Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

East or West?

East or West?

The key was location.     

Unlike the five continents and four oceans on Earth, the Other World only had a vast and boundless main continent.     

Just like Pangu[1]'s continent in ancient times.     

Monster Mountain Range was located southeast of the main continent, not far from the coastline.     

However, the coastline there was completely different from similar regions on Earth, with natural harbors and rich fisheries.     

That was because the entire Other World was filled with spirit energy.     

The frequency and intensity of the extreme weather here were ten or even a hundred times that of Earth.     

All year round, the sea was full of raging waves that contained violent spirit energy.     

Under the constant impact of the waves day after day, there were rarely any flat beaches or harbors on the coastline.     

Straight cliffs could be seen everywhere. They were hundreds of meters apart and as smooth as mirrors.     

With Dragon City's current technological level, it was very difficult to directly cross the cliffs and develop marine resources on a large scale.     

It was even more impossible to bring tens of millions of people and migrate to the middle of the ocean, a barren island with poor resources.     

This meant that Dragon City's civilization had to guard Monster Mountain Range.     

Unfortunately, the northeast and northwest directions of Monster Mountain Range were surrounded by Picturesque Orchid Lake.     

The southeast was an impassable sea.     

The southwest was the territory of other Chaos races.     

The Dragon City civilization had crossed into a dragon and tiger's den.     

They wanted to establish contact with the land that was eternally illuminated with Holy Light. It was located at the center of the main continent.     

The tentacles of Dragon City's civilization had to reach across the entire Picturesque Orchid Lake, and they risked being strangled or having their claws cut off by the advanced orcs at any time.     

If they officially joined the Holy Light camp and assassinated the Picturesque Orchid Lake civilization, they might face the wrath of the advanced orcs alone.     

Dragon City's civilization would not be able to hold on until the Holy Light Camp's final victory by themselves.     

"It seems that I can only choose these 'pig teammates?'     

"Dragon City's civilization is a typical industrial civilization.     

"If an industrial civilization wants to achieve explosive development in a short period of time, it must develop an export-oriented economy. It must constantly dump manufactured products to the outside world, control the external market, labor force, and raw materials, and then control the economic lifeline of the outside world.     

"Under the most ideal circumstances, even if the black-haired, black-eyed people of Dragon City, who believe in science, can really form an alliance with the golden-haired, blue-eyed Other World humans who believe in the Holy Light...     

"How are we going to transport the manufactured products to the center of the Other World continent across Picturesque Orchid Lake and billions of hungry, angry advanced orcs, then transport the raw materials back, or directly invest in the local area and make use of the resources and labor there?     

"The sea and air transportation in this world are both unstable, while transportation capacity is quite limited.     

"Not to mention, the portal's technology is only suitable for transporting key resources and tactical teams. It is impossible to send tens of thousands of containers of materials to the holy light camp and then transport tens of millions of tons of raw materials back.     

"There is one more thing.     

"The Chaos camp is definitely not a good place for men and women.     

"But this does not mean that the Holy Light camp is filled with innocent and good people.     

"I vaguely remember that those who worship the Holy Light have many rules, and they live a puritan or even ascetic life.     

"In my previous life, when Dragon City's mobile phone game and the educational film about marriage life were spread to the land of the Holy Light, the mages and priests there wee shocked. They thought that the pure and flawless Holy Light was severely defiled, and we Earthlings were simply unpardonable demons, even more evil than the abyssfolk.     

"The so-called 'Natural Disaster' does not only refer to our combat ability, but also our moral corruption. We have used all kinds of tricks and extravagant things to corrupt the people of the Holy Light, who were originally as pure as rabbits, especially the children. The children are only focused on playing the mobile games that Dragon City smuggled over, and they don't even like to listen to the teachings of the Holy Light Anymore!     

"Perhaps, the destruction of Dragon City in my previous life is related to this incident.     

"It is precisely because the Holy Light Alliance hates Dragon City's civilization so much that they believe that our mobile games and small videos have corrupted their next generation. That is why they have gathered all their forces and destroyed Dragon City, the source of all evil, at all costs.     

"So, it is all the mobile games' fault that Dragon City has met its doom?     

"It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. In short, it seems very difficult to sell the manufactured products of Dragon City to the land of Holy Light on a large scale and spread the Earth's culture to these one-track-minded fellows through the entertainment and media industries!     

"On the contrary, it is the chaotic races, including the advanced orcs.     

"It is true that they are chaotic and evil, but they advocate pleasure, pursue excitement, and like to live a life of drinking and drinking today. Even if they are so poor that their pants are ringing, they would rather borrow money from the people of Earth and then become mercenaries to pay off their debts. They all want to smoke, drink, and perm their hair to enjoy the benefits of the Earth's civilization.     

"For an industrial civilization that is developing at a high speed, is there any customer that is better than them?"     

Abandoning their high-quality customers and forming an alliance with those guys who are picky?     

Meng Chao racked his brain for ten days to half a month.     

He could not think of the benefits of doing so.     

The Dragon City civilization and the Turan civilization were closely related.     

Moreover, the Turan civilization had all the labor, raw materials, and dumping markets needed for the rapid development of Dragon City. The two sides were highly complementary.     

The vast and boundless Turan also provided the dragon city civilization with valuable strategic depth. It also served as the most solid shield for the Dragon City civilization, which was still in its early stages of development.     

In the previous life, the Dragon City civilization was also destroyed after the Turan civilization was completely defeated and the Holy Light Coalition army charged in and killed through Turan.     

In other words, as long as Meng Chao in this life could make this "shield" a little thicker, it could withstand more rounds of attacks.     

The Dragon City civilization would be able to develop at a leisurely pace and be invincible.     

Then, they would hide behind the advanced orcs and become the offshore balancer or even the mastermind behind the scenes, reaping the largest share of the war profits.     

No matter how I extrapolated, the chaos camp was the only choice.     

However, it is too difficult to lead the pig teammates. Even if the Dragon City civilization is in a super state and slaughters everyone, it will still be very difficult to win the war with the Other World!     

"Is there any way to sign an alliance with the Turan for the time being and enjoy the benefits of labor, raw materials, and the dumping market so that the Dragon City civilization will usher in a crucial period of strategic opportunity.     

"And to remain flexible and low-key without being dragged down by the Chaos Faction?"     

Meng Chao thought hard.     

He really thought of a possibility.     

In the war between the two worlds in his previous life, there were two main fronts.     

The Eastern Front was the Holy Light Alliance against Turan and the Dragon City Coalition army.     

The Western Front was the Holy Light Alliance against the abyssfolk and the Ancient Tomb Lord Coalition army.     

The "Land of Eternal Holy Light" in the center of the continent between worlds seemed to be surrounded by enemies and was at a disadvantage.     

However, because it was an internal battle, logistics and supplies were convenient. The gathering and movement of troops were more flexible, and the battle lines were easy to defend.     

In addition, facing enemies from both sides, there was no way out. On the contrary, they could unite as one, inspiring a hundred times more courage.     

On the other hand, the chaos faction.     

Scattered on the outer periphery of the Other World continent, they were divided into pieces by the Holy Light faction.     

They were too far away from each other, and it was difficult for them to work together to fight.     

And they often had ulterior motives, leaving them to die.     

As a result, they were defeated by the Holy Light Faction One by one.     

Among them, the Eastern Front was the main battlefield of the war between worlds.     

It gathered the most powerful heavy troops of the two factions.     

Out of the ten epic-level battles with tens of thousands of casualties, eight were held on the Eastern Front.     

Hence, in his previous life, there was a saying of "bloodbath on the eastern front" and "no war on the Western Front".     

The Turan people did not mind.     

They even wished for it.     

It was glory. It was fun. If one's head fell off a big scar, he would be a hero again in eighteen years!     

Death? Death was nothing to be afraid of. Death was nothing more than going to the sacred mountain to meet the ancestral spirits. After drinking hard liquor, they would continue to fight endlessly!     

Life and death were nothing to them. If they were not satisfied, they would do it.     

This was the philosophy of advanced orcs.     

They only suffered because of the people of Dragon City.     

They had been cheated to death by their pig teammates!     

"No, we can't let a war between worlds break out first on the Eastern Front in this life. We can't let the Eastern Front become the main battlefield and create a 'bloody Eastern Front'!     

"We must think of a way to delay the advanced orcs' rampage. We must make them calm down and endure a little longer!     

"Right now, the Other World is like an explosive barrel filled with gunpowder that has been exposed to the scorching sun for three hours. There are also ignition wires inserted into every crack.     

"As long as the advanced orcs can endure a little longer, or if some... unexpected factors appear and slow down their military expansion and preparation, they won't be able to ignite the ignition wires.     

"There will definitely be problems within the Holy Light Alliance, or the abyssfolk and Ancient Tomb Lords on the Western Front.     

"If the Western Front is the first shot of the war between worlds.     

"It will replace the Eastern Front and become the main battlefield of the war between worlds.     

"Then, the trend of the war between worlds will become completely different from my previous life.     

"Damn it, I remember now. In my previous life, when the people of Dragon City and the people of Turan risked their lives to 'bleed the Eastern Front,' the so-called 'allies' on the Western Front would only stand still like mountains and make sarcastic remarks.     

"In this life, you will fight against the Heavy Army Group of the Holy Light Alliance, the ninth-circle mages and the priests of Holy Light, and go to the 'Western Front'!     

"Of course, the people of Dragon City are reasonable, sentimental, and friendly.     

"We will not leave them to die like our allies in my previous life.     

"Even if we have precious soldiers, we will not be able to send them here for a while because the battle line is too long.     

"However, as long as we can guarantee the transportation line, we will definitely have enough weapons and ammunition.     

"We will equip every abyssal demon and every skeleton soldier with submachine guns and grenades.     

"We will also replace every skeleton warhorse of every death knight with wheeled armored vehicles and main battle tanks.     

"In short, before the last abyssal demon and the marquis of ancient tomb are killed, we will not compromise. We will definitely make those guys who won't allow us to sell industrial products and videos pay the price!"     

[1] The creator of the universe in Chinese mythology     


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