial law had been lifted for several days, which was a relief for them. During that period, the days were difficult. They could not go out. They were worried about the pathogenic bacteria, which was highly contagious and had an extremely high mortality rate.     

They weren't worried about themselves. They were caring for Wen Wan, who had a serious illness. She was like a small flame in the wind and rain. She could be extinguished at any time. If she was infected with the serious illness, even God could not save her.     

"Let's go, Professor," Fan Youren said.     

"Where are you going?" Professor Lu looked at the young man with a look of surprise. "Your mother's illness has just begun to improve. Do you think that if you go to other places, they will have a way to do it better than Dr. Wang?"     

"No, I am just worried," Fan Youren said.     

They had been using the drugs Wang Yao gave to his mother, and they were surprised that the drugs had an effect. His mother's illness was getting better. Her complexion was also getting better. Her body had begun to get more energy. She was even able to get up to do some activities. Such obvious changes made him very happy, but the sudden occurrence of a pathogenic bacteria worried him.     

More than a dozen people died. Such things could not be hidden. He might have even seen or talked to some of those people.     

Fan Youren was still young. He was worried about his mother's health, and his own health. As the old saying went, gentlemen do not stand against the dangerous wall. He knew there was danger but stayed, which was not wise.     

"We can leave with the medicine. After it is used up, I will come back to get more," Fan Youren said. Since he made such a suggestion, he had already thought about the related problem.     

"What if there is an accident?" Professor Lu asked.     

"That..." In fact, that was a problem he did not have a solution for.     

Fan Youren had to admit that Wang Yao's medical skills were brilliant. Before treatment, his mother had two obvious physical discomforts, and her condition was instantly aggravated. After being treated by Wang Yao, his mother's illness was quickly stabilized.     

"Youren, if you have something to do, go ahead," Professor Lu said. "I will stay here with your mother."     

"I don't mean that," Fan Youren said.     

"As for the disease you are worried about, I asked Dr. Wang about it," Professor Lu said. "Haven't we already taken the medicine?"     

"I'll wait another two days," Fan Youren said.     

He had been somewhat annoyed recently, but it was much better now that martial law was over.     

The night was quiet. Wang Yao went to Nanshan Hill alone. It was a little dim.     

Wang Yao looked at the system panel in front of him. "Almost full!"     

His experience bar had a considerable increase. When he discovered this, he was surprised because he had not completed any obvious tasks recently. He hadn't seen too many patients, but the experience bar increased. After he had inquired, he knew that it was because he successfully developed a drug that could cure a terrible disease. This was a special reward, which had never happened before.     

He thought, I wonder what kind of reward will happen after this upgrade?     

The next morning, the man who had anorexia came a little before 8:30 a.m., so Wang Yao was still on the mountain. The man waited. He was accompanied by his wife.     

"Is he not here?" the wife asked.     

"He's coming back very soon," the man said. "Yesterday, he told me to come."     

They waited for about 20 minutes. Wang Yao finally came down from the mountain. "You have come so early."     

"Not that early," the man said.     

"Sorry." Wang Yao opened the clinic door and invited the couple in. "Are you still not able to eat?"     

"I still don't like to eat," the man said. "I can only eat some fluid food and drink some soup."     

Wang Yao started to explain the treatment plan he had prepared for the couple.     

"Do you have any questions?" he asked.     

"Well, we can try it," the man.     

He did not like to eat, which was true, but he did not dislike liquid foods or juice drinks.     

"Please remember that there must be no filaments in the liquid food. That must be guaranteed," Wang Yao said to the man's wife.     

The cause of this anorexia was hair. He had a certain degree of sensitivity to silky food, so it required special attention to avoid aggravating the condition.     

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind," the woman said.     

She had been worried about her husband's strange disease. Out of nowhere, he didn't want to eat anything. Even if he was hungry, he wouldn't eat. He had gone three days without eating, so she was concerned the illness would cause other problems.     

"Here is the medicine I prescribed. It is all food," Wang Yao said. "Don't worry about this disease. Take time with the treatment."     

"OK. Thank you, Dr. Wang," the man said.     

"You're welcome. Relax your mind, and don't think about those things when you eat," Wang Yao said.     

"Yes, I'll try hard." The man smiled.     

His body was now quite thin. It was as if he could be blown away by a gust of wind.     

When the couple left, Professor Lu came in. "Hello, Dr. Wang."     

"Hello, didn't you sleep well last night?" Wang Yao asked.     

"No, I didn't sleep well," Professor Lu said.     

He had been in the mountain village for more than a month. He had wanted to leave, but martial law was declared. After being gone for a month, he was beginning to worry about what his family would think. Even the most harmonious couple would have some doubts.     

"How is Wen Wan's illness?" Professor Lu asked.     

"She is recovering well," Wang Yao said.     

He had used a dilution of ointment for continuing life, and the treatment had been very effective.     

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