Am I A God?



On Zhao Yao's mission panel, as each apostle joined, the chain mission completion rate related to Kaede Hattori grew really quickly. Finally, the second step of the chain mission was completed.     

After the mission completion rate reached seventy percent, Zhao Yao sighed out of relief.     

Explosions could be heard from outside. Cat Sage disguised as a tiger rushed in and looked at Zhao Yao, saying, "Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao! The human army is approaching. Bai Quan and Sphynx cat are unable to hold them for much longer."     

The massive body and weight of the Tri-headed Golden Dragon was a concentration of destructive power, however, it was also an easy target for concentrated firepower. After the arrival of the Japanese army, Bai Quan and Sphynx cat let Cat Sage return inside first, so as to keep him safe.     

Zhao Yao furrowed his brows. "The chain mission has reached seventy percent. Only very few remain." He walked to the front of Kaede Hattori and indicated to Elizabeth to release Kaede Hattori.     

Under her control, not only was Kaede Hattori unable to even move his finger but he also could feel that he was being controlled. Now, the power that stopped the Divine Rays of Terror from activating slowly dissipated.     

He stroked his cheeks, looked at Zhao Yao, and said, "What are you trying to do?" After going through the nonsensical events that had happened in the banquet hall, Kaede Hattori could not understand what Zhao Yao was trying to do.     

It was very clear for him, he had no relationship with Zhao Yao. If there was one, it would be one of hatred.     

He believed that Zhao Yao also knew this. But if he did, why was he trying to subdue the Japanese superpower realm for him? To pit him against the government? This was quite possible. The Japanese government would not sit by and watch the Hattori clan unify the Japanese superpower realm and weaponize the Special Higher Police and various powerful supercats.     

To create chaos in the Japanese superpower realm? This was also possible as Zhao Yao's power and schemes had already subdued a good portion of them and it would not be long before they rebelled.     

Various possibilities overwhelmed Kaede Hattori and he was unable to be sure of anything. However, he was sure that Zhao Yao was ill-intentioned.     

Seeing the doubt in Kaede Hattori's eyes, Zhao Yao patted his shoulders and said, "Of course I'm here help you realize your ambitions. Now that you have subdued the Japanese superpower realm, what other wishes do you have? Let me help you realize them."     

Hearing Zhao Yao's words, Kaede Hattori's face became gloomy. However, he said, "What do you intend to do next? Go to war with the Japanese government? The Americans have already intervened. They will not let us out of this alive."     

Bai Quan returned once again to the hotel main hall. His whole body was dusty and dirty, which indicated that the situation outside was grim.     

The appearance of the Tri-headed Golden Dragon and the extermination of two of America's supernatural units had shaken the Japanese government. This led to them sending a large portion of their army. Because of the city, the government was unable to deploy completely mechanized units. However, the current force they had sent was enough to deter Bai Quan and Sphynx cat.     

"Boss, it's time to go."     

Zhao Yao nodded his head. He had no intention of directly going against a country. He opened the Dimension Portal and shouted to everyone in the main hall, "Everyone, the army is here! It isn't time for us to fight them. Follow me."     

Zhao Yao could not allow these Japanese apostles to flee as they were. He at least had to, completely erase their memories before letting them go.     

Like chased pigs, the apostles in the main hall were hurried into the Extradimensional belly. Zhao Yao and Dust Ball raised their hands and swallowed the entire hall into the Extradimensional belly to ensure that no evidence was left behind.     

When the Japanese army rushed into the hotel, only an empty space greeted them. Even the floor of the banquet hall was missing.     

Zhao Yao stood beside the soldiers, relying on Roly Poly's invisibility and Elizabeth's illusive magic to stay perfectly hidden on the side.     

"Good, the remaining eyewitnesses are those Americans." Zhao Yao patted Sphynx cat's head and said, "Sphynx, bring me to them."     

Zhao Yao followed Sphynx cat, who was made invisible by Roly Poly, onto the streets to look for the trails of the American apostles. After discovering an American apostle lying in the ruins, Zhao Yao opened the Dimension Portal and tossed him into it.     

On the Japanese's side, the commanding officer of the American supernatural unit, Apollo, was being lifted onto a stretcher. His entire body was full of cat claw marks. His face revealed slight traces of terror.     

A Japanese soldier at his side comforted, "Do not be afraid, Mr. Apollo. You have been rescued and nobody will be able to harm you."     

Apollo swallowed his saliva and said, "Quick, give me a phone. I have important intelligence to report."     

"You need rest."     

"Quick, give me the phone, you fool!"     

Under the shocked gaze of the soldier, Apollo abruptly disappeared. He was tossed into the Dimension Portal by the Zhao Yao, who was invisible.     

After gathering the Japanese supernatural unit and ensuring that all eyewitnesses were inside the Extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao nodded his head satisfactorily. He brought his own supercats into the Extradimensional belly, leaving a chaotic Tokyo behind.     

That night, not only Japan's but the also world's political and military realm were upheaved by the devastating change in Tokyo.     

More than a hundred powerful apostles and ten powerful supercats went missing for the Japanese.     

The Americans had lost two supernatural units, including one officer that disappeared in the presence of a Japanese soldier. Six hours later, on the streets of Ginza in Tokyo, the local police found the missing members of the supernatural units.     

They were naked and had lost not only all their equipment but also all their memories from the past 24 hours.     

High level Japanese and American government officers were shaken. A Sino-Japanese investigation team was created just for this incident. Elites from both countries were deployed to find out the truth of this incident.     

For the civilians, the greatest impact was the sky above Tokyo's busiest downtown area. The appearance of the never seen before Tri-headed Golden Dragon had exploded on the internet.     

Fantasy film industry took responsibility for the incident and admitted that it was a promotional stunt for the upcoming "Godzilla versus Ghidorah" movie. They claimed that the Tri-headed Golden Dragon in the pictures was created using modern stereoscopic 3D effects combined with huge machinery.     

In other countries, news of the monster spread on the internet. They treated it like rumors of zombies, vampires, and posts on tribulation transcenders, and dismissed it with a smile.     

Most of the countries did not ban such information. With the rapid development of supercats and apostles, more and more people all over the world were beginning to accept and assimilate such intelligence. Society was progressively welcoming these new members.     

Twelve hours later, after Zhao Yao had destroyed all witnesses and material evidence, he brought Kaede Hattori to a hill by a naval port, overlooking the distant American base.     

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