Stealing the Heavens

Dragon Python Couples

Dragon Python Couples

After spending a few days and finally fusing the Blood-draining Celestial Fiends with himself, Wu Qi was considered to have achieved a minor milestone in his cultivation of the Blood Sea Grand Magic.

Afterward, he spent a few more days with Princess Zhang Le before he finally recalled some serious matters that he had to attend, and struggled to get up from the tender embrace. The princess went ahead to attend to her tasks in the newly formed Directorate of Celestials while he brought Ao Buzun and the dragon python sisters to a scenic valley outside of Dong Hai City.

The bodies of countless wild animals were piled up on the ground, and upon them lay two round-bellied dragon pythons, over three thousand feet long each. They were snoring, with saliva dripping down from the corners of their mouths. They'd occasionally lift their heads to swallow a few animals. Their bellies were so large that they were dozens of times the size of the rest of their bodies, which made them look as ugly as two garden snakes who had devoured some large can drinks, along with the cans of course.

The scenery in the valley was excellent, but it was all ruined now. It was full of carcasses, and with the two dragon pythons breathing poisonous gases, all the flowers and trees were half-withered. The air was heavy with an awful smell, the stench of rotting corpses. Wu Qi could not help but cover his nose as soon as he entered the valley. The brothers must have not brushed their teeth for a long time!

Back then, in the immortal cave abode on Myriad Immortals Planet, the brothers had been eating mainly plants; so although they had not brushed their teeth for thousands of years, their mouths smelled of grass when they opened them, and it was not that unpleasant. But now that they were eating meat all day, and had been swallowing their food whole without washing and gutting, one could imagine how horrible their mouths smelled.

Holding his breath, Wu Qi strode up to the brothers and stamped his foot heavily on Gold Horn's head.

"Get up, you fat pigs! Are you still dragon pythons? Can you fly with those bodies?"

Gold Horn and Silver Horn were indeed extremely fat. Other serpents and dragon-typed demons were all slender, agile, and vigorous; but the brothers were so fat that they did not look like dragon pythons at all, more like two plump silkworms. Their wings dropped feebly on their backs, and they even had a thick layer of fat growing across the membranes of the wings. Wu Qi wondered if they would still be able to fly.

Gold Horn looked up lazily as he opened his eyes and shot a glance at Wu Qi. "You are back, chief!" he cried out happily. "Aye, there is something you need to know! When you were away, that Little Que'er was hooked up by a firebird from the South Mountain! Aye, lady chief should have kept an eye on her. How could she elope with someone? She is so young that she doesn't even have all her feather fully grown!"

Wu Qi was surprised. Now he remembered that he had not seen Little Que'er since he returned. Could it be that she really been seduced by a firebird? The firebird must be a fire phoenix, he reckoned. Otherwise, how could Little Que'er, who was proud by nature, have taken a fancy to him? So, there should be a branch of Phoenix in Dong Hai Province in the future? Wu Qi laughed. It was a piece of welcoming news. The Phoenix was a very powerful divine bird, and Dong Hai Province's overall strength would definitely increase significantly with a few extra phoenixes.

While laughing, he pulled the dragon python sisters, who had coiled up their bodies, out of his sleeve.

The sisters had shrunk themselves to only three inches long. Coiling up atop Wu Qi's palm, their golden and silver bodies looked to be carved out of precious stones, glowing faintly in the sun. Gold Horn and Silver Horn's eyes suddenly froze as their gazes were fixed on the sisters, and their lower bodies slowly arched up.

Laying atop Wu Qi's head, Ao Buzun pointed a claw at the brothers and roared with laughter. He laughed so hard that his spittle was sprayed all over Wu Qi's head. Although lecherous, he had never harbored any ill thoughts against the dragon python sisters. He knew perfectly well that for a dragon of pure blood, having sex with a creature like a dragon python was like a mouse mating with a cat. His life could be at great danger if he did.

Ao Buzun was never close to the sisters for the sake of his life. So, when he saw the reaction of the brothers, he had a kind of moral triumph over them. 'Look, I've never been attracted to these two girls. Why are you two so lousy? Apparently, I'm the real gentleman who will not stir even with a woman in my lap!'

Saliva dribbled from the brothers' mouths. Gold Horn fixed his eyes on the elder sister whose scales were golden, and Silver Horn on the younger sister whose scales were silver. They shouted as they drooled, "Let go of them, Master! They are still virgins, how can you touch them? Put your hand away from them!"

With spittle flying out of their mouths, the brothers snapped at Wu Qi's palm. How could Wu Qi touch the delicate scales of their lovers with his hand? They were two stunning beauties with their splendid color, translucent scales, slender waists; and wings that were translucent, lightweight, and beautifully shaped. How could Wu Qi touch them just like that?

No one was allowed to touch the girls except the brothers themselves!

Wu Qi hurriedly threw the sisters out and moved back a few paces. Grinning coldly, he said, "I rescued them from the Sovereign of Myriad Immortal Alliance. They seem to be your kin. But, why don't you look alike?"

After being thrown out, the dragon python sisters grew to a length of about three thousand feet, about the same size as the brothers. But their bodies were slender and curvy, while the brothers' were at least twenty times as thick. The sisters' figures could be described as two slender and curvy bamboo sticks, and the brothers were simply two hogwash buckets.

Upon seeing the two stunning beauties transformed into the size about the same as theirs, Gold Horn and Silver Horn hurriedly slithered over while drooling. "Wise Master! It doesn't matter if everyone else dies, but these two must be saved! If we may, what are your names? Are you interested in having babies with us?"

Two shadows tore through the air and made a piercing noise. The sisters twisted their bodies, and their tails lashed Gold Horn and Silver Horn in the face. Bright sparks splashed from their faces as their long and fat bodies were thrown dozens of miles away, slamming into a cliff wall and sending rocks flying in all directions. A nearby hill collapsed with a tremendous impact.

The valley echoed with rumble, and dust rose everywhere. Gold Horn and Silver Horn, dazed by the blow, could not feel the pain at all. With their lower bodies arched, they quickly slithered back in the direction of the sisters. "Oh, what a force!" Gold Horn shouted joyfully, "The blow is so accurate and strong that it tasted so sweet!"

With a smudge of blood at the corner of his mouth, Silver Horn stared at the sisters and said with a giggle, "Your harsh deeds demonstrate your love for me. Please hit me harder! Aye, hit me and beat me…please, do it now, I beg you! Your tails are so slender and shiny, they are so beautiful! Oh, it's so pleasant to be beaten up by you, so much so that I feel my cultivation base is progressing!"

Ao Buzun had a shiver as he murmured in a low voice, "These two fools, they are so low!"

Wu Qi shook his head lightly and said with a wry smile, "They are not low, but randy! Well, it appears that the two of them are henpecked... Judging by their behavior, when they get married, the brothers are going to suffer domestic violence day and night!"

While grimacing, Ao Buzun gritted his teeth and said, "That's why I dislike girls with the blood of dragon pythons. If I have sex with them, I'll have to watch out in case they swallow a certain part of me the next day! Aye, why am I a dragon? If I were any other race…hehe, I wouldn't let these two girls go so easily!"

Cupping his chin with his front claws, he looked up at the sky and sighed. "If only I could learn how to change my appearance... If I could change my appearance into those Great Celestial Emperors, hehe…You know, those gorgeous female immortals in their palaces are the finest selection taken from different parts of the universe!" Drops of saliva trickled down Ao Buzun's mouth, dampening Wu Qi's hair.

The dragon python sisters twisted and turned their bodies excitedly, whipping Gold Horn and Silver Horn with their long tails.

When Wu Qi rescued the sisters from the Sovereign, they sensed a familiar and appealing smell in him, which was the reason they had been following him since then. It was not until today, when he brought them to Gold Horn and Silver Horn, that the sisters were surprised to learn that there was another pair of dragon python brothers in the world!

It was hard to believe that there were two pairs of Dragon Pythons of Fire and Ice here in this valley, for this ancient species had been completely extinct according to the legends!

In other words, the sisters no longer needed to marry other kinds of demons such as flood dragons or serpents. If female dragon pythons mated with other demons, they would always be tempted to eat their companions! But now, they did not have to mate with other demons anymore. They could just breed more pure-blooded offspring with the brothers here, and let them branch out to increase their population.

If truth be told, Gold Horn and Silver Horn did meet the standard of handsome in terms of aesthetics, while other demons such as flood dragons and serpents were more food in the eyes of dragon pythons. But, the size of their bodies... Let's put it this way, even if a man were handsome, when his weight reached the level of a sumo wrestler, about 400 kilograms, could he still be considered handsome?

The dragon python sisters were both delighted and disappointed. The unexpected discovery of two kinsmen filled their heads with warm blood, but because they had been living in that secluded valley for so long, they did not know how to communicate with others. So, they simply resorted to their basic instinct to vent their mixed emotions—beating the hell out of the two brothers!

Gold Horn and Silver Horn struggled and howled amidst the storm of whipping. But, no matter how Wu Qi and Ao Buzun listened, they both felt that the cries the two fellows letting out sounded very much like the groans and moans someone made when approaching climax!

'Are they into masochism?'

Wu Qi shivered. Shaking his head, he shouted, "Well, I'll help you make the decision. From today on, you are husband and wife! As for how you are going to pair up, it's up to you to decide! Work hard and give me thousands of small dragon pythons!"

After that, he ran out of the valley with Ao Buzun, who was also shivering all over. In the valley, the sisters whipped Gold Horn and Silver Horn harder and harder, their eyes shot with blood.

Under the brutal beating, the brothers struggled, wailed, groaned, wriggled... their faces flushed and looking exulted.

The atmosphere in the valley was getting weirder and weirder.

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