Am I A God?



Upon hearing Elizabeth's words, Zhao Yao froze on the spot and his expression stiffened.     

He switched to Matcha's powers and activated time freeze.     

Level 8 Matcha activated time freeze, which totaled 8 times 12 seconds, giving Matcha and Zhao Yao extra time of around 96 seconds.     

On top of that, Zhao Yao used his PowerUp card, extending the timeframe to 120 seconds. Multiplied by 8, this amounted to 960 seconds. This meant a total of 16 minutes, which was enough time for Zhao Yao to do whatever he wanted to do.     

As he watched the world around him come to a standstill, Zhao Yao first took 3 seconds to compose himself and get rid of the discomfort from earlier on.     

He had expected that Sphynx cat and Elizabeth's powers of illusion would be countered by the Americans while thinking of how Kaede Hattori was being picked on by them.     

Matcha, who was perched on Zhao Yao's shoulders, laughed so hard that he started rolling on the floor, "Hahahaha, Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao, your stupid act got exposed!"     

Zhao Yao whipped his head around and glared at Matcha coldly.     

The fur on Matcha's back stood on its end. He stood up immediately, saying calmly, "Zhao Yao, are you going to silence all of them?"     

As he said that, he kicked out a paw and licked it as he said, "These paws of mine are so used to playing cheerful music that it's about time to get some blood on these sharp claws!"     

As he licked his paws, a sharp scratching sound was heard as Matcha accidentally scratched his tongue, which sent him screaming and pacing up and down in pain saying, "So painful! So painful!"     

"This should count as getting blood on them too." Zhao Yao glanced at Matcha with a look of disdain, stroking his chin as he started to think of his next move.     

"Luckily I wore the mask. At least my face hasn't been exposed," This was the only thing Zhao Yao could take comfort in.     

"If the power of illusion was broken, maybe I should kill the person who broke it?" Zhao Yao raised his head and observed his surroundings. There were too many people and cats in the banquet hall. Given such a short time, it was impossible for him to find the person who broke his power of illusion.     

He turned and stared at Kaede Hattori, whose face was frozen and still in a state of shock. A thought came to Zhao Yao's mind, "Kaede, would you listen to my explanation?"     

Matcha tapped Zhao Yao's leg and asked, "Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao, quick help me take a look. Did it leave a scar? I have a scar-prone body."     

"Scar-prone my ass, get lost." Zhao Yao pushed Matcha away and thought next, "Let's try to trick them first. If it doesn't work, then I can reset the scene and start all over again."     

At the thought of this, Zhao Yao immediately deactivated the time freeze and switched over to Elizabeth's power of illusion. He stared at Kaede Hattori, who was a few meters away and said, "Kaede, hear your dad out for a bit. Things are not what you think they are."     

Kaede Hattori stared at him coldly as blood-red rays began concentrating around his body, "So you were the one behind all these things with my mother and Kappei?"     

Zhao Yao explained, "Kaede since it has come to this, there is no point in me hiding anything from you. Actually, your real name isn't Kaede Hattori. It is Xiao Feng.     

Thirty years ago, the Hattori family was out to kill us off. They brought you back to Japan when you were young and have raised you since then. Today we are reunited as father and son, which is the perfect opportunity for our revenge."     

As he was saying that, Zhao Yao looked towards Aoyama Hattori (Kaede Hattori's father) who was far away and his eyes glinted with red light. He awoke Aoyama Hattori who pointed to Zhao Yao in disbelief and said, "You! The Great Bandit! You didn't die!"     

Zhao Yao stared at Kaede Hattori with a face full of sincerity, hoping that he would trust him again. He would only need to help him finish off the apostles to complete the chain mission.     

Just as Kaede Hattori frowned and started to hesitate again, Kappei Hattori shouted from afar, "Brother, don't trust what he says. He can control people's minds! He can control our words and actions."     

Kaede Hattori's eyes focused. All sorts of evil spirits had charged towards Zhao Yao. Kaede Hattori had even fashioned a blood-red gun that looked as if it was solid and charged ruthlessly towards Zhao Yao.     

Bloodthorn gun! Kaede Hattori used the strongest counterattack possible. It was produced with highly concentrated and pressurized levels of the Divine Rays of Terror and had even split the five-meter thick fortification apart.     

The Deflective Field which Ares emitted did not have the Power Up card and was easily destroyed by the highly concentrated Divine Rays of Terror.     

Previously when he had wiped out the Spirit Army, Kaede Hattori's Divine Rays of Terror were already strong enough to slightly infiltrate Ares' Deflective Field.     

Now, Kaede Hattori's terror waves spread even further. Now that he was known as the strongest in Japan, more than a hundred thousand people feared his great name which strengthened his Divine Rays of Terror to unprecedented levels. Without using the PowerUp card, Ares' Deflective Field would be wrecked in an instant.     

Even though Ares' Deflective Field was broken, it was enough to give Zhao Yao a moment for him to switch his powers.     

Layers and layers of golden light rays shielded him against Kaede Hattori's bloodthorn gun as Zhao Yao, using the Power Up card, activated the Level 8 Deflective Field. The collision between the golden light rays and the blood-red rifle resulted in a loud explosion, forcing Zhao Yao and Kaede Hattori take a few steps back.     

All sorts of weird creatures, devils, and ghosts charged towards him from all sides, gradually circling Zhao Yao as if they were going to tear him up into pieces at any moment.     

"Kaede, can't you just listen to my explanation? We're going up against a great enemy. Now's not the time for us to fight between ourselves," Zhao Yao said, shaking his head and sighing.     

Upon hearing that, the murderous look in Kaede Hattori's eyes intensified as he fired the bloodthorn gun in his hand. Despite the resounding impact from the collision between the blood-red and golden rays, the bloodthorn gun was still unable to break through his defense.     

He frowned slightly. The power unleashed by his opponent was definitely not something he could defeat quickly. With the impending American threat, Kaede Hattori knew that if he continued to fight with his opponent, the only ones who stood to win were the Americans, despite the fact that what his opponent had done infuriated him greatly.     

On the other hand, if he could use his opponent's ability as a shield against the gravitational attack, he might even get the chance to kill Apollo and his men.     

A loud "Ka-cha!" interrupted his thoughts. The impact from Kaede Hattori's bloodthorn gunshot had split the mask that Zhao Yao was wearing on his head in half, causing it to drop to the floor.     

The mask was of low quality to begin with. When he was switching his powers, Zhao Yao had managed to fend off Kaede Hattori's attack with the PowerUp card-enhanced Deflective Field. Unfortunately, some of the force of the impact had inevitably snuck through and swept over Zhao Yao's clothes.     

His clothes were fine, but the low-grade mask broke.     

"It's him!"     

Everyone who saw this was shocked beyond words, especially Hideki Kujyo, Nanako and Kappei Hattori.     

Kappei Hattori shouted, "Big brother, this is Zhao Yao, Nanako's friend from China. This guy is here to ruin the wedding."     

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