Godfather Of Champions

The Two Buddies’ Troubles

The Two Buddies’ Troubles

Evan Doughty would begin to miss the days when Tony Twain was still around.     

He realized that facing the media all the time was not an enjoyable thing.     

When his car drove to the gate of the Wilford training grounds, a large group of reporters completely blocked the area. His car could not move at all. Just like what happened the previous night, a large group of reporters pounced when they saw the dark red Audi A6. It was as if they were sharks that got a whiff of blood. Those bright white flashes were like the sharks' giant teeth, which radiated cold light in the early morning sun.     

They asked the same questions as before, but they were even more aggressive. Evan believed that if he could not give them a reply, he would not be able to enter the gate.     

He opened the car window. The microphones immediately slithered in like snakes.     

If he had just put his face in front of the car window, he would have been poked by these stick-like objects.     

"There will be a press conference in the afternoon, gentlemen. If you have any questions, please save them until then!" Evan raised his voice and shouted with none of the club chairman's bluster. He was completely overwhelmed by the bloodthirsty paparazzi.     

"Can we ask any questions?" a reporter inquired.     

To get rid of these people, Evan Doughty had to nod and agree. "Any question is fine!"     

"Well, how about Tony Twain's open letter? Can I ask about that?" The reporter did not want to let go of such an opportunity.     

Evan Doughty did not answer the question. He pushed the microphones out and closed the car window.     

The Audi made a grueling drive through the crowd, inching forward bit by bit. The dissatisfied reporters were still filming around the car. People even hit the car windows and doors and shouted, hoping to get the people inside to come out and answer questions.     

Security guards from the Wilford training grounds gathered to escort their boss. Even so, he still appeared hassled under the impact of the reporters.     

When Evan finally arrived at his office after much difficulty, Allan Adams was waiting for him.     

"Those reporters are crazy!" Evan bitterly complained. A reporter appeared near his home the previous night. It seemed unlikely that he would have a peaceful day.     

"You have to be thankful that they're just reporters and not crazy football fans. Otherwise, you'd be flipped over with the car," Allan said with a laugh.     

Speaking of the football fans, Evan became wary and asked, "What?"     

"Protesting fans have already appeared outside the training grounds. They're holding a banner. The words on it are All curses at you, Evan.'" Allan gave him the latest update. In fact, he came to him just for that matter.     

Evan was taken aback for a moment. It had finally happened. There would be more violent storms in the future.     

"The fans need to be appeased," Allan said.     

"How do we appease them?"     

"We need to find a new manager as soon as possible, get the team back to normal, and let the fans turn their attention to the transfer market. Then, we need to hurry up and buy a superstar player with enough weight," Allan suggested.     

"Here's the problem, Allan. Do you have a candidate for the new manager in mind?"     

Allan was stumped by his question. At this time, there were few good managers left on the market, and they were not interested in the managers who were not good enough. The club's goal for the team was to reach next season's Champions League and guarantee at least one championship title. They could not casually find a manager and be expected to fulfill such a demand.     

Both men did not make a sound. The office fell into an awkward silence.     


The Nottingham Forest players were training under Kerslake's guidance, but they all appeared to be preoccupied. Everyone's eyes would unknowingly glance outside.     

A large number of fans had gathered there, but they did not come to watch the team train and look for an opportunity to ask some of their favorite players to sign autographs. They hung up banners on the wire fence. The following words were written on them:     

"Who's the culprit who made the team a joke? Evan Doughty!"     

"Evan Doughty needs to go! Give us back Tony Twain!"     

"The perpetrator must be punished. Evan Doughty must step down!"     

"We have a right to know the truth about Tony's departure!"     

"Die, Evan Doughty, die!"     

There were no less than 10 such banners, densely packed as they hung on the wire fence. They fluttered in the wind and easily grabbed ones' attention.     

If the reporters could come in, they would be filming and snapping away in a frenzy around the area.     

It would be the best news material. "The chairman of the Treble winning football club faces a crisis of confidence. The fans collectively asked him to step down as an apology for his wrongdoing!"     

The sound of it was marvelous.     

These fans did not shout. They just put up the banners. Next, they started watching the team train. But who could train with ease in such an environment and under such a spotlight?     

The training results of the morning were poor. There was nothing Kerslake could do about it.     

The players would discuss the banners they saw whenever they got the chance to get together.     

Everyone's mind was distracted, and it was not easy to lead the team.     

Gareth Bale looked at the banners and thought of Pepe, who had left. He hugged the boss in front of more than 50,000 people at the Crimson Stadium. It looked like he knew the reason why the boss had left. Now, Bale had some regrets that he did not do the same at the time. Furthermore, what made him feel more ashamed was that he blamed the boss for leaving without saying goodbye and felt he was irresponsible for abandoning them.     

He felt he should take the initiative to call the boss and apologize. He also thought it was not appropriate to do so. At a loss, he was not in the mood to train. During the positional play training, his shots were either kicked to the human wall or flew directly out of the end line. None of the shots were within the range of the goal.     

Mitchell's situation was not great. He repeatedly stumbled during training and nearly injured himself by pulling his thigh muscle.     

Everyone felt the way ahead looked bleak and did not know where their future laid. Two managers had left in a row, and the club's top brass faced a crisis of confidence. Should they stay or change teams?     

With a heavy load on their minds, everyone finished the half-day of training. The football fans watched the players walk out of the training grounds. Only a few people came forward to ask for autographs./ The others just watched from the sidelines.     

After the players left, the cool-eyed fans took down the banners they had hung up and left the area one by one.     

When they went out, they found the reporters blocking a white BMW X5, which was driven by Allan Adams.     

He had just teased Evan Doughty. This time, it was his unlucky turn.     

"Mr. Adams, we heard that you collected a security deposit in Lennon's transfer deal. Is that true?"     

"Tony Twain thinks you're the culprit who caused the team to turn out this way. Would you like to defend yourself?"     

"Was it your bad personal relationship with Twain that led to his departure?"     

"Mr. Adams, did you really not speak to Twain once in the past year?"     

Allan Adams hid in his car. His situation was slightly better than Evan Doughty because his car windows had a protective film. From the outside, no one could see the interior. But he could see clearly what was happening outside, much like a single-sided mirrored glass.     

Several football fans passed by the crowd. They suddenly pulled up a banner and hissed at the white BMW. Those next to them held up their middle fingers.     

"Get out of here, Yankees! We want Tony!"     

That was the slogan on the banner. Drawn next to it was an American flag with a large red cross on it.     

The crowd of fans began chanting the revolution slogan, "Get out of here, Yankees! Get out!"     

The reporters noticed the clamor behind them. They turned around in succession and pointed their camera lenses at the group of unexpected guests.     

Seeing the reporters filming them, the crowd got even more energized.     

"We want Tony! He can win us the championship titles. As for the man in the car? He's only going to sell our main players!" One fat guy in the crowd was especially vigorous in his shouting and looked particularly high-spirited. The fat on his body jiggled non-stop.     

"Allan Adams! You get out of here! Explain yourself in Tony's departure!" He stabbed his stout middle finger at the car window.     

The reporters did not go up to discourage them, so they became more energetic.     

The security guards at the gate had to separate the excited fans for fear they would overturn the luxury car the club's business director was traveling in, pour gasoline, and set it on fire. Knowing that there were so many reporters around, if they were to do that, it would create an even bigger buzz.     

What happened at the gate completely blocked the area. The players who drove their cars after to leave were all stuck behind the scene.     

The reporters were not willing to let go of such a great opportunity. Many people on the spot came over to interview the chubby fan.     

"We want the club to give us an explanation. Why can't they keep the meritorious manager who led the team to the Treble win? Why can't they keep the team's defensive core, Pepe? Why would a team that just won the Treble become the laughingstock of all England?" The fat man spoke fervently to the cameras. His speech was echoed by the fans behind him.     

"We've become f*cking jokes while they're sitting in their fancy cars trying to evade the blame!"     

"Get out, f*cking Yank!"     

"Get out of the UK, you American pig. This is not the place for you to stay!"     

To prevent him from escaping, some fans even ran in front of the car and physically blocked Adams' way out.     

The Sky TV's blonde reporter, holding a microphone, was pushed around by the angry fans. Perhaps some people even took the opportunity to cop a feel, but she did not care about that kind of thing. She shouted excitedly from the crowd, "The business director of Nottingham Forest is blocked by the football fans at the gate of Wilford. It's getting heated between the two sides. The fans demand that the club give them an explanation. These people are still unable to accept Tony Twain's departure. Allan Adams remains in the car and will not come out. This is Sky TV's Aria, reporting live from Wilford!"     

Allan Adams was calling his boss and friend in the car. "Evan, I'm stuck at the gate."     

"Is it because of the reporters? Just say a few words to deal with them. I see it, the players' cars are going to reach the building below me. What's going on?"     

"It's not just the reporters. It's agitated fans and excited reporters."     

Evan Doughty sighed when he heard Allan say that. It was the worst combination.     

"The fans want us to give them an explanation."     

"What explanation? About O'Neill? Isn't there a press conference this afternoon?"     

"No, it's about explaining Tony Twain's departure."     

No sound came from the other end of the line.     

After a while, Evan said, "Just promise them we will provide an explanation in a few days. We need to deal with the immediate crisis now. What else can you say in front of the media?"     

"What about the explanation after a few days?"     

"We'll deal with it when the time comes. Let me think. I want to be alone now to clear my head." Evan ended the call.     

Allan turned to look at each of the angry faces outside, along with the erect middle fingers. He knew what all of it was about. If it had been just about Martin O'Neill's resignation, it would not have made such a big splash. It was Tony Twain's dastardly open letter that changed everything and caused a stir, unleashing a maelstrom over Wilford.     

The two men seemed to have planned it. If O'Neill had not resigned, the number of people who believed in Twain's open letter would be largely discounted because he had the worst reputation at the time. As soon as O'Neill resigned, everyone was willing to believe everything Twain said because O'Neill's interview and resignation were the best footnotes to the issues raised in the open letter. Now, no one would believe the club's argument.     

Evan wanted to delay. Even if he could put it off for now, could he delay it another day?     

Allan did not want to think about these issues. That was for the club president to worry about. He just needed to worry about the execution.     

The players stood in a circle at the back and watched. It was to the club's disadvantage to drag it out further with the fans and reporters. Such a scene would leave everyone with frayed nerves.     


The fans who were shouting abuses and protesting found the rear car door in front of them budged once and a crack was exposed.     

The fat man made a gesture, and the scolding came to an abrupt end.     

After a while, the crack widened. Allan Adams stepped out of the car.     

The players behind noticed the unusual situation in front of them. One by one, they all tipped onto their toes and stretched their necks to look over at the crowd. Everyone was particularly envious of Aaron Mitchell.     

"Hey, what's going on? Aaron." Moke asked as he tugged on Mitchell's clothes. A lot of players turned their gazes toward the tall man.     

"Mr. Adams came out," Mitchell replied. He could easily see inside the crowd from outside since he was 6-foot-8. "The fans have calmed down. The reporters are all focused on him..." He described everything that was happening to his teammates like a commentator.     

"Thank you for your concern in Nottingham Forest, gentlemen." Although he was obstructed on his way out for more than 10 minutes, Allan Adams still had a smile on his face and seemed self-possessed. "I admit that the club is having a little difficulty now..."     

His words were interrupted by the fans' sneers. "A little difficulty? He has the nerve to say so, ha!"     

The smile on Allan's face remained the same. He was somehow able to bear it. "I think the true Forest fans should support the team and club at this time. As for Tony Twain…" Once he finished the first sentence, he immediately said the next sentence. He did not even have time to change his tone in the middle. He was afraid of being interrupted by the fans again.     

Hearing him bring up Tony, the fans became quiet.     

"The club will give everyone a satisfactory answer in four days." Evan did not state exactly how many days. Allan just took a guess. "Now, I hope that everyone doesn't get in the way of the players going home to rest. They still have a training session in the afternoon."     

Allan pointed to a long line of vehicles behind him.     

It was truly a wonderful excuse to resolve the immediate predicament. After all, the fans were only targeting the club, not the team nor the players.     

After the fans looked at each other, the fat man took the lead and made the way by standing to the side. The other fans went to his side in succession. They only held up the banner as if to remind Allan Adams that if he did not give them a satisfactory answer after four days, the matter was not over.     

Allan returned to the car and closed the car door. He turned his head to observe the smiling fans, who must have thought they had won the fight. In fact, he did not take these people seriously. If the media had not been present, he would have turned and left long ago. What was the big deal about the fans? All they had to do was to provide them with tickets. All they had to do was buy some commemorative merchandise and go to the stadium once a week to vent. Nottingham Forest was a club that belonged to Evan Doughty alone. It had long since withdrawn from the stock market. Only Evan Doughty was the real king. No matter what the fans did, they could not threaten the king's throne. You look up to Tony, yet Tony has abandoned you. Now you want to make a case for him? It's so pathetic…     

The car started and drove away from the gate. The rising dust made the reporters cough. They grumbled a few times at the tail of the car.     

"The club will make a statement about the boss' departure!" Mitchell announced with some excitement to his teammates around him. It elicited a small round of cheers. After they learned the truth about Twain's departure, the locker room would be back in unity. At least it would appear so on the surface. Everyone was in the same mood as the fans, hoping that the club would provide an explanation.     

Giving up a meritorious manager was tantamount to self-destructing the Great Wall.     

No player could calmly accept such an outcome.     

George Wood had just finished his extra practice. He had just changed his clothes after coming out of the locker room shower. He saw his teammates, who should have left a while ago, still gathered there. Even though he did not see the scene of media and fans besieging Allan Adams, he heard Mitchell's words in time.     

He stood rooted to the ground. When he found that no one had noticed him, he turned around quietly and walked back from where he had just come from.     

The players saw the reporters were still at the gate and realized that it was not a good time to discuss the issues in the locker room. They said goodbye to each other and returned to their cars. They started their cars. Once they were inside them, they left one after another.     

When even the most persistent reporters could not withstand the scorching sun any longer and left, Evan Doughty got into his dark red Audi A6 and drove through the gate carefully like a thief to leave Wilford. After a while, George Wood appeared alone at the locked gate.     

The security guard was surprised when he saw the captain of the Forest team. He thought the club chairman should be the last person to leave the club to avoid the reporters. He did not expect there was still one more.     

Even though he surprised, he opened the gate and watched Wood slowly walk away. He shook his head. He did not understand a lot of things he saw at Nottingham Forest recently. He knew that there would be a lot more to come in the next few days.     

The man who was called the "King of the Forest" by the media and fans had already gone for more than two months. With an open letter, he could still set off such a major storm. He was really...     


As a Forest fan, the young security guard still stood with Twain deep down.     

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