MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

A Common Occurrence

A Common Occurrence

Demonic Netherstrike was one of the Ultimate Skills of Violent Warriors. Upon activation, their Fury reserves would be completely depleted. Furthermore, the skill also required the user to sacrifice half of their health to activate it.     




Damage counters constantly popped out of Jiaojiao's head. During the moment before the skill's impact, Jiaojiao activated 'Immortal Body'. However, once Demonic Netherstrike was used, all skills of the player entangled by the blood pillar would be disabled. Thus, Immortal Body was ineffective!     

After a whole ten seconds later, the round pillar of blood receded.     

Crash! Queen Jiaojiao collapsed. Meanwhile, Brother Simon was at low health after activating Demonic Netherstrike. After taking a blow from a Wizard's Blizzard Spell, he perished.     

[Southern Continent Player, Brother Simon has killed the Queen of the Invincible Continent, Invincible Jiaojiao!]     

[Southern Continent Player, Brother Simon has killed the Queen of the Invincible Continent, Invincible Jiaojiao!]     

The system's red text automatically appeared in all channels.     

Killing the King of a nation was a feat worthy of appearing on TV. Even if a player was unnamed, their face would still be plastered all over the screen.     

Jiaojiao resurrected in the temple, and while she held up Lord of Disaster, she cried out in bitterness.     

All her effort on stacking up Soul Guard was lost upon death. In other words. All 1,000 souls that she had absorbed prior to her death was now lost…     

Her attribute upgrades had vanished, and so did her damage reduction. She was now back to her original state after the thrashing that she had received.     

"Whoever that kills Brother Simon the greatest number of times will become the Castellan of Black Cloud City!"     

Jiaojiao was pretty ballsy as well. To think that she had offered up the position of an official as a bounty. Fortunately for her, Li Yi was not present on the scene, otherwise, she would have definitely received a scolding. After all, if one were to spend money to become a Castellan, they would need to prepare at least 1.8 million gold coins; otherwise, even the city gates were out of their reach.     

Naturally, many brave warriors emerged once the attractive reward was announced. Compounded with the fact that her words were authentic, the blood of the Invincible Continent players boiled immediately after hearing an Official Position being offered as a reward for murdering someone. In a sharp voice, they screamed out Brother Simon's name and constantly roamed around in search of his position.     

A mere ten minutes later, Brother Simon had been slain 11 times. Nevertheless, his luck was pretty good as he had not dropped a single piece of equipment. As such, he had sustained only minor losses.     

In a certain corner of the massive battlefield, Chen Yang's Ice Queen had encountered Faded Cloud Breeze's Hellfire Demon.     

Ice Queen's AoE skill was extremely brutal, but Hellfire Demon was not half bad itself. The two summon beasts were neck and neck in terms of strength, but whenever they crossed swords, misfortune befell onto their surrounding players. Their AoE skills slammed into one another, and in the end, only Chen Yang and Faded Cloud Breeze were left standing in the battlefield.     

Ice Queen and Hellfire Demon were fighting it out real good now. Ice and Fire collided into one another, producing a magnificent sight.     

While their summon beasts were engaged in combat, Chen Yang took up his 'Demon-quelling Quarterstaff', which was even taller than his body, and rushed towards Faded Cloud Breeze.     

Chen Yang lifted up his quarterstaff with the goal to bring down a huge load of hurt onto Faded Cloud Breeze.     

"Soul Staff Technique!"     



The one and only damaging skill available to Natural Summoners was their 'Soul Staff Technique'. Coincidentally, the skill was dubbed as the most garbage skill in all of King of Pantheon, and it was second to none.     

Faded Cloud Breeze burst into laughter and he stood there, motionless, allowing Chen Yang to hit him as he pleased. The only action he carried out was to cast 'Pet Heal' onto Hellfire Demon from time to time in order to bring up his HP.     

"Soul Staff Technique!"     

Thud! Thud! Thud!     




Chen Yang weaved left and right; all the while casting Soul Staff Technique. Faded Cloud Breeze found it so hilarious that he was nearly out of breath.     

"Brother, at the rate that things are going, I estimate that you'll be able to defeat me on this day next year. I advise you to keep an eye on Ice Queen instead, as her HP is running pretty low."     

Chen Yang turned his head around to give Ice Queen a glance. When he realized that her HP was still above 50%, he felt a surge of relief and continued to lift his Quarterstaff and smash it into Faded Cloud Breeze. "Soul Staff Technique! Soul Staff Technique!"     

"Retard." Faded Cloud Breeze heaved an exasperated sigh. He ran an INT build, whereby he devoted all his stat points into INT, and as such, he did not have much HP. Despite that, his HP was at a respectable 26,935, and with the way Chen Yang was attacking, he would never die even if he stood still on the spot.     

Chen Yang was so engrossed in his task that beads of sweat had begun to roll off his head. While targeting Soul Staff Technique on Faded Cloud Breeze, he gradually pushed forward, closing his distance with Faded Cloud Breeze.     

In contrast, Faded Cloud Breeze was too occupied with healing Hellfire Demon and gave zero regards to Chen Yang's actions. Despite that, Chen Yang continued to swing his quarterstaff down, as if he had already forgotten about Ice Queen.     

By the time Chen Yang was directly in front of Faded Cloud Breeze, Ice Queen was only left with 10% HP. Even if Chen Yang decided to heal her then, it would be too little, too late.     

"Retard, Ice Queen is getting wrecked for the sake of nothing because of you."     

Chen Yang ignored his comments. After giving a snort, he pointed his quarterstaff upward and yelled, "Switch! Self-destruct!"     


Chen Yang's body was instantaneously swapped with Ice Queen's, and following the shift in position, Ice Queen self-destructed…     

Ice Queen was not the only Epic-level Skill that Li Yi had given to Chen Yang, as 'Self-destruct' was one of them as well. If one were to evaluate on skill-level as a whole, Faded Cloud Breeze did not even hold a candle to Fatty.     


Faded Cloud Breeze did not even get the chance to activate Phantom Footprints as he was immediately blasted into smithereens along with Ice Queen…     

Due to the position swap, Hellfire Demon's flames had spewed onto Chen Yang's body. Despite that, Chen Yang was unharmed, as immediately after using 'Switch', he activated Phantom Footprints. With the 12-seconds of invincibility he had, Hellfire Demon was unable to harm him at all.     

After making sure that Faded Cloud Breeze did not drop any equipment, Chen Yang activated the innate ability of the Dwarf race, Instant Slip-away, and he turned tail and ran.     

Being an Ultimate Summon Beast, Hellfire Demon did not disappear immediately after its owner's death. Instead, it remained for quite some time; and those who dared to approach it was in for a rough time.     

Hellfire Demon spotted Chen Yang fleeing, and it angrily bellowed. However, it did not give chase. Though it would not perish instantaneously, once its owner died, it would lose all mobility.     

Chen Yang raced hundreds of meters forward in a single breath before turning back and cursing, "Retard!"     

Chen Yang peered ahead. Since the ground was littered with the gravestones from the players' deaths, there were not many people nearby. However, the enemy camp was even more pitiful, as it lacked even a single soul.     

The war was still going on, and the victors were still undecided. Jiaojiao's Invincible Continent army was still hindered at the continent's border whereas Fluttering Snow Alliance was giving it all they had to prevent them from passing. If one were to compare losses, both sides had taken an equally heavy blow.     


"ROAR— ROAR—"     

"Hurry up! Hurry up…"     

Up in the sky, Onyxia was still flying at rapid speed. However, where she was heading towards was not the war at the edge of the continent, but instead the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital.     

Having Jiaojiao and Confused Fox present at the borders was enough, as the main battle was actually located in the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital.     

"Faster… Faster…"     

"Mortal, why don't you try taking flight?"     

Due to Li Yi's constant ushering, feelings of discontent had begun to manifest within Onyxia. She rebutted his words and lowered her flight speed.     

"Dumb*ss dragon! Stop playing!"     

"I might be your mount, but the Black Dragon Clan's dignity should never be trampled on!"     

Li Yi could no longer communicate with her. No matter what order he issued, Black Dragon Princess gave zero damns about him and instead flew forward at a leisurely pace. Not going in the opposite direction was already pushing the limits of her respect for him.     

After a strenuous effort, they finally made it into the Southern Continent's map. Li Yi heaved a long sigh, took out his 'Random Teleportation Scroll', and shredded it.     


Five seconds later, the dragon and its master had vanished into thin air. A second later, Li Yi appeared in Land of Fire.     

Land of Fire was located extremely far from the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital. Even if Onyixa was willing to fly at top speed, it would still take at least seven hours to make it there.     

Since Li Yi did not have a method of teleporting directly to the capital, his only option was to rely on the Random Teleportation Scroll.     


Another Random Teleportation Scroll was used, and Li Yi appeared in Land of Fire yet again. The distance he had moved from his initial position was only a single step.     


Li Yi spat out an expletive, and he took out another Random Teleportation Scroll…     


In a blink of an eye, a dozen of Random Teleportation Scrolls had been used. Nevertheless, Li Yi was still hanging around in Land of Fire and had yet to leave the area even once.     

Li Yi was at a loss for words. He still had plenty of Random Teleportation Scrolls in his bag, but if he continued to teleport like that any longer, it would be a serious waste of time.     


Li Yi did not give up. He tore open another two scrolls, but in the end, he was still stuck in Land of Fire.     

'So, it wasn't a coincidence when I teleported to Land of Fire last time. It wasn't fate that brought me to Big-tits Qian last time, but the damned design of the Random Teleportation Scroll.'     

Li Yi was feeling dejected. He had used nine scrolls in one go, and the results remained unchanged. He was still transported to Land of Fire every time.     

Angered, Li Yi logged into Pantheon's official site to file a complaint. Following that, he got onto Onyxia, and with a defeated expression, he flew once again towards the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital.     

Had he known that the Random Teleportation Scroll was defective, he would have never used it. After all, he could have reached the Celestial Capital earlier just by flying there, but now, he had wasted time which could have been used better for travel.     

While rushing to the Capital, Li Yi requested a progress report from Jiaojiao. What he received, however, was that the battlefield at the continent's borders did not progress much. Both forces were still at a stalemate.     

[The Southern Continent Player, Faded Cloud Breeze has slain the Invincible Continent's Queen, Invincible Jiaojiao!]     

The system's red text had appeared yet again. Ever since Brother Simon had broken Jiaojiao's Soul Guard status, Queen Jiaojiao's appearance in the World Channel was a graph of linear growth.     

After flying for about five minutes, Li Yi lost his patience. He took out another Random Teleportation Scroll and continued to gamble with chance.     

Onyxia was totally uncompliant. She would fly east for a moment, and switch towards the west. Simply put, she was not flying straight. Furthermore, she was flying slowly as well. At the speed that she was going, Li Yi would require at least fifteen hours in order to arrive at the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital.     

With a gut filled with rage, Li Yi dispelled Onyxia and continued to play with chance on the ground.     


Li Yi appeared in Land of Fire.     


Once again, Li Yi appeared in Land of Fire.     

'Motherf*cker, I'm here again…'     

At that instant, a reply from Pantheon's official forum was delivered into Li Yi's mailbox. The reply stated, [The Random Teleportation Scroll's skewed odds in teleporting to Land of Fire is a normal occurrence and is intended. It is not a bug. Pantheon's official forum hopes that you enjoy your time in the game.]     

'Is this f*cking called a normal occurrence?'     

He had used tens of dozens of Random Teleportation Scrolls by now, and in the end, he was only circling around the Land of Fire. Should that be called a common occurrence?     

Li Yi took out another stack of Random Teleportation Scrolls, and he tore scroll after scroll, without pausing…     

Half an hour had gone by, and around three hundred Random Teleportation Scrolls had been used. However, his best attempts had only sent him to the edge of the Southern Continent, which was a long way from the Celestial Capital; and the rest had sent him circling around in Land of Fire.     

Just as Li Yi was fuming and was about to tear open another Random Teleportation Scroll, the system made a colorful announcement.     

[After the united effort of the members of Assembled Gods, they have successfully occupied the Southern Continent's Celestial Capital.]     

[Player Milky Way Star is revered by tens of thousands and has been crowned the king of the Southern Continent! Let us cheer for him!]     

[Player Milky Way Star is revered by tens of thousands and has been crowned the king of the Southern Continent! Let us cheer for him!]     

[Player Milky Way Star is revered by tens of thousands and has been crowned the king of the Southern Continent! Let us cheer for him!]     

The 'king' of the Southern Continent had been crowned…     


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