Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Ancient Era Calamity

Ancient Era Calamity

All of this was far from the entirety of the ancient city.     

Meng Chao noticed that most of the buildings in the crystal-clear city were floating in midair.     

There were also many small crystal objects that looked like vehicles. They did not have wings or jet engines either. Instead, they were silently being pushed up, down, and back up again by the spirit energy ripples.     

It seemed that the technology of the ancient civilization—magnetic levitation and anti-gravity— had reached its peak.     

Of course...     

One should to know that monsters were the products of the ancient civilization's genetic modulation.     

Many super-giant monsters had magical organs of magnetic levitation and anti-gravity inside their bodies.     

Only then could they resist the gravity and carry their bodies that could easily weigh tens of thousands of tons.     

The Ancients themselves had used the magnetic levitation and anti-gravity technology. Naturally, it was a level higher than the technology applied in the monsters' bodies.     

The ancient city that used this technology could not be restricted by area and gravity. It could build a three-dimensional home in the entire world as it pleased.     

Looking around, the outermost area of the ancient city had the lowest terrain. Many buildings were suspended three to five meters above the ground.     

Close to the center of the city, the height of the floating crystal buildings gradually increased.     

From twenty to thirty meters, seventy to eighty meters, hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters.     

The bigger the size, the purer the material, and the more gorgeous the spirit tattoos carved on the inside and outside. The more brilliant the light emitted, the higher the buildings occupied the sky.     

Looking from afar, the ancient city was like a conical mountain that rose up from the ground, towering into the clouds.     

At the center of the city, where the crystal lodes gathered and the spirit energy of hundreds of colors mixed together, countless crystal buildings revolved around the rainbow-colored spirit energy pillars slowly and rose higher like a stairway to heaven. It was connected to somewhere beyond the atmosphere!     

The complex eyes of the insect-type monsters emitted complicated lights and shot toward the sky where the "rainbow stairway to heaven" had disappeared.     

Meng Chao also stimulated his soul and tried to open his non-existent eyes to see the scene in the sky clearly.     

It was unknown if the evolved compound eyes could really penetrate the atmosphere, or if the mother had sent images from outer space to the monsters' nerve centers through a mysterious method.     

The insect-type monster and Meng Chao saw it!     

They saw a translucent thin line in the sky.     

No, it was not a single line, but countless dazzling thin lines that crisscrossed and formed an overwhelming net that divided the sky and covered the land below.     

At the intersection of two or more thin lines, a new thin line would hang down and extend from the atmosphere all the way to the center of the ancient city.     

The thin line that was vertical to the sky and the Earth was the rainbow stairway that was surrounded by countless crystal buildings.     

From the visual comparison between the two, the thin line that was wandering outside the atmosphere was not a real line, but a pipeline that was more than a hundred meters or even a thousand meters in diameter. Various buildings and structures were attached to the pipeline.     

"These are... the structures in the synchronous orbit!     

"The ancient civilization's technology—magnetic levitation and anti-gravity—has advanced to the extent that it can lift a large amount of material from the surface of the planet to the outside of the atmosphere, almost breaking away from the synchronous orbit's gravity!     

"The Ancients built a large number of structures in the synchronous orbit above the atmosphere of the Other World. They crisscrossed and built a huge network. Through this method, they could perfectly utilize all the materials and energy on the planet.     

"This is the most perfect development and utilization of a planet!     

"Compared with the Ancients' development of the Other World, our development, as Earthlings, of Earth is insignificant. It is not even a scratch. No wonder we have yet to develop the magical spirit energy on Earth!     

"Judging from the scale of the synchronous orbit structures, even if they do not cover the entire Other World, they are almost the same. Perhaps, on the other end of the rainbow stairway, above the atmosphere and below the stars, there is an even more glorious and majestic 'sky city.'     

"No, it's not just one, but a hundred, or even more..."     

The scene before Meng Chao caused great waves to rise in his heart.     

However, apart from being deeply shocked, there was also an incomparably deep and sharp impulse that surged deep within his soul.     

He wanted to eat the entire ancient city.     

No, that was not his impulse, but the impulse of the insect-type monsters.     

It was the common impulse of the vast beast horde formed by tens of millions of insect-type monsters that covered half of the sky, as well as ten times more monsters.     

Attack, Slaughter, destroy, crush, devour, and consume.     

That was their mission.     

It was the only reason that they had been nurtured and had swept through everything along their way there.     

"What's going on?"     

Meng Chao was greatly shocked. "Monsters are the production tools of the Ancients. Shouldn't they be obedient to the Ancients?     

"Why has the ancient beast horde seemingly gone completely out of control and even backfired on its creator and master?"     

No, it was not just the insect horde that the insect-type monster was part of.     

When the millions of locusts arrived in the sky above the ancient city, dozens of surging black tides swept over from all directions at the same time.     

Meng Chao carefully observed it, found that the horde's composition was of hungry, bared claws of monsters.     

They growled, they danced, they squirmed, they released bioelectric currents and brainwaves to their heart's content, all in one deafening voice.     

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!     

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!     

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!"     

Before this voice that seemed to come from the deepest part of hell, even the resplendent ancient city began to tremble.     

Meng Chao saw countless flat cubes slowly rise around the city.     

They were like crystal shields.     

They relied on the spirit magnetic field's suction and repulsive force to automatically condense into an indestructible copper wall.     

There were more monsters. In places where the beast horde was more turbulent, the crystal shields were thicker and wider.     

In places where there were fewer monsters, the crystal shields that were more than a hundred meters in length and width were arranged in a relatively sparse manner.     

At the same time, many crystal buildings in the city accelerated their rotation and gathered together like building blocks.     

Some of the buildings retreated to the center of the city and slowly rose through the rainbow stairway that stood in the middle of the city.     

It seemed that they were going to retreat out of Earth and out of the atmosphere.     

However, there were also a large number of buildings, like soldiers in armor, who took the initiative to float behind the crystal shield.     

Meng Chao noticed that most of the buildings that tried to escape out of the atmosphere were ellipsoids or spheres.     

Even if they were cubes, cuboids, or icosahedrons, their edges and corners had mostly been polished into rounded arcs, giving people a sense of safety and stability.     

Those should be civilian buildings of the ancient civilization.     

Meanwhile, the buildings that rushed behind the crystal shield and faced the surging beast horde directly mostly had very sharp edges and even spikes. Like crystal-clear hedgehogs or sea urchins, they gave people a chill from a glance.     

Those should be the ancient civilization's military buildings.     

Without waiting for the surging beast horde to finish arranging their troops, a military building that looked like a crystal hedgehog exploded with balls of dazzling light.     

Countless colorful rays of light instantly crossed the distance of dozens of miles and pierced through the surging monster horde.     

The nearest ray of light was only dozens of meters away from Meng Chao.     

Meng Chao had no time to react. Several dozen meters to his left, the hundreds of bug-type monsters that were swept by the red rays instantly turned into fireballs and then ashes in the next instant.     

It should be known that the most powerful incendiary bombs developed by human beings, which were made of combustible crystal powder, would take at least three to five minutes to burn a monster into ashes alive.     

The red ray gave people the feeling that it was not hot or dangerous at all.     

However, the bug-type monsters that were swept away by the red ray seemed to release an invisible devil fire from the depths of their cells. From the inside to the outside, they were burning themselves to death.     

From the moment they waved their blade limbs and made weird hissing noises to the moment they turned into ashes, it did not take more than three seconds!     

In the insect horde that was more than three to five kilometers thick, a passage that was three to five kilometers long and more than ten to twenty meters wide suddenly appeared. There was nothing at all.     

No, there was not nothing at all.     

Since the attack had come too suddenly, when the insect-type monsters were burned to ashes in an instant, their ashes still maintained their insect form for a second before they completely collapsed and scattered in the air.     

The other insect-type monsters did not have time to fill the hole that they had left behind.     

More rays silently pierced into the insect horde.     

Meng Chao discovered that different colored rays had different attacking effects.     

The red rays could make the monsters spontaneously combust and instantly turn into ashes.     

The blue rays seemed to be at absolute zero degrees. They could freeze the monsters from the cellular level into ice blocks, cutting off all life. Even if they were thawed, they would only be a pile of rotten meat.     

The yellow ray was like an invisible but extremely sharp blade. It could instantly break down a giant worm, which was more than ten to twenty meters long, into pieces of minced meat that were no bigger than a fingernail.     

The purple ray was extremely acidic and corrosive. The flesh and blood of the monsters that were enveloped by the purple ray rotted and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few seconds, they would either turn into piles of withered bones or empty shells.     

As for the golden rays, they were like a mental attack. With a flash of golden light, the eyes of many monsters changed from scarlet to pale gold. They no longer charged toward the ancient city but manically bit their companions instead—it was as if the Ancients had taken away the mother's right to control them.     

The strangest of all was an invisible transparent ray.     

Meng Chao observed the scene for a long time before he realized the existence of the transparent ray.     

In the beginning, he only noticed that huge "bubbles" would often appear deep in the insect horde.     

The insect-type monsters that were caught in the bubbles would then mysteriously disappear.     

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