Am I A God?



Zhao Yao rushed into the Extradimensional belly and dragged out Lucifer, whose hands and legs were bounded and whose mouth was gagged with a ping pong ball.     

Zhao Yao furrowed his brows with disdain. Abruptly, his eyes brightened and he activated his power of illusion and checked it was working with Bai Quan. This time, his power of illusion was not neutralized. Obviously, the fellow who neutralized it before was seriously wounded and so he was unable to counter it.     

Zhao Yao activated his power of illusion and made all his supercats invisible, especially Lucifer.     

As Zhao Yao removed the ball and the ropes from Lucifer, he thought about how to lower Lucifer's loyalty, so that he could lend his ability.     

When he was about to take the ball out from his mouth…     

Lucifer's loyalty decreased by one point.     

"This d*mn cat." Zhao Yao frowned and disregarded the issue of lowering his loyalty. He looked for a target to heal so that the Japanese would no longer be reluctant to let their supercats take away their abilities.     

He saw Kaede Hattori and was astonished because Kaede Hattori stood entirely unharmed.     

"Why is he unharmed?" asked Zhao Yao, surprised.     

Bai Quan tilted his head and said, "Boss, this guy is still a virgin and his male virgin power is over ten times stronger than yours."     

Without opening his Death-Endowing Virgin Eye, Bai Quan was able to see male virgin power. What he saw in Zhao Yao's stomach was a tiny flame on the verge of being extinguished whereas Kaede Hattori's was a ferocious inferno.     

Zhao Yao glared at Bai Quan furiously. "Shut up." If Kaede Hattori was no good, then it had to be his brother.     

Zhao Yao looked at Kappei Hattori. He was lying on the ground, holding his lower body with his face totally broken down.     

Zhao Yao carried Lucifer over to him and said frankly, "If you do not wish to die, let your supercats take away your abilities. I am able to regenerate your bottom part."     

Kappei Hattori almost fainted from the acute pain. After hearing Zhao Yao, his eyes brightened. He looked at Zhao Yao trembling and said, "You, you are saying…"     

"Yes, yes, yes, the most pleasurable one."     

Kappei Hattori immediately took out his phone and contacted his subordinates, telling them to inform the supercats to take away his abilities.     

After this was done, he looked in anticipation at Zhao Yao.     

However, Zhao Yao would not yield easily. He clapped his hands and gathered everyone's attention. Pointing at Kappei Hattori, he said, "Everyone, please look over here! Look over here and witness a miraculous moment."     

Before everyone's eyes, Zhao Yao transferred Lucifer to the blood-smeared body of Kappei Hattori. With his power of illusion, it appeared as if he was just touching Kappei Hattori's brow chakra.     

The next moment, Kappei Hattori screamed in shock.     

"Ah! This feels good! Extreme pleasure!" Kappei Hattori was on the ground tossing and turning, his face showing indulgent pleasure.     

Many apostles looked bewildered and suspected that Zhao Yao was using an unknown ability to harm them. After all, Kappei Hattori's reaction did not appear to be that of a healed patient.     

Zhao Yao helped Kappei Hattori up and said, "Everyone, I have healed his wounds. If you do not wish to be a disabled person for the rest of your lives, quickly deactivate your abilities. Then, I can treat all of you."     

Many apostles looked at each other. Seeing the freely moving Kappei Hattori, they began to trust him.     

The acute pain from the wounds was unbearable. An apostle immediately raised his hand and screamed towards Zhao Yao, "Quick! Save me! My cats have taken back their abilities!"     

A moment later, the same apostle shouted a few times and leaped up, happily saying, "I am alright! I am well again?!"     

Numerous Japanese apostles shouted and begged for Zhao Yao to save them.     

Zhao Yao went to each and every person. During the process of regeneration, each moaned out of pleasure—The regeneration process could be quite addictive.     

Hideki Kujyo ground his teeth, enduring the pain while Nanako and Sylvie anxiously stood by his side. They felt both sad and helpless regarding his wounds.     

Zhao Yao walked over to Hideki Kujyo and said, "Have your supernatural abilities been taken back?"     

Nanako immediately nodded and said, "My brother has already taken away his supernatural abilities! Zhao Yao, please save him immediately!"     

Zhao Yao shrugged his shoulders and lent Lucifer's ability to Hideki Kujyo.     

At that instant, the usually composed Hideki Kujyo could not resist opening his mouth to inhale a gust of cool air. He wanted to bear through it but let out a groan immediately. Nanako and Sylvie looked at each other.     

"Treated, next." Zhao Yao patted Hideki Kujyo's shoulders, stood up, and walked to the next wounded apostle.     

Hideki Kujyo looked at Zhao Yao with mixed feelings. An insignificant person that he had no regard for managed to defeat hundreds of Japanese supe rpowerful warriors and possessed regeneration and wound-healing ability.     

"I'm dying… dying!"     

"No! No!"     

"Wow, is there such an ability?"     

"With this ability, do I still want women? I could play with myself forever."     

Everyone gazed at Zhao Yao with astonishment once again. The ability to kill was terrifying, however, the power to save lives was highly respected.     

Looking at the rapidly healed apostles that had stood up, everyone's opinion about Zhao Yao had changed. If he had this ability, how many lives were in his hands? If those who were wounded or killed could be healed, and various diseases could be treated, then this ability was too powerful.     

The thought of taking pleasure in regeneration gave them restless and uncontrollable feelings.     

Everyone gazed at Zhao Yao with anticipation.     

If Kappei Hattori endured the healing for a little while, his entire body would feel as though it was bitten by millions of ants. He was extremely itchy and thought that if he cut himself viciously a few times, then rapid regeneration would ease the discomfort.     

Once again, he tasted pleasure that seeped into his bone marrow, and that caused the relapse of his addiction disorder. After a few minutes, Kappei Hattori could not bear it anymore and used his finger to stab himself viciously.     

Even with such a tiny stimulation, he was pleasured to the point of moaning indecently. Soon he used more force and eventually proceeded to insane self-mutilation.     

The other apostles who experienced the rapid regeneration for the first time were indulging in the weird pleasure. When they saw Kappei Hattori hurting himself, they seemed to realize something. They looked at each other and recognized the same weird gaze in each other's eyes.     

Hideki Kujyo saw the situation and immediately turned his head to ask, "Zhao Yao, what was that pleasure about?" He then pointed at Kappei Hattori and said, "What happened to him?"     

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