Godly Model Creator

The future master!

The future master!

What a great kill that was.     

For Su Hao to possess such strength at that age, it was the first time ever the people had hope that the strongest esper may appear! So what if he killed a few wastes?     

The contradiction was finally resolved completely!     

At the same time, countless people in the Federation's industries went on strike. Rumor said that quite a number of people threw a piece of paper at their boss's face. If you have the guts, label me anti-humanity then!     

Excluding Jianghe City, which was the only place that didn't condemn Su Hao, the federal government's credibility in other places had fallen to rock bottom.     

All the talented students had transferred to private high schools.     

As the best ever institution in history, Zhanzheng College actually achieved the highest number of dropouts!     

Su Hao was gone.     

Su Ling left.     

In this operation, the role played by Zhanzheng College made many people unhappy. If the school was like that, what was the point of staying there then? At the same time, the details regarding Su Hao's hunt were exposed to the public, including the involvement of teachers from Zhanzheng College. Meanwhile, a new topic was born within the online community.     

#Clear Su Hao's name!     

Once this topic was released, it broke 100 million hits that day itself!     

Everyone was paying attention to this issue.     

This time, even if the Federation wished to conceal this, there was no longer the need to do so because everything had been exposed. In an instant, the credibility of the Federation had fallen to its lowest point.     

A crisis!     

This was the biggest crisis ever faced since the establishment of the Federation!     

At this moment, countless people holding high positions suddenly came to a realization.     

Originally, they thought that they had controlled the majority of the Federation, and no one could shake their position. However, right now, they discovered that their always stable regime was crumbling.     

Water could carry a boat, but also overturn it at the same time.     

This was the truth.     

In an instant, countless ambitious families began to threaten their position.     

Thankfully the Federation destroyed the top ten families; otherwise, the Tian family would never miss such a golden opportunity.     

However, even under such situations, things had become haywire that they couldn't even cover up the incident even if they wished to.     

At the Federation's Strategic Office, the atmosphere was extremely scary.     

No one expected for things to escalate up to this point.     

Those who had many opinions normally were all dumbfounded. No one dared to speak. That one who sat at the most upfront, his eyes glanced across everyone. Sighing, in the end, he could only look at Hai Hun.     

"Is there any solution?"     

"There is." Hai Hun replied indifferently.     

Then, he looked at several people who would usually clamour themselves and calmly continued, "However, some people need to be sacrificed."     


Now, everyone was panicking.     

Hai Hun just smiled like a demon.     


Soon, the Federation took action.     

First, various crimes of a powerful official were exposed, and the Federation immediately highlighted it to change the focus of the citizens. Questions regarding the credibility of the Federation had now shifted into corruption, and the interesting thing was the Federation shamefully went silent.     

Someone soon wrote a joint letter requesting the Federation not to ignore corruption and be clear of their stand.     

In the end, after a period of cooling down, the Federation finally took action on someone and even killed several other corrupt officials. The dirty insider information was exposed and became the Federation's largest stain, but the moment it erupted, the Federation had already killed everyone.     

As for Su Hao...     

Without a doubt, he became a hero.     

Whether it was his current talent and strength or the past Wu Ming who contributed in Huangliang City, his current status was unshakable!     

The storm was finally over.     

Although the Federation suffered a terrible defeat, under the swift and violent action by Hai Hun, one could say the Federation was still standing on its feet and regaining its reputation. Although it wasn't as good as before, at least, its stability had been restored. This was Su Hao's first battle since his comeback, and yet he already stood at the top in glory.     

The worst thing was no one knew that the current Su Hao was just a domain esper.     

Ranking among the top powerhouses in the world realm, who could match this glory?     


A win is a win, but the consequences of the battle were also severe. After all, world espers aren't ordinary people. At least, even the Su family who supported Su Hao felt heavy in their heart.     

This battle was too hurtful!     

Not to mention, those twenty world espers...     

And six world espers Su Hao killed previously, a total of twenty-six! The forces cultivated by the Federation were destroyed just like that by Su Hao. What if the battle with the beasts started now?     


They had too many things to worry about.     

"Don't you think your action is a bit too much?" The Big Elder of Su family looked at Su Hao, "With the fall of the top ten families, the Federation was in chaos for a time. It wasn't that easy to stabilize, and yet it got swept by you again."     

"Then, I can only say the Federation was courting its own death." Su Hao smirked.     

"I know this reasoning." Big Elder smiled bitterly, "But the issue is today's Federation couldn't be injured anymore. Not to forget, during those two trips in Great Despair, how many people got injured or killed?"     

"Don't worry." Su Hao laughed, "First, although there were many casualties in the Great Despair, our overall strength did increase. King of Fire and King of Hell will soon step into the level three world realm. Now that's true strength! Using those level one world espers as cannon fodders to get two level three world espers in return, what do you say? Is it worth it or not?"     

"Secondly, the battle between beasts and humans will definitely happen but..."     

"Are you sure the battle would escalate any further?"     


Big Elder felt a bit confused.     

The trip to the Great Despairs, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, he could understand the reasoning, but what did Su Hao mean by his last sentence. The battle between beasts and humans will happen, but it won't escalate any further?     

"The beasts aren't stupid." Su Hao's eyes shone, "No matter what the strength of mankind is, once the battle happens, it will be endless. Even if they win, what would be left for the beasts? Not to mention, those high ranking ones among the beasts, are they even interested in participating?"     

Without waiting for Big Elder to answer, Su Hao laughed at himself.     

"Relax, the thing you worry about will never happen."     


"They should have the same doubts as me, I guess?"     

"If everything is true, what's the use even when the world is unified? Thus, they will not take any action until the actual truth is revealed!"     

Hearing this, Big Elder felt mystified and sighed.     

Once upon a time, Su Hao took refuge in the Su family, and now he had reached such a height. However, he knew that since Su Hao had long prepared, there wouldn't be any problem.     

Within the Federation, questions regarding Su Hao were still spreading like wildfire.     

Su Hao's fans, who had been repressed for years, ensured his popularity surged to an unprecedented level again! In addition, Yang Zixi would add fuel at times. In regards to Su Hao's current age and strength, he was absolutely the first one in history!     

Whether or not he had the chance of becoming the strongest esper, that had become the topic of concern among the public.     

Just 23 years old, and he could already defeat Yun Yi!     

Then, at what age would he become the strongest esper?     

Su family's old ancestor, Tian family's old ancestor, and even a number of powerful espers, why couldn't they breakthrough? After analysis, they had obtained the most reasonable cause. It was because their cultivation didn't come from their own hard work! As the first generation espers, they obtained the blessing from Heaven.     

When the chaotic era began!     

They became the first generation espers.     

How could they be compared to those espers who obtained their ability with their own strength?     

Even when they reached the peak world realm, they couldn't breakthrough!     

If one is to phrase it in another way...     

Their chance of breakthrough was extremely low!     

Thus, these older generation strong espers would face difficulty continuing their path. Except for the Tian family's old ancestor who was willing to try it out, the rest had already given up on the breakthrough.     

This world belonged to the young generation of the future after all.     

And now, Su Hao became the number one among the younger generation and was showered with a lot of expectations.     

His popularity was at a never before seen high!     

Su Hao became the most famous man in the Federation. Chen Xi's fans strongly resisted it, but after their goddess posted, "Wow, Brother Su is so great!", her fans fainted. What was even scarier was at this time, the hidden Bai family suddenly returned!     

The Bai family made its comeback!     

This event stunned the Federation.     

Because they clearly remembered that the Bai family got wiped out!     

Unfortunately, when the Bai family returned, they were still at their pinnacle of strength. Also, they had many world espers who clearly did not breakthrough recently and were already comparable to those old-timers. Of course, when the Bai family came back, they also brought news capable of collapsing the entire federal government.     

Bai family joining hands with Su family.     

One who is extremely strong and one with unmatched economic power, with the cooperation of Su Hao and Bai Lingfeng, those two quickly united and caused the Federation to be fearful. The Federation was only established when the chaotic era arrived. It took them so many years before they managed to obtain this rare stability.     

If this joint force of the Su family and Bai family were to add fuel to this fire...     

Fortunately, the Su family didn't seem to plot anything.     

Only then did the Federation feel relieved.     

They weren't afraid of the Su family and Bai family, but if a war broke out, it wouldn't be like any previous trifles, but the disintegration of the entire Federation.     

However, no matter what.     

Popularity, prestige, strength, status...     

With the Bai family's return, Su Hao became the number one among the young generation in all aspects! At this moment, every sentence of his was more effective than the Federation!     

This was an unchallenged right that overridden everyone else!     

"The Federation needs stability." Su Hao said.     

He just sent a warning to the online community, and soon those who had gone on strike all came back to work, and major enterprises quickly resumed their operations. The already crumbling Federation restored its stability at the fastest speed and returned to its former state.     

This scene really surprised everyone.     

Even Su Hao was secretly shocked.     

He didn't expect how terrifying his current popularity would be!     

One needs to know.     

He wasn't anyone but a 23-year-old level three world esper!     

In the eyes of ordinary people and even most espers, the current Su Hao had now become the future strongest esper of the Federation or even the entire earth...     

The future master!     

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