My MCV and Doomsday

Trump Card

Trump Card

"Captain Shi, this strange sound came from the southeast direction," Jiang Liushi opened the window and said to Shi Can.     

Shi Can just nodded. "We have also discovered it and dispatched some paranormals to investigate."     

"Then our team will also join," Jiang Liushi answered.     

Hearing Jiang Liushi's answer, Shi Can frowned. He didn't know why Shi Ying Squad was so positive.     

At that moment, some loud sounds came from the southeasterly direction of the town.     


In the darkness, the rumbling sound of large trees falling could be heard clearly. After several gunshots, the squeaky sounds rang again. The sound came out of the ground and immediately after some piercing screams followed. The crowd suddenly became nervous.     

On the corner of the town in the darkness, a headlight illuminated the snowy path ahead. A motorcycle rushed to the camp where Jiang Liushi and the others were, leaving blood tire marks on the ground behind it.     

"Captain... There are...There are a lot of strange insects! Those strange insects crawled out of a large crypt in the town's hospital," a bald man fell down from his motorcycle and said to Shi Can painfully. The muscles of his left thigh had dried up strangely, turning it into skin and bones. At the same time, something was creeping around the fist-sized wound.     

The other members could not help but draw a cold breath of air after seeing that wound.     

"Brother Jiang, something is in his wound," Ran Xiyu informed him suddenly.     

Jiang Liushi took out his pistol without any hesitation and then aimed at the bald man.     

"What are you doing?" Shi Can screamed.     

Suddenly, out of the bald man's thigh, a meaty bug pieced of the wound and struggled hard on the ground.     

Ling held the bug up, and then it tried to drill in Ling's hand. Fortunately, Ling cut off all its legs and then gave it to Jiang Liushi. "Captain Jiang, it's a mutant bug and maybe just a larva…"     

Jiang Liushi frowned after seeing this bug in his hand. The mutant larvae had amazing vitality. The feelers that had just been cut off had actually started to grow at a speed that was visible to the naked eye and danced wildly outside. Some feelers even tried to drill into Jiang Liushi's skin. However, Jiang Liushi's skin was tougher than leather. As a result, it couldn't be drilled at all. He carefully observed the larvae, which was carrying egg white-like mucus. It was absolutely a newborn larva, but it was so fierce.     

"What happened?" Jiang Liushi gazed on that bald paranormal and asked.     

"I... Captain Shi ordered me to check the strange sound. I followed the sound of an abandoned women and children's hospital in the town. At that point, suddenly a huge insect stabbed my left leg. And then many bugs followed, climbing out from the cracked ground... I hurriedly ran... I ran back..." the bald man said fitfully.     

"Just stab?" Jiang Liushi's heart sank. It was as if he could see a terrible scene in which the giant insect feelers pierced the bald man. By the way, the eggs were implanted in his left leg, and they had hatched…     

Jiang Liushi estimated his judgment was right. Shi Can and the others were also shocked by the truth.     

"Is there a beast nest here?" Jiang Liushi wondered.     

Humans were collectively using the term 'beasts' nest" for mutant beasts and the nests of mutant insects. However, in general, just when a beast tide occurred, mutant worms would often be followed by a large number of mutant beasts, which rushed together into human cities. But once the tide of beats disappeared, both sides would kill each other violently. It was a bizarre phenomenon. No scientists could explain this at all.     

When everyone heard the word "beast nest," they were terrified. If it was true, they had to leave as soon as possible. There was a large number of mutant worms in beast nests, and they could instantly devour them. Xiayuan Safety Island could fight against them because it had enough ammunition and weapons…     

"It shouldn't be a beast nest. Maybe it's just a very common nest. Otherwise, he couldn't have escaped at all," Jiang Liushi said.     

"Captain Shi, that cave was not big... I don't think it's 'that' beast nest..." At this time, his voice was suddenly stopped. Although it was night, they could still see far away under the snow. They all saw several small groups of zombies rushing out of the snow, including seven or eight mutant beasts. They were rushing to their camp.     

Jiang Liushi could see farther than the others. He saw a huge body behind those mutant beasts. It was a full-bodied worm, two floors tall. Its dense flesh made it resemble a huge python.     

"An adult mutant worm is rushing over. Everyone should be careful!" Jiang Liushi warned everyone. However, he was very puzzled in his heart. Logically speaking, such adult worms were absolutely well-developed and should emerge in hordes from worm nests. Just like the giant insects he encountered while traveling through the city of Jining. The adult worm that appeared alone was indeed rare!     

The other paranormals fired at the enemy at once. Usually, facing such mutant beasts, humans would shoot at first sight. A barrage of bullets whistled in the air, and some of them landed on the heads of zombies. Several mutant beasts were also injured in the ferocious hail of bullets. However, the vitality of mutant beasts was very tenacious, far beyond ordinary zombies. As long as their vital parts were not shot, it was challenging to penetrate their rough flesh.     

Shi Can's body sprout out a halo of sunlight, and he caught a mutant squirrel. The moment his body touched that squirrel, it let out anguished roars because of the scorching hot ability.     

Seeing that scene, Jiang Liushi was attracted by Shi Can's exceptional and powerful special ability.     

Although the mutant beasts were very strong, several groups of paranormals had split and engaged with one mutant beast each. The outcome was pretty obvious.     

Jiang Liushi gazed on that adult worm, which had used its countless feelers to pierce the mutant zombies. Each feeler was sharp enough with a hollow middle part, which looked like a huge hammer.     

"It's strange." Jiang Liushi frowned. He couldn't allow any feelers come close to his body as they definitely contained many eggs. As long as the prey was caught, the larvae would grow rapidly by absorbing the nutrients from the host.     

Many paranormals also noticed how close of that huge worm had come. The scene of falling worms scared many people. After all, that bald man who was sent to investigate was a fresh example.     

'Da! Da! Da!'     

Currently, most of the zombies and mutant beasts had been dealt with, so everyone concentrated their firepower on the mutant worm.     

"F*cking thing! The bullets don't seem to affect it at all!" Qi Liang shouted.     

"Give the machine gun over!" Shi Can yelled to a paranormal beside him.     

Everyone knew the seriousness of the situation. If they could not get rid of the adult mutant worm, they could only give up on the level-3 mission and run away. Soon a light machine gun was moved to where Shi Can was.     

"Don't be afraid of wasting bullets! Pour everything you have on it! If it gets close to 50 meters and we have yet to kill it, we'll retreat at once!"     


The atmosphere was tense. Shi Can's decision undoubtedly demonstrated his determination as a leader of the team.     

'Da! Da! Da!'     

Machine guns, Type 95 and 81 guns and other guns as well as grenades, all released a hail of bullets and explosion on the adult mutant worm's body.     

On the snow-covered night sky, flashes of fire broke out. That terrible mutant worm was stopped in the air temperately. The powerful penetration of the light machine gun pierced through honeycombed holes in its body. Immediately, however, the viscous liquid that was flowing under the wound covered the wound quickly. The mutant worm's compound eyes blink, emitting a strange light, and its speed became even faster.     

"Go!" Shi Can shouted. If such firepower was useless, then they could only withdraw.     

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Looking back, he immediately saw that a black metal barrel had appeared on that minibus. The black barrel constantly adjusted its angle and finally aimed at the mutant worm.     

"What is that?" Little Seven was surprised.     

Qi Liang answered quickly, "It looks like Shi Ying Squad's legendary killer, or more precisely, trump card."     

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