Am I A God?

The Men Who Changed Japan

The Men Who Changed Japan

Zhao Yao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I gave all of you rapid regeneration. With this ability, any wounds will heal rapidly. All pain is amplified to pleasure to prevent the suffering caused during the wounds and the healing process."     

He looked at Kappei Hattori who was beating himself with more and more force and shook his head. "So, this is a normal phenomenon, he is giving himself pleasure."     

Finally, there was a person who could not bear the curiosity. Relishing the pleasure from the regeneration, he beat himself forcefully. Feeling his body shudder with pleasure, he laughed loudly and knocked his head viciously on the floor.     

Just like an ignited fuse, more and more apostles started behaving masochistically—knocking heads on walls, beating each other, even stabbing themselves and others with knives.     

Looking at this scene, Ares shook his head and sighed. "Japan's superpower realm is finished."     

Hideki Kujyo looked at the self-mutilating apostles and felt an urge to do the same. However, being the dominant leader of the Kujyo clan, his willpower was extremely strong. He forcefully endured and suppressed those urges.     

Zhao Yao finally arrived in front of Kensei Yagyu. He looked at his sorry state and said with ill intention, "Treatment?"     

Kensei Yagyu's wounds had not been caused by Bai Quan. He had devoted most of his life to Budo. Although he was no longer virgin, according to Bai Quan's Death-Endowing Virgin Eye his weakness was only as large as a ping pong ball.     

Nevertheless, he had been severely injured by Zhao Yao. He suffered broken bones and severed tendons, unable to even stand up.     

Hearing Zhao Yao's words, he nodded his head, feeling ashamed. He thought, "I never thought that the insignificant ant that I planned on killing easily was actually Godzilla."     

Zhao Yao revealed a strange smile and lent Lucifer's ability to Kensei Yagyu.     

Immediately, Kensei Yagyu's wounds were healed by the rapid regeneration. He sat up with a weird face. His eyes glimmered with various doubts and hesitations.     

However, Kensei Yagyu was a warrior whose willpower was battle-hardened. He was able to do endure the pleasure much better than Hideki Kujyo. He quickly suppressed his urges. However, seeing the surrounding apostles succumbing to pleasure, his repressed urges began to well up.     

At this time, a gust of fierce wind swept through the hall. Following a thunderous bang, invisible Sphynx cat appeared next to Zhao Yao. His mouth held Roly Poly, who was dripping in urine.     

Roly Poly shivered and said, "You ran too fast! Put me down quickly. I feel my back breaking."     

Sphynx cat spat out Roly Poly on the ground with disdain. "You smell of piss. If Zhao Yao had not asked me to take care of you, I would not have brought you along."     

After listening to their conversation, Zhao Yao spoke telepathically, "Sphynx? Roly Poly? Are things settled? Where is Cat Sage?"     

Sphynx cat said, "Those Americans have been dealt with. However, the Japanese cops and army came and Cat Sage is dealing with them."     

Outside the restaurant, Cat Sage who had been brutally attacked by the Americans and whose scaled armor was in pieces, rushed out of the shopping mall and vented his fury on a group of Japanese cops.     

The normal bullets landed on his body and were unable to penetrate his armor. Numerous police cars were crushed underneath his paws like toy cars.     

Faced with this fantastical creature, the cops exclaimed "Ghidorah" and fled.     

Roar! Cat Sage looked satisfactorily at the terrified crowd. He then bellowed and roared as he ascended into the sky. Two distant fighter planes closed in and the machine guns spat comet-like bullets at Cat Sage.     

Compared to the attack by fifty or more robot warriors, the firepower from the two fighter planes was quite inferior to the fused weaponry of the robot warriors.     

The body of the large dragon agilely twisted under Cat Sage's control which allowed him to evade most of the bullets. At the same time, a pair of golden wings protected his body like a bullet-proof vest and shielded him from a portion of the attack.     

He let out a loud roar and flapped his wings creating surges of airwaves. He accelerated towards the fighter planes in the sky.     

The loud commotion from the battle attracted many people's attention, especially the flying Tri-headed Golden Dragon, which became the main focus.     

Numerous people in offices, in front of the glass windows of the shopping mall and on the streets let out gasps of astonishment at the Tri-headed Golden Dragon pursuing the fighter planes.     

Someone quickly took out the cell phone and aimed it at the Tri-headed Golden Dragon in the sky.     


"Is it really King Ghidorah? Or a balloon or a kite?"     

"Could it be a promotional gimmick for some computer game?"     

Looking outside the window, Bai Quan saw the commotion created by Cat Sage and informed Zhao Yao in a hurry.     

Zhao Yao face-palmed and shook his head. "That fool… Bai Quan, bring Roly Poly along with you and stop those cops from approaching." After that, he faced the apostles in the huge hall and said, "I have some matters to attend to."     

As per usual, Roly Poly was crying while being dragged away by Bai Quan. Zhao Yao once again walked to the center of the room, clapped his hands, and attracted the attention of all the apostles. He said frankly, "As you have seen, I control death with my left hand and life with my right hand. Submit to me and my son Kaede Hattori and together, we will unite the Japanese superpower realm."     

Old Cat finally infiltrated Hideki Kujyo's mind and suggested, "This man… perhaps he can change Japan."     

Hideki Kujyo furrowed his brows, stood up and said, "You are thinking of unifying the Japanese superpower realm? As a Chinese man?"     

"Not me." Zhao Yao pointed at Kaede Hattori and said, "My son, Kaede Hattori, he shall be the leader of the Japanese superpower realm and lead you in the rise of Japan. I will be behind, assisting him. I will endow all of you with great abilities and form an invincible body. From now on, the government will still retain governing power while we… control life and death."     

Under the effect of the power of illusion, golden rays coiled around Zhao Yao's body. He pointed one finger at the sky and the other at the ground and the milky way appeared above his head, while underneath his feet, Earth. He seemed to have broken out of the universe and occupied everyone's field of vision.     

"This pretense seems pretty good. The conquering mission will be completed." Zhao Yao stroked his chin with satisfaction. He looked down and discovered a group of apostles lying on the ground— some stabbing themselves with knives and crying out in pleasure bleeding while others knocked their heads on the ground incessantly. They were besotted with the pain.     

Those who beat each other up were moaning as they hit.     

Only Hideki Kujyo, who had been just brainwashed, looked at him with bright eyes and thought, "This man… perhaps he can change Japan."     

"The Japanese superpower realm… is doomed. D*mn, how can I answer to Uncle Ho when I return? Will the Japanese government blacklist me, banning me from touring Japan? I have not properly toured Akihabara." Zhao Yao looked speechlessly at them and then finally said, "Whoever joins, I will endow you with regeneration ability every day."     


"I am joining!"     

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