Am I A God?

The Reversion

The Reversion

Rays of golden flames enveloped Kaede Hattori's body, protecting him from further gravitational attacks.     

Though the gravitational attack from Apollo and his men was so powerful that it broke through Kaede Hattori's Divine Rays of Terror and injured him severely, it was powerless against the 'PowerUp Card' enhanced Deflective Field.     

As he watched the golden flames envelop Kaede Hattori, Zhao Yao shouted, "Kaede, accept my powers!"     

"Grandpa!" Kaede Hattori felt the golden flames that were protecting him and said in surprise, "Are you an apostle as well?"     

"Silly child," Zhao Yao walked to him and stroked his forehead, "Who are you calling grandpa? I'm your father."     

Kaede Hattori was completely taken aback.     

Zhao Yao continued, "Did you forget what your mother and Wang Sang just said? You are the son I had with your mother."     

Upon hearing these words from 'Matsuyama Hattori' himself, Kaede Hattori was dumbstruck. He did not even care about the dangerous fight at hand anymore. All that was on his mind was this shocking piece of news.     

His real father Aoyama Hattori, Matsuyama Hattori's son, current head of the Hattori household, immediately opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood before he passed out, dying on the spot.     

Apollo could not be bothered with their family drama. He commanded all his apostles through his headset, shouting "XXX, YYY, mark your positions. Aim downwards and attack Matsuyama Hattori with full force."     

A loud boom was heard. Under the effect of the invisible gravitational power, the surrounding air was turned into a force field. It slammed against the Deflective Field surrounding Zhao Yao, but its efforts were futile.     

The gravitational force unit was like a divine curse that had subdued Kaede Hattori. He was defeated to the point where he had no more temper left in him.     

However, the combined power of a hundred apostles was still unable to surpass Zhao Yao's Deflective Field. The whole team's efforts were virtually silenced by Zhao Yao's power.     

If there had been the same number of apostles with different individual abilities, Zhao Yao would not have been able to suppress them so easily. It might even have been more troublesome for him to fend off their powers.     

What was a weakness for one ability could be another's greatest strength. This is where the importance of gathering intelligence lies.     

On Apollo's side, his attacks were unable to break through the combined powers of Zhao Yao and Kaede Hattori. At the same time, Sphynx cat had already traced their location to the rooftop of a nearby building.     

With Roly Poly on his back, Sphynx cat was still invisible as he followed their trail. He climbed up the outer walls of the apartment building with ease and reached the rooftop. Looking at the American apostles before him, he sped towards them and knocked out more than ten apostles at once.     

It turned out that the gravitational force unit that Apollo was leading were all standing on the rooftop of a building near the hotel. They were surveying the scene with their eyes, which enabled them to unleash their gravitational ability.     

This is why when they first attacked, they immediately tore down the outer walls surrounding the banquet hall, as well as its roof.     

Since they had been discovered by Sphynx cat, they started to be knocked down one by one.     

As more and more apostles were being knocked out, Apollo realized very quickly that something was wrong and reversed gravity, lifting all the apostles in the air.     

"We're being attacked!"     

"I can't see him, but I can sense a force moving around."     

"It's not an attack from far, so it must be an invisible power."     

"Quick, use the infrared goggles to see!"     

After knocking out more than 50 apostles, Sphynx cat was finally struck by an explosive gravitational force and flew up into the sky.     

Although Sphynx cat had immense power in his body, his physique had never changed. He was at most of the same weight and size as a dog.     

Sphynx cat could be easily raised by a person, just as the gravitational force did, raising him into the sky at an alarming speed.     

As the gravitational force threw him skywards, Sphynx cat lost his ability to cast his powers for a moment. He continued to exert his powers with full force, thrashing his four limbs about. Only a few gusts of wind were produced and he flew off course.     

The efficacy of generating a force field from the air around him to combat the gravitational force was too low. It would generate a field with at most one hundredth or one-tenth of its usual power. Normally, this would be enough for Sphynx cat to use it on vegetables, but to use it against the combined strength of Apollo and his men was beyond foolish.     

As the gravitational force was suppressed by the Deflective Field, Sphynx cat's super strong body was now equally suppressed by the force.     

After being struck by the gravitational force in a moment of carelessness, Sphynx cat's abilities had weakened by a factor of 9x9 as he was sent flying skywards.     

Sphynx cat tried hitting the air around him and blowing out as much air as he could but it had little if no effect in reversing the gravitation. He could only watch himself fly higher and higher into the sky.     

Looking at the city that was becoming smaller and smaller before him, Roly Poly's eyes bulged in fear. If they accidentally dropped from this height, Sphynx cat would at most break a leg, but he, Roly Poly, would suffer pain worse than death itself.     

Frightened, Roly Poly immediately whipped out his phone and sent a message to Zhao Yao, informing him of their current situation.     

In the banquet hall, Zhao Yao received the news and raised his eyebrows. He had not considered this possibility before. He shook his head. "Indeed, in this world, it is impossible to not be counterattacked by an enemy. At first, I thought that given Sphynx cat's powers and with Roly Poly's invisibility as his cover, there would be no problem. Now they have actually been subdued."     

Zhao Yao immediately walked to the spot where the hotel's outer walls had been and said as he stared at the sky outside the window, "Kaede, aside from the Fist of the World King, the Hattori family still has another spiritual power that was passed down for generations. Watch this."     

In the next moment, Zhao Yao pressed his palm on the floor. Elizabeth unleashed her power of illusion at the same time, creating trails of black rays on the floor, followed by an explosion of black smoke.     

At the same time, Dust Ball had opened his mouth and spat out Cat Sage.     

Once Cat Sage came out, his body immediately grew 60 meters long. His whole body was covered in golden-scaled armor as he let out a deafening roar and charged towards the sky.     

Zhao Yao let out a long laugh and said, "See Kaede, this is the spirit animal of the Hattori family, the golden three-headed dragon."     

Everyone was shocked at the scene before them. The golden three-headed dragon charged into the sky like a fighter jet, headed in the direction of the Sphynx cat. All three of its heads opened their mouths and let out a deafening roar.     

God knows how many Japanese people witnessed this scene and gasped or screamed in awe.     

The most affected were definitely Kaede Hattori and Kappei Hattori. Kaede Hattori was confused beyond words and had no idea what this was all about.     

Kappei Hattori on the other hand very quickly accepted it as a fact. He jumped up happily and said, "Grandpa! I want to learn this spiritual power as well!"     

Hideki Kujyo stared intensely at Zhao Yao's spot. He felt the strange movement in the air around him, and finally recalled what it was, "These are sound waves?"     

"Who's using his superpower to release these special sound waves?" He found the source of his strange feeling and activated his own power. He opened his mouth to emit reverse sound waves that gradually neutralized Elizabeth's illusion sound waves.     

Shocking everyone who was there, Zhao Yao's body flashed like a TV screen that has lost its signal and changed from Matsuyama Hattori back to his original form with cats all over his body.     

Zhao Yao was still smiling gleefully as he patted Kaede Hattori's shoulder and said, "Kaede, do you want to learn the Fist of the World King? Daddy can teach you." He still wanted to act as if he was increasing Kaede Hattori's powers and trick the Japanese supernatural world into admiring him so that he could finish his chain mission.     

Elizabeth quietly whispered, "Zhao Yao, the power of illusion has been broken."     


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