Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Covering the Logistics Network of the Other World

Covering the Logistics Network of the Other World

It was a pleasant surprise, a windfall from the heavens!     

Meng Chao was so happy that his snot was about to burst out like fish bubbles.     

He had complained in his heart that Kindling did not seem to be very smart and could only collect information as well as calculate contribution points through his own eyes.     

If he did not have a deep understanding of Project 101's progress, he did not know how long it would take to settle such a large amount of contribution points!     

He reckoned that when he had time in the future, he should go around Dragon City more often and keep himself posted on the progress of various technologies and projects. Perhaps, he might even discover his unintentional contribution again?     

On the other hand, settling almost 500,000 contribution points in one go was even more exciting than killing a demon god. It could almost make the marvelous arts such as the Celestial Tyrant's Star Shattering Slash directly reach Perfect Level. Even Kindling could be considered going all out, but it was too much.     

It seemed that this planetary-level short-distance transmigration technology would definitely bring tremendous changes to Dragon City.     

With some thought, it made sense. Meng Chao remembered that in his previous life, Dragon City did not have similar technology.     

If Dragon City wanted to expand, they could only use armored airships and mechanized ground troops obediently to cross physical space and push out inch by inch.     

Although very few Other World races could resist the steel torrent of the Earthlings on the battlefield, space itself was an insurmountable obstacle and the most dangerous enemy.     

When conquering several Other World races near Monster Mountain Range, this problem had not been too obvious.     

However, as Dragon City civilization's scope of influence had grown larger and larger, the tentacles of conquest had stretched out in all directions. Soon, they had faced a supply line that was too long, and their military strength had constantly been diluted. Their mobility had been near zero, and the cost of large-scale transfer of troops had also increased to an unbearable degree. As the colonization points grew farther and farther away from Dragon City, unable to be exposed to the radiation of Earth's civilization, they had, instead, assimilated with the Other World's civilization. The mountains had been high, the emperor had been far away, and their independence had greatly increased... All kinds of fatal problems.     

At that time, everyone would know that if the cost of capturing a town from the Other World was 100, then the cost of maintaining the logistics supply line and effective control would at least be 1,000. As for squeezing enough profits from the town to make up for the cost? It was something that should not even be thought of!     

As long as the Other World civilization sent out a few special forces that were proficient in night assassinations, they would be able to kill the colonization officials appointed by the Earth people at any time, burn the Earth people's material warehouses, and destroy the Earth people's logistics supply line. Next, the Earth army stationed there would be in a desperate situation of running out of ammunition and supplies. They would have to pay ten times the price to save themselves.     

Such a situation had happened repeatedly. How could the Extraordinary Disaster not be defeated?     

However, with the short-distance transmigration technology on the planet's surface, the logistical pressure on the Earth people and the time needed to dispatch troops would be greatly reduced.     

The weapons, equipment, and civilian supplies produced by the rear military factories and assembly lines could be transported to the frontlines in an instant.     

The moment one of the colonization points was disturbed by the natives of the Other World, the other dozens of colonization points and even local troops of Dragon City could appear in an instant and suppress them together.     

The strategic value contained in this could be easily accepted by Meng Chao even if it cost 5,000,000 contribution points, let alone 500,000 contribution points.     

"Is the cost of this transmigration technology high? How does it compare to traditional armored airships or long-distance truck transportation?"     

As Meng Chao thought about it, he became so excited that his face turned red.     

So, he asked impatiently.     

Moreover, he quickly made calculations in his heart. Considering that the technology could ignore terrain obstacles and also greatly reduce the transportation time, it would still be acceptable even if the cost was three to five times higher than the traditional transportation mode.     

"The cost is not high. Look, the crystals that we embed around the transmigration array are all ordinary crystals. We don't need to use high-level crystals that activate the star map. If the spirit and magnetic environment of the starting point and destination are relatively stable, the transportation cost will be about one-third of the traditional transportation mode. Furthermore, as we continue to explore the ancient technology, the cost will continue to decrease."     

Wu Haibo smiled. "Of course, if it's a living human or other creature, the cost would be slightly higher to maintain cell activity during the transmigration process. Humans would have to wear a special transmigration suit, inject buffering potions, or take a sealed transmigration chamber. If we calculate it this way, the transmigration cost would be about 180% of the traditional transmigration method."     

Sure enough, Meng Chao saw that after the transmigration, the members who got off the main battle tanks and the container trucks were all wearing soft, round clothes that were something between nano battle suits and spacesuits.     

There was a layer between the inner and outer layers of the clothes, and it was filled with special mucus.     

At that moment, a staff member was inserting flexible tubes into their transmigration suits to extract the precious buffer liquid, which could be used again.     

Wu Haibo gave Meng Chao an inappropriate but simple analogy.     

If a person relied on his own strength to walk a hundred meters normally, it would take some effort and 20 to 30 seconds, but it was safe and stable enough.     

However, if he was pushed or pulled by an external force, like walking off a 100-meter tall building, for example, he would be pulled by gravity and fall freely. Although it would not consume too much strength and time, he would have to bear an extremely strong impact.     

If it was steel or other raw materials with simple structures and solid texture, he would not have to worry too much about the impact.     

However, if it was a living human or a sophisticated instrument, they would have to fill their bodies and surroundings with buffering agents to offset the impact of the transmigration.     

Meng Chao nodded.     

Even for a delicate and "expensive" human, the cost of transmigration was only 180% of the traditional transportation cost. It was completely acceptable and even a very cost-effective figure.     

It should be known that with the discovery of all kinds of mysterious and complicated runes, Dragon City's superbrain technology and runic machine automation technology had greatly improved.     

Plus, superhumans had the combat strength to fight one on a hundred.     

At worst, in the future, they could deploy more superhumans and automatic rune machinery to dispatch troops via short-distance transportation devices.     

"How far is the distance?"     

Meng Chao was most concerned about that issue. "How far can we transmigrate humans now?"     

"As far as we can go, and the increase in cost is not great."     

Wu Haibo said, "You have to understand that the short-distance transmigration technology is based on the theory of warping in four-dimensional space. It has little to do with the physical distance in three-dimensional space, at least on the planetary scale.     

"It's like a newspaper full of words. On the two-dimensional plane, the two words at the ends of the diagonal line are the farthest apart, right? But what if you crumple the newspaper into a ball? "The distance has been messed up. No one knows if the two words that were originally at the ends of the Earth will overlap.     

"In short, what is troubling us now is not the cost of a single transmigration, but the slightly high cost of building a transmigration device. To make the transmigration device work, we need to use a special type of star magnetite ore. During the refining process, we also need to add several types of monster bone powder to barely make our transmigration device. The performance parameters of the transmigration device are all close to the remains of the ancient transmigration array that we excavated from the depths of the ancient ruins.     

"In addition, with our current technology, the portal can't be opened and maintained for a long time. A stable opening can only last for forty-five seconds at most, followed by a cooldown of several hours.     

"In other words, it is impossible for us to place a portal at the frontlines so that the ammunition supplies and even the torrent of steel from the rear can arrive there through the portal.     

"For the time being, we can only transmigrate a few elite special forces like sharp scalpels to the 'lesion' that we want to remove."     

Alright, Meng Chao realized that he had thought wrongly.     

It was still a little difficult to make millions of steel torrents appear on the frontlines in an instant.     

However, to be able to open the portal every few hours for four to five seconds was already very impressive!     

Meng Chao felt that if the main battle tank and container truck were modified to enhance their ability to speed up in an instant, and then the drivers would be given special training.     

With a four-to-five-second rhythm of charging past one vehicle, a single transmigration would be able to transport about ten of the human civilization's war machines and steel behemoths to the heart of the Other World civilization.     

If they were given one to two days to gather hundreds of war machines and steel behemoths, together with hundreds of superhumans, it would not be impossible for them to poke a hole in the heart of a hostile Other World civilization.     

"Leader Wu, you are right. This is a subversive achievement. I can already imagined dozens of brand-new tactics!"     

"As long as there is an armored airship carrying the components of a short-distance transmigration device, it can fly over Monster Mountain Range and travel tens of thousands of miles away. Then, it can be assembled within a few hours, which is equivalent to opening an 'instantaneous highway' between Dragon City and the depths of the Other World," Meng Chao said excitedly.      

"Next, we will send a few components of the transmigration device over through the transmigration gate. After the assembly is completed, we will take turns to open it. Within 24 hours, Dragon City will be able to build a forward base that represents the civilization of Earth in the depths of the Other World. With hundreds of main battle tanks, infantry tanks, and self-propelled cannons, it will become an indestructible nail that can't be removed or destroyed.     

"That's right. Although the technology can't bring us back to our hometown, it can at least help us develop and build a new home."     

Wu Haibo's eyes burned with ambition as he continued, "Moreover, the transmigration devices are not fixed in pairs. In fact, every transmigration device can adjust the coordinates and search for and match other transmigration devices that are located in the same planet's magnetic field. In other words, it is not necessarily so complicated to transport a new transmigration door to a distant place every time.     

"One day, when our transmigration devices spread across the entire Other World and form an intricate logistics network, our goods, our culture, our army, and our superhumans will be able to reach every corner of the Other World instantaneously. By then, the so-called Other World will truly become the "second Earth"!     

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