Gourmet Food Supplier

No desire and no request from Dao Yi

No desire and no request from Dao Yi

When Yuan Zhou's restaurant opened and the customers entered, Zhou Shijie said to mountain zizai,""Yu daoyi, look at me. I've been lining up for you, and I didn't even get to eat breakfast."     

"It's just to satisfy my stomach. Don't worry about it. " Yu daoyi, who was also known as mountain man zizai, spoke indifferently.     

"Then aren't you still in line?" Zhou Shijie said unhappily.     

"You can't go back on your word." Yu daoyi said naturally.     

"I've forgotten that you're an old man with no desires. " Zhou Shijie became speechless instantly.     

I'm afraid this Daoist priest has never tasted a delicacy before, otherwise, he wouldn't be so indifferent. " Chu Xiao said seriously at the side,"eating is not only for the desire of the stomach. First of all, cooking is a kind of art. And delicious food is a kind of sublime enjoyment of the spirit."     

"Vegetable tofu can be eaten. Chicken, duck, and fish meat can also be eaten. Both of them are salty and light, and there is no difference." Yu daoyi's voice was cold, and his tone was very indifferent.     

"Since chicken, duck, fish, vegetables, and tofu can all be eaten, why is the Daoist priest a vegetarian?" Chu Qi said.     

"I'm both a vegetarian and a carnivore. There's no difference between the two to me." Yu daoyi said.     

"Cough, cough, this is one who doesn't mind eating." Zhou Shijie nodded at the side and said.     

"Then who is that little Daoist behind you?" Chu Xiao pointed at the group of more than a dozen Daoist children in blue clothes behind him and said.     

"This is Shijie's suggestion." Yu daoyi said.     

"For the lottery." Zhou Shijie nodded his head.     

"Daoist priest, you'll know when you've tasted real food that it's not just for your appetite." Chu Qi said.     

This time, Yu daoyi didn't say anything. He turned his head and continued to stare ahead. It was unknown if he was really in a daze or if he was reciting the Tao Te Ching.     

The line quieted down.     

The breakfast time was only one hour long, which passed very quickly. After all the customers in the restaurant left, Yuan Zhou walked out of the restaurant with Zhou Jia and Cheng Han.     

The three of them went directly to the line for the vegetarian banquet.     

Yuan Zhou walked in the front while Cheng Hao and Zhou Jia followed him on his left and right.     

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Yuan Zhou nodded his head.     

"No, no. Do you want to draw now?" Looking at the box in Zhou Jia's arms, the customers asked directly.     

"I'll repeat the price of the vegetarian banquet. It's 58888 Yuan per table. Here's the menu with the price of the vegetarian banquet." While saying that, Yuan Zhou took out a menu the size of A4 paper.     

There was only one price on it, and that was the vegetarian banquet: 58888 Yuan per table (each table can seat up to eight people at the same time)     

The price was clearly stated. This was the only way to comply with the regulations of the Bureau of commodity prices.     

The paper used for this menu was different. It was smooth and delicate in his hand, and there were silver lines on the beige paper. If one looked carefully, they would see that it was in the shape of a lotus flower.     

And this line of simple words was written by the writer, Fang Zheng and dense, the strokes were light and heavy, the strokes were strong and round, the aura was solemn and vigorous, it was very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.     

A simple menu was enough to tell that this vegetarian banquet was not ordinary.     

"This paper is not bad." Wu Hai pinched the menu and touched the paper carefully, saying.     

"It's alright. " Yuan Zhou said indifferently.     

"Are you giving this paper to us?" Wu Hai stroked the paper and said with interest.     

"No need. Cheng Yu will take it away later." Yuan Zhou said.     

"Little Yuan, you're really a stickler for rules." Zhou Shijie said with a smile.     

"He's indeed old-fashioned. " Chu Xiao raised his eyebrows and shouted.     

However, Yuan Zhou had long been used to such comments and thus didn't say anything. He didn't continue until the customer became a little quiet.     

"The rules of the lottery are the same as the wine. One person can only draw once. Line up and draw according to the order. The red ping pong ball represents the winner." Yuan Zhou said.     

After the final rules were explained clearly, the lottery draw began directly. Zhou Jia carried the box and let the others draw.     

Cheng Han took advantage of this time to collect the menu he had just sent out.     

A total of 21 menus were given out. Of course, this didn't include the ones given to the little Daoist children. Yu daoyi had also said that there was no need to give them the menus.     

The recycling process was very smooth, except for Wu Hai's attempt to swallow it.     

Of course, Wu Hai didn't resist much when Yuan Zhou just stood there.     

The speed of the lottery was very fast. Among the first few people, only a very young man got it, but he directly handed it to CEO Wu.     

Yes, it was Wu Yungui, the boss of the food business circle.     

"Boss Yuan, I'll wait for you to come and eat on the 20th." President Wu held the red ball and said with a smile.     

"Sure." Yuan Zhou nodded his head.     

"Then I'll give you the money first." After that, boss Wu picked up his phone and began to transfer the money.     

When it was Yu daoyi's turn to draw, he reached out his pale, thin, and slender hand and directly took out a ball. When he held it in his hand, he saw that it was white.     

"You old Daoist actually didn't get it." Zhou Shijie sighed.     

"It's fine. You can eat it too. " Yu daoyi said with an indifferent expression.     

"Oh? Looks like I'll be able to draw it. " Zhou Shijie reached out his hand to touch the ball with a smile.     

But soon, Zhou Shijie also took out a white ball. Zhou Shijie immediately said,""It seems that even an old Daoist like you can make mistakes. I didn't get it, but could it be that your disciple or grand-disciple got it?"     

Yu daoyi looked at Zhou Shijie indifferently and didn't say anything. At this time, Chu Xiao also reached out his hand and touched a ping pong ball.     

He opened his palm and saw that it was a red ball.     

"I'm looking forward to your new dish. " Chu Xiao handed the ball to Yuan Zhou and said.     

"No problem," he said. Yuan Zhou said.     

"Young Chu, don't forget what you promised." Zhou Shijie instructed with a smile.     

"Then, would the two of you please have lunch together at noon on the 20th?" he asked. Chu Xiao fixed the time cleanly.     

"No problem. Thank you so much, young Chu." Zhou Shijie answered with a smile.     

"Many thanks." Yu daoyi said with a nod.     

After that, more than a dozen Daoist kids took turns to draw the lottery. However, none of them got the prize. Nobody knew if it was because of the bad luck, but Wu Hai, who followed closely behind, also didn't get the prize.     

"Although I don't like eating grass, if I don't get it, will I starve to death?" Wu Hai stared at the small white ball and said discontentedly.     

"Come and follow me, I'll leave a seat for you." Jiang Changxi stretched out her hand and touched Wu Hai's shoulder. Then, she took out a red ball.     

"Thank you, Sister Jiang." When Wu Hai, who originally wanted to resist, saw Jiang Changxi take out the red ball just like that, he immediately turned around and said.     

"Yes, good girl." When Jiang Changxi said she was good, she intentionally looked at Yuan Zhou. However, Yuan Zhou didn't have any reaction and just watched the customers smoking quietly.     

After two rounds, it was time for the last two to draw. At this time, there were two red balls left in the box.     

The last two people were a man and a woman. The woman was Xia Yu, who was 1.8 meters tall. Before she drew her lots, she made a very formal prayer gesture and held a tennis ball in her hand.     

After she was done, Xia Yu bent down and reached out her hand. Her movements were very slow, but she quickly opened her palm after she pulled it out.     

As expected, there was a small red ball on Xia Yu's palm.     

People had a habit during the lottery. They liked to watch others draw the ones they didn't draw, and they liked to watch others draw even more after they finished.     

Therefore, when it was time for the last person to draw, everyone looked over. Even Yu daoyi raised his head to look.     

But this glance made Yu daoyi smile.     


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