The Heir is Here: Quiet Down, School Prince!

He Didn't Come Back (15)

He Didn't Come Back (15)

Qian Ming's face twisted and he looked up in horror.     

The woman had delicate features and was slim-built, and her smile was as bright as a summer flower.     

It was a face… he would never forget!     


It was Su Xiaomo!     

To him, that name was like a calling card from hell, reminding him of the utter terror that used to dominate his world!     

Terrified, Qian Ming wrapped himself around He Jiayu's leg. "Dr. He, my senior, help!"     

He Jiayu cleared his throat. "Please get up and we can talk about it."     

"No! I'm not going anywhere unless you help me!"     

"Shit! Don't you have any shame? You're the kind of patient I dislike the most, threatening your doctors and bullying the weak! You people are the ones who ruin doctor-patient relationships!" Su Xiaomo said indignantly. Grabbing at He Jiayu's trousers, Qian Ming asked, "Dr. He, why is this devil here?"     

He Jiayu said, "… She's my other half."     

Other half? Which half? As in she was his wife?     

Qian Ming was full of despair, memories of being ordered around by Su Xiaomo rushing back into his head.     

He was doomed. Back then, she had single-handedly kicked him around. Was it going to turn into mixed doubles now?     

"Please let me go," pleaded Qian Ming in a pitiful voice.     

He Jiayu helped him to his feet in resignation. "Momo meant not harm. She only thought that you were going to assault me."     

Qian Ming asked dumbly, "What? Dr. He, are you under her protection?"     

Come to think of it, that was actually the case… He Jiayu nodded. "That's right."     

All of a sudden, Qian Ming wasn't afraid of him anymore and even patted his shoulder sympathetically. "I was wrong about you, Mr. He. I see that you're also the slave in this relationship."     

Aww! He had actually married the fiend! How courageous!     

Su Xiaomo rested her hands on her waist. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"     

After looking at Qian Ming's face more closely, a look of recognition flickered in her eyes. "Why, it's you, Anpanman! You're much better-looking now!"     

Qian Ming forced a smile. "Am I… Hoho…"     

"That's right! You look like you've had plastic surgery! Where did you get your botox done?" Su Xiaomo asked enthusiastically.     

Qian Ming roared, "I was ugly before because I was fat! I got handsome after I lost weight!"     

Su Xiaomo glanced at him with an impassive face. "Why are you yelling at me?"     

Qian Ming backed off right away, somehow feeling the urge to kneel at her feet.     

"Ahem. You're neither depressed nor have bipolar disorder. What you're experiencing is probably the result of an overactive sex life… So, take it easy in that respect, or… maybe don't touch yourself as often." He Jiayu patted him on the shoulder.     

Utterly abashed, Qian Ming promptly left without daring to look at Su Xiaomo again.     

After he was gone, He Jiayu sat Su Xiaomo down on his lap, smiling mildly. "You know him?"     

"We were middle school classmates…" Su Xiaomo scratched her head, feeling a little bashful.     

She would rather leave the less honorable legends of her in the past…     

Poking He Jiayu's cheek, she said, "You've lost weight again."     

"Have I? The food here at the hospital is awful." He Jiayu didn't think much of it. "Where's Cuddlie?"     

"She's with the nanny. I'm meeting a friend in the neighborhood and thought I should drop by." Su Xiaomo chuckled. "I'm off, then. Work hard and don't come home too late! You still have to warm my bed~"     

He Jiayu smiled. "No problem."     

It was pleasantly sunny that day and He Jiayu's smile looked warm enough to melt ice.     

However, He Jiayu never came home that night.     

There was a major influenza outbreak, and the first patient was sent to the hospital He Jiayu was at.     

That night, all the medical staff who had been involved in treating the patient were quarantined.     

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