Godfather Of Champions

Chen Jian’s Troubles

Chen Jian’s Troubles

After Nottingham Forest crashed its way through the semifinals, Chen Jian received a ticket to the finals. On the eve of the final game, he also received a round-trip ticket. The Nottingham Forest football club had taken care of everything. Not only did the players who came to watch the final game not have to worry about the cost of making the trip there, but they also did not have to worry about their accommodations. The club had arranged everything for them.     

When they arrived in Madrid from various places, they stayed in the same place and headed to the game together. Following which, they would choose whether to make the return trip or go somewhere else, when to go back, and other details.     

Chen Jian's agent, Mr. Xia, had booked his room in the hotel where Chen Jian was staying so that it would be easier. After the two of them arrived in Madrid, the capital of Spain, they took a taxi to their hotel. After they deposited their luggage, Mr. Xia stayed in Chen Jian's room to chat. Naturally, other than chatting about the Champions League final, the talk was more about Chen Jian's future.     

"I asked around, Xiao Chen. They don't want to think about the contract renewals for the players at the moment. Everything has to wait until after they have played the finals. Even Tony Twain's contract renewal has not yet been signed." Speaking of which, Mr. Xia frowned and looked worried.     

Chen Jian did not make any comments. He was somewhat quiet. The topic of his future felt a little heavy. It was not good for him to make any hasty remarks.     

"Never mind, there's still one more year anyway." Mr. Xia sighed. He did not know what to do. They could only wait for the Champions League final to be over before and see what happened next. "Nonetheless, if they're still going to put you on loan to Volendam next season, you must remember to say no. Volendam has been relegated to Eerste Divisie. There's nothing for you to learn there. You won't be able to gain any experience there."     

"Where should I go?" Chen Jian asked.     

"Go to Spain." Mr. Xia thought for a moment and said, "Go to a team in La Liga. In fact, if possible, letting you play in the English league is the best option. What a pity."     

If he wanted to develop more at the Forest team, it was best for him to play in the English league. On one hand, the Forest team's coaching staff could get a closer look at Chen Jian. On the other hand, it would let Chen Jian adapt to the style of English football.     

As it happened, Chen Jian could not get a work permit.     

Starting from when he was put on loan to Volendam, Chen Jian had been heavily hyped by the media for some time. At the same time, his fame at home was still very big. Any Chinese fan concerned about Chinese football and Chinese players who played abroad knew there was a young Chinese player in Volendam, the Netherlands. He could become the future hope of Chinese football. News about him could also gradually die down, and he could fade into obscurity.     

Although Chen Jian played at Volendam and hailed from the European champions, Nottingham Forest, the Chinese national team had not taken an interest in him. For more than two seasons, the national team had played in countless games. He had never been called up once. There was no shady business behind it. In fact, the national team thought Chen Jian's strength was not good enough. He had not reached the level where he could play for his country.     

Counting down the list more closely, there were a lot of Chinese players who went abroad to play. Most of them played in the middle- to lower-stream teams in the lower-tier league tournaments. There was little attention paid to them. The levels of the teams and league tournament were not high. The national team would rather take those players who played in the country than risk recruiting players who played abroad because they were more familiar with the domestic players. They could also get together a few times a year to train, so their tacit understanding was not a problem. As for the players who played abroad, they might consider those geniuses who appeared out of the blue and could steadily play.     

When Dong Fangzhuo was at Manchester United, to make up enough number of appearances for the work permit application, the national team gave extra care to him. Chen Jian was also to play for the Forest team, but there was no treatment such as was given to Dong Fangzhuo. Unlike Dong Fangzhuo, he did not have enough connections and relationships in the domestic football circle to help him establish contact through the upper and lower levels.     

He was just an ordinary person selected from a commercial talent show. He did not receive training from any club at any level in the country before going to the Forest team. He also did not know this or that person in the domestic football circle. He was purely from the grassroots. Even though he was not corrupted by those bad practices in the domestic football circle, he did not have the resources to climb up. Naturally, no one would run all over the country to help him get a work permit. Mr. Xia was also not a very driven agent. Otherwise, he would not be Chen Jian's agent.     

Since he was unable to be selected for the national team or play in the international top-flight tournaments, he could not apply for a work permit. Thus, he was not able to play for Nottingham Forest, which was why Mr. Xia wanted Chen Jian to have a showdown with the club and leave on a free transfer. He did not care where Chen Jian wanted to play. He only cared that Chen Jian played at a higher level of competition to boost his popularity and make more money.     

Ah, the work permit, the work permit... Damn the Premier League rule. The English Football Association really has nothing else better to do! They are the same as the Chinese Football Association!     

Mr. Xia cursed viciously in his heart.     

At the thought of the work permit, Chen Jian was silent. He was aware that he wouldn't have a chance to apply for a work permit if he did not play for the national team. But the national team was not interested in him. So, what was the solution? He could not simply run begging to someone to recruit him into the national team, could he?     

He was now pinning all his hopes on Manager Tony Twain. He felt that the omnipotent man must have a way of getting him a work permit. At the thought of the letter Mr. Twain wrote to him, he vaguely felt that the eccentric man was very special to him.     


Chen Jian did not expect to meet Twain so soon.     

That evening, he and Mr. Xia had dinner and they went shopping in the streets. Afterward, they found that it was lively on the floor of their hotel rooms. Gathered in the hallway of the several rooms next door, which belonged to the Forest team, were the players who were out on loan. They all surrounded one man. Chen Jian was familiar with that man because it was Tony Twain.     

"What is he doing here?" Next to him, Mr. Xia obviously did not expect to see Twain there.     

Twain had just finished chatting with a few other players. With a smile on his face, he looked like an old friend who was very approachable. He could name every player there and knew their positions and about their performances while they were on loan this season. It made those players happy. Twain had captured the hearts of some people. If there were one or two people within this group who could finally qualify for the Forest First Team, they would certainly become Tony Twain's most loyal supporters.     

Chen Jian did not approach. He stood in the distance and quietly observed.     

When Twain ended his conversation with those people, he turned to see Chen Jian, who was standing in the distance.     

"I came to look for you first, but you were not here." Twain came up and communicated with Chen Jian in Mandarin. The people around them did not understand what was being said, so they went back to their rooms.     

"I had dinner with Mr. Xia and went shopping after." Chen Jian introduced his agent to Twain.     

Mr. Xia shook Twain's hand and wanted to say something, but Twain stopped him from speaking. He looked at Chen Jian and said, "I want to hear what you think, Chen Jian. Do you want to stay with the Forest team or go somewhere else?"     

Mr. Xia gave a meaningful look to Chen Jian. He hoped that Chen Jian would choose to "go somewhere else."     

Instead, Chen Jian said, "Of course I want to stay in the Forest team to play, but I have no way of obtaining a work permit."     

Twain nodded his head. The kid was telling the truth. He did not expect the Chinese national team to be so picky and not be interested in Chen Jian, whom he had his eye on. With more than two seasons, three years had nearly passed. Chen Jian had not even played in a national team game. He had not even participated in the national youth team game. He was not even selected for the squad list.     

"Well, have you given more thought to my suggestion of changing your nationality?" Twain stared at Chen Jian with a grin.     

Chen Jian shook his head like a rattle-drum.     

"In that case, I will choose to play somewhere else, Mr. Twain. Anyway, the contract is over in a year. The club won't offer a new contract for a player like me, will it?"     

The answer was what Mr. Xia had hoped for. He looked at Twain with great anticipation, hoping that Chen Jian's unyielding words would successfully provoke Twain, and the thunderous Twain would decide to let Chen Jian leave on a free transfer when his contract expired.     

But he was disappointed.     

The smile on Twain's face was even wider. He seemed to like teasing the young man, perhaps because the boy was extraordinarily stubborn.     

"Well, actually, Chen Jian. I'm here today to offer you a new contract. A new four-year contract."     

Without waiting for Chen Jian to say anything, Mr. Xia eagerly stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Twain. Can I interrupt you for a moment? You offer Chen Jian a new contract, but how do we resolve his work permit?"     

"He will be put on loan to the Netherlands or Belgium."     

When he heard, Mr. Xia turned to look back at Chen Jian. The kid's face was expressionless while he was extremely disappointed.     

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Twain. I don't think my player can continue to drift like this. He's already 23 years old. If he can't get a First Team position on your team, we'd rather find him a new team that is willing to give him that position, even if it is in Europe's second-tier league tournament."     

Twain glanced at Chen Jian and found that his expression had not changed. It seemed that the agent was the one to make the decisions.     

He faced the agent and extended his finger to say, "I am offering Chen Jian a few options. First, to continue playing football in the Netherlands to reach the length of residence for Dutch citizenship and become an EU citizen to automatically obtain a work permit. Second, to marry a British wife and change your nationality to receive the United Kingdom nationality so you can save on applying for a work permit. Third, play football on behalf of the Chinese national team until you meet the standards to apply for a work permit and obtain a work permit. Fourth, appeal for a work permit through the special genius clause."     

Twain put up four fingers and showed them one by one for Mr. Xia to see. He said, "These four choices, each more difficult than the other. Chen Jian has already lived in the Netherlands for three years, and he can apply for Dutch citizenship in another two years. By that time, he will be a citizen of the European Union. He would not need a work permit to play in the English Premier League. Nottingham Forest can naturally recall him to come back and play. At that time, he will only be 25 years old, and he will be in his prime."     

"With regards to getting married to an English wife, I'm unable to give Chen Jian any advice on that sort of private matter."     

"Third, the summon of the national team ... You haven't played a minute for the Chinese team, have you? Chen Jian."     

Chen Jian nodded and replied, "No."     

"Maybe you can in the future, but it's absolutely impossible to apply for a work permit for you now." Twain's straight face vividly conveyed how cruel reality was.     

"Fourth, the special genius clause ... To tell you the truth, Chen Jian, you don't meet the requirements of that clause at all. You have not participated in the national team competition, and you have not been selected in the national youth team. There is no hint of you being a genius during your development and experience. I can't find any famous footballers to vouch for you. Your submission was unconvincing and ultimately denied by the Football Association."     

What Twain said was true, but it did not sound convincing in Mr. Xia's ears.     

"Since Chen Jian has no such potential in your eyes, why did you tell him to abandon everything to come to the United Kingdom in the first place?"     

Twain somewhat disliked this agent, so the tone of his voice was not so friendly as he said, "I was very clear in what I said to Chen Jian at the time. It did not mean that he would certainly succeed when he came to the United Kingdom. I merely gave him a chance, but I couldn't help him make his dream come true."     

Mr. Xia was rendered speechless by his words.     

"The master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's skill is self-made." Twain spoke of a Chinese proverb. "I gave Chen Jian a chance. Chen Jian, you also successfully played professional football, but you are not satisfied with it. You want to have a greater pursuit. As for the level you can reach... The decision lies with you, Chen Jian. Whether you finally decide to leave Nottingham Forest to play for another team or agree to renew your contract and wait for the opportunity, I have no problem. That's your path. You have to choose your own way."     

Twain looked at Chen Jian as he spoke.     

"You can call me after you think it over." Twain stuffed a business card into Chen Jian's hand and walked alone to the elevator.     

After Twain disappeared behind the elevator door, Chen Jian was still in a daze with the business card in his hand.     

Mr. Xia frowned and asked, "Do you see it, Xiao Chen? They don't take you seriously at all. I tell you, don't foolishly wait here and waste your youth. What's the point of signing a four-year contract only to be put out on loan? You'll always be a fringe figure. When you endure to the end… Can you make it to the end? What if you get a labor permit? What happens then? Well, if your performance for the next two years suddenly makes the Chinese Football Association open their eyes, maybe they will recruit you into the team to play as the main force. You need to play in enough games and get the work permit. How old will you be in two years? Twenty-five, and you've just got a work permit. Do you think you really have the ability to compete with George Wood and Gago for the main player spot? Do you think those big clubs will play the same set of lineups for 10 years and not go looking for younger and more talented players than you to develop? How long will you endure days like these before it is the end?"     

As Mr. Xia spoke, the more agitated he got. If Chen Jian was determined to stay in the Forest team, his livelihood was basically over.     

"Don't be foolish, Chen Jian. The Englishman's lies sound beautiful. Anyone can speak the general truth. But do you know what's on his mind? He has lied to you for four years, and he wants to try and lie to you for another four years! It is already difficult for Chinese players to land in England, not to mention on a championship team. Listen to me, have your head screwed on right and keep your feet on the ground. Shall we play football somewhere else?"     

Mr. Xia looked at Chen Jian with great sincerity.     

Chen Jian knitted his brows. He felt a headache. He was imbued with so much information at once that anyone's head would hurt.     

"Excuse me, Uncle Xia. I have a headache. Let me rest for a bit and think about it." Chen Jian rubbed his temples. He had a pained expression.     

Mr. Xia sighed and said, "OK, I won't bother you. You have an early rest. Let's watch tomorrow's game and talk again."     


Chen Jian was lying alone in bed, tossing and turning. He could not sleep. He thought what Mr. Twain and Mr. Xia said was reasonable. But who should he listen to? His parents knew nothing about professional football and could not help him in that regard. So, he did not have to ask his parents for their opinions.     

He had to rely on himself to make the choice.     

He wanted to succeed on the Forest team, but Mr. Xia's words seemed to have poured cold water on him. Even if he obtained a work permit and could finally play for the Forest team, would the Forest team still want him to play at that time? New talent cropped up every day in the football world. Would Twain wait a few years for him? That was impossible since he was not the main character in a novel.     

Where exactly would he go from here?     

He really did not know.     

The 17-year-old, who was initially bent on playing professional football, would never have such troubles on his mind. People grew all the time, and their ideals grew as well. Now, he was not content with the simple dream of playing in a professional league. He wanted to play in a higher level of league tournament. He wanted to be a star player and not a meteor.     

Putting aside Nottingham Forest's background, could he succeed if he were to go play for an Eredivisie team or Belgian First Division A team for a few years? Was it possible for him to completely decline, slowly be in worsening situations, end up in the lower leagues, and finally be remembered by no one? Following which, he would simply run back to China, go to China League One and China League Two to make a living. He did not know how he would feel at that time when he recalled the brief period in Nottingham Forest a few years ago. Would he feel numb or unwilling to resign to his fate, or wonder about regrets?     


To keep his mind alert, Twain went to bed early. He did not receive any calls from Chen Jian until he went to sleep. He did not take it to heart either. It was not something he should be bothered with. What the future held for a young Chinese player had little to do with him.     

He only had the next day's final game on his mind.     

It was the most important day of his life.     

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